Firus said:
My opinions are important to me and no one else, I recognize that. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, I'm not going to try and tell you you should like Lady Gaga's music because A) You're apparently too close-minded for it to matter and B) I don't really give a crap if you like the same music I listen to or not because what type of music you listen to honestly has a very, very negligible effect on me.
Firus, if you honestly believe that I'm close minded and you don't care about my opinion behind music, then why did you even bother posting a response? Either one of those statements are false or you're just issuing responses for the sake of sparking an argument. According to your logic, anything you post (a) won't matter to me because I'm too close-minded. Also, (b) anything I post won't matter to you because you're also close-minded.
Firus said:
If someone said "I don't like apple pie", (or "I like apple pie", if you don't happen to like it) would you try and argue against them because of your so-called convictions? Because that's pretty much what you're doing by arguing against people who like different music from you.
Well Firus. I've never had a bite of "One Less Lonely Girl" before. I imagine that it would taste similar to apple pie. Except that it would be a bit more crunch when I bite into it. However, I think that stuffing apple pie into my ears might produce a better song than anything Justin Beiber has ever written.
Firus, I ask for substance because I'm a skeptic. I don't believe that people like Justin Beiber for his music, otherwise they would discuss Justin Beiber's music (actual tracks, lyrics, musical accompaniment, endorphin sparkles, and so forth), not Justin Beiber.
The reason why Justin Beiber has his own thread on smashboards is because he has become popular and iconic. Some people focus more on his image rather than his music. Thus the only track that has been brought up is "One Less Lonely Girl" which I consequently criticized and waited for a rebuttal. Do people truly like the music they listen to or are they simply being sheeped by mainstream media into liking a limited set of choices that have apparently been the center piece of this discussion? I feel it's a legitimate question that has been dodged numerous times in this thread.
Firus said:
Actually I was giving everyone something I've already written (there's a reason I didn't quote your post -- while you're the person who's been vocal about it, I know that far too many people in the world actually have a problem with people having their own opinion). I'd consider linking you to the entire large blog I made about it, but I somehow feel like you might not be able to handle the massive amount of acceptance of other people's opinions.
I would let you eat the apple pie I just baked, but I stuck it up my butt and your hand might not be long enough to reach into my hole and pull it out. Again,
another criticism about me being close minded. Yet you're being equally close minded by assuming that I can't be open minded. I don't understand why you would type out such a comment. Do you want me to say, "Oh no Firus! I can't participate in your blog because you don't want me to be in it. Woe is me!"
Firus said:
I'm being 100% serious here, would you mind explaining to me why it matters so much to you if people like music that you don't?
I am interested if people have a particular taste I don't in a certain piece. Perhaps they liked the arpeggios, the "power chords", the rhyme scheme, the characterization, or the magical endorphin sparkles. Maybe they notice something I missed. Take for instance Eminem's "Not Afraid" in which the chorus line doesn't really mix in as well with the lyrics as his other works like "Way I Am" and tends to clash rather than blend. I thought that "Not Afraid" was lyrically poor because I thought the piece was musically poor. But when my friend told me to take a second look, I did and went through the lyrics and found out that the chorus is pretty sold when it comes to rhyme. If people don't like the same type of music, then I want to know why they like it so I can get a better idea of something I might have missed.
Firus said:
Why do you care so much that someone you will never even meet doesn't like the same music as you, to the extent that you apparently think that one's opinions aren't strong enough and don't matter enough to them if they're not willing to fight people who disagree with them?
Firus, it's because at the end of the day, I want to know something that I didn't know before.
Firus said:
See I'd try to respond to that without sarcasm if it weren't for the fact that there really IS no way. You acted as if lyrics were all that mattered and I pointed out that they aren't. If you already knew that and don't want it pointed out, make it more obvious next time.
Yes Firus. Completely my fault.
Firus said:
There's a difference between LIKING a song and actually calling it a good song or a bad song. That might be where you're making your mistake here.
Firus, if you believe that liking a song is independent from whether a song is good/bad then you have the following divisions:
1) Like Good
2) Like Bad
3) Dislike Good
4) Dislike Bad
Firus, I think that it's pretty stupid to like a bad song and dislike a good song.
1) Like Good
4) Dislike Bad
Personally I think that this system makes a lot more sense.
Firus said:
And I expected you to actually read and see the part that said that I enjoy good lyrics just the same as you, but there are times when I'll like songs merely for the musical value and not the lyrical value.
Firus said:
Apparently you decided to respond to that part separately and act as if I did something wrong because of the way you separated your responses, though.
Firus said:
It's good to know that you actually have a problem with what music I like, because that kind of makes me laugh.
Firus said:
You want proof?
Background here
Yes. That
IS Lady Gaga's Wikipedia page with a photo of when she got bitten by Zombie Britney Spears and turned into Gagazilla. I skimmed that when Meta-Kirby was trying to tell me that she was creating music for a good cause.
Firus said:
Yes. That
IS Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta before she got bitten by a radioactive spider and turned into Lady Gaga.
YourAwesomeWikipediaPage said:
[Lady Gaga] was actually a glitch; I typed 'Radio Ga Ga' in a text and it did an autocorrect so somehow 'Radio' got changed to 'Lady'. She texted me back, "That's it." After that day, she was Lady Gaga. She’s like, "Don’t ever call me Stefani again."
Firus said:
I don't care if you actually read or listen, but I'm giving it to you since you complained about not having justification.
Okay. Thank you for giving me something.
Firus said:
Finally, your comments are dripping with sarcasm and there's really no need for it. Seriously. Could you try to be a little civil? If you're not capable of having people disagree with you without being obnoxious about it, then I'm not sure why you're on a forum.
Yes. I'm sorry for being so obnoxious and uncivil. Next time I will learn from your example.