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Video Thread: Now in Regular Definition!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2008
Bronx, New york.
Lol, I don't deserve the flashiest, quickest Yoshi. I need to improve more before I can even take that title.

I'm mad you volunteering my ***. Anyways, I can't upload any matches till probably thrusday or later due to my desktop needing more parts to function completely right. It would help me out a lot if you would upload the replay files onto a site like filefront, megaupload, rapidshare, etc. so that I can pull them off when I get it working fully again.

Also, I have more matches saved from this weekend. It was just a smashfest since the turnout was too low, but I'm getting closer to beating biglou (when I stop my habits from getting the best of me). :D
:yoshi: I'm not trying to volunteer anyone, but Bigz might be able to help you out. :D

He might be at WABA today, so he'll probably post here tonight or tomorrow.
I believe that title belongs to Big. Minus the cocky part, at least.

Anyways, I 'd do it, but I'm having issues recording my own videos. Someone around here should be able to do it for you.
so that a no from you all? v.v




Scarlet Jile

Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2005
The Woods, Maine
Bigman, I might actually confiscate that offer from what'shisfuck there.

At some point I'll have to throw you some replay files. ;P

Deleted member

so that a no from you all? v.v



Im sure you suck.
I would but you come across as a cocky **** who is bad with pikachu and yoshi, so no, i will not accept your replays and upload them.

Have fun not being good

Scarlet Jile

Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2005
The Woods, Maine
So, I uploaded Bigman's latest two videos Vs. DK into the Hall of Fame, not sure if those are the ones people are talking about. If not, just let me know.

Burntsockz, don't be a dingleberry, what you're doing now is sort of like punching a baby, except less cool.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Don't you mean OgBOSS?!

The Snake match was pretty nice; your offense against Snake is pretty good and you are being smart and aggressive. Your defense, however, could use some work. Snake is one of those characters like King Dedede where his moves are so good that we have to take special care just to not go near where his moves could reach. Snake puts players in really bad positions sometimes, especially since he has so many ways to do so; whenever you got in a tight spot or a situation with few favorable outcomes, you seemed to go on gut instinct with the quickest way out of immediate danger.

When you play or review your matches, instead of thinking, "What's the fastest way out of this situation?" ask yourself, "What are the consequences?" Sometimes you might dodge a mortar or a grenade, only to get KO'd by an up tilt or (in the case of the video) forward smash to punish your reaction. Look at the situation and say, "Are there any ways that could have been safer?" You can even ask yourself, "If the only way out of situation X is defensive tactic Y, would even just getting hit have been more beneficial than being punished?" Sometimes the immediate situation you're in isn't as dangerous as the one you'll put yourself into by just trying to get out of it, you know?

Just food for thought. Other than that, I nominate a forum name change to OgBOSS. :D

Deleted member

I agree with what shiri said, but it was really hard to critique due to how god awful that snake was.

You seem to have a decent grasp over yoshi, i would play some better people and record if possible so i can help.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2009
Savage, MN
I second the motion! A bunch of MN smashers started calling me OgBOSS, so I was like "eh it sounds cool, whatever lol"

Ugh I played so horribly at the weekly, I got like no footage of any of the good stuff I did too :/

Sorry guys, I'll try to get more videos in of me actually on my game unlike how I performed today...

Deleted member

Matches from earlier last week

Vs AntiC (Snake)

I fooled around cause I was tired and was helping AntiC get better.

Vs Biglou(Snake & Luigi)
Ok i watched the last video.
Firstly, pretty good nice job,
The reason you lost was because you kept challenging his back air with yours. Im sure you werent trying to, but if he is not shielding and he is on the ground, or his back is turned to you in the air, stop back airing.

You probably did that at least 10 times, probably more, which is over 100%, which is like a stock.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL

Deleted member

you really are pretty bad.
You play like we played in 2008.
Step it up

Deleted member

I love trolling :)
Fine, use more djc egg lay stop being so predictable with back air, stop being completely straightfoward with every approach, stop ****ing dashattacking his shield, dont running grab from half way across the stage, mix up your recoveries.

Hows that jile? i have a lot more.

Trolling is fun


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7dYmBJkfbQ&feature=related sharky vs 13370 from last weekend. Contrary to the titles this is match 1 and the other one (first related video can't miss it lol) is match 3. I won both matches, but they're cut off shortly before the end for some reason. I got kinda impatient and rushed a few times, and threw eggs longer than I should have at others, but overall not too bad.

Also it hasn't been uploaded yet but I have a superspecialawesome replay vs a pikachu from yesterday =D

Deleted member

Sharky, he wasnt punishing you but you are super predictable with grabs.
On the other hand you did a good job baiting him with them, despite me being able to call out 80% of them.
I didnt know both ussmash and uair work out of release, makes the matchup more like wario.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Sharky, he wasnt punishing you but you are super predictable with grabs.
On the other hand you did a good job baiting him with them, despite me being able to call out 80% of them.
I didnt know both ussmash and uair work out of release, makes the matchup more like wario.
lol yeah normally I'm not nearly that bad but he falls into the same stuff every time so I guess I just fell into a pattern lol. It's definitely just for this match-up though, I thoroughly enjoy camping ness haha, though it was a little sloppy this time around.

Deleted member

yea i understand, if it works keep doing it.
Just letting you know so you dont do that against higher level players (the ness was alright, not amazing)


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
yeah pretty much. I have a terrible habit of playing down to the level of the person I'm playing, it tends to cost me in games I shouldn't lose. I always seem to stay close to people no matter what the skill level is.

However, playing the same ness yesterday, I tripped like a dozen times in two games for the loss. I missed out on two KO's and got KO'd twice overall from tripping alone, it was an absolute mess, I'm amazed I was able to keep both games to one stock mid percents. Every time I tried to do something critical a trip seemed to happen. >.>


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
vs. bundtcake
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qp-xiIuIJc (Luigi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CvUHF7mFKw&feature=channel (Kirby)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKoy-M5mRI8&feature=channel (ROB)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbvjoHF_0VA&feature=channel (ROB)

I won match 1 against his ROB, but of course, that wasn't saved. >.>

vs. breez (MK)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kGnc5TdVrg&feature=channel (V.V)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc2LL3gr3zI&feature=channel (>.>)

I'm getting really bad at Usmashing out of grab release, and I have no idea why. That, coupled with match 2, completely demoralized me this set. I defeated myself. D=



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Thanks, I do that pretty often. ^.^ He Dthrows me just about every time he grabs me, and since the animation lasts so long, I had plenty of time to play around with my DI options, which is when I started doing that. Of course, if he reads my upward DI, he can punish with an aerial of his choice, so I mix DI up -> Nair with DI side -> shield/spotdodge. The shield can also allow me to punish his nado with an Usmash if he does it wrong, and spotdodge works moderately well against dash attacks and grabs.



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: You mean that giant chunk of bronze I mailed to you didn't get there yet?

Pfft, last time I use FedEx. D:<
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