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(」・ω・)」 MARS la Marf in Smash 4 (/・ω・)/


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Peepee is obviously too busy playing melee falco to care about brawl anymore(I don't really blame him lol). "Lurking." <3

And Shaya, I just added you for completeness really cause I knew you read this thread anywho.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Alright...I've been lurking this thread for awhile now...and I have to admit...I want in...I love all of you guys too much. Except VietGeek. He's the Toon Link reject. I'll post some videos of my Marth to critique soon...Anyway, I'm here now. Like or not....well...If not I'll probably just leave you guys alone ...soooo.... like it?

Roxas M

Smash Master
May 14, 2009
Zane - Texas(aka Hell)

I wrote a really long full critique, but then my comp died before I hit post D:

So I'm going to write an abbreviated version... sorry if I seem edgy I'm kinda mad I took time to write out a full critique.

• Stop spamming the same aerial sequences. Good players will punish you. It feels like you're just throwing out moves for the sake of it or because you don't know what to do.
• N-air isn't good versus Wario because he tends from come from the top and n-air points down... I wouldn't use it at all unless you're going for the kill. You must have used it around 50 times in the match (since you were spamming it almost every other short hop) and you hit with it I think 0 times. That's a terrible hit percentage and should say something about the move in the matchup.
marthsadow... you don't know what you're talking about :/ d-tilt is not good vs Wario. Just because a move is a good doesn't mean you use it. There's some very specific situations where you should use it but saying "more d-tilt" is completely the wrong message.
• I couldn't watch any more after that DDD messed up so bad :/ I dunno again you can **** him way harder just punish his stupid patterns lol
clowsui... I didn't see him approach with db maybe against ddd he did aerial db? It's a mediocre mixup but he did it too much. That said a spaced grounded db1 is a fine approach.

Overall not bad but... you have to limit your opponent more so you're in the winning situation, not just be spamming in the neutral situation all the time. Have some objective with your spacing, slowly push them towards the edge, get them on a platform, make them jump then predict and punish their next jump, etc.

Hope that helps.

take is in the club too ofc
well, it works aganist the warios i fight. i guess i should fight some better people. that's why i said it's a opinion.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
I think adumbrodeus is a really cool Marth player.

(Totally worth the infraction I might get, by the way.)


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
^I love reading critiques!

Also, just putting this question out there: is there a trick to finding good (well, good is relative, but still) matches on WiFi With Anyone? All I get are stupid matches where everyone stands around doing nothing. Random moves, taunting (especially Sonic >.<), stalling, everything but fighting. Then... I guess racing to see how long they can survive sudden death, when the bombs start falling? IDK. It's ridiculous. D:

I can learn to deal with lag, but this... ugh. XD
Its called "with friends" m'dear.

Alright...I've been lurking this thread for awhile now...and I have to admit...I want in...I love all of you guys too much. Except VietGeek. He's the Toon Link reject. I'll post some videos of my Marth to critique soon...Anyway, I'm here now. Like or not....well...If not I'll probably just leave you guys alone ...soooo.... like it?

I think adumbrodeus is a really cool Marth player.

(Totally worth the infraction I might get, by the way.)
I think he has a fanclub now, you should join. I'm sure he'd like that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
Its called "with friends" m'dear.
Friends? Wussat? O.o

Srsly though, of my few friends, they're rarely online and/or available. ...And/or willing to brawl me. XD Edit: ah, I see you're online, so I guess I should take that back. Though... you're already preoccupied. xD

Ah well. I'll work on expanding my social circle later. I've got a texture edit to work on~

Edit2: oh cool. I got the 300th page. :D


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I think adumbrodeus is a really cool Marth player.

(Totally worth the infraction I might get, by the way.)
Lol, thanx.

Btw, it's totally on topic. If feardragon64's saying hello to everybody who searches their names (except me, I feel left out :() was on topic because their all Marth mains, this definitely is.

Its called "with friends" m'dear.
Friends? I didn't realize that Brawl players HAD friends?

I think he has a fanclub now, you should join. I'm sure he'd like that.
I have a fanclub now, where?! Rofl


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
Friends? Wussat? O.o

Srsly though, of my few friends, they're rarely online and/or available. ...And/or willing to brawl me. XD Edit: ah, I see you're online, so I guess I should take that back. Though... you're already preoccupied. xD

Ah well. I'll work on expanding my social circle later. I've got a texture edit to work on~
Technically since i no longer have you on my list you are now officially spying on me. However i can remedy that if you can offer me a bribe of some sort as to why i should re-add you and not call the po-po


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
Technically since i no longer have you on my list you are now officially spying on me. However i can remedy that if you can offer me a bribe of some sort as to why i should re-add you and not call the po-po
You don't? O.o I had no idea. I guess I really was terrible. XD I have nothing to offer, but our connection was terrible anyway, so eh, if you don't want to, I won't ask. Heh.

