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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
I've talked to Mike y, it appears to be an misunderstanding. I hope everyone can grow up and forget everything. VEGAS is coming in about a week and I still want to see everyone and make a B team to go up against them.

What if ROFL and Araknophobe was unban will everyone willing to forgive and forget? It's really no ones fault, it just got a little out of hand, and i understand some things were said which shouldnt have been said.
Putting grudges and the drama aside, i think this is what everyone should focus on. If socal is going through a rough patch, then we should do what is right and concentrate on fixing things instead of making them worse than they already are. Otherwise, those that speak of a "united socal" might as well be hypocrites for not being mature and resolving these issues of division. However, this goes to BOTH sides and rather than forgetting everything that has happened, we should learn from it. We all have our imperfections and our opinions, but its best to try to keep the peace whenever possible. So remember what separates us and do the opposite to stop these mistakes from recurring. We all have to choose what is good for the overall community and those that threaten this foundation should highly reconsider their actions. Whether this means shutting up every once in a while and avoiding conflict, or taking the matter in the perspective of others, we have all been at fault at a time. So to everyone out there that is angry or fed up, lets just kiss and make up(maybe hold hands by the beach and sing songs of the christ as we stare into the deep blue ocean and the theme song from cheers plays beneath the waves of the thunderous sea ). I'm sure everyone would like it better when there is no tension amongst people and everyone is gay-friendly. Its not important where you stand on certain issues. Simply its a matter of compromise. Everyone should be willing to forgive and "forget" (stfu its just a phrase-no i am not contradicting myself :)) if they just man up and grow a pair every now and then. Besides, if we can move past this then i'm sure that means i'll get to meet more men. :lick:

frick on a stick!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
Thank you Alan!

Putting grudges and the drama aside, i think this is what everyone should focus on. If socal is going through a rough patch, then we should do what is right and concentrate on fixing things instead of making them worse than they already are. Otherwise, those that speak of a "united socal" might as well be hypocrites for not being mature and resolving these issues of division. However, this goes to BOTH sides and rather than forgetting everything that has happened, we should learn from it. We all have our imperfections and our opinions, but its best to try to keep the peace whenever possible. So remember what separates us and do the opposite to stop these mistakes from recurring. We all have to choose what is good for the overall community and those that threaten this foundation should highly reconsider their actions. Whether this means shutting up every once in a while and avoiding conflict, or taking the matter in the perspective of others, we have all been at fault at a time. So to everyone out there that is angry or fed up, lets just kiss and make up(maybe hold hands by the beach and sing songs of the christ as we stare into the deep blue ocean and the theme song from cheers plays beneath the waves of the thunderous sea ). I'm sure everyone would like it better when there is no tension amongst people and everyone is gay-friendly. Its not important where you stand on certain issues. Simply its a matter of compromise. Everyone should be willing to forgive and "forget" (stfu its just a phrase-no i am not contradicting myself :)) if they just man up and grow a pair every now and then. Besides, if we can move past this then i'm sure that means i'll get to meet more men. :lick:

frick on a stick!
I was in total fear with that comment I did earlier.
I don't know what to say or do in this argument.

But you step up, showed up some guts, and your gayness, I commend that your gayness is healing Socal friendship!
Thank you!


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
you can ask anyone in palmdale, before zander went on his rant....i never talked poorly about him. "hes not that bad he beat me in some friendlies at OC2". that is what i would say when people laughed at zanders skill. screaming in his face at UC bi weekly? dont make me ROFL, i do remember saying.....wow laser camping is pretty gay. im sorry that offended him. but honesty....laser camping is pretty gay.

now as far as making sexually degrading remarks about my mother? zander can kiss my ***, and i will publicly hate him with joy. i can just imagine what would happen if zander said something similar about you and mana's mother. do you even know what a donkey punch is?

