So, I have this odd concept in my head about how I would go about combining all Smash games into one brewing for a while now (basically, no newcomers, it's just about bringing in all the modes and content from every game, plus toggles for choosing gameplay styles) as something of a response to Ultimate's content issues (and perhaps future-proofing issues that will appear in future games, lol).
One valid complaint I've seen is that many Namco Era newcomers are a bit too "overdesigned," focusing too much on making them "faithful" to their OG games at the cost of balance (See: Bayonetta and Steve in their respective introductions). A part of me didn't want to change how the characters were originally represented, but I also wanted to address this issue, so... chaotic neutrality time. Every character on the roster can toggle between "Simple" and "Advanced" modes. Simple represents how a character might have been designed during the Melee/Brawl days, and Advanced represents how they would be designed in the Namco Era (these ones are generally more unbalanced).
Opens up a lot of "What If?" scenarios. Like, Advanced Mario would be less "starter character" and more "Ultimate DLC jank that directly tries to make him play like a Mario platformer," LOL. Or, even if it's anachronistic, how would Steve play as a more down-to-earth, "honest" Melee character?