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Video Thread: Now in Regular Definition!


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Silent Beast said:
Is it possible to get the first hit of the jab, and follow that up with f-tilt/u-tilt? Or could he just jab you back first? I was trying to think of ways that beat Ike's jab, while getting him in the air, where you could hit him with uair, upsmash, etc. and pivot grab him if he came down with a dair (as you did a couple times).
Nope. They can jab us out of our jab.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Someone else made the picture - I just stole it. :laugh:

But you're right, and someone else had pointed that out to me, too. I actually think it makes the picture even funnier, hehe.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Some thoughts:

What really stuck out to me was the one egg throw that you used too soon at the end of match 1, after he grabbed you out of the DJ. This is more of a general thing, since in that specific situation (having already used two eggs), I don't think you could have gotten back anyway, but you definitely want to wait to use the egg throws until you have your momentum going back towards the stage.

I agree with Sir 0rion on the eggs. I thought that, for the most part, Ike did a good job at staying close enough to you to keep you from safely egging him, but I thought you had a few openings when he was far enough away (like 0:30 and 2:55 in match 1).

Is it possible to get the first hit of the jab, and follow that up with f-tilt/u-tilt? Or could he just jab you back first? I was trying to think of ways that beat Ike's jab, while getting him in the air, where you could hit him with uair, upsmash, etc. and pivot grab him if he came down with a dair (as you did a couple times).

re: missed dash grab at the end. Is it just me, or does Yoshi's dash grab have the complete opposite range from his Melee dash grab? I feel like in Melee, his dash grabs would only work if the opponent was in his face when the grab was initiated (like where the missed one in match 2 was initiated), whereas it would miss at any further distance (distances at which the Brawl dash grab works). I just remember having the impression that Yoshi's Melee dash grab had deceptively short range.
I was actually thinking that myself about the end of the first match, when I re-watched it. I should have waited a bit longer, I agree. I'm actually pretty upset with that, because I must have told a hundred people that back when brawl first came out. I also agree with the eggs. I probably could have ETS'd a few more times than I did, but ****, Kirk's really good at punishing them if I'm even a little off with my spacing. That's what Ike is best at, I suppose lol.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Great matches! Just as a suggestion, Reflex baited all of your airdodges and you continued to do it at one point. He got 3 uairs in a row. Try mixing it up with an attack or doing nothing. Also, try doing a single jab into a downb or spotdodge into downb. Besides that, amazing job, dude.
Thx I'll keep that in mind. I forgot a ****load of things that I could've used to make me do better (I guess pressure makes you forget things ^_^; ) ah well, I'll get those things implemented and keep learning more there is for yoshi.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
Here is another.. Much better than the Falco one. I have one question though to all you Yoshi's but I want to see if you guys can guess my question before I ask it. It's based on my video. I need to know what you guys do in that situation.



Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I am thoroughly impressed by that match Pride. All your moves flowed so well, especially in that first stock. It looks like that Snake didn't know the matchup very well. Most people who know the Yoshi matchup know how to shield bairs, which is what leads into all those combos lol. Either way, excellent work. If you are asking about how to KO better, it looks like you are doing just fine. Snake naturally lives to that kind of percent.

If you need criticism about it, you did miss two opportunities when you spotdodged his attack, but failed to punish properly for the kill. I believe one of them was around 1:40. Try to incorporate spotdodge to downb into your game. This is one move that I really feel is missing in many Yoshi playstyles. At relatively high percentages, if you spotdodge their attack, they should be dead.

Besides that, you did amazing, dude. At one point, I was watching you and was like, "OH OH he's gonna be open, grab him!" and you did lol


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
Thanks Bwett. The snake I was playing actually is VERY used to Yoshi and I have lost to him previously in tournaments. (As for the bairs, I am not sure what happened, maybe he thought he could out maneuver them or he maybe he thought I would hit a nade?)

However, I think I am finally getting a hang of snakes.

Thanks for the side step spot dodge, tip, I try to incorporate that but I think what happens is I am nervous about doing it on BF cause of the plat form configuration. You are right, I did miss those opportunities. I will work on that.

The question I had was, what do you do when someones shield breaks? What is the best move to do to deal the maximum amount of damage without getting punished for it?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Hmm...I would say that a fully charged Usmash would do after you shield break someone. since they're in the air, you can go defensive and pivot grab if they try to attack you, or follow up (at that low percentage) with a Uair.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I would agree with Bigz based on the stage.