im sorry i commented about the mike y thing. he seemed pretty upset about it.....and to be honest i didnt know much. thats what happens when you get banned for a reason everyone should be banned for tho. im glad to see you talked to mike and everything is cool. i really like the deep socal guys and would stand behind them for anything. too good.

now for manacloud. somethign is wrong with this guy. he over charges for somethign he says he does for his "friends". he refuses to refund people who buy crappy DVD's that he messed up burning. he banns people from socal's biggest proving grounds because of personal problems. he yells at his little sister for not reaching his standards in doubles. No offense taken.....but your parents really **** the bed on this one. i dont know who could raise such an angry man who lies and cheats to get what he wants. sorry if it bugs anyone....but i think hes greedy and only cares about money. IMO he does not care about socal and getting it better.

as for being banned from the bi weeklies. these bi weeklies were pretty cool. but honestly im not sure if id want to spend the gas money on a 2 hour drive to go support people who deep down dont really want me there. ken, you obviously think im some cocky kid who comes out of nowhere talking a bunch of ****. thats cool. i did come out of nowehere...and i do talk a lot of ****. most peopel find it funny too....and its pretty much why palmdale calls me ROFL. unfortunately you and mana dont enjoy it. thats cool tho.

as for being banned? whatever. the bi weeklies were fun and everything....but playing with my friends in palmdale is why i play smash. ill never make to any MLG level or anythign anyways. i will be holding my own tournaments with the help of my friends in palmdale......Aesis at UCLA....and hugo in the san fernando valley area. there are a lot of people in palmdale that dont get to travel so its great for them. and hugs' area is blowing up with talent as well. everyone i talk to sounds excited about them and want to support. the only thing ill be missing is getting ***** by you......and gettign yelled at for sitting somewhere....or pissing on the rim of the toilet by manacloud.

the bi weeklies were a fun time and im happy i was able to prove myself at them a few times. good **** ken you guys have a great gig going. but its a little far to travel after everythign that has happened. plus im banned anyway lol.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
Yea I spoke with Ken last night, and if he says his jokes were harmless, then I'll believe him. Things are cool with me, so I hope things are cool with you ken. I did react harshly, so I apologize as well. The truth is i do respect you as a smasher, so no johns.

But seeing all the banning that went on, and all these arguments, they didn't sit well with me. And speaking to others, and all the responses on this thread, I know many others were pretty upset with them. But that's another issue with your brother.

It's like Pat said, and what I said before i signed off last night, that because ur the best player and most well known, ur words have more worth and bearing, and will probably be taken more seriously, like in my case. Yes, ur allowed to joke around whenever. Nobody can stop you from saying what you want. It just would be appreciated to make a better choice of words instead of coming off as sounding really insulted that someone compared me to you. :)

Anyways, I know everyone else in Deep Socal wants all the fighting and stuff to stop, and they probably still want to come to the biweeklies, as long as there's peace.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
And I think unbanning ROFL and Fabian is a fantastic idea, since ROFL is getting too good and Fabian is too good in teams.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

you can ask anyone in palmdale, before zander went on his rant....i never talked poorly about him. "hes not that bad he beat me in some friendlies at OC2". that is what i would say when people laughed at zanders skill. screaming in his face at UC bi weekly? dont make me ROFL, i do remember saying.....wow laser camping is pretty gay. im sorry that offended him. but honesty....laser camping is pretty gay.

now as far as making sexually degrading remarks about my mother? zander can kiss my ***, and i will publicly hate him with joy. i can just imagine what would happen if zander said something similar about you and mana's mother. do you even know what a donkey punch is?

im sorry i commented about the mike y thing. he seemed pretty upset about it.....and to be honest i didnt know much. thats what happens when you get banned for a reason everyone should be banned for tho. im glad to see you talked to mike and everything is cool. i really like the deep socal guys and would stand behind them for anything. too good.

