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Vampire Diaries & Barbie Escapades: A Lady's Tale from the Crypt: Campfire Sleepover


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
If you manage to get the required votes on me quickly then is there any way to request the deadline to be moved forward? I want to see you all lynch a town and lose someone else in the night and then realise that maybe you should've listened to me on day 1, but I can't be arsed waiting until the 18th for that.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
It wasn't an argument, I've said all I need to say about J nothing has changed, I don't know how you aren't seeing it.

Lynch me if you want, I'll even request the deadline is brought forward if I get the number of votes required, either way we lynch him today or I die and you lynch him tomorrow when you realise you should've listened to me.

Deleted member

appeal to emotion. I'll leave it to you to find out which line I'm referring to


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Vote Count 1: Day 2

Deadline: 08.17.12 11:59PM EST
Lynch: 4/7

Votee: Voters
Pluvia: J, The Paprika Killer
J: Pluvia
Jim Morrison: Red Ryu
Not Voting: Jim Morrison, Cherished Doll, JTB


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Whats your read on Guus right now J?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I lean town on him if I am being fully honest. However, I know RR dislikes Pluvia as well so if it takes me re-reading Guus to re-affirm my read on him to help get the vote I want than so be it.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well because people are seeing me as town and you haven't explained clearly why I am scum. When I even asked for you to do this for everyone, you said you were ignoring me from thence forth.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Can you please add giving everyone a case/bulleted reasoning for why you feel I'm scum?

Also a JTB scum-read? Can you explain how you have that? And if John doesn't flip scum, what does it do to your other reads?
I'm sure I've posted like 3 posts as to why I think you're scum. JTB is just my other scum read for his play earlier.

To answer every question which goes "What if it turns out X wasn't what you thought they were" the answer is I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

Anyway I'm done answering your questions, you're still trying to get me lynched because you're scum, I will answer questions if someone else asks it but I'm not letting you try and fool everyone into lynching me. You tried twisting people into thinking there was contradictions, and if I wasn't here like I was supposed to I wouldn't have been able to point out that there was no contradiction and it wasn't actually opportunistic, I said it 29 hours ago, it was actually the complete opposite.

For anyone wanting a free untwisted version: I think J is clearly scum, I've been pointing this out repeatedly, I really think we should lynch him over everyone else, but I'm not going to risk a no-lynch, that's what he wants.
This is what I am talking about, Pluvia/Everyone.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
John's play does seem like his normal scum play, Guus is right, but I've never seen his normal town play so I wouldn't say he's scum yet.

J's play just feels like he's constantly talking to someone else telling him how to play. "What are you doing Guus? Oh wait now I know. I daycopped you. Oh wait I never. You made a contradiction. Oh wait no my mistake."

Vote: J
I switched my vote because no one else seems to be voting for you, and we need 5 to lynch, John is my most scummy read out of him and Doll so I passed my vote so we can get a lynch, rather than none.

What I would love is for you to be lynch but for reasons I'm not seeing people want John over you.
No I actually said this 29 hours ago:

I already explained why I now think John and J are scum buddies, that's what I've been doing for this past day, this jump to John is only opportunistic if you ignore all my posts to John in this past 24 hours, and John's response, or lack of, to be more precise.
But Pluvia, you keep changing what you are saying.

First you change your vote onto John because John+J = most likely scum-buddies in your mind.

Then you say if John flips town, you will be pushing J harder.

Where do you get this logic from?
The whole "I still think you're clearly scum" thing. As you can see I now think there's a chance he's your scum buddy.

The best thing I'd want is for you to be lynched because I still think you're clearly scum, but like I said I don't want to end this day without a lynch. I'm not voting for you because no one else is, and that would make my vote pointless and will risk a no-lynch.

John being town will just mean I'm wrong about him being your scum buddy, that doesn't mean you're not scum, hence why I'm going to push for you harder rather than risking another town lynch on someone like John when you're clearly scum.
You're trying to confuse people into thinking there's contradictions, as you can see there is none, it's just causing more scum reads from me.

I'm not concerned with what you say, I'm more concerned that no one else seems to be seeing your scummyness.
Pluvia, I am not twisting anything at all nor do I get why you are choosing to ignore me and my questions because I am not doing half the things you are saying. You are saying I am twisting your actions to make you scummier when I am just questioning you because your behaviour is looking scummy and contradictory.
Notice this everyone? Notice how I pointed out that I've not been contradicting myself? Notice how he twice tried making it look like I was contradicting myself, and I pointed out that I was actually doing what I said I was going to do over a day before?

Why would town do that? Why would town try and make it look like another town is contradicting themselves, when they're not, why lie like that? Saying I'm contradicting myself, then getting a post that shows no actually I'm not I'm doing everything I said I was going to do, then again trying to make it look like I'm contradicting myself (aka, a straight up lie to try and twist the situation) is incredibly scummy.

His entire play has been trying to get me lynched, and unless anyone actually decides to answer my question on why they don't consider him scum, he's succeeding. His early play was full of contradictions that he tried to play off as jokes, and the rest of his play has been opportunistic attempts at trying to get me lynched after that brief doubt people had earlier (seriously he kept on trying it in every post) and then scummy lies to try and make it like I was contradicting myself, which was a deliberate ignoring of my post a day earlier and then another deliberate ignoring of my post that highlighted that previous post.

