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  • Random thought that just occurred to me: an [adult swim] fighting game could either be utterly cursed or utterly beautiful and I don't think there's a physical in-between. Only problem is that it may be a little difficult to get certain picks in there but I think it'd be cool to see characters like Huey, Eric Andre, Meatwad, Black Dynamite, Peter Griffin, Samurai Jack, Naruto and maybe a guest star of Johnny from The Room fighting to the death in T.O.M.'s spaceship

    Also like imagine the soundtrack for that I can imagine there'd be a stage similar in concept to Pictochat which just takes the form of different [AS] bumps with the text and everything OH MY GOD A STAGE BASED ON THE ORIGINAL POOL BUMP WOULD BE ****ING AMAZING
    Seems as a few of my DC concepts yesterday seemed surprisingly popular, here's a couple of ideas of mine for the other side of the fence: Marvel.

    The Great Lakes Avengers would be such an interesting look at the... well, not even second, more like eighth-stringers of the Marvel universe, and seeing them in a comedic series following their exploits as this group of marvellous misfits try and protect Wisconsin and the surrounding areas as best they can. There's so many pieces of the comics that would lead to humerous scenarios, too - be it them having to carry cardboard cutouts of Squirrel Girl after she left them due to their ineffectiveness, to the running joke of heroes known as the Grasshopper dying within seconds of joining the team, or even their forced rebrands over the years, all of them would be amazing.

    The Agents of Atlas is, in my personal opinion, one of the single most interesting Marvel groups out there... even if the MCU would struggle to handle them given their 50s origin and the fact that Jimmy Woo, in the MCU, is a very modern person. An ensemble cast of various Marvel characters from the 50s specifically, in the throes of the Cold War and shining a light on an interesting and rarely-observed period in superhero media, I think this would be fun to see - as well as giving us a lot of really unique concepts to play around with, such as M-11's retro-futuristic arsenal and Gorilla-Man's... being a gorilla.

    Triathlon would be a great addition to the concept of the Agents of Atlas. The successor to the 50s-era 3D-Man, Delroy Garrett Jr. is a disgraced athlete who ended up turning to a cult known as the Triune Understanding for support at his lowest point. Being given the power of the 3D-Man's glasses, giving him the physical strength, speed, and skills of three men, I think this story - a more personal tale of a man trying to climb out of his lowest point whilst the whole world seems to be against him - feels like a really cool addition, and a great way to observe such a relatively obscure character.

    Lastly, a concept of my own. Stick 'n' Slick, which would prominently feature relatively obscure villains the Trapster (also known as Paste-Pot Pete) and Slyde, who decide to work together to produce and fund the inventions of villains who never got the chance and turned to villainy for it. Starting by selling Peter Petruski's Patented "Perfect Paste", an instantly solidifying adhesive paste with incredible uses for construction, and Jalome Beacher's "100% Slyde-Approved Lubricant", which has a lot of uses for mechanical equipment and... other things, I imagine this show being set up with similarities to The Office, whilst also being able to set up relatively obscure or less-powerful heroes as "big-bads" - something rare in a lot of hero-based properties.

    And as for characters? The possibilities are endless! I'm personally thinking characters like Rocket Racer, Stilt-Man, Beetle IV, Hypno-Hustler, Clash, and even weird additions like the Living Brain, would work really well here.

    Hope these are at least somewhat of interest!
    I'm not a scriptwriter, marketing professional, or anything of the like. However, I have had a few ideas for DC series that I think would be very, very cool to see. I may as well share:

    Deadman: Boston Brand, unlike the vast majority of superhumans in the wonderful world of DC, is a dead man walking. Quite literally. He was a trapeze artist before being killed by a mysterious figure known only as "the Hook", and becomes a spectre - locked between the afterlife and the real world, and having lost the ability to interact with the real world except through the bodies of other people.

    I think the concept of Deadman would be so inherently unique compared to any other DC hero that he'd be interesting to delve into. Aside from Wonder Woman, we haven't seen much of DC's magical side in modern film (Constantine comes to mind, but that was some time ago.) The idea of us following Brand as he tries to define his role in the world now that he's technically no longer of it seems like a really gripping hook, and a much more personal tale than most superhero media would allow.

