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~ Zelda Video and Critique Archive ~ (obselete thread/check stickies)

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Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

And... yeah I saw dark's newest video. Veeeeery interesting xD My expression was exactly like the guy in your sig =p


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Yep! But you need to compliment yourself too you know, your bowser is a beast


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Everyone take a look at Playing With Fire Part 2 right now!

Definitely the best Zelda gameplay I have ever seen.


Smash Cadet
Aug 2, 2008
the Netherlands
I can confirm the Bowser on the Metroid stage is me as I remember that match because of the close and tense ending. Maybe I am the other two well but I do not know and have no time to check that now, maybe Kataefi can confirm that.

Was also the first good Zelda I played and have no clue how other Zeldas play but I found this already very good :).


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
omg that was so fast! Rizul they were you but I was meant to get your permission before they got uploaded lmao! I never knew you could capture them so quickly =O But yes I picked the most tense games where it came down very close! I hope you don't mind =(

And Marth is a *****, so is snake =(

EDIT:: also please critique! (but not toooo harshly =( )


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I remember that! I just remember the pause between both of us as if to say wtf???

Also... I'll reorganise the videos here:

vs bowser 1
vs bowser 2
vs bowser 3

vs snake 1
vs snake 2

vs marth

I get ***** in the second snake one. I got shutdown completely xD And the first 2 bowser ones have desynched sound but it's not too bad, so just try and not listen to the sound ^^

EDIT:: villi dya reckon you could reupload the first 2 bowsers?


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
Aw shoot, I didn't realize they were bad. I noticed by the third Bowser they were skipping at that quality. =/ Yeah, I'll reupload them in a bit.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Bowser 1- Some good things, nice dtilt to fsmash combos, nice nair crossup on the Bowsers shield. Very nice lightning kick finish on his first stock. Nice ledgehop to kick at 1:17....video started getting choppy so i'll stop watching.

Bowser 3- when he's above you on the platform on Halberd, use a SH nair instead of usmash.Usmash is a good option but when your opponent is early in their stock it would probably be a better idea to just keep your usmash as fresh as possible. After you lost your stock, you were very close to Bowser and could have used dtilt instead of trying for utilt and fsmash. In fact, I don't know why you kept trying to hit with utilt anyways. Good job using Naryus to get out of the fire breath. Very nice kick to finish his first stock, you seem to be very comfortable with the lightning kicks hitboxes. Never Naryus on someones shield. I'm very impressed with how many kicks you land although it is Bowser:). Good match and smart move on your part ot finish with utilt.

Snake 1-Once again nice lightning kick finish. At 1:55, you could have baited the airdodge and connected with the uair. Solid dtilt to util kill, perfectly executed. At 3:05 you could have baited another sirdodge for an uair......try to work on this. Nice ending to the match.

Snake 2- God this Snake player is horrible. Lol, killing with ftilt is always rare for Zelda. Learn to SDI out of Snakes nair. Bad SD to end the game.

Marth- Nice I love to use two bairs in one SH, it's a staple of my gameplay. Again, try to platform chase with nairs. You missed a lot of opportunities to punish Marth on his first stock. Bad use of Farorore's got you tippered, try to land on some platforms or mix it up. Never try to dair on a grounded opponent with Zelda....not a good idea. Decent match, Marth is really hard for Zelda.

I like your Zelda Kataefi, but some things you should work on.

1. Using bair to momentum cancel. Your best option in all cases, don't use fair and dair just out of impulse to go in that direction.

2. Bair OoS, you land a lot of kicks as it is, but a lot of times you chose to dsmash or Naryus as a counter attack when you could have punished with bair.

3. Edgegaurd more. You like to shoot some Dins and then rush up to the edge and usmash anticipating a ledge hop. Most of the time your opponent just rolled onto the stage and prevented any harm to them. Even venture offstage every now and again, go for a spike, charge up an fsmash...lots of things you could be doing.

4. When your above your opponent, you seem to be in the habit of trying to lightning kick them as you land or even just landing right in front of them. As Zelda, your primary concern should just be landing safely and as far away from your opponent as possible.

5. Better control of Farore's. Whether it is sweetspotting the ledge, or making your onstage landing points predictable....you need to work on this. You got punished multiple times because of your questionable recovery patterns.

Good stuff though, can you confirm the players these were against(besides the Bowser guy) andwhether or not they were wifi and I will add a couple to the OP.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Oh wow! Thanks so much! I must use this advice and take it on board!

These were all wifi green connection, it didn't feel like there was lag but I suppose there would naturally be some anyways.

Anyways yeah! thankyou! I tend to go into an auto-pilot mode with Zelda where I suddenly think all my approaches will work and I'll connect everything I do - but I clearly see I get very easily punished for it. This is definitely an area for improvement ^^

The bowser is Rizul and the snake and marth were by a player called kyuubi ricky (but I don't know if he knows I recorded them as I can't find him on smashboards =(


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Good stuff Villi, i'll take a look at all of them and have a critique sometime tomorrow.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Erm you guys don't mind if I use this thread as a critique place??? I could do with any tips and advice ^^ I have some replays with Rickerdy-doo-dar-days peach over at the peach boards - he's quite the clever player it's unreal =O He frequently beats me but here are some replays I have with him ^^

(the numbers of the videos are off, the real order is here:)






There was meant to be another one on japes where I get tossed about like a fish out of water but I need to wait until it's uploaded. So I'll edit this post then =)=)=)

Please critique! and these were wifi green connection, literally no lag thankfully because we must live close. Though I'm still a little scared to edgeguard =( This is a weak point of mine.


Smash Lord
Oct 13, 2008
So, you wanna play?
I haven't watched them, but I thought I would throw out an edgeguarding tip or two since you said it is a weak spot for you.

