All or most of the people attending your tournament Pete will probably stray away from proving stages broken, as since only 3 players from the current PRs will be there the glimmer of hope will be in us all, and thus testing out gimmicks will become secondary to the chance of winning a tournament
If people want to win and the stages are so easily abused why not abuse them yourself for an easy win.
But unfortunately we've now been forced into a situation where we have to employ that tactic in order to prove it exists and can be abused... It's either be nice and play properly which will lead to keeping stages that will be abused by OoS/OoC players, or be a right prick for the good of the scene... *sigh*
The reality of it is when you're playing competitive ideally you play to win regardless of whether it's "nice" or not, I don't think MK's spamming tornado against Bowser (<3 Kane) is nice but it's a part of the game and I expect nothing less.
On the short_ Luigis Mansion has a write up of all te numerous exploitations available there_ I never elieved it at first until I read this information and it is all viable_ You can test it out yourself_
Just to clarify I don't necessarily think some of these stages should be legal (Luigi's being one) but think they should be tested practically before we ban them, don't just say there are exploits, list them, I can't debate what you don't bring up. If they are as bad as you say then surely it will be quickly banned after seeing them in action.
I had numerous discussions with Vlade about Norfair as you are all aware I was an advocate for keeping it_ There are two issues aboutthis stage_ The first is the randomness factor of the fire spurts or whatever you call them hitting on stage_ Now unlike the other 2 which give you sufficient time and warning to avoid them, these do not and merely appear, catching people off guard and costing lives unfairly_
People have already addressed that it is quite easy to react to the stage hazards and if you don't its your own fault.
To continue with Norfair, the second is edge stalling_ Its not jus MK who can do this and it actively promotes stalling and or camping, which for purposes of competitive play you would like to avoid as much as possible unless you really want to lose numbers and active participants_
We do have a ledge grab rule remember. That being said it's just as easy to camp on other stages, if you don't like camping don't play brawl, it's a campy game.
Let's look at Port Town_ The base of the stage in some transformations have cars running by rapidly_ These cars kill at extremely low percents and are thus seen as too random and volatile an element to allow_ You could argue and say to stay on the platforms although it's not that simple_ Some characters are capable of creating a wall and could effectively force another into a situation where they must land on the racing strip, leaving them vulnerable to a potential stage kill_
Again another stage I'm not particularly for, though if someone manages to force you into a var kill it's their good play, it's the same as someone forcing you into the laser on halberd or the bombs.
Kills are mean to be controlled so that it is the player who is responsible for stock losses, not the stage_ An element that creates a high possibilty without sufficient warning or time to avoid is seen as unviable for the stage and players on it_ I can say for all of you that you would not appreciate being killed by the stage and bot your opponent_ On Halberd you blame stupidity for not following the warning signs, on Norfair you abuse the stage because you had no warning_
People will abuse anything they can to shift the blame from their own bad play, nobody likes to accept it was their fault but the reality is that it was.
Its a random element that creates an unfair component to a game that is attempting to be as fair, unbiased and conpetitive as possible_
I love Brawl but it is not a fair, unbiased, competitive game.
As stated earlier by Jesse_ As a community we should be promoting growth_ By introudcing stages that can be abused or hold random elements that can be deemed as unfair, we are only forcing players to eventually take a path that promotes further abuse_ I could bet that if we still kept mostly flat stages then we would see an increased number of players who benefit on them_ Once you incorporate stages that have a definite advantage towards one or a handfull of characters, then chance are you will begin to see them more often purely due to tactical advantage_
is promoting growth, these stage aren't permanent and if proved break the game then will be removed. Also the proposed counterpicks help some low tiers actually have viable counterpicks.
You are not taking into consideration that during those 2 seconds of warning you could be doing something else (ie, special move, recovery, avoiding attacks, being harrased by your opponent/ vice versa) Some of which would take 2 seconds to a)complete said movement/attack/recovery and b) attempt to react to the lava which may already be active if your movements take longer than 2 seconds_
What if someone is doing the aforementioned things during the last 2 seconds before the laser shoots on halberd? Also someone harassing you is not valid,
In theory 2 seconds is fine but in reality there is more that could potentially be occurring that would take longer than 2 seconds_ Mic in all the time we have had both Pictochat and Norfair active, how many times would you say the stage was to blame for stock losses_? I can easily say that Norfair was the more frequent of the 2_ You can argue that popularity also increases the consistency of stage deaths but in reality it has more damage potential and constant events that are comparatively more dangerous than Pitcochat_
Could it also be people die more on Norfair case they are doing stupid ****? I've seen more people die to the skill-tester on Halberd than Norfair lava spurts, doesn't mean that the claw is to blame.
