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Video Thread: Now in Regular Definition!


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004


P.S. - Yeah, I definitely saved that picture, ROFL! I am locking some threads with that in the future LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Yosh and I had an extremely long conversation talking about how he can improve his game based on the vids i linked of him. I figured this might help everyone, so those that are interested in improving, please watch the vids linked and follow the conversation. Keep in mind I don't mind talking to people about how they should improve. I don't post large posts because it takes too long, but I enjoy having interactive conversations with people, so if you want to talk about a certain situation or critique a vid, please PM me.

bwett1986 (11:44:52 AM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3I6PQrteto
"Yosh" (11:45:07 AM): heh
bwett1986 (11:45:15 AM): at :30, when you throw an egg to force an airdodge
bwett1986 (11:45:23 AM): the nair was interesting lol
"Yosh" (11:45:40 AM): heh, thanks
bwett1986 (11:45:51 AM): in that situation, what options do you have?
bwett1986 (11:46:01 AM): he is falling with an airdodge
"Yosh" (11:46:04 AM): up-smash maybe
"Yosh" (11:46:18 AM): pivot grab again
bwett1986 (11:46:32 AM): pivot grab is really good against g&w
bwett1986 (11:46:39 AM): it wouldve been guaranteed right there
bwett1986 (11:46:44 AM): not saying the nair was wrong
bwett1986 (11:46:54 AM): but you need to know all options you have
bwett1986 (11:46:57 AM): what else?
"Yosh" (11:47:18 AM): well, if neutral hit, then up-aerial would have worked also
bwett1986 (11:47:24 AM): exactly
bwett1986 (11:47:52 AM): what i've found against g&w is that you dont have many chances to uair
"Yosh" (11:47:54 AM): i like the kill I got at 2:43
bwett1986 (11:48:21 AM): unless you are amazing at spacing a ff g&w dair
"Yosh" (11:48:48 AM): I'm getting better at spacing it properly
bwett1986 (11:48:56 AM): usmash does not beat dair unless he slow falls it
"Yosh" (11:48:58 AM): but it's still not something that I'd risk a stock doing
bwett1986 (11:49:14 AM): atleast as far as i remember
"Yosh" (11:49:20 AM): makes sense
bwett1986 (11:49:35 AM): retreating egglay is amazing, gj using it
"Yosh" (11:49:44 AM): thanks
bwett1986 (11:50:17 AM): every time a character jumps, no matter the character, there a good chance if you guess the jump, you get a free usmash
"Yosh" (11:50:43 AM): yeah, I noticed that if he double jumps close to the ground then I can generally get an up-smash out of it
"Yosh" (11:51:11 AM): because there's not a lot he can do to prevent it
bwett1986 (11:51:22 AM): just in general, because yoshi's head goes way out in front of him, if you guess it, almost no aerial will come out fast enough or beats it
bwett1986 (11:51:55 AM): at :57 you threw two eggs in the same place
bwett1986 (11:52:10 AM): you need to move after each egg
bwett1986 (11:52:22 AM): especially if a character is hovering right above you
"Yosh" (11:52:25 AM): as in i stayed in the same spot?
bwett1986 (11:52:26 AM): he couldve daired
bwett1986 (11:52:28 AM): yes
"Yosh" (11:52:57 AM): yeah, I need to use the ETS more in my game
bwett1986 (11:53:08 AM): just use it every time
"Yosh" (11:53:11 AM): heh
bwett1986 (11:53:16 AM): thats what i do
bwett1986 (11:53:22 AM): whether i stand still or not
bwett1986 (11:53:34 AM): it doesnt do anything if you stand still
bwett1986 (11:54:50 AM): you had a lead and you started getting too aggressive