now for manacloud. somethign is wrong with this guy. he over charges for somethign he says he does for his "friends". he refuses to refund people who buy crappy DVD's that he messed up burning. he banns people from socal's biggest proving grounds because of personal problems. he yells at his little sister for not reaching his standards in doubles. No offense taken.....but your parents really **** the bed on this one. i dont know who could raise such an angry man who lies and cheats to get what he wants. sorry if it bugs anyone....but i think hes greedy and only cares about money. IMO he does not care about socal and getting it better.

as for being banned from the bi weeklies. these bi weeklies were pretty cool. but honestly im not sure if id want to spend the gas money on a 2 hour drive to go support people who deep down dont really want me there. ken, you obviously think im some cocky kid who comes out of nowhere talking a bunch of ****. thats cool. i did come out of nowehere...and i do talk a lot of ****. most peopel find it funny too....and its pretty much why palmdale calls me ROFL. unfortunately you and mana dont enjoy it. thats cool tho.

as for being banned? whatever. the bi weeklies were fun and everything....but playing with my friends in palmdale is why i play smash. ill never make to any MLG level or anythign anyways. i will be holding my own tournaments with the help of my friends in palmdale......Aesis at UCLA....and hugo in the san fernando valley area. there are a lot of people in palmdale that dont get to travel so its great for them. and hugs' area is blowing up with talent as well. everyone i talk to sounds excited about them and want to support. the only thing ill be missing is getting ***** by you......and gettign yelled at for sitting somewhere....or pissing on the rim of the toilet by manacloud.

the bi weeklies were a fun time and im happy i was able to prove myself at them a few times. good **** ken you guys have a great gig going. but its a little far to travel after everythign that has happened. plus im banned anyway lol.
you can think what you want of me, personally you dont know me, your just like any other smashers talking out of your *** and making assumptions about what you dont know, which is none of your business to begin with.

first off, People are lucky im doing them this service, If i choose not to do it for them its worst then offering it to them with a high price, in this game people want to get good and possibly make money, I put up a rate and if they want me to do it then they can pay me. Its none of your business dumb****, so stay out of it. Let me ask you am i holding a gun to their heads forcing them to buy it? If they want to buy it let them its their money. In doing so it can make them better or worst, but in the end its still up to them to win tournaments off their skills. This is the reason why i banned your *** and im glad i did.

two, what i say to my sister is between her and I. Once again its none of your business, in my family and in many asian families yelling gets the message across. It doesnt mean we hate each other, hell im even closers to my sisters then you think. So once again do not assume this.

three, I dont lie and cheat. If i lie then i wouldnt be so brutually honest about why I think your a cocky mother ****er. Dont get me wrong, but your an idiot who just assumes ****. Just like how you beat chu dat once and get so cocky. You dont need to hear this from me chu knows this also. Also if Im a cheater tell me how please, because as far as I know you cant cheat in smash. Once again another assumption.

four, refusing to refund peoples who dvds are messed up? **** boy are you part of the staff that brought this dvd to the people. I told everyone who had a messed up dvd to resend us the dvd back so we can find the problem so future dvds will work. Nealdt took care of some dvds and i took care of some of the people who sent it back. In doing so we found out the problem which was corrupted disks, not blanks. So once again not your business, stay the **** out of it if your not involved. Oh yeah i messed up on burning them, right i burned around 110 dvds in like 3 weeks why dont you try this and see your computer break down. More assumptions...

five, if im greedy and just want peoples money i dont need it i can get a job. The only reason you think im greedy is because of the controller sales. Once again i told you its a service, people pay me for what they want. People pay high prices in the real world for famous art as well. In this game if people are willing to pay for lessons, lets say like how hugs was going to charge 60 an hour, what is it to you rofl? Its none of your ****ing business stay out of it. People pay me to fix their controllers, thus, i can charge whatever i want or help whoever i want.

six, not caring about getting so cal better, wow, if i would have just known what everyone has said about me maybe ill just take a step back into time and said hey hugs your not welcomed at our bi weeklies. Then we would see how things turned out. We could have easily as well said no palmdale allowed, but you see we arent like this. However, if you really think so of us then so be it. its your opinion, but like i said before, no rofl, doesnt mean we will stop running our bi weeklies bringing in some of the best competition there is to so cal.

seven, i ban people for leigitimate reasons.

