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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
I like floaties cause the're slow.
__| |__---~>

stfu thats a fox.

and yes that is his tail.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
ok like I said, I'm willing to forgive and forget everything that's happened thus far..

so therefore on more important matters, I need to form a B team to go up against Vegas.

I need to know that you will be there 100% sure on the March 3rd biweekly and are willing to play for the team. Like i said top 4 aren't allowed to be on the B team and there isn't much of a gap if any between the A and B team.

so therefore the players who have asked to be on the team are and 100% coming are

Edreese, Marthfalcopro, lucky, Mango thus far so if no one else is 100% coming I don't have much to choose from but these people.


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Victorville, SoCal
I hope brawl is as competitive, with online play, people can be put in their place when they live in Michigan much easier that way.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
We don't need to put him in his place. He's already there: he lives in Michigan, we live in SoCal. Michigan sucks, 'nuff said.

Ken I can go to the March 3rd bi weekly.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2006
sDeeZy, chula vista
We don't need to put him in his place. He's already there: he lives in Michigan, we live in SoCal. Michigan sucks, 'nuff said.
no ****n doubt
Michigan gets destroyed by socal.


Seriously, wtf was that 32-18, errbody said they was gonna destroy Southern cali rite before the game.
Well, honestly, all of the big-10 is overrated.SEC destroys em all ****in day.

College Football ftw ^^

Autumn Leaf

Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2007
Anaheim, CA
I wouldn't mind being on the B team... LOL jk =)

This is importjunjun from AIM (if you remember me at all, Ken), just saying I'm coming to the next biweekly. I'm new to the smash scene (been playing for a while though), live in Anaheim, and main Link. Hope to play lots of people there ^^

And, um, i haven't read page 232, but in response to the vast majority of posts before that, *points to sig*


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2006
I wouldn't mind being on the B team... LOL jk =)

This is importjunjun from AIM (if you remember me at all, Ken), just saying I'm coming to the next biweekly. I'm new to the smash scene (been playing for a while though), live in Anaheim, and main Link. Hope to play lots of people there ^^

And, um, i haven't read page 232, but in response to the vast majority of posts before that, *points to sig*
New to the scene? Sounds like me. If I get to the next biweekly, i'll friendly you. You'll notice me due to the Charlie Brown hat. <_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2005
Edrees being the only deepsocal rep there? retaaarded. its cool how this nobody from michigan calls out socal haha what an idiot itd mean something if he was known to have beat anyone half decent... i know how to take care of him... lets pull out so cal's worst smasher ;) he knows who he is haha


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
i brought KM with me to cataclysm2, FC, and MLG NY. cata2 and NY were both EC tournies, and FC was the only non-EC tourney ive ever been to. i only remember meeting mana once at MLG NY when his falco mcnastied me on rainbow cruise, and other levels i cant remember.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
It really does suck for all the people banned from bi-weekliez. Because of their stupid acts, I won't be able to play them anymore. O wellz.

ROFL - 100$ money match me, or shut the hell up. If i catch u talking **** about u beating me again, u can consider us not "aquaintences" anymore. I would love to play you, but i fuking hate it when i lose to people, then talk **** behind my back saying that they beat me. Ur modest in person, but when u get back online, u tell everyone u beat chu dat, like a gossipy lil school girl.

I am coming March 9th - March 18th. Then again on Mikez birthday with vidjogamer. This goes to EVERYONE when i say this. Stop saying stupid **** about mike, so that all you guyz can play me and vidjogamer.

G-reg : What the hellz u doin in here ? hahah


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
Ur modest in person, but when u get back online, u tell everyone u beat chu dat, like a gossipy lil school girl.

you were modest and a nice guy in person and then you spit fire like that online.... sounds just as bad.

Everytime i hear ROFL talk about that night all he says is how you were so tight and fun to play against and he was really excited because you ***** like 20 people in money matches that night....

theres a difference between being excited and being cocky... Hell, i'd be excited too if i just beat CHU FKN DAT, ranked number 2 in the US!, in a mm.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
It really does suck for all the people banned from bi-weekliez. Because of their stupid acts, I won't be able to play them anymore. O wellz.

ROFL - 100$ money match me, or shut the hell up. If i catch u talking **** about u beating me again, u can consider us not "aquaintences" anymore. I would love to play you, but i fuking hate it when i lose to people, then talk **** behind my back saying that they beat me. Ur modest in person, but when u get back online, u tell everyone u beat chu dat, like a gossipy lil school girl.

I am coming March 9th - March 18th. Then again on Mikez birthday with vidjogamer. This goes to EVERYONE when i say this. Stop saying stupid **** about mike, so that all you guyz can play me and vidjogamer.

