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  • Hey Rick you got time today? Avoiding is so easily with these forums :(. My german friend I can just message in msn :).
    Well I am online now. Don't know if you have time now? or did I misunderstood that message?

    I know you are busy. Better busy than doing nothing.

    edit: but you probably went just offline.
    If this tire you you can mention it Rick but it is just I have always around this time of the day some time to do something for myself.

    So I gues you know my question. Don't worry I am not lonely because if you can't play I have plenty of other games to play :).
    I gues are offline again, if you happen to see this in time you can come for some ffa if you got mood for that.

    But I fear the princess is in another castle.
    I mean that our Teacher has nothing left to teach us. Only revision now.
    You got mood to be captured by King Koopa?

    Too bad you weren't on yesterday, ffa with you and Kataefi is fun :).
    I can't tonight I'm afraid =( I should be free tomorrow evening though, and all the evenings following that ;D
    Hey Rick, sup? How's things? :0

    Have you had an ISA yet? I've curruntly finished chemistry, so it's just revision now. Yeah, I'm back from CERN. It was really good, I stayed in France for a bit (hotel), then crossed the border.
    Heya rick!.... me and rizul are going online now if you'd like to join us. We're trying to organise some team games!
    There is a reason they are called favorites I gues, you keep coming back to them no matter with who you betray them. But I liked Meta Knight to, did you see me destroy the two of you with him, swooosh huyahh sjing sjing :p. At that point I had enough of that big Bowser and decided on something small :). Too bad that then a big stage pops up where Bowser can do something on :(.

    One thing bugs me though. And one point there was a very easy edgehog situation for you where Kataefi was way below the stage and you did nothing :(. You are not giving him the special treatment are you?
    Yes it's my favourite matchup in the entire game!... Defensive peach > zelda, aggressive < zelda imo ^^. I tried to counter camp with din's... I think there's potential... but turnips corner me and that's exactly when the momentum shifts that I cannot handle. I'll need to work more to find a style against that tactic but sadly you are the only current peach I'm facing, so my practise is scarce (despite using her as a secondary), but all this adaptation will come in time!

    And don't worry about it ricky! I've never classed you as someone who makes excuses, I think it's always a pleasure fighting good players. Online is a good learning tool and a great way to meet new and good players like yourself.
    I am getting very sleepy now it is passed midnight over here :). Some very nice games the only thing that was lacking was some team games.

    I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate ffa with Bowser. I hate Bowser. My moves lag too much for ffa :p. Nah no complainst I just got to spam my jabs and fortresses I gues then :p. Sorry if I killed myself on lylat but when lag stole my stock I had no mood to continue and decided heck you two can do a little 1on1 :).
    I am so sorry there is nothing I can do unless there is some sort of bug. Asdioh also tried to join and I like to play him to :(.
    You also up for some Rick I play a few at the moment with kataefi although his connection seems to be playing mindgames with me. 1 game and 2 discons :(. I am sure you are welcome to if he returns.
    name colour change?? Today is so confusing! Also... I think I've just missed you... >.< If you happen to catch this message would you like to brawl?
    Ninetales was so totally my favourite Pokémon back in the day (apart from Eevee, of course. So cute!). I'm forever indebted to you.
    I hate Luigi his mansion. I kneed the pillar because that stood in front of Peach but I did not see the pillar fly :p.

    I got to say those turnips are getting midly annoying you just glide and pull everywhere which makes me very confused where to be safe and where not. This is no complaining but just crediting how good you do it.

    edit: hey no complaining about Falcon his very few usefull moves :laugh:. I don't like Falcon dittos though. Maybe that was because I could hardly see who was who if I do not pay attention to the names whenever we are close to eachother.
    Yeah go for it!

    Missingo... I remember that, it was the glitch thing wasn't it? Also what would you do numbers out of pokemon range... 666 for example? >.<
    omg I JUST realised what you were doing with the pokemon and the numbers >.>

    I'm getting slower and slower these days
    rofl... I made myself a challenge to get one pic better:

    How's that? xD

    Also... I may be free tonight for some games possibly! I need to give Rizul some as well, it's been ages ^^
    Up for some games Rick or yet another busy week? Maybe we must make saturday our official playday :p.

    edit: I got the feeling you are already offline **** those nice updating forums :laugh:
    I can't with tap jump on. I sometimes already do accidential moves like down b instead of side b once with Bowser which resulted in me going down the pit :(. I always liked Falcon his playstyle. I was very happy when my falcon punch decided one match :). Jiggly is nice to which reminds of my Wario which I haven't payed much attention to lately. Ugh my english sucks, as long as you understand me :p.
    Yeah we just found out stuff like her actual knockback and frame data...! and we're just talking about setups now and how to chain moves together! We'll be getting hitstun soon though but apparently her moves are hard to get data for... (the majority of her moves linger for a long time)

    Knockback interests me a lot - perhaps you could find this for peach. If you go to vs mode and pick mario and peach, simply do FSmash on Mario at 0%, quit the match, and on the no contest screen where it shows all the details of the match,press A once or twice to and scroll down the data until you find the max launcher speed in km/h.

    The idea is to compare these values with Mario at 0% and Mario at 100%. If you need Mario to get to 100% simply use fox's lasers.

    It's interesting because then you can easily work out what moves were initially designed to kill and what moves weren't. We found out that if you keep Zelda's usmash fresh it has the equivalent of lightning kick knockback on mario at 100% =O So saving it as a kill move would prove beneficial (unless she's fighting peach >.< )
    This is getting very akward. I gues my many mishaps and mistimed moves caused you to go :(. You better start taking Falcon seriously. You just make me scared when I am closed to beatin you :p. At least I did knee you once :). My german buddy uses Ganon a lot and also his charge attacks. So I have enough practice of baiting his dash attack and countering with the knee.

    I don't know if you return or not but the few games we had were nice.
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