1)Dsf - invited this guy over my house. Didnt care about anything but smash, then he talked **** about my family, said he didnt need so cals help, and hes one day going to come back and take out ken to prove him wrong. Takes out ken at tg6, gets mad cocky. Thus , hes banned.

2) the heroloto - kept on talking as if he knew everything. Assumed ken and i was taking money from electrical bills when we clearly stated look we hold this once in a while its nothing new. To keep bi weeklies going we must pay the bills once in a while. If youve been to the bi weeklies we run more then 10 tvs sometimes including cubes.

3) araknophobic - constantly jumping into conversations which does no involve him. He does not know much about whats going on either. Then he makes things worst by saying **** like " finally so cal's uniting to fight for a cause."

4) you rofl. You are by far one of the most cockiest people ive ever met. maybe not to your friends , but i can see right through you. You say you barely talk **** but you hold it in only to talk **** online. You write **** like how im money hungry before you even know whats going on. But whats worst about you is your assumptions thus your BANNED. Also, thanks for mentioning how my parents had to really **** on the bed for me. This just further adds on to why im banning your ***, if people dont see why then they are blind.

eight, as for my house rules. I have no choice but to be strict. The people that attend has to understand there are rules when you are in someones house, especially when you built your bathroom and some new smasher doesnt appreciate it and deficates all over the place or pee on the seat. We have to clean this **** and we arent janitors. So if you attend the bi weeklies then respect our house rules . If it was at a venue you think i care? Nope, not one bit, but its my house i live here, so respect them.

nine, as far as banning people goes. I dont want jack ***** in my house. I always stay strong to my judgements so dont think you can easily sway me. Ill say it now if you prefer not to attend because of some guy whos banned then dont. You have the option of attending. The bi weeklies are opened to people who want to get good and who arent cocky. No matter what, people who dont attend are going to miss out when we bring in top players from japan to our house, or our tournaments.

lastly, as dsf mentioned," people always talk **** behind your back mana," so nothings new to me. People talk **** thats life get over it. However, if you talk **** about me dont expect me to allow you into my house if i find out.

mikey- we were reconsidering but after what rofl just posted things arent changing. Maybe for fabian, jay tells me he talks out of his *** a lot.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2005
hmm, agreed I think everyone just needs to take it the easy right now. Drama drama....
How about mana, rofl, arak not post in this thread for like a day and calm down


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
lol no matter what you say..you are a liar mike.

i dont give a **** about you charign people a billion dollars for anything. as long as its not me. all i did was post my opinions in the topic. i feel that you "fix controllers" for money.

you also flip flop between if it makes you good or if you are just fixing. you told aesis last bi weekly that you can get special angles with your up b just because of the mods. LOL i thought you just fixed them?

i was in the thread mana....you did not just say "oh yeah anyone with problems send the DVD back". you said....if the DVD doesnt work its your fault. you need to update the DVD players and the DVD's were fine. you are obviously wrong. but apparently now everything was fine and dandy and you told everyone they could return them right away right? lie #2.

lol people have told me some other funny stories. but id hate for you to bann them for saying something behind your back so i wont bother telling them. lets just say its the funniest lie ive heard about.

i dont care mike. bring japanese players....bring pc chris....bring whoever you want to the bi weekly. thats great man.... am i supposed to be jealous or something? im never going to travel for competative smash as a way to make money or anything so i could care less. smash is friggen fun......i play luigi. im not looking to be number 1 in the world.

lol im a bad person for being happy that i beat chu dat? he tore through a line of like 20 people in money matches......4 stocking my friend teba. yet i beat him 3 sets in a row. i know hes better than me. but ****....it felt good. whats wrong with that? plus it doesnt matter because i would never play him in a tournament or even reach him even if I could beat him. chu dat is friggen tight. i loved playing with him and he was really nice. i didnt ee any problems with this. if hes angry at me or whatever thats cool...probly never play him again anyways unless he tried to mm me for like 100 dollars to prove a point. im a scrub....and hes like #2 in the world.