bwett1986 (11:55:05 AM): outside of your jab, g&w beats you at close range
bwett1986 (11:55:13 AM): you **** him at mid and long range
bwett1986 (11:55:38 AM): keep him at pivot grab range unless you catch a jab or bair
bwett1986 (11:56:08 AM): in many cases, double jab to retreating pivot grab and double jab to usmash work really well
bwett1986 (11:56:35 AM): the double jab pops g&w up and he will instinctively dair in many cases
"Yosh" (11:56:50 AM): makes sense
bwett1986 (11:57:57 AM): unless g&w is at higher percents and you are not above 60%, you should never use downb in the air
"Yosh" (11:58:32 AM): yeah, I thought that I was gonna slide away from him after that, but I kind of hit that slope and just stopped, heh
bwett1986 (11:59:17 AM): the higher you are, you shorter you slide i believe
"Yosh" (11:59:36 AM): yeah, I just didn't factor that in when I was playing
bwett1986 (12:00:38 PM): if possible, could you copy this convo into the vid thread for other people after im done?
"Yosh" (12:00:56 PM): I can do that
bwett1986 (12:01:06 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HTgXf-wR5o
bwett1986 (12:01:25 PM): what is your strategy if you get fd against a g&w?
"Yosh" (12:01:38 PM): stay away and rack up damage
bwett1986 (12:01:48 PM): and what are your main tools?
"Yosh" (12:01:57 PM): pivot grab and egg toss
bwett1986 (12:02:04 PM): excellent =)
"Yosh" (12:02:10 PM): heh
bwett1986 (12:02:57 PM): what do you use dsmash for?
"Yosh" (12:03:25 PM): I'm bad about using it at low percentages, but I use it out of a spot dodge mainly to push my opponent away
bwett1986 (12:03:54 PM): anytime you see that you can punish your opponent, but usmash and fsmash is too slow, use dsmash
bwett1986 (12:04:01 PM): are*
"Yosh" (12:04:12 PM): noted
bwett1986 (12:04:28 PM): its "bad" because if you miss, youll be punished
bwett1986 (12:04:37 PM): but if you know it will hit, why not?
"Yosh" (12:04:57 PM): yeah, which is why sometimes I argue that down-tilt is better in most cases because of the less lag afterwards
"Yosh" (12:05:23 PM): if you're not sure it'll hit, but you wanna take the chance, then less lag would be better
bwett1986 (12:06:03 PM): id argue dsmash anyways because of the shield knockback
"Yosh" (12:06:36 PM): i've found that two down tilts immediately following each other can most of the time get the second one to hit
"Yosh" (12:06:50 PM): because it'll either poke the bottom of the shield, or they'll drop it for an attack
bwett1986 (12:06:57 PM): i like that
bwett1986 (12:07:00 PM): do that
"Yosh" (12:07:02 PM): heh
bwett1986 (12:07:06 PM): as long as it works lol
bwett1986 (12:07:26 PM): at 1:07, you grab the ledge to try to gimp g&w and it worked
bwett1986 (12:07:43 PM): if you are facing a better g&w, do not, in any situation, try to gimp g&w
bwett1986 (12:07:52 PM): with any character
"Yosh" (12:07:59 PM): heh
bwett1986 (12:08:29 PM): if you had faced zac, i guarantee you, he would've activated it a frame earlier and it wouldve stage spiked you
"Yosh" (12:08:42 PM): yeah, I don't doubt that, heh
bwett1986 (12:08:58 PM): just throw eggs if g&w is off stage
bwett1986 (12:09:19 PM): maybe an uair here and there, but really, its just extremely dangerous
"Yosh" (12:10:04 PM): yeah, that's a flaw in my game when a G&W is hanging on the ledge, I know the safest thing is just to sit there and throw eggs until he gets back on the stage, because neutral aerial outprioritizes everything I have in that position