    The Question: I picture this as a neo-noir conspiracy thriller more than a gritty superhero drama. Imagine a show that properly delves into the scum of a wretched place like Hub City, probably the only place more utterly depraved than Gotham. It's not just the people on the streets, but the criminal syndicates and the twisted power system there that needs tearing down. And Victor Sage, the faceless man, is the only one with the gall to ask the right questions to do it.

    Bearing in mind that Sage, out of costume, is an outspoken journalist, and in costume, is seen as a violent vigilante, as well as being able to properly delve into political conspiracies whilst keeping a cool head and knowing who to ask and what arms to twist, following the threads of a mystery (ideally shot in black and white with particularly strong lighting for that wonderful cinematic flair) from the dark, dingy streets of the city right to the gleaming spires of deceit that stand high above it, Question would have so, so much potential in a serial format.

    Rocket Red is an interesting case, because it's less of a single character we'd follow and more of an army. It's very rare we see the USSR from the perspective of those who fight for it - and I think that the Rocket Red Brigade would give us a very unique insight on the Cold War in a world filled with superhumans. Whilst Rocket Red is best known for featuring in the Justice League International books, I think the role of the group as a whole could bring a potentially very interesting vibe - as well as acting as a much more unique way of kickstarting a potential JLI series down the line.

    Not only this, but their very creation is incredibly interesting. Basically, Kilowog - particularly important Green Lantern - comes down to Earth to learn about communism and the like, designing the Rocket Red armor in the process. The idea of including a lot of other forces, like the Lanterns, the Manhunters (not like J'ohn, the other ones) and groups like the People's Heroes would be very interesting to shed a light onto an intriguing period of history, especially in a world like this.

    Animal Man: Actually one of DC's most underrated heroes. I think the inherent animal activism that comes with this makes Bernhard Baker an interesting character to delve into in the modern climate, and him being defined by a generally positive relationship with his wife and children actually gives him a sense of depths that we often don't see a lot in superhero media. Not only this, but I think taking thematic inspiration from Morrison's run on the 80s reboot could be quite fun... though as much as I would love to see the later parts of said run on the big screen, it wouldn't be too fitting in the new medium.

    Even so, Animal Man feels like a really unique force to bring to screen. A much more obscure hero, who grapples with his own relative obscurity and his commitments to his family just as much as the enemies he comes across, seems like an interesting choice - and it wouldn't hurt to see other animal-themed characters show up in his stories, such as Vixen or Dolphin.

    Maybe they're interesting, maybe not. Who knows?
    Watched Who Killed Captain Alex? at my college today. (With it being our final year, we've started a thing where we watch unusual, obscure, or weird movies each Friday afternoon because why not - this is our first one but we're watching The Amazing Bulk next week)

    Can I just say, Who Killed Captain Alex? is honestly one of, if not the, single most inspirational, heartwarming films I have ever seen. The story behind its creation, the feel of it, the fact that everyone there is just having fun... I feel it's an inspiring watch, especially as a media student who's growing tired of the same mindless schlock being tossed into streaming services these days. It just feels... really genuine.

    Sure, it's not "objectively good" by any means - but unlike The Room, which was so horrendously bad that it was good for all of the wrong reasons, I think Who Killed Captain Alex? is so bad it's good in a really nice, appealing way. It's the first time in a long time I've seen a film with so much heart behind it, and for as objectively "bad" as the film is... it'll always hold a place in my heart. Keep on living the dream, Wakaliwood. You're doing great.
    I was headed to my bus stop this morning when I came across 26 copies of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer on DVD strewn across the road. For context, the road in front of my house is like, quite a major one. I have no idea who left them there but I can only gather, given the film, that it was very much intentional.
    Removed for Hate Speech
    Are you actually a girl?
    imagine if we had four arms and it was just normal. like, usually four arms are used in fiction to indicate greater dexterity (like being able to clap with two and posing with the other two) but like, would our world just be designed around four arms instead of two? imagine how like a video game controller would look. i mean would you have dominance in your left/right arms or upper/lower arms? or would you have a singular dominant hand? would schools go ape**** at you for writing with your lower arms?

    worldbuilding is weird y'all
    might be somewhat inactive for a few days, going on a holiday :)

    wait i need to post a profile post funny uhhhh i stood on a lego today and the resulting nuclear explosion rendered ferrets extinct :(
    I think a really fun speedrun category to see in Minecraft would be what I've christened "Jukebox%." Essentially, the speedrun goes like this:

    The "final goal" is to craft a jukebox, acquire a music disc of any form, and then play the music disc (with the run ending the moment that the disc is put inside the jukebox.) You're allowed to do essentially anything you want in the process of doing so, but that's what you need to do.

