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  • Also! Rick I need serious help with fighting toon link as peach! If we ever get a chance sometime to play I might go tink at some point and observe how things go from his end. He's one of those characters who comes out of nowhere lol and just *****
    That is because I am just using Pokemon Trainer :). I don't really know exactly how they work. To be honest I have no idea where you must di for bullet seed. I would assume up and right/left. Yes Ivysaur his up smash is quite madness as I said :p. Better keep on focusing on Ivysaur in team because before you know you all start flying :).

    I am just using their basic moves. I will look later for advanced technigues and stuff.

    Btw you could not play further? Or did you already played a while with Kataefi and/or Chis?
    How you liked the Pokamans! Rick? :p.

    Squirtle feels like Wario with his great aerials. I kind of like Ivysair, average projectile and average spacing tools. Charizard I seem to have the most trouble with controlling. Mindless rock smash brings me nothing :).
    GG's Rick. I liked the Sonic Vs Peach matches, even though I started getting 2 stocked after the second game. Ike's Fsmash = 2 good. Metaknight is Metaknight.

    I was better then nomal in teams, but near the end, it started to get laggy.

    My exams went fine, better then last time I guess.
    No worries as you said already you have to go early.

    Team games would be nice :). I might be throwing in more pokemons as I really start to enjoy them :). Ivysaur up smash is so wickedly strong it makes me laugh. Lags a lot though :(.

    Overall they lack good recovery, I also find it hard to find some good ko moves. Charizard seems to have a few with some nice grab game.
    Hey Rick you up for some games today? Do tell me if I sound annoying though.

    I can go down the cast if you want. I don't mind that as I still got my love for almost everyone :).
    Btw are you losing faith in Peach? :(

    I don't think I can help you further. I gues asking for some advice in the Peach boards would be better. Maybe together with a replay.

    I can only answer on your approaching. The times I could shieldgrab you are often non existant though. Certainly when I am Dedede you seem to never drop your float in front of me. I think it just depends on character experience. The last few days I have been going random again(offline). I play regularly with my sister :). Although she is just average, it gives me the perfect chance to play everyone.

    So maybe if you beat up some Mario and Luigi again you will feel better again :). Look, I don't mind playing a certain character if you have problems with one. Although I am certainly no pro in them. I do think I know the basics and/or some more on most characters.

    So let me know what you mean and want :).

    But you forgot to answer the question about the exams :( , unless you don't want to. But are those over now? I am sorry if you are busy and this upsets you :(.
    Fox his up smash is very nice indeed :). Although Ivysair has a strong one to I noticed, only so slow :(.

    With ROB I think I hit you out of float with my forward smash. It probably beats fair if timed right. I can't recall that I shieldgrab you often though.

    But you are right. Dair and turnip spam are probably what Peach does best. I still find up smash funny and odd at times.

    I think you can decide for yourself what you want. Keep a friendly tone or just play to win. I don't care how you play. So you don't have to hold back for me. I believe I won not one match though :p. That you feel limited is probably because Peach is at certain points. I still can't edgehog her though, for me that is personally impossible :(.
    I like pokamans :). Although quite the fail that I switched while I have not knocked you back far enough :(. I find them very interesting and fun to play. To bad you could not stay for some team games :(.
    I did play a few games with Chis yesterday. To bad you couldn't :(. Oh well, there are enough days to follow.
    If you are still here we could do a few games if you can. Although my weekly tv program starts in 75 minute. Which takes one hour. We can also do it after that if you can. Just hearing what you think.

    Btw you are done now with exams, right?
    On instinct I throw. Dedede can't really chain in team.

    I still hate to fight Zelda as Dedede, that is why I always wanted Chis :p. After you and Chis went, I just took Wolf and quickly turned the tide into my favor. It just sucks I can't probably punish with Dedede. Normaly when my back is at Zelda and she does a smash or dash attack, I can simply short hop bair it. But it almost never turned out how I wanted :(.

    Good luck for your last exams, finaly :). Freedom at last and an extended vacation :). At least that is how it used to be for me back in the day :p.
    That was not really 1on1 :p. We did not even had the chance to play :(. Nah, I always accept anyone unless you really don't want it. Then you can decline yourself.

    Our team went a bit better although you always hit me while I had someone grabbed :(. I also hit you a lot :). Still team is very fun to do.
    I just seemed to have miss you :(. As almost always I can play around this time. But that is hard when you are offline :p.
    Hey Rick when are you up for somes today? Or maybe not at all today.

    From one frustrating princess to another :p. Gosh why did I make a joke about that, maybe because I want to forget it and not keep it cropped up inside me. I better stop making you confused :).
    Punch Out is fricking hard !!! For a Wii game at least. I had already hopes it would be like the NES version instead of the easier SNES one. I should have known as all NES contenders were in it, together with two SNES ones who just have a harder moveset. Timing was so easy on the SNES :(.

    The first round they have their classic moves. But in Title Defense mode they add new tricks. Gash the things they do are amazing. I even got beat up by the first one :p. I lost from everyone at least once. Bald Bull is so annoying. I don't know if I beat him yet if I did not discover the horrible exploit I did on him. Maybe not exploit but lame either way. I just keep punching making him block so my hearst run out. As soon as they are out he always does a right hook or delayed one but both can be dodged with same timing. I feel so lame winning by decision that way. But it was the way of winning that was inside me. Neat that I discovered something :). At other boxers this won't work. I tried for the next one :p. But they just continue the cycling instead of breaking the cycle and doing the same move over and over :p.