lol whatevers mike. dont burst a vein over this stuff.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Nah, I think that AIM is a better solution ;)

*to post above ROFLs*


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
I haven't posted all day...so its like i already had a day to cool down

What if ROFL and Araknophobe was unban will everyone willing to forgive and forget? It's really no ones fault, it just got a little out of hand, and i understand some things were said which shouldnt have been said.

Thanks ken, but I, nor anyone, ever really had a beef with you. The problem started with your brother banning people for disagreeing on his views on what should be considered a "MODDED" controller. I didn't rally anyone up to revolt against the bi-weekly's, that was all socal's decision on their own. thats their own opinions that are speaking out. I dont care about being banned or not, its rare that i can even make a saturday tournament anyways, and if i do its only for teams.
Basically what im trying to say is, your right everything got out of control and it was noone's particular fault...we all played a role. But why is this semi-apology coming from you and not your brother? this is his battle not yours.

Im sure everyone will stop posting if mana simply said "i admit, i was wrong" lmfao but that will never happen though so why even mention it, in his eyes everyone else is wrong and he's right.

3) araknophobic - constantly jumping into conversations which does no involve him. He does not know much about whats going on either. Then he makes things worst by saying **** like " finally so cal's uniting to fight for a cause."

Maybe for fabian, jay tells me he talks out of his *** a lot.
please quote the post where i wrote "finally socals uniting to fight for a cause".

As for jay saying i talk out of my *** alot, so does he...alot of people do. Atleast when i do, i admit to it. You can see past posts of jay and I argueing where we reach on consenses and apologize (or in knives terms, kiss and make up...with sex). But in this situation, i dont believe i did anything wrong. So we can agree to disagree, or you can apologize and we can work from there. You dont even have to unban me, just apologize :)


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

I haven't posted all day...so its like i already had a day to cool down

Thanks ken, but I, nor anyone, ever really had a beef with you. The problem started with your brother banning people for disagreeing on his views on what should be considered a "MODDED" controller. I didn't rally anyone up to revolt against the bi-weekly's, that was all socal's decision on their own. thats their own opinions that are speaking out. I dont care about being banned or not, its rare that i can even make a saturday tournament anyways, and if i do its only for teams.
Basically what im trying to say is, your right everything got out of control and it was noone's particular fault...we all played a role. But why is this semi-apology coming from you and not your brother? this is his battle not yours.

Im sure everyone will stop posting if mana simply said "i admit, i was wrong" lmfao but that will never happen though so why even mention it, in his eyes everyone else is wrong and he's right.

please quote the post where i wrote "finally socals uniting to fight for a cause".

As for jay saying i talk out of my *** alot, so does he...alot of people do. Atleast when i do, i admit to it. You can see past posts of jay and I argueing where we reach on consenses and apologize (or in knives terms, kiss and make up...with sex). But in this situation, i dont believe i did anything wrong. So we can agree to disagree, or you can apologize and we can work from there. You dont even have to unban me, just apologize :)
okay you can say its my battle if you want or whatever you believe. However heres your quote

it makes me shed a tear to see socal unit for a common cause
2nd, araknophobic , maybe you should reconsider jumping into conversations when your not involved or know nothing about. Or even bring up stuff like You remember that team "your banned" by zeldagis that was tight, then you wouldnt be banned. If you apologize for all the times you jumped into convos you didnt belong, ill apologize for banning you.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
It just makes me mad to see Fabian banned because he does something that gets on Manas nerves, not because of doing anything offensive to him or Ken. Its like me running a tournament, but banning NeighborhoodP (1 o) because I dont like it when he instigates a flame war :\


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

It just makes me mad to see Fabian banned because he does something that gets on Manas nerves, not because of doing anything offensive to him or Ken. Its like me running a tournament, but banning NeighborhoodP (1 o) because I dont like it when he instigates a flame war :\
maybe you should, if it gets the point across. Tell me jake the boy why are people going on instigating or jumping into peoples concerns when they arent involved. its like you and me arguing the he says out of no where Jake modifies controllers and is ripping people off. U wouldnt be offended?