    This would bring up quite a few interesting points that you usually don't see in a traditional Minecraft speedrun, mostly because of a few unique factors at play, including:
    • The unique nature of the Jukebox as a "final point" may completely negate any need to reach the Nether or the End, meaning that the RNG of trading with Piglins often used to rapidly acquire Ender Pearls would be essentially unnecessary. Due to only needing one diamond and 8 planks, it'd be arguably one of the easier parts of the run.
    • With more recent updates, the acquisition of Music Discs is now in itself an open book for possibility. As well as the potential for mob engineering with the traditional method of having a Skeleton shoot a Creeper (which would reward a unique area of expertise and may actually be faster than other methods, provided you can defend yourself effectively,) it's now also possible to come across Discs in several naturally generating structures such as the Stronghold, Dungeons, Bastion Remnants, Buried Treasure, Woodland Mansions, and the new Ancient City. This would have the potential of allowing an alternative method of acquiring a Disc - but in itself creates two very unique, diverging paths with their own strengths and weaknesses.
    • In itself, the nature of the speedrun is slightly absurd but not enough to be ridiculous. Unlike speedruns that would want to acquire a tool like a Netherite Hoe, the acquisition of both a Jukebox and a Music Disc would reward unique skills as well as being a part of Minecraft usually missed in speedruns, without feeling too contrived like a "redstone flying machine%" might (for example.)
    This probably already exists though lmao
    So, I recently played through Deltarune Chapters 1 & 2 and something stuck out to me. Something huge.

    The menu screen has a really weird and like almost spacey feel to it (I think it's called ANOTHER HIM or something) and I'm listening to it and then it hits me. It hits me like a semi-truck in the first episode of an isekai.

    The little melody that repeats throughout the track is the exact same melody as the saxophone in Who Can it Be Now? by Men at Work. And I was, and still am, shooketh.

    Tl;dr, this means that Neil Cicierega is actually going to be a secret boss character in the game
    i feel the walls shake and hear the windows rattle. a being of great power is passing my home at high speed. i have seen these beings consume individuals whom walk into them willingly. the nature of this mysterious ritual is unknown to me. i do not understand why people would wait for half an hour under shelters and beside poles of steel, only to be consumed and whisked away by this strange beast. it appears not to move on legs, but upon wheels, though the sounds of loud humming and the occasional sharp breath indicate that it is indeed organic, despite what its appearance suggests.

    i know not what to make of these observations but to fear those great beings of steel and glass that wander this world.
    idea i just had: imagine if they like remade smash and removed all non-villain characters, but as a response added tons more villains to the roster given it's just them now

    like the idea of playable kraid or kamek would be amazing but what if we took it to the logical extreme and added like zoda from startropics or the eggplant wizard from the original kid icarus, the most powerful enemy known to man

    you know on that it'd be really cool to just see random mooks and enemies in a fighting game like this. imagining something like a roster where the main character is like lakitu and amongst others there's picks like the classic zora and the like would be pretty fun too
    You know what? **** it. I think it'd be hilarious if Smash took some inspiration from LAWL concepts. Here's one that springs to mind for me:

    Why would you include Funky Kong as an echo for Donkey Kong when you could build a moveset entirely around him on the Flame Runner. Yes, the Mario Kart Wii rep. His entire moveset is based around Mario Kart with a focus on Wii, as well as speedrunning tips and tricks and the fan community as a whole. His up-air summons the logo of Dolphin Emulator for example. Maybe his Down B is him clipping through the stage as a counter. Oh, and he's consistently rewarded for doing everything as fast as possible.

