Some thoughts:
What really stuck out to me was the one egg throw that you used too soon at the end of match 1, after he grabbed you out of the DJ. This is more of a general thing, since in that specific situation (having already used two eggs), I don't think you could have gotten back anyway, but you definitely want to wait to use the egg throws until you have your momentum going back towards the stage.
I agree with Sir 0rion on the eggs. I thought that, for the most part, Ike did a good job at staying close enough to you to keep you from safely egging him, but I thought you had a few openings when he was far enough away (like 0:30 and 2:55 in match 1).
Is it possible to get the first hit of the jab, and follow that up with f-tilt/u-tilt? Or could he just jab you back first? I was trying to think of ways that beat Ike's jab, while getting him in the air, where you could hit him with uair, upsmash, etc. and pivot grab him if he came down with a dair (as you did a couple times).
re: missed dash grab at the end. Is it just me, or does Yoshi's dash grab have the complete opposite range from his Melee dash grab? I feel like in Melee, his dash grabs would only work if the opponent was in his face when the grab was initiated (like where the missed one in match 2 was initiated), whereas it would miss at any further distance (distances at which the Brawl dash grab works). I just remember having the impression that Yoshi's Melee dash grab had deceptively short range.
Sir 0rion: Do you realize that the Japanese in your sig makes no sense? I was amused to notice that it comes from just literally typing "nice boat" in Japanese, so I thought it might be intentional, but if you're actually going for "nice boat" in Japanese, it would be ナイスボート.