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  • Been a while since we played for our standards :p. I gues you are a very busy man these days.

    Myself I haven't played Brawl for a few days as well.
    I was looking foward to Sonic and the black night, it's just something about swords that get's me interested lol. That game did terrible though and i just figured to screw around with you.
    No problem at all. xd

    Ghehe, I'm ready when you are! Anyway, I see that you're online. So you wanna play? xd

    Now let's hope nothing goes wrong ><
    You are too ruthless :(. Btw I got the feeling Luigi>Wario. Your nair seemed to shut down every aerial I have. You look so much better when playing characters I play :(. Although the buttonlag was sometimes annoying, I simply had no words for when I was Ganon. Good thing I at least won once with Jiggly in the end, but ffa is always easier to win if you just flee and hide :p.

    Its me again! Srry about what happened yesterday. My internet-connection kinda exploded xl Normally these things never happen, but exactly on that moment we were playing, my internet gave up.

    Anyway, wanna play again today, so we can have some real matches? XD The match had much less lag than I had expected! Almost lagless for me xd.
    And the Bombs... Loooooool. I started with one, you ended with one XD

    P.S. You're seriously awesome o.o I can learn A LOT from you. I actually have already learnt quite some stuff (never attack the air, bad habit of me >_>). Master Rickerdy... sounds good xd

    P.S.S. Srry again (a)
    Hahaha! I'm glad Chis clocked on about double din's ^^ I didn't think it could work in theory but it's surprisingly a good tactic!

    Peach and Luigi make a great team actually... I was so scared of dying at 60% from his FSmash!... that thing is insane! =O
    Yeeeaaah! XD

    I've added you and I'm able to play now xd. My Friend Code is 3695-3221-3153
    Heeey... You probably don't know me very well, just that Dutch Peach guy XD.

    Anywayz, the reason I'm here is to ask for a Peachy fight xd I live in The Netherlands, so my connection will SUCK if I play with USA, but it may be well with England x'). So are you in? XD

    Oh and btw, I pretty much suck with Peach and everyone, since I haven't played anyone who was at least decent. Which is another reason why I'm asking you, cause you're waaaaaaaaaay better than me. Seriously, you're too good xd

    Pretty sweet ^^
    Although when there's no trolling or whatever life can get a little boring :p
    Ah, I've got a school trip to see that hadron collider thing soon :o

    I suck at teams, to much going on.
    Finaly we did some team battles Rick. Luigi and Peach team are the combo :p. Sorry if I hit you here and there but I am not really comfortable in using double team but I thought it went better in the later team games. I like it how I saved you with my luigi missile once :).
    Sorry, I had to go out unexpected for about 6 hours or so. I just came back, maybe next time...
    You up for some whack the weegee? :)

    How much you like ffa though? I never know if I can invite someone else who is online in msn.
    Lol I noticed that... pure luck on my part though... and I was very thankful I managed to escape.

    Uair is odd. It's like bowser's but stronger. I reckon you should second her lol ^^ I enjoy zelda dittos... whoever approaches seriously gets torn apart.

    But yeah... I'm recently noticing habits of my playstyle that I just cannot seem to stray away from =( That + godly peach spacing = me ***** xD
    Oh rick =( I played awfully. Too much rolling. But the amount of sweetspots I got =O My god!

    I noticed habits of my playstyle, but I was just letting them happen. I swear, you chaingrabbed me about 4 times one time, and Peach doesn't even have a chaingrab >.>

    I gave it my all in the very last match with the zelda ditto because I could foresee you beating me with her haha!!! And I would have been like 'omg I must really suck'!

    Anyways GGs, I always enjoy fighting you, despite the lack of challenge on my part ^^
    >.> I know! It's crazy! I don't think I can stay for too long though because I'm procrastinating (I should be doing an assignment but that can hold on for now!)

    Meet you online!
    From half term greeted with a Chemistry test :/ How is things Rick?

    Yes it's another wifi request :/
    lmao can you blame me????? java is soooooooooo boring... I'm going to die! Everyime the tutor comes over I press alt + tab to switch to another window quickly, making it look like I'm doing work xD
    I can't right now rick I'm in a java programming class >.> (sooooo boring) but possibly tonight. We'll see if things go back to normal! ^^ I finish at 8... so I'll come back, make dinner, do coursework =(, and then take it from there =D!

    I'll message you when I'm available ^^
    His airspeed is maybe slower than Wario his but I can at least live longer as opposed to those grab releases. Although because lag was almost not here I could space myself properly and got less grabbed. You better keep on your toes for the bair and the down b :). Because I play you so much I know most of the time to predict your dair tricks :).

    Btw your dot was still red to me :p.

    edit: that bomb kill was amazing. See me high and dry dodging all those turnips and the one I get hit by was A TRAP I did not even notice the bomb as you were throwing so much. Luigi cheers are creepy but cool :laugh:
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