    Seems like you are offline for quite a time, wanted to invite you for some games. Gues you are playing that Final Fantasy again. Oh well I played all day Punch Out and beat it :). Except for Bald Bull in a fair way and the secret character. Omg Donkey Kong :laugh:.
    I know! I was just confessing my undying love for 9 though =p 6 is excellent. Kefka freaked me out with the evil laugh.

    You up for a late night game or two?
    Yeah I absolutely loved number 9! =D It pays homage to the older versions. I always had this theory in my mind the first final fantasy you play will always undoubtedly be the very best. I played 9 and have not forgotten it since. I've enjoyed all the others most definitely. I played them all but the first 4 actually, but 9 reeeeeally stood out for me for all the same reasons you listed why 6 stood out for you =p

    Have you heard of final fantasy dissidia?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-GheIsjd2k
    I think we are on the point that it is hard to decide. When I am Dedede you stay out of grab range or punish range by floating back. Although I need to do more bair spacing, but with the lag :(.

    I gues Peach is allowed to camp all day long. So I am not sure what to say. Only that Wario can easily avoid it. But with Dedede I really need to spam my bair more. ROB is just work in progress :p. But I do have the most fun with these three. Bowser I find not so fun anymore. Not because he is low on the list but because you probably already now it. Always feeling at the disadvantage and chasing the facts.

    With ROB I am sometimes thinking too much aka me standing still wondering what to do next :p.

    I wish we could play offline, that would probably shed more light.
    I left earlier because I had no mood anymore for you, puh.

    Scared you didn't I? To be serious, I had to go :(. Next time hopefully some teams with Kataefi and Chis. You seem to have more time now right?
    It is indeed old. Later you had Super Punch Out. Great legends like Don Flamenco and Soda Popinski(drunkinski) are my favorites. They are almost all my favorites :).

    I can play now yes. I be online in a second.
    You evil Rickerdy.

    Myself I got Punch Out Wii today :). Loved that game from the NES and the original characters and their moveset in better environment brings a tear to my eyes.
    Too bad you werent on earlier Rick. I need you as a partner :(. I failed so hard together with Chis.
    RICK!!!! Come online and we can get some team games going! =D (though you're offline so I doubt you get this straight away)
    New tier list popped up Rick, sadly Peach remains at her spot as I would have feared. Wario is nr 3 now, I must seriously main him again my fat old favorite :). I always knew Ganon was bottom and not Falcon and now there is the proof :).

    As predicted Sonic had the biggest leap of them all, closing in to Peach :bee:. Just like Olimar last list, Sonic made the biggest jump this time.
    Yeah it's really annoying when trying to move around >.< Especially in the air I feel like a sitting duck! Movement and recovery is slightly easier to do offline though. I find, with such an awful approach and knack for being predictable, I try to kill the opponent early to get as much of a lead as possible.

    I time din's so it hits behind your shield btw. That way your shield gets worn down as you hold it, plus it explodes from behind you. It's a common din's mindgame to bring the shield down. It's also easier to hit peach with it because of her airdodge... as is uair. Nair doesn't actually protect her if I aim din's on her legs. It's just I can't aim din's at all! >.<
    oops also yeah I did watch it all (the video)! I just watched it again and picked that line up this time. Funny things tend to go straight passed me =p
    Yeah din's can often sneak up by surprise. I actually really liked your use of dash attacks (that threw me off considering I'm so used to her being in the air =D). I make the biggest mistakes of airdodging into people far too many times (like into usmashes =p). It's the worst habit ever haha!

    New tier list tomorrow too! What are you expecting? I'm hoping peach rises, she deserves it with everyone's hard work. I know for sure Zelda's going in bottom tier lol! We only have one tourney placer on the boards who places consistently well >.<
    It is also just because like you said. Now I get better and play offline as well, I see how crap wifi is compared to that. But it is worthless to play only vs bad people.

    That is one thing I like about ROB his smashes and his nair :p. I am just a terrible person who always switches characters around because I think I suck with them :(.
    Just like you I haven't played wifi for like when I last played you.

    Btw did you liked the ROB or did I plain right suck as him? Why do I take camping characters, it does not suit my style :p.

    I probably must force myself with Ganon or Falcon so I know I suck and have no projectiles and cry myself to sleep :(. I just did not had much fun this day, I hope it was one of those days that come and go with the next day.
    I was not feeling any good though. A feeling like a big chain at my feet dragging me off my chair. My point of frustrating came when I had twice Meta Knight abusing priority spam. I am sorry about that :(. I got to cheer myself up.

    Every spike ROB connects is one to many, that thing is so slow :p.
    GGs! Sorry I had to leave the ffas, it's just I need to commence more revision >.< I absolutely despise the exam period, keeps me so busy >.< but it's nice to procrastinate =D

    Also... I should hope Debra wasn't whisked away to some cuban jail (lol random!)!! She came 3rd last night. You should watch it! It's really engrossing for reality tv (a somewhat shallow genre). I regretfully confess to watching big brother though
    The perfect time to kick your butt !!!

    Wish you had msn :(. But I can play at the moment so I will refresh this page and go in a bit online in Brawl. Maybe someone else is online to :).
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