Excuse me? Ethnocentrism includes religion within its definition and you're quite guilty of expressing your elitist attitude towards the religious group. (Though I too am guilty of this). However, instead of passing off hypocritical judgment on others, I prefer to simply live by my own preferences. If they're not hateful I don't see why I can't have my own specific likings. :/ yeesh.
Like, when I'm talking to a girl and I mention that when i was a kid I had Shrimp Crackers a lot, and she's like "omg me too!" or just singing a classic chinese children's song together that we both learned when we were kids. Or when we talk about how we get verbally abused for no good reason because you just never live up to the expectations. Just....small things like that. I totally get turned on. x3
It's just not the same with a girl who wasn't Asian. It's weird to explain I guess.
no but seriously, why you gotta be so mean :<
I don't believe that being religious or not religious is a superior point of view. I just know that a non-religious view is often more accurate to the world that I experience and live in. I have never been opposed to deism even though it is philosophically as doomed as any other belief in a higher power--Occam's razor anyone? But ultimately, some religious or non-religious views can still be stupid as hell.
Well, maybe I am just really weird, but I can date any ethnicity from any culture and I can enjoy them entirely. The way I feel is that anyone should be capable of that--and anything less is not discrimination, but certainly a lack of imagination. My experiences are not so unique that I cannot find links between myself and others--the human condition is brilliant, and deep, and I like to immerse myself in as many shades of it as possible. So, I do not like to date one ethnicity, or one culture, or one anything.
I'm sure me and you for instance have a plethora of things in common if we took the time to talk. But, I am also multidimensional--and I respect all cultures.
Look, guys. This thread was not intended to offend anyone. I just thought that it would be an interesting topic. No need to go waging war over differing opinions. To each his own. I apologize if anyone did get offended by it. Oh, and by the way Superspright, I AM a girl.
One of the interesting things about being a feminist is that I don't have to view you being a woman as a determining factor in your intelligence. You can be just as smart, or as stupid as a guy in my world--and vice versa. But, I just am sick and tired of girls being told silly things like what is a turn off and what isn't. Every culture is wildly different. In some cultures women are fattened before marriage [Some tribe in Africa, I forget...sorry]. In others women who are emaciated [America] are seen as beautiful. In some, women who are as fair as a snow flake are seen as gorgeous [Korea I believe].
So talking about turn offs is stupid. It's all relative to how these poor little saps grew up and developed their sexuality. I mean, in some places they don't care if women don't shave their pits or whatever--it is natural to them. Why shave it?
So yeah, I do not understand this topic at all. It is stupid. Go take an anthropology course or something.