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  • Says more about you then. I felt like I could almost do nothing because I had to think about not hitting you. You float at my waddle throw range and bair range. So I was feeling quite shut down. With Wario I have more mobility. Dedede his range is quite large in the air with his aerials. Chaingrabbing is almost impossible to. I just feels like I got to play an entire different Dedede game. I think I did hit you once with accident gordo throw :(.
    You might be later on but I am not. Friday is busy tv night.

    Oh god our Dedede and Peach team failed hard. I just can't do anything safely. Zelda is already a pants matchup for me :(. So I was happy I could fight the Meta more.
    Yeah fun games! I won't be playing until monday sadly =( I'm going home for the weekend for intense revision :urg:
    Everyone can always join my games. Although it is Chis his game in theory :p. But with me everyone is always welcome.
    Hey Rick at the moment I play with Chis.

    I don't know if you want some games today. But I can't play after 20.30 my time. As I am going to be tv addict :p.
    You could always say you had a fly in your eye :p. I just feel so much better with Dedede then with Bowser or Wario. Maybe because he is high tier? I doubt it, snake his style does not suit me.

    You play good as most of the time I could hardly punish the floating, I always epect you to land resulting in grubby hands that grab nothing :(. Fast bair is my only option. Fair can also do some good, has a small startup just like Peach hers but the hitbox is huge :). And yes, uair beats your dair :p. I finaly got a move to get under you and punish.

    I go to sleep now because in 30 minutes midnight strikes.
    Some sleepy last matches. Btw we should make a pot, every time you got hit by forward smash you should slap yourself in the face :p. Or is the spacing good? But I hardly believe that as it lags on start and end. Honest answer please so I can know to avoid it and rather charged down smash. That seems Dedede his fastest smash.

    edit: it also seems like the chaining comes back again. And I know the lag screws us both up. But bair will always beat out Peach her aerials I think :). I don't know glide tossing so I am clueless there. Yes gordos are luck but at least I try to get that luck at my side. Winning does not matter much online, last few matches were tons of suicides :(.
    Nah sorry I can't play further for now. You want to beat me up that badly? I might be able to do a few more games at around 21.30 my time. As I go watch the tv in a few moments.
    Some nice games Rick. We better not make anymore lag excuses as those parts were obvious :p.

    It gets harder to approach you. Dedede his waddles are sometimes annoying. As I throw them instead of an aerial when I am close to them. I wish I could throw as fast as Olimar can throw his pikmin :).

    Too bad no team games but it also did not cross my mind and maybe none of us thought about it.
    Change of plans it seems :(. My friend wants to play in a few moments, so if you happen to see this we are going to play in just a few bits.
    Sounds complicated. I always run when I can move, maybe that is why I am always too late for the lighter characters Dedede can chain.

    You up then for a bit later? My german friend said he can possibly play today to and as we often play in the early evening. Not to break tradition :).
    Lol no, I did not expect that. I don't know when you can though?

    Buffering? I have no clue with that? If I do to early he does just stand still.

    edit: today the entire Netherlands has a free day :).
    I am just sometimes to insecure or however you call it.

    Throwing yourself in my shield is never good but I do often the same :p. As you noticed I do not try to chaingrab you anymore as I find you to nice to use it :). The real reason, I always fail anyway on Peach :(. She is too hard to grab but I used to do it, or you were letting yourself grabbed. Maybe a training with practicing on Marth and Peach will work as I have most trouble with these two.
    You think I enjoy to be lag comboed by your ftilts :p. It is WiFi and we have to deal with it. Although the fact is, Dedede his bair eats a lot of Peach her moves alive. I read in the matchup thread you should camp :(.

    edit: I hope you don't mind I take Dedede :(. Those fairs can indeed be dodged I think but not the two or three bairs in a row on low percentage. But who knows as I know nothing of DI when it comes to those moves.
    It's all good.

    btw, what books did you get? I got wordsworth and the Great Gatsby.
    Everything was fine till the global question, I wish I had more time....