By the by, when's the due date for that art challenge? I know 14 days from when it started, but I forgot when that was.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
Its due whenever. My plan was to watch what u and the other guy come up with and revel in that as i lul from getting you to draw pics for me anyway. (pretend u didnt see this). I have players of various skill levels on my wii and i dont mind keeping someone if they just ask. I just assumed u deleted me because you didnt like the connection speed.

Btw, i feel we made an excellent connection but i understand that you are still unsure about your feelings. I will give you time <3


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@junk: rewatching it he just whiffed his db punishments a lot in the beginning because he didn't take into account the aerial mobility of wario, he didn't really approach w/ it

mah b

also db1 is a good fakeout i agree


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Guys I'm back on my Marth Vid critiquing role. but I can't double post, so go fill it up so I have more to do =x I feel generous, hurry up.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2008
Dead. *****es.
Alright...I've been lurking this thread for awhile now...and I have to admit...I want in...I love all of you guys too much. Except VietGeek. He's the Toon Link reject. I'll post some videos of my Marth to critique soon...Anyway, I'm here now. Like or not....well...If not I'll probably just leave you guys alone ...soooo.... like it?

Even Me? I Say Stupid Stuff On Purpose, Act Like A Jerk For Fun, And Capitalize All Of My Words (In This Post, At Least).

And I Steal.

Stick Around, Have Fun, And Welcome To The Boards..


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2008
Dead. *****es.

I think I'm here to secretly start some havoc and then keep the peace.

Unfortunately that didn't go so well with the falcon boards. It ended up destroying the entire thing....


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2007
Mississauga, Ontario
Alright...I've been lurking this thread for awhile now...and I have to admit...I want in...I love all of you guys too much. Except VietGeek. He's the Toon Link reject. I'll post some videos of my Marth to critique soon...Anyway, I'm here now. Like or not....well...If not I'll probably just leave you guys alone ...soooo.... like it?
Somehow.. I wonder how if I'm even in the list of people who are loved. <<


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
beaumont, dallas, tx
nice videos. i've watched the first one and i see a few things that could be changed

1) more dtilt. you started using it near the end of the match. it would of been better if you started using when you have an opportunity to use it.

2)it seemed like you were swinging your sword all over the place and seeing witch ones would hit wario.

these are my opinions on your first match.
"i want to line the PIECES up, yours and mine..."

get it right or pay the price.

@viquey, i think he meant OFFLINE friends. Wifi is bad.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2009
Under a Rock
Its due whenever. My plan was to watch what u and the other guy come up with and revel in that as i lul from getting you to draw pics for me anyway. (pretend u didnt see this). I have players of various skill levels on my wii and i dont mind keeping someone if they just ask. I just assumed u deleted me because you didnt like the connection speed.

Btw, i feel we made an excellent connection but i understand that you are still unsure about your feelings. I will give you time <3
Aha! And the truth comes out, eh?

...Meh. It's not like I wouldn't be drawing Marth if not for this, anyway. XD

Haha, naw. I'd never delete someone unless it was mutual or they were some sort of creep/stalker/what-have-you. I mean, it's not like I need room to add other friends or anything. XD But anyway. Yeah, if that's the case, feel free to re-add me. Or not. IDC. Or I'll delete you instead of spying, if you like.

And hahahaha...



@takeurlife2: Pardon? Who meant...? But yeah, I agree, 95% of WiFi sucks. D: I've complained about it enough here, about how it makes an already less-than-stellar player like myself look worse and all. XD But, lacking any RL friends--especially any who play SSBB--I have no choice. That or CPUs. Which suck too, but eh, I figure as long as you use it for deliberately building habits and avoiding bad ones, it can be good enough. You know, practicing spacing, reflexes, timing, etc. Meh.

In other news, I'm proud to say I've officially ceased almost all use of fsmashes, and considerably reduced smashes in general, and dtilt tons moar. :D

Also, h4x are fun~

...And I've been up 19 hours straight. I should... not be up anymore. :/

Edit: Ha, got pg301 too! XD


Dodge the bullets!
May 11, 2008
Syracuse, NY
Guys, no one remembers that Marth is no ones *****? His father and ally has been killed (the latter he did due to thinking he was evil, but big oops moment) and Marth literally crushes any evil doer by him. He doesn't play around, unless Caeda offer shim some, but that's besides the point.

On a more positive note, Marth's Dair is too ****.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2008
Dead. *****es.
Guys, no one remembers that Marth is no ones *****? His father and ally has been killed (the latter he did due to thinking he was evil, but big oops moment) and Marth literally crushes any evil doer by him. He doesn't play around, unless Caeda offer shim some, but that's besides the point.

On a more positive note, Marth's Dair is too ****.
Marth slays anything that comes at him. He killed so many red headed people in SD its not even funny.
D-air is pretty legit. But only if you know what you are doing and know that you are going to hit. Always do it on the rise, etc.

Lol at spacies


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2008
Dead. *****es.
Darxmarth, is your character chose is Marth in a mask like Lelouch? :p
No. I am officially an Mk main. And a Marth main. I use them both equally in my tourneys now. But I like to use Mk slightly more than Marth.

Funny because I led a rebel group against anti bans. I am now neutral on the debate.
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