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Vampire Diaries & Barbie Escapades: A Lady's Tale from the Crypt: Campfire Sleepover

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Pluvia, you have been tunneling me ever since I first placed my vote on you and you haven't let go at all. Than in order for you to switch your vote, you try and make a connection case from John-Me. What is going to happen if I were to flip town? Or John were to flip town?

Give me reads that aren't tainted by your tunnel-vision on me.

I am not connecting you to TPK, what in the world? TPK is easily my biggest town read.

If I said I didn't want to lynch you, would I get town points from you?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
I switched my vote because no one else seems to be voting for you, and we need 5 to lynch, John is my most scummy read out of him and Doll so I passed my vote so we can get a lynch, rather than none.

What I would love is for you to be lynch but for reasons I'm not seeing people want John over you.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
I switched my vote because no one else seems to be voting for you, and we need 5 to lynch, John is my most scummy read out of him and Doll so I passed my vote so we can get a lynch, rather than none.

What I would love is for you to be lynch but for reasons I'm not seeing people want John over you.
Then why did you give a whole rambling story about how he connected to J and you could see them being scum buddies etc.

Come on, even you have to see how opportunistic that jump was, ESPECIALLY now that you're saying that you just voted him to get a lynch going.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Vote: John

Long story short him and J don't really want to lynch each other, J's pushing to get me lynched and John is pretty confident I'm noobtown when really I don't see why you'd think that given my play. That makes me think he knows I'm town, given that level of confidence, and I think his scum partner is J judging by their disinterest in each other. They have mentioned each other but it's only really been "I wouldn't really want to lych him" comments.

I wont be here for like the rest of the day thanks to work and this festival I got a free ticket for so I might as well do this vote now before the deadline tonight.
If John turns out to be town I'll push for you harder.

If you're town then I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.
I feel like I am getting 2 completely different stories from you, Pluvia.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Then why did you give a whole rambling story about how he connected to J and you could see them being scum buddies etc.

Come on, even you have to see how opportunistic that jump was, ESPECIALLY now that you're saying that you just voted him to get a lynch going.
No I actually said this 29 hours ago:

I still think J is clearly scum, but I'm not going to end this day with no lynch so I will put my vote to Doll or John if it's needed for a lynch, but can anyone tell me why J is getting mostly ignored over them?
I already explained why I now think John and J are scum buddies, that's what I've been doing for this past day, this jump to John is only opportunistic if you ignore all my posts to John in this past 24 hours, and John's response, or lack of, to be more precise.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
But Pluvia, you keep changing what you are saying.

First you change your vote onto John because John+J = most likely scum-buddies in your mind.

Then you say if John flips town, you will be pushing J harder.

Where do you get this logic from?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The whole "I still think you're clearly scum" thing. As you can see I now think there's a chance he's your scum buddy.

The best thing I'd want is for you to be lynched because I still think you're clearly scum, but like I said I don't want to end this day without a lynch. I'm not voting for you because no one else is, and that would make my vote pointless and will risk a no-lynch.

John being town will just mean I'm wrong about him being your scum buddy, that doesn't mean you're not scum, hence why I'm going to push for you harder rather than risking another town lynch on someone like John when you're clearly scum.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
You're trying to confuse people into thinking there's contradictions, as you can see there is none, it's just causing more scum reads from me.

I'm not concerned with what you say, I'm more concerned that no one else seems to be seeing your scummyness.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Pluvia, to be completely honest, I have no real clue as to why you find me scummy.


J said:
Give me reads that aren't tainted by your tunnel-vision on me.

If I said I didn't want to lynch you, would I get town points from you?
Can you answer these questions?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The first one's not a question.

The second one I thought I answered but I guess I never. No you wouldn't get town points from me if you said you didn't want to vote me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Alright, well let me make it a question.

Give me reads that aren't tainted by your tunnel-vision on me, please?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Jim Morrison - Town
JTB - Other possible scum
Cherished Doll - noobtown
Raziek - pfft
John2k4 - possible scum
Red Ryu - town
J - scum
The Paprika Killer - town

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Can you please add giving everyone a case/bulleted reasoning for why you feel I'm scum?

Also a JTB scum-read? Can you explain how you have that? And if John doesn't flip scum, what does it do to your other reads?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
That wad the hammer, then.

I've got nothing else to say for this game. Especially for Jim.



Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
I'm sure I've posted like 3 posts as to why I think you're scum. JTB is just my other scum read for his play earlier.

To answer every question which goes "What if it turns out X wasn't what you thought they were" the answer is I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.

Anyway I'm done answering your questions, you're still trying to get me lynched because you're scum, I will answer questions if someone else asks it but I'm not letting you try and fool everyone into lynching me. You tried twisting people into thinking there was contradictions, and if I wasn't here like I was supposed to I wouldn't have been able to point out that there was no contradiction and it wasn't actually opportunistic, I said it 29 hours ago, it was actually the complete opposite.

For anyone wanting a free untwisted version: I think J is clearly scum, I've been pointing this out repeatedly, I really think we should lynch him over everyone else, but I'm not going to risk a no-lynch, that's what he wants.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@John: Can I have a full read's list? What do you make of Pluvia? For information sake, what was your PR? And who do you want lynched the most atm?

Pluvia, how can you say JTB is scum for his earlier play when he was a replacement for SW96. So are you saying SW's play was scummy?

Pluvia, I am not twisting anything at all nor do I get why you are choosing to ignore me and my questions because I am not doing half the things you are saying. You are saying I am twisting your actions to make you scummier when I am just questioning you because your behaviour is looking scummy and contradictory.

And this:

Pluvia said:
For anyone wanting a free untwisted version: I think J is clearly scum, I've been pointing this out repeatedly, I really think we should lynch him over everyone else, but I'm not going to risk a no-lynch, that's what he wants.
Is disgusting. Especially the bolded. Where have I said I wanted No-lynch and why are you trying to reach for that reason as to why I'm scum? I have never been one to suggest NL and it's just a poor line to say.

You haven't been pointing things out clearly, which is why I am asking for everyone's sake, for a case outlining why you feel I am scummy. Could you at least do that so there is no "twisting" as you call it from anyone else?

If Pluvia will not answer me anymore, can someone ask him this or at least show me what I'm missing?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I only had Ruy as town at the end of things. Please just see to it that tPK gets killed.

I was Dora the Explorer, Town Mason. Was going to use it on Ruy and was dropping crumbs indicating so.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Guus I hate you.

You guys suck at reading John, I thought he was a PR with how he was handling the claim situation.

Do not like Guus anymore premature hammer was scummy, Pluvia needs to die in a fire.

Doc needs to be on me or TPK.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Thanks. Don't want to have that can opened again, but if I do anything I'll be playing more newbie games. My Game seems to keep going down and I can't figure out why. :/



So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Vote Count 12: Day 1

Deadline: 08.12.12 11:59AM EST
Lynch: 5/9

Votee: Voters
John2k4: JTB, Cherished Doll, The Paprika Killer, Pluvia, Jim Morrison
Cherished Doll: John2k4, Red Ryu
J: Raziek
Pluvia: J
Not Voting:

John2k4, Dora The Explorer, Town N1 Mason Recruiter has been lynched.

Ann selected the next person to tell a story and it certainly started off with a scare for poor Dora The Explorer. Elena Gilbert began with a quick intro to her tale.

"Sometimes, your forced into a new situation and are surrounded by new people. For the younger ones, this might be like your family moving to a new area and needing to go to a new school. Everyone and everything seems strange at first, but you eventually find that it isn't as weird as your though. But what if things really were different, and you ignored them because you wanted to fit in? Would you be able to realise the truth before it was too late? I call this story: 'The Tale Of The Hatching'."

Dora didn't know why, but something about Elena's storytelling voice just put her on the edge of her seat. Maybe she wasn't as good with scary stories as she thought she would be if she was this nervous before the story had actually begun. She munched on her smores more quickly in hopes of getting her mind straightened out.

"Our story starts at the popular Apple Valley Boarding School. The school had garnered much critical acclaim for creating very well-mannered, intelligent students. Many would jump at the chance to send their children there. The parents of Zacharias and Victoria were no different.

The parents couldn't afford sending their children through the school, but when a business forces them to relocate for a year, they take the opportunity to at least give their children a year at the school. This year just so happened to the be the upcoming 100th Anniversary of the institute. Certainly it would be exciting for the children.