    Sigh, could you do some wifi or would you rather take a rest? It's all good.
    Did you pull the plug on me? :(. I was only choosing that stage because I like that song a lot. I wish I could decide to play songs from banned stages on neutral ones.

    In the next Smash Bros game I want King K. Rool :). Little Mac and Mega Man would be fun to. Certainly now they just released Punch Out for the Wii, I loved that game on the nes. Soda Popinski and Don Flamenco are instant classics :).
    How is it looking for today? Concerning brawls of course :).

    You got any tips on how to beat a Peachy Rick? Even maining the dark side has failed on me :(. Even bad matchups for you did not go as planned. You are stronger than me and always will be :). I wish I had my abilities from now against your early life in Brawl so you could feel the losing more :p.
    But abusing pikmin is so much more fun :p. Yes I like DK to. His powerfull smashes are usefull as opposed to Bowser and has a good spacing aerial which Bowser lacks.

    I am no Peach player myself so it was obvious I can't get around it, I am no turnipmaster :(. I don't like her so don't force me to take her ever again :(.
    I start to get tired again. You can do the chaingrab better than me :(. I don't even try anymore I fail always against Peach anyway. Seriously if you infinited my when I was DK I would have pulled the plug :p.

    Olimar feels nice. Fast and small and powerfull. Peach can kill pikmin greatly though :(.
    So basicly you are saying you let yourself get grabbed? You should not do that :(.

    Bowser is heavy to :). Sweetspotted up smash hurst though. I love to make your fair stale :).
    Or that I can't chaingrab properly :(. I find Peach so hard to grab. But I gues you already saw sometimes I stood still with the chaingrab instead of sliding which results in more grabs. Don't take wifi that seriously. I mean can you count how many times I hit you with my forward smash? :p

    My virusscanner started to do his weekly scan so sorry about that :(.
    I order you to own me in Brawl right now and don't revise :p.

    I have been practicing on my sister Dedede :p. I was more focusing on his running shield chaingrab, requires a bit more skill but it allows me to grab the opponent more times. Normaly you slide along with this you stand still. I also infinited her Wario with my Ganon :). Sadly she is not as good as me so it is hardly any real practice. I think you or someone else also played her once when she was my guest.
    I know I can grab the ledge yes but as you said then I get edgehogged but it is a bit this or that though because if I choose to up b towards the stage you got plenty of time to get up and punish me. I just find his chaingrabbing so lovely :p. Some call it gay but I call it straight( to the end of FD).
    Even though I have no idea what revise means I wish you best of luck in it.

    Wario his forward smash is nice to have though as it is fast but has the ending lag though :(. Maybe I must focus more on uair kills but that can be hard sometmes.

    Other characters I find nice to play who are not favorites are Dedede and Olimar, horrible recovery though :(. Mr Game and Watch I find a bit too flat ;).
    Not even one match :p. Why do I fail as Meta Knight versus you :(.

    edit: I feel my Wario game gets better when I use the c stick for attack as then I wont fastfall when I don't want to with dair. I do miss the instant smash though, choices to make are hard :(. I think it also hampers that recovery trick then as if I do dair with c stick it does not record as fastfall and then I will die. Or I am just not good enough and should not focus on highlevel anymore and just go into it as fun.
    I swear I saw you online after I messaged you :p. But I also noticed the forum puts you offline if you go afk while logged in.

    Yes I am still here and can go online now :).
    Up for some games? Only if you can do some in your busy time. I just can't leave you alone for one day :p.

    Oh you are probably offline already, you are so hard to get hold on.
    Care to do some Peach ditto's on Wi-Fi sometime? I want to learn some more and I think I've become a little bit better. Not as good as you though ><

    Lets have another Bomb match~
    That Bowser grab release thing is sure hard to do. Maybe something for you to try :p. The good thing for you is I suck at it because Peach can also be infinited :). I never did pivot grabs in the first place. I gues that is also how you quickly grab my poor Wario :(.

    You can do a few games today Rick? Or is it all learning in your 'free' weekend?
    Same, but my exams come before half term. :/

    Gah, so hard to revise for me these days :(
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