    I feel like bull**** characters like this would make Smash so interesting to see (even if I don't think Smash should just become a ****post.) Like, ridiculous concepts like this that would never have been considered otherwise and it's like "**** it. why not."
    I'm in this weird situation where I agree it would be cool to see Black Mage in Smash but like I personally think that, purely in terms of gameplay, the Red Mage would probably be the best objective choice and a "FF1 Party" would be really fun too. Even if it were just a team of like Black Mage and White Mage (who would appear like Ice Climbers but function as individuals) with Black Mage using more of the offensive magical attacks and White Mage using more of the utility magical attacks, that'd still be really cool to see.

    But I guess we have Hero now and Hero kind of represents the three tiers of magical attacks (with a fire, ice, and thunder type attack) as well as basically all RPG magic now so it's like, how do I justify Black Mage being in Smash now given that Hero does so much of that? But then Hero isn't even particularly notable for "being a sorcerer" compared to Black Mage so it's this weird sort of inbetween where it's like, it makes so much sense to include Hero because Dragon Quest is cool and has potential but then Hero doesn't really represent Dragon Quest and kind of just is the "Magical Fantasy-themed RPG Character" - this is actually one of the reasons I preferred the idea of Slime getting in because Slime would more specifically be a Dragon Quest character? I mean I haven't even played a Dragon Quest game but I feel like Hero's in this weird situation where I could theoretically mod in like, nearly any magically-themed RPG protagonist and it'd probably fit, but then that's kind of fitting because Hero is just that, a nameless protagonist, and that's what he's supposed to represent, and yet with us having so many RPG characters it's so weird that we barely get to see various RPG archetypes aside from "the hero with the magical sword or some crap" and all of the archetypes are represented by "the hero with the magical sword or some crap"

    this feels really weird to me and this is completely following my own train of thought without editing so if it doesn't make sense, that's why
    Dragon Quest was, (and still is), the basis of basically every JRPG. It has systems that are proven to work, so instead of innovating a lot, they just hone the hell out of the og formula. VideoGameDunkey has said this, but Dragon Quest 11 is the default JRPG product of a machine that makes JRPGs. So it makes sense that they could represent essentially all magic RPG’s.
    I think Lakitu would be a very funny inclusion into the next Smash. There's so many more obvious Mario picks out there, like Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, Kamek, Goomba, Professor E. Gadd, 8-Bit Mario, Birdo, decloned Daisy, and tons more. And it's like "**** you you get Lakitu". Hey, at least it's not the cow from Moo Moo Meadows, right?

    Jokes aside, the idea of Lakitu being an aerial-focused fighter who excels at pressuring directly below him would be really fun to me. I guess it'd be like an even more laser-focused Ivysaur, though with a lot more aerial options. He'd be pretty cool if he got in, even if there's so many better picks out there.

    Like, I'm in this situation where I do understand the idea of "Smash is a celebration of gaming history", but at the same time, I want future games to be able to add just outright weird picks and letting them experiment with it. Like, yeah, there are some characters that would be obvious for future titles (characters like Bandana Waddle Dee spring to mind, but also slightly more obscure picks like Vaati) but then it's like, why limit yourselves? Why not add like, Beedle or Dr. Goomba Tower or the entire Federation Force or Mighty Gazelle or something? If they'd have fun and unique movesets, I think that justifies them to a certain extent.

    Just a thought that occurred to me.
    If Paper Mario got into Smash and sort of opened the door for alternate versions of characters with unique gameplay (unlike, say, Young/Toon Link), I think the next best character to see would absolutely be Yarn Kirby. Yes, we have a Yarn Yoshi alt in Ultimate but the incredibly unique appearance and abilities of Yarn Kirby would be so fun to see implemented into Smash, even if it feels really unlikely that they'd ever consider him. I mean, Prince Fluff could work as a replacement I suppose? I personally think he'd be a better alternate costume model-swap.
    Also, Peppa Pig and Baby Shark are woefully low on people's radar for NASB DLC. Sounds ridiculous but I wouldn't be surprised if Viacom wanted to open the door to like NickJR despite it not being the target audience at all and to be honest I would be pretty interested to see how Ludosity would handle a fighting game moveset for Pippa Peg
    A thought that occurred to me as I was lying in my bed this morning staring at my ceiling was how funny the potential reveal of PSASBRII could actually be. Like, imagine you wake up one day and you see an article on SmashBoards which is like "CRASH, SPYRO, LARA CROFT AND CLOUD WERE CONFIRMED" and just in the corner of the attached image you see like Bubsy and Arden Lyn from Masters of Teräs Käsi and the article's going ape**** about Crash and then mentions for like one line "Oh yeah I guess Arden's inclusion opens the door to all licensed games so we could probably see Spider-Man I guess"
    Please, a moment to appreciate some abstract art. I think the pairing of the black and the white, plus the rigid scheming of the utilisation of solid blocks of colour, represents conformity and the nature of society and our roles within it. However, a privileged few see otherwise, recognising not a conformist blanket, but a grin of mischevious determination.