"Yosh" (12:10:27 PM): but every time I start throwing them and he's still hanging on, I tell myself "maybe he won't expect me to attack" and then I get hit, heh
bwett1986 (12:11:22 PM): a smart g&w will expect an attack, and he can space a nair. If he catches the last hit, it will pull you off stage. Then he'll fair or upb to spike you
"Yosh" (12:12:10 PM): yeah, it's just something that I guess I keep playing around with in friendlies hoping that maybe I'll have this monumental breakthrough that never happens
bwett1986 (12:12:45 PM): at 1:06, you probably shouldve thrown an egg first
bwett1986 (12:12:50 PM): before your dj
bwett1986 (12:13:08 PM): 1:14 is pro
bwett1986 (12:13:28 PM): well starting with the airdodge
"Yosh" (12:14:02 PM): normally I'd agree with you on the egg throw (and I do it 99% of the time) but he's been waiting for the egg throw and jumping off stage to forward aerial me a lot more
bwett1986 (12:14:14 PM): then you did the proper thing
"Yosh" (12:14:15 PM): so every now and then, I throw in a double jump first to try to confuse him
bwett1986 (12:14:37 PM): if you try to be agressive with nair, use it as rising
"Yosh" (12:14:40 PM): and yeah, that down aerial was stupid, heh
bwett1986 (12:15:18 PM): remember what i said about hovering in the up corner of their shield with your jump, wait, then dj into a nair
bwett1986 (12:15:41 PM): upper*
"Yosh" (12:15:41 PM): yeah, i tried it at 1:23 and just had a footstool instead
"Yosh" (12:15:53 PM): I'll work on it
"Yosh" (12:16:15 PM): didn't wait along enough I guess
bwett1986 (12:16:18 PM): when you did that first jump, thats when you shouldve done it
bwett1986 (12:16:26 PM): jump and approach
bwett1986 (12:16:39 PM): sit right above grab range, then rising nair
bwett1986 (12:16:52 PM): because you drop down on your dj, it will hit
bwett1986 (12:17:29 PM): learn to SDI out of bair
bwett1986 (12:17:39 PM): up and towards
"Yosh" (12:17:46 PM): if you space it improperly and go too low, can they buffer in a shield grab and take away your 2nd jump?
"Yosh" (12:18:05 PM): I typically just SDI up, I didn't know you should do it toward him too
bwett1986 (12:18:39 PM): it depends if they retreat it or not, but up and towards will work most of the time
"Yosh" (12:19:19 PM): alright
bwett1986 (12:20:27 PM): if g&w is on the ground and you are falling towards him, you shouldn't be airdodging
bwett1986 (12:20:37 PM): they will charge a smash and kill you at 70%
"Yosh" (12:20:44 PM): heh, i've found this out recently
bwett1986 (12:21:16 PM): if its possible, try never to land near g&w
"Yosh" (12:21:34 PM): yeah, in that case, I still had my 2nd jump, so I could have done rising neutral-aerial
bwett1986 (12:21:34 PM): if they try to run towards you to get under, stop them with egglay
"Yosh" (12:21:48 PM): or egg lay would have worked too
"Yosh" (12:21:55 PM): or just getting the hell away in general, heh
bwett1986 (12:22:16 PM): if you cant stop them, try nair or something desperate, just the worst situation is airdodge most times
"Yosh" (12:22:30 PM): alright
bwett1986 (12:23:19 PM): at 3:05, g&w is sitting there and you have the percent lead, why are you approaching?
"Yosh" (12:23:49 PM): not sure honestly. Error on my part
bwett1986 (12:24:00 PM): if he thinks he can just sit there and win, show him that eggs override shield lol
"Yosh" (12:24:05 PM): heh
bwett1986 (12:24:29 PM): you should always keep track of your percents in that situation
bwett1986 (12:24:54 PM): even if he is in the lead and he sits there, your eggs win
bwett1986 (12:25:08 PM): he has to approach eventually