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
its a message board... if you want to have a personal conversation, exchange phone numbers and go be butt buddies somewhere else.

this whole thing has turned from disagreement to fighting words. and frankly, it embarrasing to watch.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
So, you're pretty much disciplining Fabian by banning him, which will make him learn from his mistakes?

I didn't really understand the second part of your argument :\


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

So, you're pretty much disciplining Fabian by banning him, which will make him learn from his mistakes?

I didn't really understand the second part of your argument :\
the banning only comes from the part of offending me by not being part of the conversation which he isnt apart of. let me clarify the 2nd part. Lets say you and i talk. We are arguing over an issue. An issue that could have has no current solution to it meaning a problem like modifying controllers. Its like abortion there are rights and wrongs. Fabian jumps into the convo adding his input that as just based off his claims now things that really exist or facts. He just adds more bull **** to make the situation worst.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2006
Who is kira in Socal Elite 4 , i dont remember seeing him, ps : lets stop argueing you guys are too good to argue, just talk about happy things like girls poonanie smash, video games and anime ^^, ps i plan on being you ken, so can you please go fall down some stairs and break both your thumbs so i stand a chance ? (this is a bad joke but soo very true -_-)


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
WOW, its like everything i just said was completely disregarded.
Look....i know i may not have much a voice here but if people can level with me, PLEASE help. all these trivial fights are getting out of hand again and the comments keep getting harsher. What is the point anyway? There are no winners in these arguments, just people that are losing themselves in such a meaningless fight. All the while, the community is losing whatever connection it once had. I ask for the sake of everyone to put these petty differences aside and just chill..

You guys aren't forced to talk to one another so if the issue cant be resolved, the best alternative is to stop provoking one another. What is transpiring is bigger than , me, Rofl, mana, ken, hugs, or anyone who is stupid enough to join in and add to the fire. Why can't any of you see the repercussions behind your actions? How is blaming mana for everything gonna fix things hugs? I understand this is your opinion but there is no logical way to justify one person as being the sole reason for socal being separated. I can see your point but it is a bit farfetched. It probably has to do with lifestyles in the east coast as compared to the west coast, and how this allows them to train more with one another. It is not fair to say that ken should train socal just because he is the best. And how is critizing an individual for his actions gonna make the slightest bit of difference ROFL? people are different and you just have to accept that you might not like how some behave but the same goes for you, me, and everyone else. Blitz doesnt like me for my jokes, you dont like mana for his "money greed", and mana doesnt like you for your "cockiness". Again, its all subjective to whoever is looking at the person. All that has come of you voicing out your opinion is the indirect banning of palmdale, because the crew will back you up regardless. Nevertheless, i'm sure some will miss getting outside competition and i dont think you considered your all of your crew member's thoughts before speaking.

On the other hand, mana you get too caught up in your ways and make it difficult to allow people to speak their minds. They are afraid of how easily you could turn on them, just like hirshine was back when he posted, and just like how i am right now as i am typing this. I like to think that i'm still on your good side, so its best to hear it from someone that isnt saying things just to be an *** hole. Nevertheless, it needs to be said, and mana you're hard to deal with at times when others find themselves in disagreement with you. People are entitled to their own opinions and regardless of what they think of issues such as(BUT NOT LIMITED TO) the controller mods, it should not affect your perception of them. I can see that if someone attacked you on a personal level, then by all means defend yourself, but do so in a dignifying manner. There is no reason to fuel a 10 page flame war just because someone doesnt agree with you.