For larger, more horizontal ones (Final Destination, Pokémon Stadium, etc.) I would go for upsmash.

For smaller, more compact stages (Battlefield, maybe Delfino Plaza) I would go for forward smash.

I think for the smaller stages and ones with lots of platforms, if you knock Snake into the air, you can abuse his landing like Bigz said, but he can rain down C4 and grenades as well to try and defend himself. The forward smash also helps to push Snake off the stage for the more compact ones, which is where I think anybody wants Snake nowadays.

I'm sure at extremely low percents, you could also do a fully charged reverse downsmash for close to 36%. I'm partial to this and forward smash because I get to use upsmash liberally; I don't get to use those other two moves as much, so I don't mind sacrificing a few percent overall (if I'm torn between upsmash or not) if I can keep upsmash in KO Mode.

By the way, extremely nice videos, you two. Bigz and PRiDE are for the win; those videos made my night!


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Here is another.. Much better than the Falco one. I have one question though to all you Yoshi's but I want to see if you guys can guess my question before I ask it. It's based on my video. I need to know what you guys do in that situation.

I like your edge moves. I have to incorporate that Egg Lay. It's awesome.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Yeah, that Egg Lay was brilliantly precise. Flawless landing and spacing. I liked it. :D


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I find it amazing how different everyone's style is to everyone else. Yoshi definitely can play ALOT of styles.

and thanks for the compliment Shiri =D


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
Hey Bigman, have you played a Yoshi player who goes by the name Juan? I met Juan on AllisBrawl and I beat him 9 - 2 in matches last night, but he was pretty good. His style reminded me of yours (at least from what I've seen of your videos). He mentioned you when we were talkin' after the match so I was wondering if you've ever fought him.

Deleted member

Holy piss pride, thats some hardcore ****!

Good ****. Just never fair someones shield ever ever(you did it once haha =/ )


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Hey Bigman, have you played a Yoshi player who goes by the name Juan? I met Juan on AllisBrawl and I beat him 9 - 2 in matches last night, but he was pretty good. His style reminded me of yours (at least from what I've seen of your videos). He mentioned you when we were talkin' after the match so I was wondering if you've ever fought him.
Yeah, I played him. I was on Christmas Eve when I played him, I think. He was good, just a few patches in his game that he needs to fix.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Hey Bigman, have you played a Yoshi player who goes by the name Juan? I met Juan on AllisBrawl and I beat him 9 - 2 in matches last night, but he was pretty good. His style reminded me of yours (at least from what I've seen of your videos). He mentioned you when we were talkin' after the match so I was wondering if you've ever fought him.
Hey lol I just played you on the ladder with my diddy. Good junk.

Deleted member

I have a vid but its not very good, not sure if i should post it =/ I make tons of really dumb mistakes.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
I had a few frustrating matches last night. I immortaled a Falco twice but then barely lost to a Sonic twice. The Falco immortals were oh so sweet. I wish I had a recording of them. I also had a match where a Snake was at 160% and I was at 105%, and he tried a forward tilt which I spot dodged and immediately went into a down-B for the kill, but he powershielded the first hit of the down-B and managed to sweet spot an up-tilt killing me. My entire night last night was full of "one of us is going to die right here" and it was me every time...

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
they should work now...
Indeed, they do.

A few suggestions/thoughts:

You barely threw any eggs. Throw more of them. You don't necessarily have to throw them at Sonic, since he can run in and punish the lag; you can also throw them close to the ground and in Sonic's path, to make it harder for Sonic to punish you.

As I'm sure you realize, watch out for the grabs out of the DJ off of the ledge. There were a few times in the 2nd match where Sonic tried to grab you out of your DJ, before he actually did, which should have been a tip-off to really watch out for it. Off of the ledge, DJ-to-air-dodge would work, as would canceling your jump with egg toss or down-B to regrab the ledge. You also seem to be a big fan of the dair when you're coming back to the stage (it did work well a number of times). Make sure you don't get too predictable though, or you'll get punished, like in 5:10 of the 2nd match. This would be a bigger issue against the disjointed types, like Marth.

Both times that you were grabbed out of your jump, you used egg throw too soon; you're better off waiting until you get your momentum going back towards the stage before using up-B.