    Yoooo if they ever make a Newgrounds Rumble uh 2 or something they should totally add ENA.

    Like, I know that the vibes of her world and the nature of it all would be amazing on it's own. Don't get me wrong. But I'm fascinated to see how ENA would actually work in a fighting game, because like, she has a ton of potential for weird and wonderful movesets and mechanics and I want to see them all goddammit
    Cool Game Idea:

    Wii Tanks, but it's a dungeon-crawler/MetroidVania styled game which is completely on the sort of level of the top-down perspective. You can get upgrades and special abilities by finding them across the map or defeating bosses, but it'd be a little absurd - a little like Metal Slug or something of the like. Comes with a multiplayer too, of course.

    I mean, imagine the potential for builds: a flamethrower tank might seem cool to some but I can picture myself combining bouncing bullets and a shotgun-style spread shot for maximum carnage.

    Not sure what the story would be in a game like this but it just feels like something that would be really fun somehow
    Okay, random thought I just had. Would a Netflix fighting game be, like, actually... really cool? Consider for a moment the potential:

    Netflix could envelop so many genres here. Like, sure there's some characters that might not be a good pick (Joe Exotic springs to mind, as much as he would be amazingly fun as a summoner-puppet character who fights with tigers) but when you consider the potential with a variety of characters from Eleven, to Peewee Herman, to Bojack Horseman, to She-Ra, to a team-up of Klaus and Ben Hargreeves, to Jolyne Kujo. And so many more. Imagine Geralt fighting He-Man, or Piper Chapman with a prison-brawler style moveset fighting someone like Captain Barnacles from Octonauts.

    It feels like one of the most stupid concepts ever but I can't help but love it as an idea.
    I'm very annoyed, because for like the last 3 days, Firefox has been slowing my laptop to a crawl nearly all of the time. I've tried erasing the history, all of the cookies, hell I'm running on two tabs right now when I used to use around one hundred at a time believe me I'm very disorganised and yet it's still nightmarishly difficult to even load SmashBoards. I don't even know why either. Like, I'm checking it in Task Manager and it's using around 2,000 MB of memory but like. HOW? This sounds like a very awkward thing to complain about but browsers as a whole just seem so god damn slow nowadays. Edge uses more CPU than the average crypto farm and Chrome seems more effective at turning your laptop into a high-octane shrapnel bomb than actually googling Cash Banooca 26: The Cancelling of Aku-Aku
    I want to make some sort of extremely volatile statement about this, but I know I'll probably get banned from the site for it, so I'll leave it at this:

    The DS having both Mario Kart DS and Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing makes it arguably one of the best consoles out there for kart racers even if most of this is due to my own nostalgia

    No DLC, no micropurchases. All of the content is unlockable in game, both games are stuffed with content including not only unique tracks and racers, but lots of side/single-player content like missions - both having unique and interesting missions of their own, be it the experimental mission types in SASASR or the bosses in MKDS - and all of them having plenty of replayability, tight and responsive controls, and genuinely not terrible visuals considering the limitations of the hardware.

    Not to sound too nostalgic but I kind of miss when games were like that y'know? You just... buy the game and it's packed with content. You'd never see something random like R.O.B. being a hidden character in Mario Kart now, it'd be publicised and everything. Perhaps I merely wish for a simpler time...

