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  • What Metetitan said, you got pranked.

    So you're done with wifi today? :O
    I can play now for maybe 45 minutes as I going to watch some tv. I don't know if you are also up for later?

    But I can play now and again after my tv which takes only 30 min.

    edit: seems like you are offline or just afk for a time but I gues we must do it at a later time. **** hard through these forums these days with less actively from both of us :laugh:

    Btw do you play sf4? or played any of them? Always my favorite fighting game. It was also a bit cheaper the pc version. Although I got no arcade stick as those things are too darned expensive in my opinion.
    Hey Rick you got one day mood again for the terrible wifi? :p

    I rarely see you online here as you said. It seems like my only other buddy I play once a month gets enough of it to, cant blame anyone for that :).

    I am still happily doing sf4. Championship Mode is quite fun but now that I am in G1, there are hardly any to fight. Stuck in semi-final since two days :(. I main Bison these days as he is a charger gots no projectile and is a fond grabber. Just my style :).
    You're pink because people who buy the premium membership (costs like 12 bux a year i think) get like 3 name changes, 3 pranks every 4 months (i think), and a lime green name. Pranking someone makes their name pink
    If you ever want to I'll wifi you.... but considering I'm WC the lag will be so horrendous that we'll just end up doing falcon dittos xD
    Anyways you want to play today a few Rick?

    The problem is finding eachother at the right time I think. With most of my other buddies I just use msn. Also knowing both of us dont visit smashboards often :p.

    You can say honestly though if you had really enough of WiFi. Myself I rarely play it either these days.
    Although you do confuse me a bit Rick. So you still want to play sometimes WiFi? But how as you are not as often online anymore here and neither am I :p.

    Offline I have great fun as Olimar. His pivot grab is so godly :). Dedede chaining working better :p.

    So when we play next time I will limit myself again to characters I am a bit better with than with Ganon. As it was your first return I picked everyone and noone.
    As I expected though :(. But because you are rarely here online these days I gues I dont have to check every now and then anymore.

    Most people I talk to these days prefer another online game over Brawl any day.

    Can't proof you wrong either as you are right. Oh well I still got SF4 :).
    Cool. Mind if I ask you where you went? :o

    Yeah I know what you mean, wifi does that I'm afraid. Still can't find tourneys in your area?

    I've been alright thanks, although I'm just really bored these days.
    Are you losing interest in Brawl, or should I just say Wifi :p? You used to be online often. Or is everything else still busy? It also would help if you had msn or any other messenging service.

    You also used to handle some threads in the Peach boards. I don't want to sound to annoying though. They need your help :).

    Would be sad if I lost my one of my few hard opponents for WiFi :(.
    Do you fancy some Peach dittos? Since we live in the same country the connection should(hopefully) not be too bad.
    :) My my I don't think I've heard from you in awhile! I've been very well thanks! And yourself?

    Dynamite headdy is insanely good! Baby face was just hard as hell for me - but the boss that seriously got to me was Twin Freaks >.> the stress involved.......

    I'm doing textures now! I'm finishing off all the colours of zelda and then I'll be branching off to other characters. My first texture's a bit try-hard but let me know what you think of it: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=8042928&postcount=516
    Lag is bad for all and also the reason I barely edgeguard. Although Ike is easy to get around even online :p. But who knows you can get hit by dumb forward smashes if the input lag hates you. I don't mind you using either as Dedede has an advantage on both :).

    Wario + WiFi = fail. It is more about hoping for the best when you execute the moves. If I plan input lag gets the best of me to and my character does nothing or just lands on the floor. I even sometimes full hop on accident because I have this feel I need to push harder if it lags I am so dumb -_-.

    Hopefully we can play some more but if there is one thing we all can agree on is that WiFi should not be taken serious.
    I should be able to play in about 90 minutes. 20.00 my time which is 19.00 your time? As I got to get something done first and I think I am done around that time. Could always be a bit later or earlier but don't depend on earlier.

    Don't worry about that. We will play eventually :).
    It seems like you caught me offline. Although I did play some brawl games today.

    I know you aren't ignoring me.

    We could play now a few if you can? I want to watch a movie though in an hour so just a few games not super long. Although an hour is good to :).

    edit: seems like I caught you offline now :(. oh well. I don't know if you are available tomorrow?
    Hey Rick already up for some games? You are probably offline right now and probably not in the mood yet but I could always ask :).

