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  • If only his recovery was good :(. I like Olimar because he has quite some powerfull and quick kill moves but he also gets killed quickly himself. Abusing pikmin beats all for the fun in my opinion :). I never would play his games though :p.

    Yeah maybe they were drunk when they said 70:30 or there are just almost no Olimar lovers around. upb has the ending lag though and my accuracy is not really picture perfect. But it does have the priority :).
    As I said :). But I still have sometimes trouble with your float as I am doing dumb stuff again like trying to hit Peach when I am under you which always results in me getting daired again and again. I fun it also always funny I beat you the first match with Olimar but then you switch into killermode again :p.

    Btw I just had a look at the Ganondorf matchup thread and it is great for laughs how many horrible matchups he has. The only neutral is with Falcon :).
    Dash attack seemed to be pretty good against short hopped falco lasers :(. I gues I am to preditcable then as I am no Falco pro of course :(. Btw I could not chain you, but I could follow it up into up smash or dair or can you di out of it?

    I still like Dedede though, he is just smiling at you wanting to grab you with his grubby hands :).
    As we are allowed to play so called gay, I just camped you and chained just to devastate you. Even then I suicided myself so I can't three stock you -_-.

    I prefer to be very good with one who could probably go with the others in tournies then doing everyone a bit.
    Poor you :(. But I am sure you have fun whacking me 99% of the time :p. I am ready btw and got a game open :).
    Hey Rick how are the exams going?

    You got today some time for a few games? I don't mind if you can't but as you still play sometimes during your busy days, I could always try :).

    It seems like I did Bowser grab release wrong. It is better timed if I look at Bowser his arms go up and then charge the opponent instead of looking at the enemy. But I still don't know when they ground or jump release and it remains hard to time as it is never consistant like the most chaingrabs.
    Wow... this is proving to be quite handy. I wouldn't risk the USmash with Nair though as they will likely trade and I'll get like 12% or something or you'll get 1% haha! I'd normally get of the way probably.

    Do you have any tips on how to avoid turnips? Like what could I possibly do to counter camp or stop the camping in your opinion? Din's is.... alright, but it's not reliable.

    why havn't I been using this? Does it eliminate the 6 frame lag to drop a shield and go straight into a USmash?

    Yeah lol if it weren't for Zelda's killing power I think she'd be 100% ***** by every character in the game. The trick is to surprise them with a KO move at early percents and stay in the lead from there. I just honestly wish she had a better approach and slightly more speed on the ground... she's so slow =(
    Throwing pikmin just feels so good. Olimar and Falco are for me fun to play to but so is everyone except for Lucario :p. But you know me longer than today that I can't stick to one character :). Maybe I must delete all characters except for one so I am forced to play with only one. But I think it is mainly the lag that does it and my mind is weak :(. I mean so much wrong happens to you to but you got the willpower to just keep on believing in the lady in pink. Btw Nintendo is quite the funny company. When Peach crashes at my screen after a star ko I see sometimes underwear :psycho: but when Zelda is in the same position you see nothing :confused:. That is just so wrong you should see nothing at all.

    I gues you must get back on your examtrack again. I was surprised I saw you online this early. Now that I see what time the two of you posted it is obvious you two went :(. Oh well some games are always better than none.
    Pikmin punishment is upon Peach !!! You have been warned, they will been thrown under your dress for instant ko at 0% :p. I loved how much lasers I used but I gues still not enough :).

    Those lagspikes in between were very annoying.
    I don't have tap jump on >.< maybe I should? I didn't really usmash OoS much did I?

    Haha! lovely games I thought! Turnips are.... HARD as hell to dodge. Peach's camp game is very tricky to deal with imo, those bairs were very well spaced! My tactic this time was to get you in the air and finish with Uair... it's power is... insane lol!

    Dtilt is a crazy move... I've got so used to using it OoS and from a spotdodge that I kept trying to punish you with it as you were floating >.<
    omg your online! Would you like to play at all? Hopefully with no lag >.< but if there is we can fool around and find new things =D
    I don't get it though. I always could chaingrab your Peach with Dedede but now I just come a bit of range short. Falco his running chaingrab is the easiest. Or they are both the same but with Dedede I lack the range on the leightweights :(.

    I already seen that thread and I won't bother with it. If it is one thing that is too random then it is Bowser chaingrabs. What if the enemy just does nothing? It is too random for me to bother with it and too frame perfect based for my feeling. Besides who is going to get grabbed by Bowser :p.
    Hm, Ike's like to watch how you DI and punish accordingly. I've been watching Ryko's Ike lately, and he punishs DI and stuff quite well. So I have no advice :/
    I know it is Peach her game and I know you will hit me offline. Then it can still frustrate me. Certainly when those stupid stichfaces pop up who seem to be the most hated among the turnips.