    Also I think an Indie Kart would be a fun game to see this is like a completely unrelated musing okay bye
    Random thought, but you know how there was this sort of running joke that Pac-Man in first-person is a horror title? I just thought something - I think Bomberman would work really well in that sort of style. Imagine, your only method of self-defence is to place bombs as you're in this huge maze, being chased down...

    Apparently there was actually a game like this released on PC systems in the mid-80s, but as you can imagine, it was limited by the time... picture this in like, VR. Seems to me like it'd be a creepy experience!
    Random question here: am I the only one out there who always has SmashBoards zoomed out to 80% instead of 100%? It just seems to be the right size to me and that way you can also see all of the faces of the characters on either side and it just feels right somehow.

    or is it just autism brain i don't even know lolololololol
    Properly delving into LSD: Dream Emulator in the real world and it's actually very fascinating to observe. Whole albums were released for it, and the journal it's based on is incredibly interesting. Sato himself is a bizarre and unusual character... overall, I actually think this is just incredibly fun to delve into. It feels like a rabbit hole in a really fun way.
    I think an underrated pick for a potential PlayStation All Stars II, if it were to be released but under similar 3rd-party restrictions to the original, would be Vibri from Vib-Ribbon. Despite being relatively obscure compared to other PS1 picks, I think the really unique world of Vib-Ribbon - as well as a surprising amount of potential considering the source material - would make them a very cute but also fun inclusion in a game like that!

    However, if a couple of third-party picks were to be allowed in (similar to Dante or Raiden), I'd totally say that Klonoa would be a fun pick to see. Namco had a pretty big presence on the PS1 (especially with things like Namco Museum) and Klonoa did get its start on the console! It may seem a little odd, but Klonoa does have very vocal fans and admittedly I think he'd be very fun to see.

    Genuinely, PSASBR2 would be amazingly fun to see, it's just a bit of a shame they'd probably not consider it after the relative failure of the first. Then again... with the recent uptake in NASB and MultiVersus, maybe they'd consider giving it a second look?
    Okay, so MultiVersus is ramping up over time and it's on the tip of everyone's tongues. With the recent addition of Taz and the Iron Giant, and more leaks than the average church roof, I think there's a few series that people don't talk about enough. Thing is, WB is big. Like, real big. People have, admittedly, already given their two cents on what IPs they want to see included in the game, some better than others. However, I think this is a bit unprecedented but I feel it's a fun, and very cool, thing to consider - even if unlikely.

    Allow me to introduce you all to Warner Music Label, perhaps the most underrated "rep" in the whole of MultiVersus discussion. Consider, for a moment, some of the additions we could potentially see whilst considering this:

    • A stage based on Take on Me by A-ha, specifically with the pencil-sketch design to it.
    • A stage based on the music video to Uptown Funk, perhaps even with Bruno and his hypesquad present.
    • The world of Crazy Frog, given that Crazy Frog is apparently WMG too??
    • A stage based on the overall vibe of Gorillaz, perhaps taking inspiration from the tower in the video for Feel Good Inc.?
    • Actually just a playable stage of the Blue Album by Weezer with alts based on the Green Album and Red Album.

    And this isn't even getting into a myriad of other artists, such as (but not limited to) Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, Green Day, Jimi Hendrix, Kraftwerk, Huey Lewis and the News, Queen, Frank Sinatra, Tears for Fears, and so many more.

    Okay, so WB isn't exactly known for it's music and this opens up a whole new can of worms with licensing the likenesses of the artists and the like. But let me be honest for a moment. I wouldn't be opposed to beating Superman and the Iron Giant to an utter pulp with a tag-team of Freddie Mercury and Crazy Frog. And as ridiculous as this might sound, some musical reps (like 2D, for instance) actually feel like pretty natural inclusions.

    I cannot believe it took me so long to come to this conclusion even if it's most likely never gonna happen due to the focus on IP. This just seems like a weirdly clever, but at the same time obvious, way to take the game in the future. Musical reps just seem like such a fun concept to delve into, right?
    I'm so confused at the situation with the new Rescue Rangers. Like, I knew the last one existed and had a rough idea what it was and my first exposure to it is stuff like Disney chimeras, fashion model Dobby, and Paw Patrol mauling people and I have no idea what to make of it. I'm a bit afraid.
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