bwett1986 (12:25:48 PM): in general, in brawl, the approaching character has the disadvantagwe
bwett1986 (12:26:00 PM): force him to approach and punish
bwett1986 (12:26:18 PM): this should be a mainstay strategy that you should use in all matchups
"Yosh" (12:26:29 PM): maybe that's why I like Brawl better than Melee, heh. I'm more of a defensive player than an aggressive one
bwett1986 (12:26:30 PM): thats why egg toss and pivot grab are used to much
bwett1986 (12:26:40 PM): so*
bwett1986 (12:27:26 PM): at 3:13 or so, you forced the airdodge again with an egg
bwett1986 (12:27:36 PM): that time, you shouldve used usmash
bwett1986 (12:27:48 PM): you need to rack percent fast against g&w
bwett1986 (12:28:05 PM): he kills you starting at 70%
bwett1986 (12:28:15 PM): you kill him starting around 110%
"Yosh" (12:28:46 PM): makes sense
bwett1986 (12:29:26 PM): if you are in a high pressure situation where yall are close in combat and he keeps nairing, spam nair
bwett1986 (12:29:34 PM): specifically around 3:35
"Yosh" (12:31:33 PM): I think I did that in the first video more, especially when he had a little landing lag
bwett1986 (12:31:44 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoFG-CUkfGc
bwett1986 (12:31:53 PM): against snake, you should be grabbing alot
bwett1986 (12:32:17 PM): any time he is in the air, unless he is at kill percent, you should be grabbing most often
bwett1986 (12:32:36 PM): the goal is to always keep snake in the air
bwett1986 (12:32:43 PM): if he is on the ground, youve lost
bwett1986 (12:32:54 PM): his ftilt beats everything
bwett1986 (12:32:58 PM): every approach
"Yosh" (12:33:06 PM): yeah, it's annoying, heh
bwett1986 (12:33:10 PM): i think the only thing MAYBE is dash grab
bwett1986 (12:33:24 PM): it even beats egglay
bwett1986 (12:33:48 PM): so if you grab him near the edge, grab fthrow
"Yosh" (12:33:50 PM): so would you typically say down/up throw or relase?
bwett1986 (12:33:56 PM): fthrow
bwett1986 (12:33:59 PM): or bthrow
"Yosh" (12:34:04 PM): interesting
"Yosh" (12:34:18 PM): so you wouldn't do the chaingrab shennanigans?
bwett1986 (12:34:33 PM): you can do cg stuff with fthrow and bthrow
bwett1986 (12:34:48 PM): your throws should be gravitating towards off the stage
bwett1986 (12:34:53 PM): up and down do nothing
bwett1986 (12:35:12 PM): you arent using throws to do damage
"Yosh" (12:35:17 PM): if you predict what they do out of the up/down throw, then you can up-aerial
bwett1986 (12:35:35 PM): your goal isnt to rack damage
bwett1986 (12:35:41 PM): its to control snake
"Yosh" (12:35:42 PM): but that only comes from playing your opponent for a while, not something you just do
bwett1986 (12:35:53 PM): no
bwett1986 (12:36:10 PM): i know exactly what a snake will do if i fthrow him off the stage
"Yosh" (12:36:16 PM): heh
"Yosh" (12:36:28 PM): but what about grabbing in the center of the stage?
bwett1986 (12:36:40 PM): you should be throwing him towards the edge
bwett1986 (12:36:50 PM): snakes win when they control the stage
bwett1986 (12:36:56 PM): you don't allow them to do that
"Yosh" (12:36:58 PM): alright, makes sense
"Yosh" (12:37:11 PM): lack of Snake experience is one reason why I didn't go further in No Koast
"Yosh" (12:37:17 PM): I got 2-stocked by Nappy twice in a row
bwett1986 (12:37:20 PM): im not saying that you shouldnt do a certain thing
bwett1986 (12:37:33 PM): keep in mind, mindgames change everything
bwett1986 (12:37:47 PM): im giving the basic strategies for how to beat people
"Yosh" (12:37:53 PM): yeah
bwett1986 (12:37:59 PM): they should not be set in stone so you can use uthrow
