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  • thanks for teaming up with me! Yeah it's good to rotate and stuff and get a feel for how different characters work together.

    I was trying to finish people off as you damaged them lol but kept missing =p must work on the precision!
    But some stuff was just obvious :(. That is why I 'accidently' him him twice in a row with uair as Ganon. There is just a certain point you know it can't be serious that you got hit again. I never have this with you, even though you hit me I can see it is an accident. Samge goes for Kataefi. There is just the problem Dedede gets sucked in so easily by her smashes.

    But seriously upb as Meta when I am Ganon and under him trying to recover. he could have at least waited or used tornado.
    I know but it just gets on my nerves. That is the reason I took only Ganon, call me a bad person but if someone gimps or kills me so many times it ticks me off. I could go with the old cliched but he is a Sonic main but I rather don't before I know I got hundreds of angry pms from Sonic mains :p.

    We all can accidently hit eachother. But when I was returning as Squirtle and he gimped me it was the final straw. A little awareness of the envoriment is required -_-. I probably should discuss this with him. But someone who is on invinsible mode is hard to talk to.
    Ouch Rick :(. I need you in my team :(.

    I was playing quite bad and sometimes good with the Pokemons. But at least you were not as agressive as yesterday :). I could hardly grab you with Dedede.
    I can play now if you can. Kataefi might also join then later :), as he said he will play me.
    Maybe it is time for some team matches then :). To bad they are hard to set up :(.

    All characters have some annoying matchups which I hate to the fullest. Like every slow or huge character getting totally owned by Ice Climbers -_-. I hate those two so much. I find nothing fun about an infinite I can't escape. Huge characters can rarely avoid the small grab range from the Climbers. I am already glad you don't main them :p.
    I am so sorry for doing so:(. I did not knew, but I also don't like seeing you mad.

    Welcome to the world why I hate Wario so much online. I have these same problems as you. Luckily Dedede does most of the time fine online. I sometimes screw up my bair spacing because the input for the fast jump fails to read or a failed chaingrab.

    We can both do better offline, I am positive. The problem is, you live in England and me not :(.

    Anways, I go to sleep now.
    You are not really getting worse I think. But Dedede just has an answer to everything you can throw at me. The ones versus Pokemon Trainer weren't that bad? Although the Squirtle ownage should not have happened of course, but that happens to me sometimes to. We can't be always perfect.

    I tried to make you feel better by picking some other characters. But I fear the ko from the Ganonpunch made it even worse :(. How on earth did you got hit by that slow move? It just leads to many mistakes being so agressive.

    I don't know if their are more tricks up Peach her sleeve? But her trouble of killing properly really hurst her hard. I don't care what others say in the Peach baords. But her best kill move hardly lands at all. Fair gets always stale. You can't pray for the racket to do your killings. If that is the one of the three that kos best?
    Sorry but I really need to go offline now. Too many shieldgrabs, it seems like you was on many occasions to agressive :(. Who was your buddy? He seems to be a starter, you kicked him off pretty quickly :p.

    Although, I also try to do more dashing shields in order to make you puzzled. I also can't count how many times I powershielded on time the fair with Wario but still got hit :(. I so lost the Wario touch.
    I see you online again but you always are offline then :p. I go grab some food first and then I can play in 30 minutes.
    So your exam stress is over? Or is it now the stress of waiting for the results?

    You still plan on going to a tourny? I am sure there are plenty of them in the summer.

    Hydroplaining seems to be hard to pull off. Or it just a general feeling I must develop. Although I find it quite predictable, as you have to run back from the opponent first. I gues that goes for all spamming :). Maybe once in a while it can get someone off guard.

    Do you think I talk to much at you? :p
    Seems like I missed you again :(. If I watche Chis his profile I could have joined in for an hour. Now I go to sleep in like 15 minutes.

    Not that we didn't play enough in the weekend :p.
    Alas, but you want to play some with me now? Or had you already enough as you played Kataefi?