Sure Norfair can alternatively stop circle stalling momentarily but again reality is it doesn't stop it permanently_ Pete how does camping affect the game_? If it becomes to campy then no-one plays, scene doesn't expand, no scene growth no player growth, scene dies slowly or just stays at a low number constantly_ We are trying to make the Brawl scene in general larger, and by promoting or further allowing camping we are further distancing new players and potential scene growth_
Camping is an aspect of the game and a
large aspect, sure it's boring but it's not bad. Also no stage can permanently stop circle camping.
JJ is banned because it allowed Falco a *******ly CP over everyone_ Although Vlade *cough* is the only real Falco main in the scene, i'm sure you are starting to see people slowly climb the tier list onto characters that potentially create issues stage wise_
It shouldn't necessarily be banned because it gives one character an advantage, otherwise we'd have banned Rainbow Cruise thanks to MK.
Norfair is on the fine line but i'm againsty it being a CP personally after my talks with Vlade_ Port Town should be a fairly obvious no no_ Also Marteh, some characters have poor recovery options and will be easily abused or forced upon them with this stage_ If there were no cars and the possibility of an instant stock loss then i would argue for, but the cars make it a definite no for me_
There are a lot of stages that punish characters for having poor recoveries, why should they be different?
green greens: camping or not, the blocks break the stage, now you can be ******** like mic and argue that you just dont stand there, or you can be normal and realise that you have to move through there to get around the stage, and your going to be getting hit through that area often, and you'd be suprised how many times you'll get hit into a bomb block and die, or get hit into a normal block at high percent causing you to lose momentum and live from an otherwise garenteed ko. also the apples are an issue, if you need me to explain why then I'm going to be very dissapointed. (also not sure why you think its a good anti meta stage)
It is
not hard to avoid the blocks. if you get hit into the bomb block thats good stage use by the opponent, if he hits you into the blocks and you survive thats bad stage use by him.
Halberd: not really neutral matierial imo, too favourite of certain characters and matchups, but you've got enough stages that it will get striked anyway.
With that criteria FD shouldn't be a starter either.
yoshi's island melee (pipes): go dedede, or pit, or a bunch of other characters that can chaingrab up hills and you've got a simple , easy, broken 0-death combo, gg.
Barely any can chaingrab up hills due to the nature of the slope, I was unaware pit could, but I know DDD can only chaingrab DK, Wario, Link, Ganon, Wolf, and Lucario up the hill. Also he cannot infinite anyone on a slope, nor small step CG them, which means the CG is
less effective on some characters here.
luigis manion: so many dumb things I wont even bother
Real constructive.
Japes: borderline, its banable, but at the same time its not, but the clap trap changes the outcome of matches way more then it should, and falco just lols all over that stage
Clap trap occurs exactly 13 seconds iirc, not hard to kepp track of the timer.
I'm pretty sure you have no idea what your talking about, your not even good at the game.
Nice way to be a huge ****, and Kane had led me to believe you were a coll guy.
In my opinion there's a difference between camping and gaining the stock/% lead and running away... In my opinion, what Vlade did to Alzi on Brinstar with Wario during the Grand Finals of Macbeth (wow nouns
) was the latter, and I would've been tempted to call it excessive stalling under my amount of experience, but I said nothing because a) not my tournament, and b) there was no real point since they weren't really playing for any money anyway, so I would've just been met with ridicule given everyone rooting for a time out...
Stalling is the act of making the game unplayable running away is no this but rather just really good spacing.
Logically, if excessive chaingrabbing is classified as stalling, then a layman would expect running away (i.e. deliberately avoiding combat without attacking in any way shape or form) would be stalling too... Either the definition of stalling needs a revamp or everyone's getting this rule wrong in this argument...
An infinite continuing for 8 minutes makes the game unplayable because the opponent physically can't do anything. the definition is above, in all my tournament posts, and in the SBR recommended ruleset.
Got ninja'd big time.