bwett1986 (12:38:09 PM): but your strategy should involve fthrow and bthrow
"Yosh" (12:38:47 PM): so would you say a Snake will typically jump out of a forward throw when off the stage? and you'd follow it up with forward aerial or risine neutral aerial?
bwett1986 (12:39:18 PM): the snake will jump out of fthrow, you run back
bwett1986 (12:39:36 PM): if he continues to di towards the center, you are in a perfect situation for pivot grab
bwett1986 (12:39:45 PM): you fthrow again
"Yosh" (12:39:46 PM): and then if you grab again, he's out a 2nd jump
bwett1986 (12:40:02 PM): correct
bwett1986 (12:40:52 PM): between each throw, an egg should be thrown to stop his upb
bwett1986 (12:42:19 PM): after you fthrow again, he probably wont di towards you again, so as you are running away, pivot back around and dash grab
bwett1986 (12:43:01 PM): this strategy will **** almost all snakes
"Yosh" (12:43:10 PM): good to know
"Yosh" (12:43:16 PM): <== has no good snakes to play =(
"Yosh" (12:43:27 PM): unfortunate since he's so common
bwett1986 (12:43:45 PM): if they decide not to get on the stage and grab the ledge, dash grab, throw them off and immediately rising fair
bwett1986 (12:44:13 PM): they will try to upb
"Yosh" (12:46:06 PM): I typically release grab 'em in that situation (lack of experience talking so this could be entirely wrong thinking) and do the rising foward aerial. If they up-B then it'll hit the same I think
"Yosh" (12:46:56 PM): if they wait for the up-B, then you are above him when he uses it and you can follow it up with another forward aerial or a sweetspotted neutral aerial
bwett1986 (12:47:32 PM): i use fthrow as conditioning
bwett1986 (12:47:47 PM): every time you have fthrow or bthrow, you have thrown an egg afterwards
bwett1986 (12:48:00 PM): they wont expect it
bwett1986 (12:48:11 PM): you do something different, they will be more cautious
"Yosh" (12:48:23 PM): built-in mind games
bwett1986 (12:48:23 PM): plus everyone expects grab release to fair
"Yosh" (12:48:24 PM): i like it
bwett1986 (12:48:35 PM): its not new and completely expected
bwett1986 (12:49:34 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmUNZhsDY9k
bwett1986 (12:49:39 PM): at 4:29
bwett1986 (12:49:44 PM): this is the best vid i have
bwett1986 (12:49:59 PM): it doesnt really show you much but it shows you the spacing
bwett1986 (12:50:07 PM): notice how i just wait
bwett1986 (12:50:11 PM): and see his di
"Yosh" (12:50:59 PM): very nice
bwett1986 (12:51:25 PM): even if he b-reverses a grenage, he has to drop the grenade
bwett1986 (12:51:32 PM): within that time, you can grab
bwett1986 (12:51:43 PM): anytime a snake pulls a grenade, it is a free grab
bwett1986 (12:51:46 PM): dont pummel
"Yosh" (12:51:48 PM): I think in my combo video I just had 3 different snake parts and they were all n00b snakes that I just pwned, heh
bwett1986 (12:51:49 PM): just throw
"Yosh" (12:53:42 PM): man, my combo video's terrible, heh
bwett1986 (12:53:45 PM): starting at 5:33 is exactly what im talking about with waiting in front of their shield
bwett1986 (12:54:09 PM): at 5:43 exactly
bwett1986 (12:54:24 PM): if you keep approaching with your back turned, they will think bair
bwett1986 (12:54:40 PM): then you can turn it and extend the range of nair
"Yosh" (12:55:12 PM): yeah, i'll have to work on that to get the turn and forward momentum without doing the forward aerial
"Yosh" (12:58:06 PM): yay something I can do in training mode that's not DR!!!
bwett1986 (12:58:42 PM): so yeah, im tired now lol
"Yosh" (12:59:03 PM): heh, well, thank you =)


