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  • When can you play some brawls again? Been a while for our doing :p. Myself I haven't played Brawl that much lately.
    I can't anymore :(. Unexpected business popped up. Sorry for that. I did had some time earlier but not anymore.
    Still punishable though. The time you get back in the ball is the time to do a move. Instead of waiting they just adapt on to hurry up. It also needs setup time as you need to touch the very edge. I don't think it is usefull at all. People will soon adapt on to this and it will be a no go.

    You up for some games later today?
    Dedede has just the best ways of surviving :). He can survive such impossible odds it makes him so dangerous. But now you see why Peach can't kill :(. I don't have numbers but I thought Mr Game and Watch can survive to great percentages as well.

    Dedede his recovery is really bad against speedy characters such as Meta Knight. Peach is to slow to walk entire length of FD while Meta Knight is there in a blink of an eye to gimp Dedede. If only his landing lag wasn't as horrible.

    If you don't like it that much I can always just take Wario :).

    I don't mind any legal or counterpick stages. But stages without a pit like Mario Circuit are just pants. Maybe we must put down what stages we don't like.
    As I became a lot better myself than a couple of months ago, aka my reflexes are getting better. I can finaly feel with you. I see clearly some attacks coming and I dodge or shield but as you said the input lag prevents that. But hey it is better than nothing :).

    So you think the matchup is in Dedede his advantage? It is hard to do dashing shield on Peach though because of the float. Oos utilt or bair seems to get owned by Peach her nair and bair. If you do another dair I can use one of those two if timed good enough. I also find better ways to use his inhale. it is quite good if you predict some charging in.

    Either way some fun matches. Forgive me I killed myself as Bowser on that stage. But I had no mood to get almost infinited between those blocks and the stage is so small I could do noting there :(. Why did you choose it anywy? It is a horrible stage :p.
    Random, suicide, bad characters vs good, crap and wifi. :p

    We can both whine how the lag has had influence on our game but we better stop that as we know that. Better focus on the real stuff, like how to avoid certain attacks. Oh and I suck as Peach so your ****** with Dedede is not valid :p. As I know nothing about Peach and her jump is so low I got hit by forward smash. With most charactesr I can full hop over :).
    When might that be? I recall in my day it was only like a week or something.

    I come online in a moment. Five minutes max.
    Tee hee, I live an hour and a half away from him. Haven't met him yet but I'm going to and I'll have him totally reshape my peach :p

    I actually didn't convince him to main yoshi, that was himself but I WILL offer tidbits of yoshi knowledge to him since his will be better just due to the fact that he's a much better player than me.
    And I thought living in the UK would be cool lol. Kinda sucks that theres no one there to play with.
    Oplz don't even get my started on paranoid parents. Btw get footage, I've always wanted to see what a europeach looks like :p
    Don't you have ANY tournies near your area :urg:? Are you even old enough to apply for a drivers license?
    Lol no I'm not visiting (this year at least), it's just I know like two or three euro smashers who go to them and one of them wanted to learn peach so I thought I'd ask you if you went. Is there any possible way to go or is it just too far?
    Do you go to those london monthlies? I'm hooking people up I know from Britain to meet each other at them :p
    No I'm sorry, I can't play for today anymore :(. Maybe you can find someone else. Or is it you want revenge on a particular character :p?

    edit: I might bring back Bowser in for the fun like most use Falcon. I always felt sympathy for that big turtle and his will to marry Peach :laugh:.
    There is really not much I can say except for that I got the same. Wario requires some picture perfect airdodges and as you noticed sometimes I just got hit :(. You did grab me a couple of times well though. The jab is irritating into a grab. I don't know if it is avoidable offline but on wifi I sure have trouble with it.

    To bad bite works not so good vs Peach :(. Most of her moves go through it.

    I really don't know what to say more about it. Peach remains middle of middle. Although the matchup is quite even between Wario and Dedede. At least that is what I notice from the matchup threads everywhere :p.

    Whatever happens don't lose your patience. Sometimes I get impatient as welll with Wario which leads to my ultimate doom :).
    Hey Rick up for a few games? I be using only Wario now as I want to sharpen my skills with him up a bit, as far as that can on Wifi :p. Don't worry Pokemon Trainer and Dedede ar characters I will always use as well.
    That sounds scary :). It reminds me of someone.

    A Dedede cpu is horrible on my Wii, although he does shieldgrab often. Mario and Peach can give the most trouble with me. Luigi and Olimar can be surprisingly good if I don't watch out. But then again sometimes Mario and Peach fall easily as well. Nothing more boring than cpu 9, so unpredictable. Wario sucks vs most cpu on 9 as he must punish mistakes, they punish you with their frame perfect motion :(. At least they are not programmed for grab releases :).

    So you have choosen a cpu over me? I saw you online yesterday but Wifi was bugging me so I could join nothing. But as I saw Chis online I just went, as I know you want to play with him to.

    edit: I do think about using Wario more online though, as I also use him more than Dedede offline. Funny though as both are like even against a Peach, that for two top tiers :). I don't play them because they are there though. Wario is and my favorite and no projectiles which I enjoy a lot. But Bowser is so horrible with his like none good matchups that it becomes boring, even Falcon can do more -_-. Ok maybe I overreact with that but there is seriously nothing good about Bowser. Even his fortress ain't that flashy over time.
    Yeah it's very true. Every qualification you earn eventually gets phased out... so GCSEs get phased out by AS/A Levels... even though teachers say A Levels are very important, they do eventually get phased out by a degree or apprenticeship or work experience. But they're important if you want to go into full-time work straight away from school.
    LOL! That's really weird!

