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(」・ω・)」 MARS la Marf in Smash 4 (/・ω・)/


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Did you know that every time I hear the song "Heaven Is A Place on Earth", I think of NEO's Roy because of this? True story. Weird how things happen like that.

Also, tomorrow I'm going to try to get my Wi-fi on my Wii working again. Macthes if that happens, anyone?
I'm most def playing you lol, and Al, I owe him xD

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I'm getting up there Marth's =P


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
beaumont, dallas, tx
He said to write a couple of sentences not an entire match up description so I only put general information. <_<
all you said is "marth has more range i have no problems with this matchup derrpa derpa derrpa derrrrrrppppp"

theres a difference between a synopsis and a ******** statement.... MY post didnt even encompass enough to paraphrase the matchup....

my new name for you is 'derpa'.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2009
Miramar, FL.
all you said is "marth has more range i have no problems with this matchup derrpa derpa derrpa derrrrrrppppp"

theres a difference between a synopsis and a ******** statement.... MY post didnt even encompass enough to paraphrase the matchup....

my new name for you is 'derpa'.
Abusing your range is always good <_<.

Not many people know about the grab trap.

Lucario DOESN'T have many options once your in, dtilt outranges everything but fsmash however if you are in dtilt range fsmash is too slow to cut it. Jab and fairs cancels aurapsheres as well so basically they have.... rolling and pivot fsmashes yaaay? Rolling isn't exactly unpunishable and pivot fsmashes are telegraphed. In the air game fair vs fair marth will win out, juggling him can be a hassle since his dair will beat uair but overall you outrange him in the air aswell, however if lucario does get a fair in he can chain them together nicely and actually cause death like you said.
It's not like you said something mind blowing you just said general information LIKE I DID about his roll, fsmash, and fair chains.
I wasn't going to post many details on it since he only wanted some sort of advice so I posted things he can ABUSE to his advantage, not an entire synopsis on the match up about what to do and what not to do since i'm sure he knows the match up to an extent.

Also I can't express my opinion on the match up?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
So Viqy's mom is an Ike main


And we'll make an epic Ike/Marth team that'll take the world by storm!
...One day. No really.

My mom's quite awesome indeed. u.u

I find it funny how everyone who finds out reacts like that. I suppose it is odd... but odd is good, so there.

And I really need to stop talking. It's getting worse and worse. XD lack of sleep will do that to you I guess.

Roxas M

Smash Master
May 14, 2009
Zane - Texas(aka Hell)

And we'll make an epic Ike/Marth team that'll take the world by storm!
...One day. No really.

My mom's quite awesome indeed. u.u

I find it funny how everyone who finds out reacts like that. I suppose it is odd... but odd is good, so there.

And I really need to stop talking. It's getting worse and worse. XD lack of sleep will do that to you I guess.
i wish my mom could play brawl. but she wouldn't get past holding the controller. lol. she loves it when it starts rumbling. lol.

a long time without sleep will do things to you. earlier today i was so tired every time i saw my name i thought it was spelled shadowmarth.


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Morning guys, July 4th was crazy, but now off to church!

My mom has nothing to do with Brawl but regulating when and when not to go to a tourney lmao, so technically she controls my Marth skills 0.o

§leepy God

Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
On The Move....
My mom has nothing to do with Brawl but regulating when and when not to go to a tourney lmao, so technically she controls my Marth skills 0.o
Trouble at your house I see, well as soon as you find an apartment, you can avoided these things. XD

going to a tourny today son :)
Good luck, and chose Green Marth, he's the best. :p


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
green marth ? you mean you don't use texture hacks ? D=
When they're off, I use green marth or the light blue one, btw.

Green = hope
Blue = wisdom
...Or something of the like

It's the same case for all my chars =D

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
Marth dittos aren't THAT bad, you just gotta be caerful / smart lol. It's just boring and a little campy
Not when we play niqqaaaaa

oh and I can see why Viet mains Jin, cause Jin is a crazy emo noob.

Back to BB/My lovely Noel <3

BTW if anyone can make me a Noel avvie/sig...hit me up on AIM (SecondReference) :D

§leepy God

Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
On The Move....
green marth ? you mean you don't use texture hacks ? D=
When they're off, I use green marth or the light blue one, btw.

Green = hope
Blue = wisdom
...Or something of the like

It's the same case for all my chars =D
Nope, in fact I don't really hack my Wii except to try Balanced Brawl. But that being said, great to here your words on the Marth colors I chose. :3

a apartment sounds really nice.

i've never used green marth before. i usually use white, black, or red marth.
Well, it's a start to get away from family and their rules, that's what I did, lol. And Green Marth is the best Marth. :D


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
lucky. i've always wanted to go to a tournament. lol.
good luck to both of you.
shaya is going to need more than luck...he can hardly deal with roll to jab as it is. :laugh:

jk shaya, don't let that practice i gave you go to waste.

mike, don't **** him too badly plz.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
marthshadow said:
i wish my mom could play brawl. but she wouldn't get past holding the controller. lol. she loves it when it starts rumbling. lol.

a long time without sleep will do things to you. earlier today i was so tired every time i saw my name i thought it was spelled shadowmarth.