Furthermore, while neal might have been making a reference to you, he by no means meant for what has happened here. Neal is "nice"( again a subjective opinion), but granted that he is human with imperfections as well, im sure he felt obligated to do what he did. Being a moderator means to try and be objective and "moral" when it comes to the smash community. In my eyes, he did nothing but inform people of a potential issue and there is nothing wrong with that.

On another note, ken i know you partially apologized for what transpired between mike y and yourself, and mike was also man enough \to accept your apology. This is a good start, with a mutual and grown up resolve to a conflict. Now i dont expect you guys to be buddy-buddy in the near or distant future, but at least it will help us move on and people like me wont have to worry about picking sides, because as we all know that deepens the drama. ken, you want for others to forgive and forget, and what is funny about all this is how much socal is willing to do it. What i see here is a chain of events that were long coming. we've seen the same sort of things happen when panda held the best of 2006 tourny and somehow we got through the drama of "no more biweeklies" because someone was mature enough to recognize what was happening. Now, i am willing to bet a free burrito and a can of kiwi-strawberry soda(available at your local knivesies biweekly!~) that ALL it takes for socal to forgive and forget is just one simple but honest apology (if not, compromise) from mana.

We dont want you to take the blame for everything. We are ALL partially at blame, but what i mean by compromise is for you guys to also step up and meet us half way in taking responsibility for your actions. There is just no way that everyone can be wrong about some of the things that have been repeatly said, so if the shields couild be lowered and MAYBE, possibly admit that we have all messed up, then that would mean a lot to the community.

Ken you know all this to be true inside, and you have the most voice in all of socal. Please speak and make things better, not worse. Talk to the community and fix the drama. Consequently, talk to your brother also, because he is afterall your blood and family matters. If you dont want to see him troubled with all that has been going on, you should know what to say.

As for me, well i'm sure there are plenty who despise my ways of turning everything into jokes or posting non-sensical things. i am not perfect and have had my share of dramatic events in the short time that i've been in smashboards. The point is to not let it get to you and move on. I apologized to blitz on my riverside thread and unbanned him in the hopes that he'll meet me half way and forget all the stupid stuff that happened. Whether or not this happens, i can honestly say that at least i tried to make things better.

So to all those taking this light-heartedly, that is fine because i am positive that many if most, dont care about smash to such an extent. Nevertheless, this argument is no longer about the game, so i'm just trying to help these people who i've met and grown a likeness to.

And listen..bottomline is people do not change. They are who they are and that is why we aren't progressing. However, that does not mean that it should stop us from trying to be something greater than what we already are. Everyone has room to grow.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
**** yea that was long and impossible to read!~ rapesies kid.

to all them *****es and hoes that complained, its fixed now somewhat.

next time i just wont write cause its easier


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2006
Torrance, California
I've stopped reading the posts, but Knivez, I think you should start arranging your posts into paragraphs or something, for people easier to read them, cause if it's that huge and stuff, I've read your previous posts and I got lost easily x_X


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Well I don't know how much weight this has, but I think EC > WC for a different reason altogether.

I think EC is simply more dedicated than WC. First, I'll explain my point then refute the others.

EC is more competitive. You can see it 'cuz they have way more **** talk, and i dont think its just killaOR. They also have these STDs that socal never has. When they lose they are genuinely sad; much more sad than any of socal would be. We're much more friendly and we make it a point to not make johns and if someone loses they admit the other is better. But on the EC that is not necessarily the case. If they lose they get really depressed and train really hard so they can win the next time. Understand that I lived in Chicago for the majority of my life and my aunt lives in New York City and I've visited there numerous times, so I know the difference in mentality.

Socal is not worse because people are banned or any split for that matter. The people who want to play DSF go and play him. He shows up at every tourney other than the biweekly so there are plenty of chances. although ken is probably bored of this game by now and there is no one near his level to play with, theres still chances every 2 weeks and he plays friendlies with people afterwards most of the time.