Neither Zacharias nor Victoria were particularly excited about the change of pace. The school had strict rules, and despite their own conflicting personalities, both of them found fault with the policies. Victoria hated the attire she was forced to wear and the lack of television and video games. Not to mention she couldn't even wear her wrist watch due to the alarm. Zacharias was annoyed by the ban of music on school grounds, being unable to use his Walkman cassette player even.

Throughout the first day of school the two found the students to feel just as void of personality as you'd expect from any obedient student at a prestigious boarding school. And neither had any luck finding new friends to chat with. The normal bells didn't signal classes, instead weird tones were played. The school seemed to really have a knack for keeping everything quiet that they held onto tightly.

Eventually the two were reunited from their differing curricula when the tone for dinner sounded. The food was exceptionally good, much better than either would have expected. However, that was until the bowl for desert was passed around. The supposed desert was some weird grainy liquid, which didn't look appealing to either of them. Other students however seemed to jump at the chance for a bowlful, defending how good the dish was. Despite pressure to try something new, both passed on it.

Eventually the two grew used to the school, however both felt completely out of place still and neither seemed able to really connect with any of the other students. The two normally had never gotten along, but were able to bond as they only found each other easy to communicate with. Not to mention they seemed to be the only two who wouldn't touch that strange desert that other students seemed to chow down on every single night. Even other students who were new seemed to fall into place with the other students quickly. Despite the awkwardness of it all, they were able to tough it through the first few months of the classes.

Then one night things took a strange turn. A different tone, one they had never heard before, began and as if in a trance, everyone began to get out of their beds. Both Zacharias and Victoria saw everyone else in their rooms seemingly sleepwalk in a straight line. Both decided to follow to see what was going on when none of the students would respond to them. Soon all students from all dorm halls seemed to be walking down into a strange entrance into the basement. The two saw each other, with Zacharias pulling his sister to the side. The two both explained the same thing happening and were confused as to what was going on. They decided to follow the students down into the basement and play along with whatever was going on so they wouldn't get caught.

Both were surprised when they reached the destination through the long winding tunnels beneath the school. There seemed to be a giant underground waterway, like a lake. There were paths going over various parts of the lake, which seemed to stretch on forever. There also were stations along these paths filled with some kind of strange salt. When the two looked closer into the water, they found that there were seemingly millions of eggs floating around. The other students began to use the salt to pour into the water and onto the eggs. With the lake being as large as it was, the two saw how it necessitated an entire fleet of students to get the job done. There were various control systems as well which the students seemed to operate as if they knew precisely what to do in the containment system.

The two tried to see if they could get the attention of any of their fellow students, but still to no avail. They talked to one another to attempt to figure out what was going on, but the situation was so peculiar they couldn't come up with a logical conclusion. However, that would soon change as they heard talk from down one of the hallways. The two quickly joined in with the motions of pouring salt on the eggs as the voices grew louder. They soon found the deans of the school watching over the students.

The deans pointed at them, "There they are."

The two students felt their hearts race, wondering if they had been caught.

"Oh good, I had thought they hadn't eaten the dessert over all this time. Glad to see that's something we won't have to worry about." The deans then continued their walk around. After a few minutes, they left the area.

Zacharias and Victoria were quick to follow after them, in order to better figure out what was going on. All they had really grasped for now was that the dessert they had avoided was responsible for seemingly hypnotizing all of the other students. The two were able to silently follow the pair of deans up into an office. There they were able to spy and eavesdrop on the conversation.

"After 100 years of waiting, the final cycle has begun. The master is sure to be pleased, waiting over these long years for the hatching. Soon we'll be able to be free of this ridiculous attire." One of the deans said, lifted the sleeve of his coat and scratching on an area where it seemed that his flesh ended and scales began.

The students had seen all they wanted to see, and quickly retreated into Zacharias' dorm area.

"Did you see that?!" Victoria said.

"This can't be real, it can't be real!" Zacharias said.

"No it is real, and soon this place will be crawling with those creatures if those eggs are all going to hatch." Victoria said.

"What even is their master? Are they aliens or what?!" Zacharias said.

"I don't know and I don't care but we need to get out of here and tell somebody." Victoria said.

"We can't, they'll catch us!" Zacharias replied.

"Get a grip! I'm going to my room to change clothes and grab whatever I can to help us. I suggest you do the same." Victoria ordered as she left the room.