For practice, just go into training and jump off the side, do an aerial, and try to get back. Do this at multiple angles and different aerials. If you are in friendlies, just go ahead and try it since there really is no punishment for it. If you die, it was just a friendly anyway. The video of me and JCaesar on Castle Siege where I LK but failed to get back to the ledge (got caught under the lip) is a good example. I do this in tourney, and make it back, without problem now.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007

Video 1- You nearly got your shield broken at the beginning of the match. Don't get all shield happy if a Peach has a turnip in their hands. Just wait and SH airdodge the turnip or if you get hit so what, he daired your shield and it wasn't looking good for you for a second there. Please less dash attack, I don't know why so many Zelda players love that move so much. Use it for a quick punisher but for Gods sake don't ever approach with it. Your still one of the better players i've seen with your dtilts.....kee that up. Every once in a while instead of going for an uair, use a nair instead and beat their airdodge. Lol at the bomb kill. Instead of just blatantly approaching with a move that you have already decided in your head....try to use a dash shield more often and move according to their reaction. Decent match.

Video 2- You switched to the purple outfit....very good choice. Ya you really need to attempt some edgeguarding ever once in a while, that can be the difference between an average Zelda and a good one. I love charging fsmashes because of th elow cooldown and then you can actually kill with them......good stuff. Definitely use a lot more jab in the Peach matchup instead of whiffing on usmashes.

Video 3- Once again you're afraid of turnips way too much. You missed ample oppotunities to bair OoS. Lol, tell your friend to DI out of the dtilt lock. You seem to always roll from the ledge when your trying to get back on stage...mix it up more. Try not to fall in love with the cstick....as tempting as it may be with Zelda, it got you punished a lot in this match.

Thats all I have time for now.

Villi, I swear i'll get around to your vids lol.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Some videos of me, DarkMusician, and SniperWorm have been recorded from SBHMVII.

DarkMusician(Zelda) vs Doc(Diddy/TLink), rounds 1 and 2
I was the one who yelled out "Watch out for Toon Link's lasers!"
But yeah, DM is still **** as usual. Love the commentary by EpicFAIL, he's a friend of SniperWorm's.

SniperWorm(Zelda) vs GTS(Peach), round 1
Once again, I was talking during this match. I was the one who yelled out "Zelda doesn't need combos. She can just kick people in the face!"
SniperWorm didn't go Sheik this match, but I think that's because he felt that Zelda would do better. Oh, and we were really distracting during this match. Sorry SniperWorm, couldn't resist. ^^

More videos will be posted as they are uploaded. And I know you guys will probably find this funny, but here's a couple of videos of me at the tournament. Bwahahaha!!!

MrEh(Bowser) vs Yuri Lover(Zelda), rounds 1 and 2
Funny commentary by DarkMusician, EpicFAIL, and GTS. I am totally grateful that I've been able to practice with DM, otherwise I would be completely horrible at this matchup. I was pretty nervous though, so I screwed up majorly. Oh, and this also shows why you should always ban Norfair against Bowser.

MrEh(Bowser) vs Yuri Lover(Zelda), round 3
Commentary was joined by Terence, who's one of the better Melee/Brawl players here. This was one of the best matches of the day, with a lot of screaming and cheering throughout. This match was close, very close. Pay close attention to 1:03. That was a prime example of how good Bowser's Fsmash is in the Zelda matchup.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
What is the general view on WiFi videos? That's the best I can do.
There are some wifi videos already uploaded, so I assume it's okay. Also, another video of DM has been uploaded. The remaining two matches with SniperWorm and GTS have also been uploaded.

DarkMusician(Zelda) vs Atomsk(DK/Marth), rounds 1 and 2
Once again, me and EpicFAIL provide some of the commentary. Ignore all of our ramblings about Sonic and Falcon. And my theory about Snake being Captain Falcon in disguise. ^^

SniperWorm(Zelda/Shiek) vs GTS(Peach), rounds 2 and 3
"There is no honor in this game as long as Dedede exists."
As you can tell from that little tidbit, out commentary is pretty ********. Anyway, SniperWorm made a pretty good comeback in these matches against GTS. A well thought out Mansion counterpick in the 2nd match and very well placed Lightning Kicks in the 3rd match. GG man.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Hey guys. Please take a look at these videos and tell me what you think:

Zelda/Sheik vs DK 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrPPt198SCk

Zelda/Sheik vs DK 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9s4tGf5YNY

Zelda vs Dedede: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoJSDgcJalA


Zelda vs Peach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5LUI0n34sM

Zelda vs Pikachu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Po-jrnt9pg&feature=channel_page

The last 2 videos are much more recent than the first 3. I tried to put them more or less in chronological order to the best of my memory, since I've been using ocarina for the no tripping codes and long replays...but as a sideffect it screwed up the dates on the replays.

All constructive critisism is appreciated. I'll post more here as they come.

Thanks in advance.



Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I'm positive that if EpicFAIL had just let SniperWorm play in round 1 instead of distracting him, he wouldn't have needed to pick Luigi's Mansion. Adapting and reading aside, the difference between round 1 and 3 is just too big to be a coincidence.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
SniperWorm got Sakurai'd so hard, though I think Luigi Mansion saved him from several deathblows.


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2008
Pearl City, HI
SniperWorm got Sakurai'd so hard, though I think Luigi Mansion saved him from several deathblows.
Hence why I picked it. I was having trouble concentrating (thanks a lot MrEh and EpicFail) so I figured I'd pick somewhere that I could live forever and hopefully regain my focus. Yeah and Sakurai HATES me, this has pretty much been established as fact.

Oh and I almost forgot ...

Chuck Norris, lol.
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