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I read some of it. I'll be getting new vids up since I've found a big problem about my style/game. So just IM me whenever you get the chance (and when I put them up).


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I'll just link this under Youtube channels.
I'll make it a little easier for you. Cause I know people won't check my youtube often.

Vs Biglou (Luigi & Snake)


Vs ArtDude(DK)

Vs Iblis(Fox)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZYyFWiRYqM (1 & 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRMzzCCGsJY (3, 4, & 5)

Vs Scatt(Luigi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l871msLKdOs (just the first match in this)

And one set vs the same guy I lose to every ****ing time. Do what you want with it. Idc if you critique it, harass it, or w/e. I lost all my focus around game 2, so yeah.

Vs Rayku(Lucario)



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I've got a couple more vids. They're from a crew battle, so KillL0ck only starts with 1 stock in the first one, and I only start with 2 in the second.

Vs. KillL0ck (Marth)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZF3bSVrseU&feature=PlayList&p=12D3C8AE290C0924&index=1 (Starts at 4:13)

Vs. ColinJF (Ness)

Also, I didn't say this before, but I actually did find the chat log Bwett posted very useful. I may have to take you up on that offer sometime. =]



Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)

The forward throw is a great setup into many different things for Yoshi. However, when Snake jumps and crosses you up, you spotdodge to dodge the nonexistent bair. In that situation, a pivot grab to bthrow would've worked so much better. Just remember that if Snake is in range for bair, you are in range for dash grab or pivot grab. Even usmash or charged usmash would've worked.

Throughout the beginning of this match, you are using downb too aggressively and offensively. You end up losing your first stock because of it with uair.

Around this time, you reach the super low ceiling with the 3 pillars. You are over 100%. Why in the world are you approaching when his best kill move is even better on this part of the stage? Grab the ledge and camp until the stage changes. There is no reason to take such a risk.

I like that you are using egglay quite a bit, but it seems like you are still trying to find out what to do with it and how to use it. They seem chaotic and slightly random. Keep it up, you'll see how to use it more effectively.

The approaching RAR to egglay was a perfect setup. Makes me want to recant the above statement lol, but I won't =P

You are abit spotdodge happy. Be careful not to spam it.

You had the right idea. You approached and most people forget about egglay as an option in the air. If you spaced it properly, it would've been amazing.

You just sit there. It might not seem like it, but just sitting there is horrible. You never want to let Snake get set up for anything. Just sitting there allows the opponent to collect themselves. You have lost the decent pressure you added 20 seconds earlier with your jab combo. If you find yourself not moving, throw an egg instantly if they are far away. Do empty aerials or anything. Just don't sit there, especially against a Snake.

He has rolled 3 times back and forth. It seems he thinks that is the best strategy against an invincible enemy. You should take note of this and should've charged a smash that last roll for a good punish.

When you followed up with the uair and he was too far away, lob some eggs in midair. If they hit him, you get extra damage. If they miss, you are in prime position to punish with an aerial.

People forgot how mobile Yoshi is in the air. Here you took advantage of that perfectly with the downb slide into uair. People think the downb slide is a gimmick. It is not a gimmick if you use it as a strategy, exactly as you did here.

I love dair to nair from below the stage. It works so well. You also spaced it properly to not hit the grenade he dropped. Excellent.

People underestimate the strange magnetism a freefalling character has to them. You kept the freefall state and snake approached. You then punished with egglay. I do this alot with either egglay or fair, since fair looks surprisingly similar to Yoshi's freefall state.

You used egg roll. I'll assume that was a mistake since egg roll is impossible against snake.

If you land uair once, you have two options. You either uair again or wait for the airdodge. When you first play a person, uair twice and wait for the airdodge. By third match, uair once, wait for airdodge and then punish. It works very well against most people.

Egglay was good, he just got lucky lol.

Using the patented jab to downb. Very nice


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: That Snake has, by far, the weirdest tag I've ever seen.

Also, alot of these approaches seemed too straightforward. It seems like you could be better off just walking up to Snake and waiting for the spotdodge he does nearly everytime or when you jump at him, just drifting there waiting for the same airdodge that always happens.