    I also just got SF4 for the pc. Nice game with at least not as horrible matchups as Brawl has, looking at Ganon :p.
    How is it going now Rick?

    Can hardly wait to face your Peach again :).

    It saddens me it is almost impossible to play against Kataefi again as he is only available in the later evening when it is close to midnight at my location :(.

    Anyways, don't rush it, you let me know when you are ready again.
    Wario his grab is probably underrated. But I believe it comes out on frame 4? and has a long range. I never tried the pivot grab though I have no clue how good that is for Wario. I certainly found a new soft spot for Olimar and Ivysaur as both have great pivot grabs(certainly Olimar. Ivysaur his cuts his lag down by a lot and because he runs not so fast it is usefull if someone chases me.
    You know I was joking, right?

    All the Peach drama in the board makes my day again :). So many people seem so ignorant that I do not know why. The current discussion on Wario is just what caught my eye. I find it hard to believe that it is suddenly in Wario his disadvantage just because of one move? A move that has been around and known from the beginning. Both characters never ever have to approach eachother which makes it a boring matchup in my opinion as they can punish eachother so badly. When I play you I just try to be as offensive as possible unless you want some long matches but then we have to play with a time limit just for fun to see how much it drains the time :p.

    I have been using Wario more over Dedede the last few days anyway. Dedede fills Wario nicely in being somewhat of a better character vs Marth. But I might better pick up someone who really counters Marth to make it easier or just use Wario and see what happens.

    I also watched a bit of the Genesis results following some dutch people who went there. The Falcon main horrible failed as I would have knew in the first place. But somehow many over here so ignorant and don't believe me that Falcon is pants and not tourny viable. Maybe they are stuck in Melee but who knows.

    This visitor message is getting to long :p. Just hang on for the last few days and enjoy the relive when all is set and done.
    You getting any Brawl time at all these days Rick? Or will it be just me facing a very very rusty Peach who keeps getting shieldgrabbed :). When the time comes we can play again, of course.

    I used these days again going around the cast and playing like everyone as it is not really enjoyable to use only my main against my sister. Still I win like everything as she is just average. But that is the best offline I can get anyway. The one who lives close to me quit Brawl and does only Melee.

    Maybe it will be so bad in the end that I can show you all corners of FD with Ganon :p.
    We seem to be missing eachother with bad luck all the time Rick :(. You still got only one busy schoolweek left? Sorry for asking though but I am really dying to play you again.

    I haven't played much wifi at all lately :(.
    Seems like we have to do it another day. It is getting already later here and I need to get up early. Maybe tomorrow or in the weekend?
    I could play a bit later as I go watch some tv now. I can play a few at 21.30 my time. That is in 90 minutes. I want to fool around a bit with more characters if you don't mind? Expect some Lucario and Mr Game and Watch. Lucario because he is my least picked one and want to see if I can change that. Mr Flatness to try and abuse Peach her weaknesses :laugh:. And many more of course if you don't mind :).
    That is to much points for me. I am not a real fan of FF games in the first place. I enjoyed FF6 the most which is in my opinion the best they ever made. Although easy like all the others. But it had an enjoyable story with Kefka who remains the best baddy a game can get. So cruel and brilliant at the same time.
    I think it would be better if you tell me when you can play some Brawls again. I went a few times to see if you were online but all day off :(.

    Your vacation doesn't start yet? Over here in The Netherlands it just started for the people who go to school.
    Sounds interesting but ff4 for the DS is hard to if you play it wrong. It is just you had Draw Attack and Counter and maybe another I forgot which made it notable easy. I don't know if such thing also exists in this WiiWare game. I lack some points to buy it myself :(.

    I can take your word for it that it is hard. But people said the same about other Final Fantasies and they have almost all been cake :p. All I want are challenging rpgs and not ones where you just can faceroll your way to victory.
    I have ff4 for the ds(got it for christmas). I was surprised at how hard it is compared to the other games. I always have bad comments that ff games are so easy that they become boring. I was glad that spells like blink and evasion were finaly usefull and required to win. It was still not hard enough for me though, but fun for sure. Dieing fast and able to think if you want to win is nice.
    I dont know if you can play a few for today? I was going with different characters yesterday for a warming up. Remember you can always say if you prefer something as I don't mind to play with anyone. Or I just use only Wario, Dedede and Pokemon Trainer if you want :).
    That sounds really cruel, pulling the plug. But I won't ask further as that is private.
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