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  • You up for a few if you can Rick? I can play for about one hour if you can. But do you mind if I use higher tiers? As you did not answer on my last message or you did not see it.

    edit: never mind I reckon you are too busy and it is not like I got much time left.
    I did tried it out this morning but I think it is nothing for me. I don't really feel comfortable if I have to change my fingers all the time that often. Maybe I need to switch back to King Dedede :p. The thing I like about Mr Game and Watch is that his smashes although predictable can kill early. Ditto for Meta Knight his upb and down smash. Everytime I see I live up to 200% or you over 150%, it just feels so bad the problem to kill. It doesn't seem to bother you though as the damage done to me is always way more than I can do to you, even when I win once in a blue moon. When I 2 stocked you first match I knew this was the typical first match win for me and you would win the rest :p.

    I don't want to make this message too long. But I just was feeling so more fun with Meta Knight and Mr Game and Watch that I have options and killing power with them. Not like you ever get hit by Bowser his smashes :p. But I also want to keep continue playing with you. All I read in the social group is blah Meta Knight this and that. Btw I 2 stocked yours :laugh:

    I think you never make a problem of it though. Anyways I better stop typing as that is what I can do too good sometimes :embarrass
    It all sounds so complicated though. I prefer to spam my turtly with Mr Game and Watch :p. I see how it goes in trainingmode tomorrow.
    I think that would be too hard for me as I really suck in using many buttons at once. I already epic fail at doing dacus. Even Snake his one I screw up often and that says enough :(. Simple chaingrabs like dedede and falco his are easy as it is just the same timing over and over even with adding the pummels. Either way thanks for notifying me but I think it won't do good for me.

    Hmm I thought he was your friend. My friendlist is so big I don't know everyone there names :p.
    You remain too good even if you did not play for a few days :). Your reacting time is much better for the Bowser chaingrab :(. I just find his too hard for me. I hope you don't mind when I took Meta Knight a couple of times but as I won once I always feel like you deserve the rematch in where you beat me as I know you can :p. Either way I had some fun, although my mood was really nothing when I ate that bomb omb. I really felt like killing myself twice in a row as my focus always goes down the drain if I have dealt zero damage myself :(.

    As Wario concerns, I just can't get past his short range moves. Although always a favorite he is just too unusual for me to handly :(. Nothing taken away from your game and that is why I enjoy playing you :).

    Btw someone tried to join and I notice it a couple of times but you always decline them? Are they too good for me or what? Anyways at least you did not win with Bowser from me, that would be such a shame :p. Oh darn you did win when I was Peach but I gues that is the curse if I steal your character I will lose no matter what :p.
    Seems like I just missed you as I was about to message you :(. Maybe it would be wise to tell a time. Peach really deserves a spanking.

    Wario my favorite but I so suck with him :(. I think I am not resourcefull enough with him. I saw you play once with him and it already looked more dangerous.
    Probably another time then as I want a bit of good rest tonight. Besides I rarely play in the late hours anyway.
    Oh so we both need our rust to dust off tonight :p. Or not, if you can't you can't of course.

    I was observing the Peach matchup thread and found the nice chart there. I think I will main Meta Knight :). I never knew Wario was at such a disadvantage vs Peach. I thought it was only slight :(.

    I finaly arrived at my home again and the first thing I did was switching my pc on :).
    Tomorrow afternoon I will be finaly back, did you miss me? :p

    I am sure you missed beating me up to a pulp :). I at least missed playing your great Peach :(.

    Either way I had some great rest and fun at my vacation.
    GGGrrrrr MK :mad: Yep this player has arrived at our smash social and he wrecks with MK - I feel completely at a loss with what to do unless I pick up a top tier character, which I will never do because a fighting game shouldn't force me to play as someone I don't find interesting just to win imo =(

    He just... camps =( I don't feel comfortable fighting him with any of my mains. Zelda does badly, she can space against him somewhat alright, but he always runs circles around her with the speed differences. I've tried Peach, but I think I'm approaching the matchup wrongly, because I'm getting wrecked -- I may need to ditto your peach Rick to gain insight =( And Sheik does only slightly better, but is always ruined once off stage (which happens all too often).

    Sheik has that grab release to dacus on him which kills him early... but getting the grab is hard! I started transforming to Zelda on a stock lead with mild success (as he'll have to approach), but still... this type of camping for me is HARD :(:(:(

    I know it's filled with bias on my part, but my answer to MK is banning him :mad:

    And yeah you've got A Levels coming up soon! Lots of luck on that! Make sure you do well by doing well ^^!
    Hi rick! Are you up for some games? I've started throwing in Sheik a lot more now into my game (mainly because of MK >.>) so I may use the duo.
    Hey rick! How are you doing? Havn't spoken to you in a long time! I've recently tested the waters with brawl+, you will LOVE peach there, she has devastating combos now. They've really buffed up a lot of characters.

    I noticed peach's grab release > fair.... I was doing some testing and I managed to get a sweetspot fair with Zelda from a release. I was wondering... peach's fair is 16 frames right? Zelda's is 8... but Zelda's much slower on the ground... how does peach go about reaching ness in the air? Does she jump towards him, or does she run slightly and then jump fair?
    Well I did had many matches yesterday but only the best was missing :(.

    I had some fun again with my old main Mr Game and Watch. I even 3 stocked some friends which I normaly never could and 2 stocked most. Maybe I must keep him as serious main for if I ever decide to go to tournies :). I stopped playing him because I joined that social group who frowned upon top tiers. Nowadays I don't play with someone who blames the tiers. But I am sure you won't have many trouble with whatever character I pull out :). Even though it puts you on your toes I really never have the edge over you in winning multiple matches in a row.