And no charging against Snake. It's a really bad idea.

Deleted member

The main thing about my playstyle that has changed since august(which was when that match was) is that i play a lot gayer now, dont run into as much, and i walk to ftilt more :p

Charging against snake is fun

I need new viids but i havent really gone to any offline stuff recently.

Deleted member

Thank you bwett :)

Ill get some newer vids ive improved on lots of things u commented on, gotta work on my up air juggles and stuff, and better egg lay spacing.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004


Deleted member

That DK was ****ty.
But it was a good vid, scat has some crazy Dr trixies


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
That DK was ****ty.
But it was a good vid, scat has some crazy Dr trixies
Uh....I didn't pull much DR in that match, and that DK isn't ****ty. He's much better than that, it's just that he went through loser's brackets and was tired by the time he got to me (he played 4 extremely close sets back to back). Quit your trolling on my state *****.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Now, now.

It's not that big a deal.



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Delta is such a diplomat, this is why I appreciate him.

I hope Jile comes back soon. D:

Deleted member

Pride my vids are all from 4-7 months ago, and the most recent ones are just friendlies between me and meta where i run into all of his peach neutral airs.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Metatitan: Hating on smashers since Nov. 2008
I'm not the one who called the DK ****ty, troll stocky for that. I will admit that the DK was average? Idk, I don't wanna call it ****ty but it certainly wasn't above average (mabey average?).

I'm appreciated. <3

I should have vids up tonight. About 5 or so.


No Pride, I'm not really. <3
Looking forward to it. Want it sugarcoated, normal, or rough?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
Won't you just troll either way? =P

I doubt anything you say will beat Big's **** brick.
You mean him johning for the DK player? If anything that DK plays better when he's tired, it's certainly better than the other footage I've seen of him.

And no I wouldn't troll your videos, you don't have enough to where trolling would be consequence free. You'll need all the help you can get ;x


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I wasn't talking about that. Just thought you'd troll me anyways.

And um, thanks? ._.''

Edit: Still working on the vids, but I've been having an ungodly amount of technical difficulties. >_>


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2008
Bronx, New york.
Since I don't have any recording equiptment or a (CPU for that matter >_> ) If any of you Fellow Yoshi would be dear and upload a Fellow Yoshi player (Me :< ) plz? if you want v.v

Plz someone host my vids v.v

I honestly have a shot at the hall of fame if you saw my replays :<

Im The Flashiest Quickest Yoshi comboing (and cocky >_> ) amongst yall :p

Im like PatG (if you know him, he mains Lucario but his ZSS is waaaay better), my main is reaaally good (Pikachu) but my secondary surpasses it (Yoshi) @_@

and besides that I need honest feed back xD

I <3 compliments xD

thank you Fellow Yoshi's! :p


EDIT: Please if you registered me on Both Brawl and Wii, please let me know Via MSN or AIM, im always on those two cause im mobile lol :p


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I'm not trying to volunteer anyone, but Bigz might be able to help you out. :D

He might be at WABA today, so he'll probably post here tonight or tomorrow.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I believe that title belongs to Big. Minus the cocky part, at least.

Anyways, I 'd do it, but I'm having issues recording my own videos. Someone around here should be able to do it for you.
Lol, I don't deserve the flashiest, quickest Yoshi. I need to improve more before I can even take that title.
:yoshi: I'm not trying to volunteer anyone, but Bigz might be able to help you out. :D

He might be at WABA today, so he'll probably post here tonight or tomorrow.
I'm mad you volunteering my ***. Anyways, I can't upload any matches till probably thrusday or later due to my desktop needing more parts to function completely right. It would help me out a lot if you would upload the replay files onto a site like filefront, megaupload, rapidshare, etc. so that I can pull them off when I get it working fully again.

Also, I have more matches saved from this weekend. It was just a smashfest since the turnout was too low, but I'm getting closer to beating biglou (when I stop my habits from getting the best of me). :D
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