Watch your rolls. His dsmash hit you twice in the 2nd match when you rolled back towards him off the ground (1:04, 4:44).

You dsmashed a couple times in the 2nd match (0:40, 4:34) when Sonic was behind you. Try maybe ftilt instead, which has a lot less ending lag, or a reversed down-B. Both of them would hit much sooner.

I enjoyed the little mindgame it looks like you had at 3:53 in the 2nd match, where you threw 2 eggs of the edge to throw off his timing, and then DJ-faired him. You had a nice combo in the 3rd match (2:04) to start off his 2nd stock, where you gave him 32%, and some good pivot grabbing all around. And I really liked the kill you got at 3:12 in the 2nd match; you read him perfectly. Since I was expecting an up smash (which probably accomplishes the same thing), seeing an uair made me really happy for some reason. I guess seeing an uair connecting and launching the opponent is just really satisfying. :)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
Indeed, they do.

A few suggestions/thoughts:

You barely threw any eggs. Throw more of them. You don't necessarily have to throw them at Sonic, since he can run in and punish the lag; you can also throw them close to the ground and in Sonic's path, to make it harder for Sonic to punish you.

As I'm sure you realize, watch out for the grabs out of the DJ off of the ledge. There were a few times in the 2nd match where Sonic tried to grab you out of your DJ, before he actually did, which should have been a tip-off to really watch out for it. Off of the ledge, DJ-to-air-dodge would work, as would canceling your jump with egg toss or down-B to regrab the ledge. You also seem to be a big fan of the dair when you're coming back to the stage (it did work well a number of times). Make sure you don't get too predictable though, or you'll get punished, like in 5:10 of the 2nd match. This would be a bigger issue against the disjointed types, like Marth.

Both times that you were grabbed out of your jump, you used egg throw too soon; you're better off waiting until you get your momentum going back towards the stage before using up-B.

Watch your rolls. His dsmash hit you twice in the 2nd match when you rolled back towards him off the ground (1:04, 4:44).

You dsmashed a couple times in the 2nd match (0:40, 4:34) when Sonic was behind you. Try maybe ftilt instead, which has a lot less ending lag, or a reversed down-B. Both of them would hit much sooner.

I enjoyed the little mindgame it looks like you had at 3:53 in the 2nd match, where you threw 2 eggs of the edge to throw off his timing, and then DJ-faired him. You had a nice combo in the 3rd match (2:04) to start off his 2nd stock, where you gave him 32%, and some good pivot grabbing all around. And I really liked the kill you got at 3:12 in the 2nd match; you read him perfectly. Since I was expecting an up smash (which probably accomplishes the same thing), seeing an uair made me really happy for some reason. I guess seeing an uair connecting and launching the opponent is just really satisfying. :)
thanks for the advice its helpful =], the gimp kills were alittle unepected it never happen to me before.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Monday-morning quarterbacking aside, you actually didn't play too badly for a first timer. A few things of note, though:

Don't approach by running up and rolling behind. Your name's not Falco, so that's a huge mistake. Yoshi's roll generally... um... sucks.

You did well enough up close (although had the Lucas been abusing neutral airs, you wouldn't have fared nearly as well), but I didn't see any spacing from EITHER of you (big mistake), and I certainly didn't see any pivot/chain grabs from you (bigger mistake). Well, I DID see one at the very end, I guess. But learn to pivot grab, I'm not even kidding. You'll find it a LOT better than dash grabbing like you'd been doing.

I'd tell you not to toss out random Yoshi Bombs, but I'm occasionally guilty of that too, so... :laugh:

Your recovery method could use a bit of work, though. You tended to recover too low. Had the guy been a chaser, you might really have been risking some fiercer retaliation than a simple PK Thunder.

You did reasonably well at poking, but you did an awful lot of forward smashing on that last stock, too.

You're off to a good start, just stick with it and get some of his more important ATs down, and you'll dominate people like that. :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2008
Really helpful tips, thx man =). About that chain grab, i didn't realise i could do it on lucas till somehwere in the middle. At some point u see me grab releasing him and following up with an egg, thats when i realised i could chain him. I was probably panicking on the last stock so thats why through out so many fsmash and grabs at the very end.

