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  • Yeah I know it has been a looong time! I can't play right now unfortunately but possibly in the evening!

    How've you been btw?! I've noticed that peach experimentation thread over at the peach boards and it looks realy cool! I hope something good comes out of it!
    I still have tap jump off as I am too scared of messsing up my uptilt or uair. I never knew Peach her butt was so good.

    I might be on later but never super late. After around 21.30 your time I am often offline and preparing for my napkin :). I am an early morning person.
    Hey Rick you got time for the weekends? Or is your life seriously very busy. I don't mind though as real life comes always before the virtual one.
    Hey Rick got some time now to do a few battles? Or shall I wait if I can get you on the weekend. I can understand if you are busy as I noticed that myself.

    edit: seems like you are offline already. Still busy :(
    Could be, but I am not sure. I just stay logged in and refresh my profile every 15 min or so. So you can message me if you play. I could forget to refresh though :p.
    Got time now to kick my rear Rick? Or are you busy all week so I know I can till the weekend :p.
    Hey Rick up for some matches? Although someone else is joining with me so it would be ffa then.
    I have tap jump off though. My shield broke more or less because I became careless and decided to stick under you. The good thing is you could do nothing with it as your multiple hit moves canceled the long stunmode :p. Though the fact remains I have trouble escaping those Peach strings with Bowser, maybe I must play with tap jump on with him.

    Maybe we can play a bit later again if you don't mind :). Playing you remains a lot of fun.
    Some close games there Rick. I came so close with Ike and thought I finaly win with him once but no :p. At least I won twice but the element of surprise and you needing to warm up is what gives me those me think :). I did so nice with Falcon in my opinion and then all my deaths were so clumsy :(.
    Hey Rick. My wifi works again. Any chance you can play already this early? Don't worry I can also wait if needed :).
    Rickedy, I'm sure hiROI will apreciate it. It was actually him who posted the comment, just that I was logged in at the time. Though, me as a G&W player who has a lot of experience with Peach would like to help with your discussion.
    Lol I never got into little britain at the time it came out, but I've started watching the first season and it's brilliant!
    Hey, Rickerdy, for the peach boards, do you think you can rediscuss the G&W match up soon? Thanks in advance
    ~~~~from hiROI~~~~~~
    No sorry something came up very suddenly. I think I can play around 21.30 my time. I gues that makes 20.30 your time.

    If you don't mind I want to fool around a bit with other characters. Can't get rid of that habit :p.

    edit: Seems like with the installing of my internet on my new comp could only be done by resetting everything. So I could not play anyway. Somewhere at the weekend I think I got wifi again. Sorry for that.
    Rather busy these days Rick? I rarely play over wifi Brawl myself. Are there any times you can play? I don't want to sound pushy though. But two days ago my new comp arrived and I can finaly play games like TF2 and L4D on full graphics without hiccups :).
    At the moment I play with someone else Rick you are free to join if you want. Brawl of course :).
    I like pokemons :p. I always find it amusing how easily I can win sometimes the first match against you. As soon as I win one you go into your normal mode again. It almost seems like you are passing me some faith :).
    I got the error 80430 when I joined your game. I'm trying to rejoin but still get the same message. Quite odd! It always comes at the wrong time!
    How exciting! I just noticed you and rizul going online! ^^ I'll see if I can grab chis and get some teams going possibly?
    I noticed the Luigi matchup discussion at the Peach boards. I be sure to use the knowledge against you :p. I simple love the Luigi bair like you love Peach her dair :).
    Sorry rick for getting back to you so late. Life has been hectic to say the least. I'd love to play everyone earlier but it's tricky >.> I'm only playing brawl to procastinate now =( I've lost a lot of that oomph that drives me to get good because of all this work ^^

    I'll get there eventually.

    I want to get back into everything atm and I believe I'll be available possibly on friday or at the weekends at a good time =D
    I was about to get some food anyway. I find it annoying that I sometimes slip up and do a side b instead of down b for tornado :p.

    When random gave me the second time ROB I really had no mood to play him and wanted to do no contest. Maybe I must pick them myself if I want random :).
    Can you play now? :)

    I haven't really played Brawl myself last week. So many games and not enough time :p.
    Hi rick! I know it's late... but are available for some games now or anytime soon?
    Nah, it's just because it's online. Offline, turnips will be either power shielded, Faired or something. We should discuss the Peach match up anyways. Playing crappy? :/
    Watching your Peach camp with Dairs and throws turnips until I get hit. Then it forcing me to approach you each match made me frown. :<
    GG's. I have tap jab on. I should OoS, but lag screws me up so I don't bother.

    I almost did the unspeakable, beat Peach with Sonic on japes. Sigh, so close.
    And I was gone when you send yours :(. As a punishment for you I will train only the characters who have the best matchups vs Peach :p.
    Hey Rick you could play maybe today? I am not really active in these forums I often check at between 18.00-19.00 my time. Or just tell me when you can be playing again :).

    Your Peach remains one of my favorite things to beat up, although I rarely get in doing so :p. Playing the better is what I always enjoy but that does mean the other player namely you plays against a weaker one :laugh:.
    Yeah, floating is weird.

    Talking about copying, how does your Lv 9 Peach fight. My Sonic Lv9 keeps Nairing out of shield, edge guarding with Fsmashes and fox trots :(
    GG's your Sonic got better really fast, it kind of reminds me off mine. :o

    lol those matches, I fail at Peach.
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