I also don't think a lack of traveling is why socal isnt as good. Of course, I don't know EC smashers, but if what hugo said is true and all those people he mentioned in his convo w/ mana really do/did travel then it probably isn't an issue.

Well as I said I don't know EC smashers, but I think if more of socal was dedicated they would get better faster. Two people I can think of who are really dedicated and had a large increase in skill are DC and myself (lol). DC has gone to every tournament ever and look how many people he's surpassed. Only ken, dsf, and hugs are out of reach for him now. As for myself, I've done my best to show up to everything, and i dont care how far it is. My very first tournament was a biweekly in August 2006, i didnt even go to 0C2. Now there are a lot of people i am better than and am on par with and i know they all started way before I did. I'm not saying I'm smarter or i learn faster, but at the very least i've been more determined to get better than them. If you have this dedication, you will get better, and i believe EC has more people like that than WC.

dam that was way too long... and there were like 50 posts made while i was writing this. multitasking slows each individual task.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
And how is critizing an individual for his actions gonna make the slightest bit of difference ROFL? people are different and you just have to accept that you might not like how some behave but the same goes for you, me, and everyone else. Blitz doesnt like me for my jokes, you dont like mana for his "money greed", and mana doesnt like you for your "cockiness".
i totally i agree. i always say "IMO i think your greedy and thats it" im fine with being called cocky. and im fine with people saying i talk ****. lol there really wasnt ANY problem until manacloud banned me and fabian because we talk **** behind his back? whats the proof anyway. and if it was true who cares. sticks and stones apparently break bones and then some.

i was also already banne dbefore i said anything hurtfull towards manacloud. so thinking about my crew mates was pointless....they are just as angry with him as me for this.

i forgive mana. i think we just have completely opposite personalities and will never get along. its like the holy wars in iraq or something haha. but it doesnt really change the fact that palmdale is gone from the bi weeklies.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2005
it'd be nice if you separated your speech into paragraphs, but honestly flame waring each other on an internet forum won't lead to anything. Everyone should listen to knivez.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

i totally i agree. i always say "IMO i think your greedy and thats it" im fine with being called cocky. and im fine with people saying i talk ****. lol there really wasnt ANY problem until manacloud banned me and fabian because we talk **** behind his back? whats the proof anyway. and if it was true who cares. sticks and stones apparently break bones and then some.

i was also already banne dbefore i said anything hurtfull towards manacloud. so thinking about my crew mates was pointless....they are just as angry with him as me for this.

i forgive mana. i think we are just completely ipposite people who will never get along. its like the holy wars in iraq or something haha. but it doesnt really change the fact that palmdale is gone from the bi weeklies.
who said i banned palmdale? just you. Boa and teba and even emerican are welcomed to come. however, since you are all so tight they choose not to go thats their choice.


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
CA, Compton
DSF on the other hand is a different story, my parents don't allow him at our house when they heard him talk **** about it long ago. my parents don't want him here, simple and plain as that.

?????? all i said was that Mike sucks D I C K.... thats all it took... so what ur trying to say is that Mike told his parents about that comment??? u have EC talking madness about ur sisters....... but w/e.... but i dont like that u lie like that ken....i also hate it when Mike says that i was disrespectful to his family... both of you guys are such liars!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2006
Well I ban palmdale cuz ROFL iz banned.... why would we want to go without our Roflett... was fun reaching ken in tourny brackets haha but o wellz

GG no rm UCLA tourny ftw? I think so. ^_^


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
lol fabian does jump into arguements and throws gasoline on fire but hes coo now and attones for how he was ppl grow and change life is a process no one stays the same there whole lives ppl just need to get over themselves and live it through ^^

edit-wow knivez learn to stop liking **** so much ***........lol jp had to add something manly to make it official but seriously knivez.....your gay LOL


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
You guys should just ignore all these noob posts from ezynjay about gasoline and go back to my post because it has been spaced appropriately by popular demand.

yes thats right, it is now readable you whiny shets.
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