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Cyborg Sun
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  • It's been joked that the most played characters in the OmniVersus concept would be variations of Goku, but as for the most common types of personal rosters people make (remember, that is a feature I added so that you could have easier access to characters you want)...

    Well, maybe I'm just biased because I've been going down DeviantArt "reaction image" rabbit holes, but I think a legitimate case could be made that the majority of rosters made here would just be random mishmashes of a bunch of kids' cartoon characters with no apparent rhyme or reason. Maybe combined with [BAD USERS] that are only on the rosters so that said rando cartoon characters can bash on them in Training Mode.

    Either that or Anime crossovers. You know, that's probably more likely to be the majority of rosters, lol. But still, funny to imagine.
    I remember legitimately thinking the Wii Safety Warning Guy or whatever people call him would've been a great choice for a Smash game when I was younger.

    ...I still do.
    Sometimes I think about how Google is bleeding money paying for server space to hold all those dumb seconds-long "My Reaction To [insert really petty microcommunity drama here]" that's just, like, a clip of an angry random cartoon character on YouTube, and I smile.
    So, we're doing something kind of interesting in this thread... well, I hope it's interesting, at least. We're pulling an NASB1 move for the next character on this roster, come join the fun!
    You guys really seemed to enjoy the premise of that upcoming Carl the Collector show! So, I'll share a couple press releases for it, the first was the initial announcement from last November, and the other one is from yesterday:
    My biggest dream for this world is to see the wider public portray Sakurai in a different light than some godly figure who could do no wrong.

    My second biggest dream was to see Valve treated the same way but then FixTF2 happened, so cross that off my bucket list.
    A big inspiration for the OmniVersus concept was the fact that a few Street Fighter games have version selects; Stuff like Ultra Street Fighter IV and Hyper Street Fighter II come to mind, but ESPECIALLY Hyper Street Fighter Alpha (a bonus mode from the SFA Anthology game).

    Seriously, there's some whack crap you can pull off in that mode; Giving everyone a SF3 ISM (parries included), a "Super Hero" ISM that makes them act like MvC characters, you name it. It's just the absolute kitchen sink of mechanics, and a good example of the chaos I tend to imagine with the concept, just on a grander scale.

    Oh, and I guess something like CMC+ is also a good representation of the crazy huge rosters you can make. Just going through Classic mode and seeing what random characters show up is a good simulation of how unpredictable OmniVersus can be.
    I absolutely LOVE that this is the case, but I must still ask... how did so many of us PBS Kids fans even end up on this site??? It's not like it's hundreds of us showing up at once, but I still just find it pretty funny that there a good few of us here who are so passionate about them. (And I must reiterate, discovering that creation thread was the sole thing that brought me back here after a solid couple of years on inactivity, lol)
    Cyborg Sun
    Cyborg Sun
    Man for real, I'm actually kind of desperate for any true official crossover with all these characters. Even though realistically there's a good chance we won't see a lot of "classic" characters come back due to distribution rights and whatnot, they still have SO MANY diverse worlds that's I'd love to see interact in any way.

    People love sharing dreams here... well, I'm so crossover-pilled that I legit had a dream a couple nights ago where Elinor met Prince Tuesday (I have no idea why him specifically), and it was a bit like a clip of an episode where Elinor wondered why Neighborhood of Make Believe residents used Strategy Songs...
    Absolutely. Although I do feel in my perfect world...PBS Kids: Brawltime! would be the PBS Kids platform fighter. Also, are you still interested in doing the sequel to the game?
    Cyborg Sun
    Cyborg Sun
    I've still been on-and-off thinking of ideas for it, but there's still a lot I'm unsure of what I'd do if I did head it too (I don't even know if I want it to be a direct continuity sequel, both for the game's lore and its fake real-life timeline, or if I just want it to be my own thing entirely)... fair warning that there are aspects that I'd want to take in a different direction compared to the first, and there will probably be less focus on the competitive events if I did things all by myself. Though, stuff like that would be perfect for you in between game content updates, so I'd love to have you on board for a second game!
    Know the signs of a rabid Nintendo fan:

    "ET killed the game industry in the 80s"
    "Smash is an epic true celebration of gaming history"
    "Did you know Mario 2 is actually a Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic whoahhhhhhh"
    "Um actually Nintendo is in their legal right to take down fangames, it's their property"
    "When's the new F-Zero?" (has never actually played an F-Zero game in their life)
    "Kazuya? Why are adding another shoto that no one cares about to Smash?"