G-reg : What the hellz u doin in here ? hahah
i think i posted on here once about beating you. it was in the rankings thread.

all i said was i beat you in money matches because i figured it should at least get SOME credit for my playing. it is hardly bragging. u are chu friggen dat. world famous player....im not even ranked in my region let alone the world. does it bother you that much? plus....i play a wierd character who is good agaisnt your chaarcter, its not that amazing for there to be upsets. i dont have 100 dollars to play you with and i think its sad you would get so angry over this. only reason i money matched you in the first place is because i knew you would never play someone like me for fun. if im ever at the same tournament we can ask to play first round or something. hows that?

i forgive you for getting upset tho. its clear mike talked to you about me and that is why you are angry. oh yes ill money match you fore somethign i can afford like 10 bucks. ill glady spend money to get to play you again. you are too goods.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
lol wtf

i think i posted on here once about beating you. it was in the rankings thread.

all i said was i beat you in money matches because i figured it should at least get SOME credit for my playing. it is hardly bragging. u are chu friggen dat. world famous player....im not even ranked in my region let alone the world. does it bother you that much? plus....i play a wierd character who is good agaisnt your chaarcter, its not that amazing for there to be upsets. i dont have 100 dollars to play you with and i think its sad you would get so angry over this. only reason i money matched you in the first place is because i knew you would never play someone like me for fun. if im ever at the same tournament we can ask to play first round or something. hows that?

i forgive you for getting upset tho. its clear mike talked to you about me and that is why you are angry. oh yes ill money match you fore somethign i can afford like 10 bucks. ill glady spend money to get to play you again. you are too goods.
i dont talk to chu about my issues with your *** rofl. The truth is your an ***. You assume **** like this. If chu hates you its base on your actions not what i say. You assume i can just talk to someone to make them talk **** about you. You have a tendency to jump into something you know nothing about once again ill mention which is the modded controllers. You assume first off i am doing it for money, when i have clearly turned numerous people down. Then you say im talking gullible people into it when clearly people want it. Are you saying Blitz is gullible or stupid for asking me to do this favor for him? Also you dont even know what i do which is clearly why your *****ing. You want to find out every **** secret in this game. I can tell u one truth for sure i dont break rules and you or everyone else who think im breaking those rules are just idiots. Three you claim i am ripping people off with dvds when clearly i have been helping people. Here read this:



Originally Posted by manacloud1
Originally Posted by Fuzzylittlbunny
I recently purchased an OC2 DVD from Neal on ebay, but it doesn't work. My PS2 says "Disc read error", and my laptop says that I put a blank DVD into it.

Is there a possibility that some of the DVDs were defective?

well it wouldnt play on ur dvd player heh. It should play on ur computer however yes we have been getting defects lately. So please send back the dvd plus cover and we will send u a new one.

send it to 8791 natoma ave westminster ca 92683

The new DVD works perfectly. Thanks for taking the time to send me a new one, and a new one with a nice cover too.

so it looks like i am helping out the people with the dvds, while your *** assumed i was being a jack *** to them . So stfu. You can even contact this guy if you want.

Lastly im glad i banned your *** and if your friends dont want to come to the bi weeklies its their loss especially defending an idiot like yourself. On a good note after all these people are claiming i was wrong of course myself being the nice guy was reconsidering everything that happened but you like pushing things further, so now i know what type of person you are. If an oc3 happens consider yourself ban from that as well.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
You know guys, i just uncovered something of great importance today.
So i was thinking to myself, how can i make smashboards gayer than it already is, and that is when i immediately thought of Gabe.

Yes, i know hes a yoshi player and the whole metaphor about "coming out of the egg" automatically makes him a candidate for the gayest smasher in california.
Nevertheless, aside from him hitting on me at Denny's that one night and having the appearance of a gay, his mannerisms, hair style, and overall chakra is normal....except gay. If ken's chakra is red like the kyubi's, then gabe's is pink with violet linings that form heart shapes.

However, the ultimate proof that Gabe is definately gay is in his nickname. STRAIGHT- what kind of person has to label himself as straight? I'll tell you. the kind that is a homophobic, insecure, and homosexual individual just waiting to get a HuG(s) from his brother. Thats right, they are gay brothers, and with the aid of Coyote, Stain, and Blood Raven, they make the ultimate crew of SuPA-boyfriends.

in the words of azeem,
oooooooooooooooohhhhh rapesies LOL.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
LOL, i got meself diplomatic immunity..

btw its not knive's...it would be knives(z)' mother Neal DOUBLE-TROUBLE

dude my precious banner aint showing..panda took it off his myspace or somethin ahha.

time to make a deepsocal **** banner, with neal in the background moaning in delight from a champ combo.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
Edrees should definitely be in team A or B. However, I don't think he should be making any decision

talking about an achievement our friend Champ had:
Edrees: hahaha, Champ's too smart
MikeY: LOL i cant believe u said that
M: "Champ's too smart"
M: that is ****ing hilarious

I rest my case


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
whaaaaaaaaa knives u watch naruto???????? i think ur taking the show to serious but its funny i guess


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
why are you so surprised? most of the people i know from smash boards follows anime, and naruto is one of the most popular series. I'm just glad the filler ark is over..

hmm and i am taking the show too seriously but according to your guess, it is meant to be funny...
sure i know what you meant to say, but i take things Serious (capital S) around so you better BELIEVE IT.

on a side note,

neal is gay.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
lol knives thats some funny **** and i watch a lot of animes too but most of my friends laugh and say i watch cartoons including MaNg0 that ****in female lol


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
haha chu, hugs said whats up and now i am enthralled in this thread. now i want to go to a ken biweekly so bad. btw i beat chu all the time, wheres that $100 dollar money match fool? im right down the road ;)


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Edrees should definitely be in team A or B. However, I don't think he should be making any decision

talking about an achievement our friend Champ had:
Edrees: hahaha, Champ's too smart
MikeY: LOL i cant believe u said that
M: "Champ's too smart"
M: that is ****ing hilarious

I rest my case
OUT OF CONTEXT. I was reffering to your smarts as a smasher not your general smarts!!!

How dare you! <3!
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