And double haha. I do stuff like that all the time. XD Though it's usually more in writing than reading. I might WRITE your name shadowmarth even though I'm reading it right. XD

Also, I don't really like green Marth! Green's just my least favorite color, though. I dunno why. I personally prefer Belmont Marth.

But soon I will prefer my own texture hacked Marth. ;D Which seems to be... something of an Elegant Gothic Aristocrat Ice Prince. O.o I wanna retexture his effects, too. Make the swings of his sword look more like they're leaving ice behind. Like the ICs blizzard or something. XD


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
Make the swings of his sword look more like they're leaving ice behind. Like the ICs blizzard or something. XD
Why dont you do something more productive like texture hack marth some infinite chaingrabs or something?

Side note: i thought all mothers (and sisters) lacked the hand-eye coordination necessary to play videogames. Color coordination which they DO seem to have sadly doesnt help you much in this game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
Why dont you do something more productive like texture hack marth some infinite chaingrabs or something?

Side note: i thought all mothers (and sisters) lacked the hand-eye coordination necessary to play videogames. Color coordination which they DO seem to have sadly doesnt help you much in this game.

Alas! I would if I could. But at most I could put the words "Infinite Chaingrab" across the back of his cape. Or tattoo it onto his face. Not quite the same. XD

She does seem to lack some in that area (I was trying to tell her to do tilts earlier, by saying to press lightly up on the control stick AS IF she was trying to tip-toe around. So she started tip toe-ing around and I told her repeatedly, "if you're moving left or right, you're doing it wrong. :|"). But she's getting it. XD

And color coordination DOES help, actually! At least on the texture hacking side. Haha.


Where's my Jameson?
Mar 30, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
new jersey's metagame involves *****ing about power rankings and *****ing about everything else that is possible to ***** about


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
in other news... im kinda jealous my teammate warp made the socal pr and i didnt :/

considering i beat him in this period in a local tourney (only time i fought him in tourney this period) and we go even in friendlies so we're about the same level :/ but he plays zero suit and i played marth so he had the "weird character" advantage

it's okay though switching to dedede super powered me up, and warp's still my regular team mate and now we're considered a good team in socal but... im gotta make it next time now


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
ya but im so stupid close :/

i dunno it's definitely not something i super care about anymore... teaming with the guy that's put me in this much misery might be subconsciously hard too... especially cause he kinda has a "idc" attitude (he does care but he never checks to see how im doing, didn't call after my surgery, my junior formal date from 4 years ago sent me a card and this guy hasn't sent ****, etc.)

but its like... if i can't run for a year cause of rehab i might as well achieve what i set out to do in this game and not stop 1 yard short


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
ya but im so stupid close :/

i dunno it's definitely not something i super care about anymore... teaming with the guy that's put me in this much misery might be subconsciously hard too... especially cause he kinda has a "idc" attitude (he does care but he never checks to see how im doing, didn't call after my surgery, my junior formal date from 4 years ago sent me a card and this guy hasn't sent ****, etc.)

but its like... if i can't run for a year cause of rehab i might as well achieve what i set out to do in this game and not stop 1 yard short
Time to cut the cord on this n-----

Roxas M

Smash Master
May 14, 2009
Zane - Texas(aka Hell)


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
ya but im so stupid close :/

i dunno it's definitely not something i super care about anymore... teaming with the guy that's put me in this much misery might be subconsciously hard too... especially cause he kinda has a "idc" attitude (he does care but he never checks to see how im doing, didn't call after my surgery, my junior formal date from 4 years ago sent me a card and this guy hasn't sent ****, etc.)

but its like... if i can't run for a year cause of rehab i might as well achieve what i set out to do in this game and not stop 1 yard short
=\ Ew about the teammate situation. But as for the whole goal thing, go for it(unless you decide to get a PS3 instead of a new wii like any sane person...then go kick people's *** in Street Fighter or some ****).


Falco is good again?
Marth dropped?
Wario sux?
Fuggin Toon Link is #10?

What has the world come to!?
Apparently it's come to a few months ago. What else is new?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
ya but im so stupid close :/

i dunno it's definitely not something i super care about anymore... teaming with the guy that's put me in this much misery might be subconsciously hard too... especially cause he kinda has a "idc" attitude (he does care but he never checks to see how im doing, didn't call after my surgery, my junior formal date from 4 years ago sent me a card and this guy hasn't sent ****, etc.)

but its like... if i can't run for a year cause of rehab i might as well achieve what i set out to do in this game and not stop 1 yard short

That's messed up, the guy should be on his knees apologizing to you.

I understand, it might be his personality, but this is a very special case, you don't generally put people in the hospital.

If I did something like that, I'd be visiting at least once a week, and some sort of gesture to make up for it. I mean it might be different in a situation where it wasn't so clearly his fault, but he dozed off.
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