    These and many, many others are signs to turn the other way and run as fast as you can.
    I understand some may take issue with how a lot of the Smash fanbase (at least from what little I see these days) just uses Alear as a means to end when it comes to cutting Fire Emblem characters from the roster because "oh, they can summon spirits of the past protags, just cut the cast and make them cameos!" But you know what...?

    Well, okay, yeah, I'm sure a lot of it is only due to the cynical "too many Fire Emblem characters" argument and not a legitimate liking of the actual character or anything, but also... if the next Smash game is going to make cuts or even "reboot" the roster anyhow, that just makes sense to me, you know? But from my perspective, it's not out of hatred of how many FE characters there are, but rather an understanding that yeah, there will be less characters. Having past veterans cameo like this would be cute.
    Yeesh, I spent way too long on this, but man was it fun, heavily inspired by Thorgi's latest video on a Capcom KOF but it's something I've wanted to do for a while now:
    Not watching the Direct myself now, but there's apparently going to be a big MvC classic collection?! Okay yeah, that's pretty hype, looks like MvC2 is ACTUALLY back.
    I bet I'm not the first person to ask this but what the heck is the Smash Infinite thread gonna do once an inevitable real new game happens? (especially if some of that game's newcomers happen to overlap, lol)
    Had way too much fun discussing the idea of an "OmniVersus" yesterday, so I figured I may as well put together a concept summary of how it actually works in my mind, based on ideas presented in the discussion:

    OmniVersus: The ultimate fighting game... or, kart racer? Party game?? What even IS this???

    The omniverse (a term seen by many as the one "verse" that encapsulates every universe, multiverse, and beyond) is truly endless, full of possibilities. Countless stories, countless characters, countless ideas... all will come together for the never-ending showdown to end all showdowns. But enough of the marketing blurbs, what is "OmniVersus"?

    This is a silly & unrealistic game concept inspired by humanity's obsession with giant media crossovers, as well as a true celebration of the very concept of fiction. One of the big draws of this game is that it has everyone. Yes, every fictional character ever made. From the big stars, to the unknown indies, to weirdos that no one has even thought of yet, I truly do mean "everyone". Naturally, this was originally proposed as a "Monkey's Paw" scenario, as the selection of characters really boils down to an alternate Library of Babel. I mean, how will you ever find who you want to actually play as?

    But then this idea grew, mainly quality-of-life improvements to make actual character selection easier. Before getting into the gameplay, let's talk about how the selection process works. Powered by magic, perhaps even heavenly, technology that is eons ahead of ours, you don't have a traditional character select screen, but rather... a search engine. Yes, you have to spell out who you want to play as (This can also be made easier by searching the actual internet and plugging in an image of the character; Don't worry, it WILL recognize who it is). So, say you search for Nintendo's Mario. Simple enough, but remember, I compared this to the Library of Babel. So, how do you keep it from spitting out a trillion different strange incarnations of him, ranging from 18+ parody portrayals to the slightest outfit changes?

    For this issue, filters are your friend. In fact, by default, an "All-Time" character version filter is always enabled. This takes into account any character's full official history, and gives you a version of the character that exemplifies their most ideal traits. Most people won't want to fuss about getting an exact version of their favorite characters, so right off the bat this is a great way to simply search a character, choose them, and play right away. Other filters include Safe For Work/Family Friendly/General Tastefulness specifications (Some of which are also enabled by default; To get really degenerate, you'll have to do some real work tweaking these). The adventurous types can fiddle with these filters to their hearts' content.

    You can also build your own roster. Use the search engine, save your characters, and arrange them in your own selection screen. This is best for quick access to your favorites, seeing your dream game come to life, limiting characters for a tournament setting, etc. This should overall be a great way to keep you from constantly using the search engine over and over. Another alternative is the Hardcore Selection mode, plopping you in a random place on the world's largest character select screen ever. Now this is the true Library of Babel experience, an endless exploration of random characters (though whatever filters were enabled still apply). You never know who you'll find in the infinite Omniverse... perhaps you may stumble across a new favorite!