    I will miss my Brawl :(.

    edit: I am about to go now and wanted to let you know I will probably still read these forums during my vacation. Maybe I must not login then. But you know I will be back next week monday and I am always the one messaging you :laugh:.

    Bye and see you in Brawl later.
    You up for some games Rick? This will be the last time me asking for a while :). If so I will be using a bit of a mix of characters though.

    edit: ah too bad you are offline :(. Well until a couple of days again :laugh:.
    At the moment I play with another friend Rick. You are free to join if you come online and see this message. Or not if you are busy of course :p.
    Maybe I must try with tap jump on to speed up the fortress a bit. The only thing I don't like is that I will mis my up tilt then. Maybe putting the c stick for tilts will work, it is not like I use the c stick to do instant smashes, as Bowser his are not really something I rely on. If I use them it is charged anyway.

    Hopefully we can play tomorrow a bit before I go :). I don't want to sound pushy though and sorry for messing up your profile with my spam.
    I did some chaingrabs with Bowser in training mode and went to slowmode 1/4. It just has to be almost frame perfect but because Bowser can't throw his opponent it is hard to time. Grab releases on Wario are way easier.

    Or is there another way for an easy dashing grab? Because it has to be so fast but it takes some time to react to the release and get dashing, unless there is a trick I am missing. Peach her jab is also fast :p.

    Again too bad about yesterday and hopefully today or tomorrow we can have one more long run before I go on my vacation. Of course if you got duties I have to wait.
    Too bad your internet died.

    There is not really much option with Bowser because as you said I don't have a projectile and my approaches are really limited as well.

    But Bowser has not really much in the air. I have this habit of taking the air too often but vs most characters it seems to be a bad idea unless they are in the air themselves.

    If you fair and I am close you always jab which comes out faster than my jab. I know fortress is quicker with the invincible frames but with wifi :(.

    As I said before I can probably chain with every character that can chain but not with Bowser. Bowser his seems to be so frame perfect and has a hard timing because I have to wait for the release. My only way of doing it would then on low percents headbut you once and prepare for dash assuming people always mash the buttons. And you also saw more than once I can't follow up with fair, I am always just too late. Besides I find you hard to grab and jab seems to own my slow grab, I find fortress saver.

    Firebreath vs Ganon is great though it seems to shut down every approach he tries to make :). But yeah I know the ending lag sucks.
    I can't beat Peach :(. There is so little I can do against you. Which of course credits you. Time to main your bad matchup :p.

    But what do you think? You got any pointers for me? I tried to get out of the dairs like you said but I think I noticed no difference. Oh I know I should go to the Bowser boards but I already do that. You just seem so complete with Peach. How much of a bad matchup is Peach for Bowser?

    I gues the lag did not really help either. I once did firebreath instead of fortess and fell to my doom :laugh:. I have that often that I do the wrong move input. Bad then again I don't see you do it or as well? Can you confirm if this is lag or not? So I know I should not worry or really do.

    Thanks for the advice in advance, you have always been nice for a sucker like me :).
    You up for some games? I can understand if you can't though. But I just want to play as much as possible with everyone before I must miss the Wii and PC :p.
    GG's Rick. I kind of got tired of ending under the stage/gimped. Yeah I was CD farming, sorry about the sandbags. And I forgot to put tap jump on :/ Sorry about tier whoring, I wasn't in the mood to think.
    Too bad it was so laggy.

    I still like the to play with Star Fox cast and my Wario seems to be awful :(. You became better in those weeks and months and my Wario simply has nothing to say anymore.

    Still some fun games. I never had random though. I certainly enjoyed the Sonic vs Fox with their speed. I fear Yoshi :(.
    Up for some matches Rick? Or are you busy with the matchups. I did read some to learn how to beat you better :).

    I also noted you rarely take Sonic these days. I can understand though compared to Peach :p. Although with me it is odd as Wario is clearly way better than Bowser.
    As I play you often Rick. I found it good to let you know that next friday I am going on a vacation. I am gone for a bit more than a week returning at the next monday.

    I owned some german friends of mine :). We did two 2on1 which I both won with Fox :). With one you played sometimes and the other was just starting out. I looked for you if you were online but too bad you were not :(. Or else we could have done some team games.
    Take a look at a green Peach :p. Is that general rule for all multiple hit moves? But I find it not fair you can di towards me while I firebreath and eat an aerial :(. If it had less ending lag it would be at least usefull.

    It often goes like that I lose around 40-70% health with you sitting still on 0%. Lucky for me Peach has few ko moves :). With Wario it is much easier to escape.

    Sometimes you spammed a lot of turnips at poor Bowser :(. You just can't hamper my recovery if I do it well. Bowser his airspeed is very good :). Sometimes I just let me hit on purpose and hope it is no bomb or stitchface to not lose any height. I can't see why many think Bowser his recovery sucks.
    I joined freez his game I dont know if you have him to but you can join to then if they accept you. Sorry for my abrud end then.

    If you don't come back. I wanted some other stages to practice on with Bowser and started to use the bowser bomb more. It broke your shield once :). The first hit is fast but I don't know if you can di out so you avoid the second hit. Speaking of which I still had trouble getting out of your dairs if possible at all. On pokemon stadium I was just testing why I dropped but it seems like Bowser can't grab the ledge in his reverse up-b I never knew that shame on me :(.
    Up for some games Rick? Or are your forums duty in your way. You seem to be doing a lot for the Peach boards. When you will be mod? :p
    Bowser hacks I tell you. Sorry if I did not pick Bowser in ffa but I think you already know I have no fun in ffa with Bowser. I am sure you heard off koopahopping before :p. I must really mix that in a few times to scare you :). I also try to see if Bowser Bomb can be used but Peach has no laggy moves so I think that is a bad idea.

    I really wanted to continue but I always eat at this time.
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