    Actually, my cpu peach is so odd... she does a lot of grounded float aerials and does some psuedo float wavedash thingy all the time (where you ground float/land/ground float/land etc.... but in a fast way). She especially does it everytime I die. Oh! and she runs passed my shield alot into a turn around grab =D Lots of pivot grabs!

    Yesss! last exam! i can't wait. When do you get your results? Are they GCSEs or A Levels btw?
    oooooooh dear.... :urg: haha! I am so nooby with din's spam, I must stop >.<

    Erm... i'm so bored btw! i'm at uni revising for my last ever exam tomorrow! How did your exams go btw?
    I still take risks regardless of thinking it is wifi. Or else I must stop using the chaingrab as there is a chance wifi may screw it up for me.

    I can easily see when something should not have happened. Like sometimes you side b under the stage and die, what input you do then? I have sometimes that I kill myself as Dedede on accident, I try to recover low. But just like yesterday it was one time my downfall. Dedede his recovery is easy to punish though on some occasions :(.

    Bowser is seriously terrible and deserves to be lower on the tier list. He has like only fair side b and upb as good moves. His grab game sucks hard, he can't grab a good player in the first place :(. Plus, the top tier characters counter him badly.
    Air camping? You mean the agrressive style of Dedede? Or Wario his? It can still be challenging to space those bairs with Dedede or doing those jumps and bairs in a row on wifi. I know you can't do muhc with Wario :p, or else I wouldn't have won with Falcon :).

    I of course know turnips belong to Peach. But I generally and/or rarely go for projectiles. I do like her airgame though.
    You had fun with Wario :)?

    I was a bit poketired this day :(. Had not much mood to play them. Infinite from Ganon on Wario failed :p.

    Did you see my Peach tactic? Not one turnip pulled :p.
    I know! A lot of us at the boards have come up with little bits and bobs you can abuse that lead into other followups. We try to keep it all secret though haha! =p Imo she has a good moveset but lacks the movement to keep up with it... which is why she can be supercamped much like ganon. It's unfortunate but that's brawl I guess! I think peach can suffer the same problems imo but to lesser extent due to float, fighting Falco for example is a NIGHTMARE!

    I was so impressed with some of the lightning kicks you got in as well, and not just on bowser, but on me as zelda as well, cause she's quite slim and hard to sweetspot in that way.

    Fsmash.... I really didn't know it was so hard... I actually couldn't DI out of it well either. In perfect control situations, just DI up, but you have to DI on the very first hit iirc... the first hit is frame 16. Also... it has something to do with spacing, if she gets you right in the centre of the spark they are harder to DI out of but still doable.

    Her dtilt is..... annoying. Now I feel all your pain! >.<
    Wow we played quite the while. I needed to go off myself in a few moments anyway. Some nice fun games and don't choose Pirate Ship that makes everyone cry facing Peach :p.
    GGs! I felt very sorry for dedede and bowser sandwiched between 2 zeldas lol in ffa... fireworks everywhere! >.< and then peach... floating kicks everywhere >.< Speaking of which, I need lots and lots of work on my peach as I've started to neglect her... maybe tomorrow we can ditto and I can grab a few tips on spacing and the such?
    Wow @ this guy. Not only is he judging my skill level in 2 vs 2 in wifi despite me carrying the whole time, but now he says I suck. Well done you. We'll chat later in the Xat btw. I'll say the rest there.
    As long as you still play with me. This has really nothing to do with you or Kataefi.

    Too bad I had no time yesterday and today. Hopefully in the weekend we can play some again :).
    The fact he does not want to deal with 'my kind' anymore says enough. If he can't take a little critic it is his problem(hello real world). He failed multiple times I did not complain about wifi but his lack of 2v2 skill, I don't care if people are not so good but I do care if they don't admit it. Besides, his last words are enough for me to never ever deal with him again. This is the last I will say about it and call it a closed chapter. You can still say something about it but I will let it rest.

    Noone ever had a problem with me. So I am confused as of now but I think this means that you can't play with Chis and me together as he does not want to deal with 'my kind' anymore. Those words are enough for me to block him for life to be honest.

    My com Peach is doing sliding turnip pulls, toads and Peach bombers :<
    I can't post anymore on his page as I don't feel like getting reported for spam, I respect that choice for his. But I also can't have fun with him in 2v2 if I team up with him. There is nothing more I can make from that.
    All the times I could have perfectly saved myself. I was straight under the stage ready to instant grab the ledge. Even if he wanted to help me tornado works better for that, this was not the case as I was under the stage ready to instant grab the ledge.

    I am almost never helpless when I try to recover towards the stage. The only times are when I need to upb with Dedede in some cases or when I DI wrongly with characters like Ivysaur and Ganon.

    I don't want to talk about it anymore as you seem to not understand what I mean :(.
    Although they are not accidents. Common sense he does not have for 2v2 which makes it not fun for me to play. Gimps weren't accident. One time you were also off stage and he hit you and me, I could easily have pass you myeslf. The other he stagespiked me with his upb as Meta. He could have waited or fly under the stage or tornado. Plenty of options.

    There is more stuff I forget.

    My next posts on his page will be reported as spam so I give him what he wants, nothing I can make from that.
    I won't apologize to someone who can't gets his facts straight. He likes to boast about his pro friends to. I rather avoid that kind.

    It wasn't even uair Rick. Many gimps and dumb upb kill as Meta Knight and many more to add. For someone who plays with pro friends he seems to learn nothing.
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