    Pokemon Trainer tourny results are quite shocking. He stands at 14th at the moment. All thanks to the great Reflexwonder I gues :). He even won 400 dollar once as he got first place, nothing more than respect for him. Maybe they are not as bad as many think. Bowser is almost last only Falcon is lower than him :(. I got the feeling if people want a good super heavyweight they take DK any day. They both get owned by Dedede hard with the infinite or small step, so that hurst them to :(.

    edit: you probably just went offline. As I go watch my tv program in an hour, I am available in 2 hours, but only if you can to.
    I happen to notice your lines on Kataefi his profile. Yes I am a stalker :p.

    You still seem to be afraid of getting grabbed. I know it is simple from me to say, but that is just Peach. She moves very slowly in the air, thus easy to grab. Peach her jab is fast though. Just take Wario for once, and see the relief of being able to dodge out of the way through the air :). I think the only way to dodge grabs is to keep floating and move out of the way.

    As soon as the Peach abilities are learned it gets easier though:p. Although I constantly do the reflex of trying to grab you while you did an aerial in your float. Of course the problem with Dedede is, he just bairs you :(.

    I think you must understand that Peach is limited. She is not as good as many say in the Peach boards. Maybe if she could kill quicker she would be surely able to rise about 10 spots. Because lets face it, most of my damage I do to you while being over 50% and higher. Sometimes even over 150% :p.

    I dropped Bowser for a reason. I did not want to feel so limited anymore. I still can laugh how high he was on the first list. His tourny results are like none. He is somewhere at the bottom, if not under them all :(. Although Peach is just better than Bowser :).

    Hopefully I did not confuse you :(. But to me it feels like, Peach has nice tricks but once learned she is not extremely hard to deal with. I also don't want you to drop your main though, so I am sorry if made you struggle even more.
    Yeah sure! Well I think you have the whole zelda matchup sussed, just space and bait like crazy and you should be fine. (I don't normally roll or get hit by projectiles as much offline btw lol it's just I really can't move her at all, it's as bad as using ganon! /lagjohns =D )

    As for personal playstyles, what I've noticed is you pick up turnips near me and it allows me to run in and grab you. Also... there are many moments when you stand still with you're back to me. I know it's a trap, I know you're going to standing pivot grab me =D But against better players than myself they can capitalise on this.

    You read me really well DIing into you btw, you hit me 4 times in a row with an Fsmash because I DI'd into you so much from getting knocked back. But don't get used to this! This is just an extremely bad habit I have personally, and so better players will take the ledge and reset the spacing.

    Hope this helps a tad bit when fighting others!
    Each game we had went on for about 10 minutes lmao! I'll see what I can do to my internet, it may even be a combination of our internets as I tend to have okayish connections with people from the states haha!

    GGs nonetheless, interesting to observe stuff in slow motion =p I think at one point I counted each individual hit on zelda's usmash lol!
    ouch that lag... I think it definitely is with things down my end... I've been having awful lag recently. I'll hopefully sort it out... will you be online tonight at all?
    awww man... that was awful =(

    Do you want to try hosting and see if things are different. If not then shall we have a few silly laggy games anyways haha!
    Cool! Also... don't be surprised if I bust out toon link randomly... I just need to understand him as a character because he's reeeeally annoying to fight against!
    i just read your response to my thread... i wasn't directing my peach comment at your board specifically, it was a simple example.
    All my footstool crap, I have a hatred for that stupid 'feature' as well together with tripping. Anyways, I never intend footstool kills it just happens sometimes. I don't feel proud if I pull that off ut more like disgusted :(.

    It is not like the grab release on squirtle is really groundbreaking as it are only a few slaps. But overall it just ticks me off. On Wario I find it no problem as he has the tools to avoid the grab, although tell that to wifi :p.

    I still haven't looked into advanced techs. But I have so grown a hatred about grab releases. That anything that has to do with that I pass.
    I felt horrible I played horrible :(.

    The only bright side I had was that I was happy with my squirtle play. Charizard was average to bad and Ivysaur was just horrible. I also misstimed a lot today. Today was just like Sonic his taunt, I am to slow :(.

    It is bad that I though many times about suiciding and I probably did it 2-3 times. Warm weather and frustration complains. I am so sorry :(.

