Incoming mass multi-quoting!
Sorry Pete but your list is unacceptable_ I fail to see why it is necessary to allow stages that have otherwise been banned in previous tournaments for obvious reasons_ Keeping a set list of stages across te board is a much more prefferable choice for tournaments otherwise you cause confusion and unecessary debate over something that has oterwise been accepted by the community_
Except that
a) The stages have NOT been 'mass tested'. There's a good number of stages that people banned because "it's gay" and not looked back. There's a small number of states in the US that have had some rather interesting stage lists (port town as legal) for ages, not just one-offs.
It's just now that the SBR is looking at a real deep discussion about the whole issue, starting with the 9 starters reccomendation.
b) The community is biased. Not really referring to us here, since we do have a varied character representation, but over where it's mostly the top two tiers that see's any use. It's no wonder that they all want to keep the flat stages that their characters excel at, rather than balance things out. Plus, the "it's gay" mentality comes in here too.
I can understand your choice to attempt making oter stages viable but those stages have been banned for a reason and going into this discussion again is futile_ The starters here once a problem which has found a comfortable solution, now leading to an overall agreeable stage selection list which is deemed as fairer and much more viable than previous iterations_
True. Just don't expect that stage reviews have stopped there.
Hey guys, just dropping in to say hello to Caotic and Micky
*Waves* :D
that is a good idea, and I can apprciate the thought behind it, however the counter argument of course, is that that idea has been tried out the world over and they've all come to the same conclusion more or less.
Again, they haven't. Or more accurately, they have, but are wrong. Probably borderline in saying this, but in the stage discussions going on, the people who vote stages should be legal usually provide great reasoning, while the pro-ban people usually just vote and don't actually argue/debate points. This of course varies depending on people and stages, but there's a number of poeple who vote without explaining any reasoning why.
yoshi's island (pipes) has never been borderling though, green greens promotes heavy camping and the explosive blocks (and normal ones that you can hit and survive where you would normally have died) are a level of unpredictable luck that adds too much random chance to matches, the apples are the same, but to less of an extent, port town aero dive is too disruptive, again the cars and stage changing (wrong place at the wrong time can easily get you killed) add too much random chance. luigi's mansion has a whole page full of unfair tactics and advantages, although if not abused its not really that bad of a stage, norfair same thing
As someone mentioned already, pipes has indeed been borderline.
It's hard to argue that Green Greens promotes camping when Brawl is a game that promotes it. People generally camp the sides, which can backfire badly (hanging around near short blast zones is not a great idea) and the center is safer. Platforms/blocks to avoid people on the corners spamming projectiles, not to mention the tree gives projectiles/health to the center area too. Plus, it's a stage that's not particularly great for Meta (sorry andre!) Also, "random" blocks falling? There's a specific small area they fall. Don't go in the specific small area where they fall.
Port town I agree with, not a fan at all. But I'm not going to complain as it's unlikely anyone will actually choose it. I'm more of the ban than legal side, but I'll be honest: I've barely touched it. If those couple of states in the US have been using it for as long as they have, guess it's worth a shot (though don't see it making it to be honest)
Luigi's mansion I've never really been to, so can't say too much.
Thats an extremely bad way to go about things.
Honestly, I'm all for trying to play as lame and broken on the stages as possible. People
claim that all sorts of things can be abused in such horrible ways. Yet there's not actually any video evidence to support their claims at all. If the stage really is broken, play and show how bad it is. Either the stage IS horrible and is then banned, or people find a way to deal with the supposedly broken technique. Win-win.
If you're trying new things for the sake of checking to see if certain ideas are balanced why dont you try the 9 stage striking list pete.
^Not a troll.
Seconded. I'd love to try it.
I can now function
PS: Would KILL to play as Metaknight with hanenbow legal ^_^ I honestly don't really care about stages anymore lol if you don't like a stage just prove it's broken and make everyone change their minds.
<3 Vlade.
I'll be sending 30 bucks to your account tomorrow for Steelix. If there's anything left over afterwards, buy me something "cool" with what's left. (Preferably not anime based)
the urge to keep a uniformed stage list for ALL tournaments held_
When stages still are being debated? I think that's a bit foolish really. I don't think we even had a uniformed list in Melee.
All or most of the people attending your tournament Pete will probably stray away from proving stages broken, as since only 3 players from the current PRs will be there the glimmer of hope will be in us all, and thus testing out gimmicks will become secondary to the chance of winning a tournament
Sadly, true. Perhaps we should hold a tournament with the only CP's available are the debatable stages? (Obviously not one that a lot of cash is up for)