    But, how does the game actually play? The title is a rip-off of "MultiVersus", so obviously it's a platform fighter with an emphasis on team battles, right? Well... yes and no. See, what's the point in infinite characters if you can't play them in an infinite number of scenarios? Indeed, this game is multi-genre, letting you play in environments similar to just about any game you can imagine. Want to see Sol Badguy in Third Strike? It's there. Want to play Crash Team Racing as an obscure Disney character? It's there too. Want to ignore "versing" entirely and play as Walter White in an Animal Crossing-styled cozy game? Yup, you bet you can do that. And yes, the game genres themselves are also subject to filters. You can choose to simply play an existing game, or tweak the genres however you please to bring your ideal gameplay visions to life.

    Depending on your genre selection, there's potential for an infinite amount of stage/level locales well. You know the drill, these can also be filtered. Witness a change of scenery in your old favorites for a brand new experience! These can range from simple aesthetic changes to entirely brand new level designs; It all depends on the genre, and what you want.

    Don't know what else to add here. I think online play is self-explanatory, just implement the perfect netcode that can support literally everything with no issues and bam. Perhaps a fun single player mode that encourages trying different genres could be added too, but that can be saved for another time.
    Cyborg Sun
    Cyborg Sun
    To summarize exactly what the default filters are, I think it would boil down to something like this:

    The search results themselves are grounded in our reality to avoid total nonsense being spat out, "All-Time" variants are always prioritized. As far as age ratings go, this one's dynamic, as you're asked about it when creating a new save file; You can choose whatever "maximum age rating" you want for results. Material that's considered outright offensive/degenerate by the vast majority is still cut out entirely, however; Standards are always changing over time of course, so the defaults you get on a new save file are also always up to date.
    Maximum Age Rating: EXTREME
    oh hey look i can play as a car from carmageddon now
    Thinking about that dream Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario had about every fictional character ever being added to Multiversus, and the character select screen being near impossible to navigate due to its size alone makes such a roster for any genre of game the ultimate Monkey's Paw scenario, I feel. Doesn't matter if the game's balance is somehow absolutely fair, it'd be hell to find the character you actually want without a search bar.
    I promise not every game I review on here will be a Smash game, but I really just wanted to gush about Crusade for a moment. Long live this silly fangame:
    SCREW IT... I made a Backloggd. Not sure how often I'll use it, but might as well have it:
    I’ve been currently on a JumpStart fixation thanks to you and I was thinking about the JumpStsrt x PBS Kids crossover game we came up with in the Brawltime! thread. I wonder what kind of games would be in the crossover.
    "The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3" is the greatest name for a cartoon of all time. More shows need to be titled like this.

    "The Misadventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles"
    "Tales from The Last of Us Part II"
    "Legends of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
    Saw the newest MagicMush video on more weird wikis a couple days ago, and damn that "Scumbob Wiki" was quite the pleasantly unpleasant blast from the past, lmao.

    Mr. Enter's popularity really did screw a lot of people's perceptions on how to view media (well, I think mainly autistic cartoon fans, trust me I'm speaking from experience here), didn't he? Determining if something is good or bad mainly based on how "mean-spirited" something is, especially when said source material is meant to be a dumb comedy with plenty of slapstick moments, is a consequence of Enter that not a lot of people talk about.

    Viewing media through an overly-moral lens is not healthy... maybe it's more "valid" if it explicitly claims to be educating children (I'll play Devil's Advocate and say that maybe a bad Arthur episode has the potential to yield worse consequences than a bad Teen Titans Go episode), but it's certainly not the right way to view media like Spongebob. Yeah that's another thing, a lot of it also strikes me as a "please think of the children!/kids need good role models!" thing, like watching Patrick torment Squidward is going to lead to the next generation being a total menace or something.
    Inside me are two autistic wolves

    One has existed since childhood and loves mindless and overly-grandiose crossovers (thanks a lot, Brawl)

    The other claims to be "mature" and says that those types or crossovers are bad for society actually

    behold, the never-ending struggle of an autistic young adult who never quite "grew up"
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