    Oh, I get so sick and tired of grab release crap this game has. Such a horrible ****ed mechanic which is really starting to get on my nerves. The only thing I don't mind are the 0-40% chaingrabs. I really wanted to kill myself when stupid Ice Climbers kept grabbing me at the edge of the rainbow ship, so I died sooner than you -_-.
    How is it looking for today Rick?

    I happen to notice from Chis his profile you bought the orignal Smash Bros. That game is much more combolike to the extreme :p. Feel the better times of Captain Falcon :). His spike is so godlike there. No knee though :(. Sexkick as nair much like Mario's. Ness has also such a sexkick I believe, either way that move looks ridiculous for Ness :p.

    I used to own the game on the n64. Played a lot of hours on it. I mained Falcon there.
    I forgot to tell yesterday -_-. But you seemed to turnip spam more as well. Which you must not feel bad for. But you were literally flying everywhere with the glidetossing that it is hard to predict where you come, or find an opening. Turnips seem still to be one of Peach her best moves :). You also might get lucky and pull a bomb-omb and hit me with it :p. No beam swords yesterday :(.

    I think I spam my projectile a bit more with Ivysaur next time. It kills your float, I think, unless your nair his more priority, which I fear will be the case :(.

    Either way lots of close games yesterday.

    Pokemon Trainer is also for me a cheap way to have mutliple characters for me to play, which I enjoy a lot, without picking more than one :). As of now I always went random in the matches. Maybe I must start with Ivysaur so I can switch him back as he reaches the top percentage because of his horrible recovery. Speaking of which, one time I did upb and it looked like I falcon kneed spike you all the way diagonal down, I was like wtf. I never knew Ivysaur his upb could do that.

    Why did you picked DK btw, when I was Dedede? You wanted to feel **** that badly?
    Yeah there's lot of agreement and disagreement lol! I personally think it sways anywhere from even (at times) to greatly in peach's favour myself from playing you and also another peach offline (though not even close to being up to date in the metagame lol!).

    I actually think it's more player dependant than character dependent... not necessarily whose the better player but who can detect patterns and spot baits the easiest, because both can kill each other quite well =O

    Also careful, we have a troll on the zelda boards I think you'll know him when you see him lol, just a pre-warning!
    I find Ivysaur pretty stable though with his average spacing tools and projectile. I just live always with the fear of getting knocked of stage and wondering what to do.

    Charizard his rock smash has some starting lag though. I found that out the hard way a couple of times.

    Squirtle is just a litte Wario :).

    Maybe you must stop using fair for when I am getting around middle percentage? So the staleness is gone as soon as I hit high percentages. Although, Charizard is quite the super heavyweight, don't forget about it :p.

    At the moment I find Pokemon Trainer more fun than Dedede. Maybe this is good for you so you don't face scary Dedede :p. Nah, I really think I am settled with mains. Dedede is for serious business and with Pokemon Trainer I will try to be the very best, hopefully I can pull them through, ;).

    Could you Imagine if Wario had Squirtle his fair and bair, god tier I tell you :p.
    Some nice hours of gaming Rick :). You learing to pokes already? Grr, I really need to learn how to change effectively. Squirtle down throw is a good way to change because of the good knockback.

    Btw, Jenny is my sister.
    Hey Rick you already got some time to play?

    I have quite a busy day though :(. The other time I am most likely to play is at 21.30 my time aka 20.30 your time.
    It's all good. Yeah, I just saw it. Too bad I have only 900 points but I'm saving them for Megaman X anyways.

    Up for some matches today Rick? Next time I'll send a pm or something, since your wall is quite busy :/
    Hey Rick one more thing. As you played yesterday with Chis/Kataefi. If you see me online you can message me so I can join in, I was most of the time online smashboards at that time. Unless you wanted some 1on1. Or even if I am offline as I regularly login at my usual times. Kataefi had to message me :p.

    Squirtle his down throw is indeed somewhat powerfull. Wolf still survived at 140% though :p. The thing is it already sends you at a diagonal angle :(.
    I can't right now sadly, I'll be on tonight quite late and all day tomorrow so definitely then!
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