    I go jump straigh to bed and cry myself to sleep and have nightmares about me getting abused by evil turnips :(. When you get to sleep you will hear the chant ... Falco Falco Falco.
    I make you eat those turnips. I already hate vegatables in real life and now I get beat to dead by it. Read the edit. I hate hate hate hate turnips I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it. I never been so frustrated as today :(.

    I believe I had almost everyone except for Lucario who I hate the most and jiggly and sonic.
    You can't really call those last matches great though as I was getting to tired. How can you stay focused for so long?

    Gimping that works online I kept on slamming airdodge but nothing happened :(. Then I just let myself hit after the third turnip and bomb omb. I would have died by up smash anyway as I was to low.

    I got not much else to say. Except for ... yawn. Need to get up early again.

    edit: those turnips really start to frustrate me too much. I really have the need the main Falco for online and spam ma lazorzzzzzzzzzzzz.
    It is with ! aka Chis I think. Don't know if you can't join if not I quit as I promsied you.
    I am almost always up for some games around this time, if I bother to login the forums :p. So I can play now a few if you did not press the cross already :).

    Let me know if you want to face some randoms again. I don't mind at all as I kinda hate Wario online :(.
    So, here's my first attempt.

    I went with a text based one because I was lazy.

    I can replace the text with anything else if you'd prefer, or I could take a stab at something more colorful and image-based later. :D
    You haven't been to a tournament and you're still smart? Kudos. That's very hard to achieve. I like you. Mind if I add you?
    Still, you didn't go out and post anything that you knew was immediately stupid. You sound like you actually have thought behind you, which is admirable.
    Hey Rick up for some for today or not?

    You still have not said when you start your busy weeks. Then I can't message you right? It is good if I know that for sure. Or am I wrong?

    edit: ha, you are already offline :laugh:. I am too slow for you.
    I did quite well with Link to my surprise yesterday. Or you had just bad matches when I was link :). Anyways I don't know what you want for today as you had quite a few problems yesterday which narrowed down our playtime. I also don't know when your exams start which results in you not being able to play for a few weeks I gues. I be happy to take random if you want. Or I could just take every character from the list :p. I am not very good though but it at least gives you a small insight on other characters.

    You are also right you should work on gimping more. You just need to abuse some characters their weak recovery. That is why I always recover so high versus your Peach as I know she can't get that high. And with Wario it is even easier as his horizontal airspeed is just so good :).

    I don't want to sound pushy though.
    I also worked a bit on my returning which used to be crap. No Bowser for me in the random. Sorry that I no contested once but I had no mood in again playing as Martha. I didn;t really try with Lucario either when I last got him. That is what I hate about random, it gives me characters I hate so much. Fun to use one time but when I get them over and over :(. I used to like Marth but not anymore.

    Well you never use those other characters, and I did. So it remains your choice of course what you choose. Hmpf I hope I did not sound to akward with my broken english :p.
    You will be jailed for spreading false information. This one works though, you already know if you can see me if you add mine?
    Oh wow....

    Sorry to hear that, I can still see your old FC profile but it's offline.
    I posted at my own account silly me. You don't believe this but if I try that fc it says, this friend code is incorrect.
    Sure can. I used all the cast in the past so I should be good to go :). I keep my fingers crossed for Meta Knight and Wario :p.
    That was one and a half intresting matches Rick, congrats :). I assume you have internet problems :(.
    When would that time then be Rick? It would be great for me to know when I can leave your profile alone :).

    They say as soon as you taste the power of offline you never come back to online ;). I played once at someone his place who is a melee/brawl pro himself. I got owned hard but it was fun. I have the luxury I live so close to him but I don't take advantage of it, I don't know why :(.

    I am up for some games now.
    You could also forward some replays to the Peach boards Rick if you want some help from them. But as you said yourself as soon as you got the ground it went better. Although I got to say this, trust me normaly I wouldn't be so locked in your ftilt and utilt :p. It is hard to DI right but I can get inside you on low percentages with Wario which I sometimes did. I think I play safer next time :).

    We did set a record I believe for longest playing time in one day. It seemed like you wanted to go on forever :p. Do you like beating me up that badly? Or was it simply because you wanted to proof to me you can do better? Don't go there I know you are very good and better than me. I just get closer and closer myself and if you let your focus down I can beat you yes(or lag lol), what happened a bit yesterday.

    Speaking of replays. I rewatched some of mine against you and Kataefi. Oh does my Wario suck there :).
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