Honestly this game is incredibly slow, J is taking control of the apathy like I mentioned back at the start of the game, and unless someone can elaborate on why they don't think he's scum I think I'll just join you all in the apathy. If you don't want to answer then what are you waiting for just lynch me, don't beat around the bush, I'll actually be happy seeing everyone realise that maybe you should've listened to me, and I know that you wont actually lynch J after you lynch me he'll just twist himself out of it. It's so predictable.

Either post why you don't think J's scum and vote for me, I'll request the deadline be moved forward because I'd rather be dead and right than bored sitting around waiting for the inevitable. I asked why people think I'm scum over J 30 hours ago and so far my only answer has been "because we don't think he's scum" from one person.

If no one can be arsed playing this game then why don't you just vote to speed things up? No one has any problems ignoring my questions and asking me to repeat myself for the 15th time, so you people obviously don't care if scum wins, so unless someone answers my question I've asked 3 times in the past 30 hours, just lynch me.

Unless we lynch J he's going to twist me into getting lynched, score another town kill, and tomorrow everyone will realise that maybe you should've listened to me.

Deleted member

what's this deadline forward crap you keep dropping? when a majority is reached the day ends

han bored sitting around waiting for the inevitable.
then f***ing do something. there are 2 scum in this game, not just 1


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
I have 1 vote, already voted for 1, so I don't know why you're asking me to do something.

You could answer my question.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Pluvia, riddle me this.

Who is my scum-partner than? You had a John-J connection, however now that that obviously fell through, who do you feel I am working with?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
J's play just feels like he's constantly talking to someone else telling him how to play. "What are you doing Guus? Oh wait now I know. I daycopped you. Oh wait I never. You made a contradiction. Oh wait no my mistake."
This is vague, go over this again for me Pluvia.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
I've removed the info on this that doesn't pertain to me and J.

*To Guus*

And what's stopping you from showing what you have on John?
Guus, why are you ignoring me? ;_;
Why are more people not voting SW96 and in fact trying to start other wagons? Come on guys, the whistle's blowing for this bandwagon train to go through.
*Nothing happens* There is a sudden change here like he talked to a scum partner.

I didn't understand the Pluvia dummy or scummy thing till his very last post. I actually came in here to ask that but I got a response I wanted.

JTB, should be a short read compared to other games (lol). Gimme an opinion on Guus, Pluvia and John.
New bit:

TPK, mind if I take the reigns a bit?

Vote: Pluvia
An explanation J?
Apologies. I view from my phone a lot and sometimes leave it on and it shows me viewing the thread.

I day-copped you wouldn't be a good enough answer would it?

Well for me, I don't see you looking for scum, Pluvia, instead I see you more looking for lynches which is scummy. You aren't really looking at intent for JTB nor giving him a fair chance once he came into the game. What makes you 100% certain that it isn't a gambit like RR said? I just feel that you are not looking at a broader scope of things and yes you may be asking questions but they seem disgenuine.
A daycop thing after that whole daycop debacle. An opportunistic attempt, but not a very well thought out one, to take advantage of the situation and get me lynched. I noticed this:

Before I respond:

Does this mean you daycopped me?
And then sudden backtracking pretending it was a joke, which might have worked before the whole daybop debacle not after it. Again, it was like he made a move without his scum partner and then was suddenly instructed to backpedal:

Pluvia, that was my way of making a small joke. ^^"
Here's an attempt at making me look like I'm contradicting myself:

You contradict yourself here Pluvia. You say scum wouldn't put themselves into a position to set themselves up for a D2 lynch. However you say that if TPK is lying, he is scum. So can I ask which is it exactly?
I again point out it's not a contradiction:

That's not a contradiction, I explain why I believe he's telling the truth it the sentence before the one you bolded. Then I explain what happens if it turns out he's lying, and you bolded it.

Why do you believe that scum would set themselves up for a day 2 lynch?
He backpedals again as there's no way to twist it into making me look like I'm contradicting myself:

My bad on the grammar slip-up.

However, Pluvia, tell me. What if we were to lynch TPK toDay and he was to flip a role not scum and not Day-cop? What would that do for you in terms of reads?
Then the rest of his play has been scummy attempts at trying to make me look like I'm contradicting myself, and trying to avert attention to me.

Why would town continuously try and do that?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
No offense meant Pluvia, but I am probably one of the most experienced in terms of mafia here so I doubt I would be instructed by my scum-mate or do things blatant things like you are suggesting but I will respond to your case in full later.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Your experience can also help you to try and twist people who aren't scum into looking like they're scum, like you've been repeatedly trying to do, it's just I've been seeing right through it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I haven't twisted anything at all that you have done Pluvia. I really think you are using the wrong wording if anything because your wall is just a bunch of WIFOMy nonsense that doesn't really make sense or hold anything concrete to it.

Now that I pointed out my experience, you are trying to use that against me when your last point fell through. *sigh*
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