I got another vid from the same day, i think i did better in it even though i lost. Game&watch gives me such a problem. I don't feel confident going up against him with any of my characters.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Work on your egg accuracy. There were also a lot of oppurtunities to smack him with an uair that you didn't seem to want to take (besides that last one, which was pretty nice). Also, try giving crawling a try. It's pretty much a dumbed down wavedash, it really helps with making your opponent miss while you have all your attacks at the ready. Other than that, I'd need to see more vids to help you out more.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Scatz coming by to push yoshi higher in dem tierz! I gotz a new move that I believe no Yoshi has done yet. I haven't been able to completely test it yet, but you'll begin to love platforms after I get a match of me using it possibly this weekend, when I head back to college. From my theory crafting alone, I believe that only Jiggs, Snake, MK, ROB, Marth, and GW could POSSIBLY stop this combo (yes, I'm calling this ***** a true combo =p), but I don't have any real method to testing this yet. From what I gather from this move, it seems to be incredibly safe too (very hard to punish), and it can do......nvm....that part will easily tell you guys what I'm telling you. If someone figures it out, I'll spill everything I know about this move, but if not, Saturday (maybe Sunday) will be the day I'll show it.

Cheerio and happy Yoshi stomping! ^_^

And BTW, Can I get the frames for these characters moves? (if they have any type of invincibility let me know also, it's important to know when it comes out)
Jiggs DownB
Marth UpB + ForwardB
ROB Dsmash
MetaKnight UpB + Dsmash (if his jab or anything else is faster, let me know, and don't include Dair or Uair as those won't be fast enough)
Snake NeutralB

Also, if there are any other characters that have Invincibility can I know when those come out too? That would be greatly appreciated so I can conclude who an and who can't get out of this.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
Scatz coming by to push yoshi higher in dem tierz! I gotz a new move that I believe no Yoshi has done yet. I haven't been able to completely test it yet, but you'll begin to love platforms after I get a match of me using it possibly this weekend, when I head back to college. From my theory crafting alone, I believe that only Jiggs, Snake, MK, ROB, Marth, and GW could POSSIBLY stop this combo (yes, I'm calling this ***** a true combo =p), but I don't have any real method to testing this yet. From what I gather from this move, it seems to be incredibly safe too (very hard to punish), and it can do......nvm....that part will easily tell you guys what I'm telling you. If someone figures it out, I'll spill everything I know about this move, but if not, Saturday (maybe Sunday) will be the day I'll show it.

Cheerio and happy Yoshi stomping! ^_^

And BTW, Can I get the frames for these characters moves? (if they have any type of invincibility let me know also, it's important to know when it comes out)
Jiggs DownB
Marth UpB + ForwardB
ROB Dsmash
MetaKnight UpB + Dsmash (if his jab or anything else is faster, let me know, and don't include Dair or Uair as those won't be fast enough)
Snake NeutralB

Also, if there are any other characters that have Invincibility can I know when those come out too? That would be greatly appreciated so I can conclude who an and who can't get out of this.
I think Jigglypuff's Rest has 10-15 frames of invulnerability. I know it's long enough to have Samus' charge shot pass through her safely.

Also, what about characters with super armor (Ike's up B, for instance)? Would that stop this new awesomeness?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I think Jigglypuff's Rest has 10-15 frames of invulnerability. I know it's long enough to have Samus' charge shot pass through her safely.

Also, what about characters with super armor (Ike's up B, for instance)? Would that stop this new awesomeness?
It depends on how quick his super armor frames come out.

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Marth: up-B is invincible on frames 1-5 and hits on frame 5, side-B hits on frame 4
GW: up-B hits on frame 9, invincible on frames 9-13 (jab frame 4)
ROB: dsmash hits on frame 4 (dtilt and jab hit on frame 3)
MK: up-B hits on frame 8, invincible (when grounded) frames 5-8, dsmash frame 5, dtilt/ftilt/nair frame 3 (idk what you have planned, but uair does hit on frame 2)
Jigglypuff: down-B hits on frame 2, invincible frames 1-14

These were taken either from the respective character boards, http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=203935, or http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=202204

I couldn't find frame data for Snake's nades. Olimar has whistle super armor, but I couldn't find the frame data for that either. When you asked if MK had any faster moves, I wasn't sure if that also applied for the other characters, but I included dtilt/jab for ROB and jab for GW anyway (GW has other moves faster than up-B, but jab was the only one that's as fast as the other moves you asked for).
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