Zacharias sat in thought for a moment, before looking at one of the soundboxes on the walls, reminding him of the strange tones and how all things related to loud noise seemed to be barred from the school. He quickly grabbed his Walkman which he had hidden so it wouldn't be taken away and managed to disconnect the soundbox from the wall. He hid them in his clothes and then went to meet with Victoria.

However, when he knocked on her door, he soon found her in the hands of one of the deans. Luckily the distraction of him arriving allowed Victoria to break free, and the two took off. But when they reached the downstairs area, the other dean quickly cut them off. The two continued to run, but soon found their only option was to run into the basement to get away. They avoided heading back to the egg area, and instead opted to go down a different dark corridor they hadn't noticed before. The area seemed to take them down to a sewer area, where they noticed different clothing scattered about. They heard growling form the other end and stopped, deciding whether to turn around or not. Suddenly the lights turned on in the sewer and a gate closed behind them. There behind the gate they noticed the two deans standing there.

"You two should have just enjoyed your dessert like the others. I'm afraid we're not going to be able to let you go to tell our secret." One stated.

"What are you!" Zacharias asked.

"We're the last of a raced which seemed doomed to extinction...until now. We've nurtured the eggs for ages, and now they've hatched and once again we can populate the earth." The other explained.

"And you've been using the students to care for them." Victoria stated.

"Genius don't you think? However, we're a race of meat-eaters and the young ones are no different. Soon the students will serve another purpose." One of the deans laughed.

The turn turned to try and run away in the other direction, but noticed the growling had gotten louder and something was approaching.

"You two are very lucky, you'll get to meet the mother. Very few students get to as you can see from what they've left behind." The other laughed referencing the random articles of clothing on the ground.

Soon the creature approached, much larger than either of the two students, now trapped between the two deans behind the locked gate behind them and the creature in front of them. However, Zacharias had his own idea and quickly pulled out the walkman he had kept, connecting it to the soundbox. The two deans noticed this, and quickly began to freak out, unlocking the gate and running through in an attempt to stop Zacharias. It was too late for them however, as he turned on the music and Victoria held up the speakerbox allowing the sound to resonate through the tunnel. The two deans stopped, seemingly paralyzed in pain as the sound penetrated them.

Suddenly the creature before them seemingly exploded knocking the two down. After a moment, the two were able to recompose themselves and noticed that nothing of the deans behind them remained with exception of their clothing. The two took a moment for everything to sink in and then ran into the containment area where all of the students had been. There they noticed the students all picking themselves up off of the ground, surrounded by broken eggshells everywhere. The two assumed that the noise must have caused the eggs to explode as well. The other students slowly began to recompose themselves and wondered what was going on. Zacharias and Victoria provided no answer and just motioned for everyone to go upstairs.

As they left after the students they looked around and saw no sign of any remaining egg, however there was one which happened to have been spared...and was soon to hatch..."

Elena Gilbert concluded her tale and the others clapped with how scary it had been. However the group soon noticed that Dora The Explorer was missing.

"My story must have just been too scary for such a little girl!" Elena commented to the laughter of the others and they soon decided who would be next.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott

After some discussion and idle chit chat, Ann eventually allowed Minty to be the next to tell her tale with the promise of an especially scary story. The way she marketed it certainly had everyone wanting to hear more. And soon she began.

"One of the common fears even the bravest can have is a fear of the dark. It's always easy to imagine the worst happening when the lights go out. Yet we all know that there's nothing in the dark that can hurt you...most of the time. I call this story: 'The Tale Of The Dark Music'.

Kalvin was a young boy who lived with just his single mother and younger sister. He started work at a paper route to help his mom as best as he could with the money situation, but the family was always struggling to make ends meat. That was until a strange uncle Kalvin had never heard of past away, leaving his inheritance to Kalvin's mother. The family was quick to move in to the new home, and Kalvin kept his paper route just so he could start earning money for himself. The neighbours all seemed to have bad opinions of the uncle, referring to him as strange. And Kalvin couldn't get any information from his mother about him, as she said he was much older and had already moved out by the time she was five.

During the first couple of days, Kalvin did his best to avoid the basement of the house, which didn't have much lighting and his mom described as a total wreck. Kalvin hated to admit it, but he didn't want to go to any dark basement that belonged to guy who was apparently a nut job. However, it wasn't long until one dark night Kalvin's mother was hanging up some pictures and needed a ladder. She said she had seen one in the basement and needed Kalvin to go get it.

Hesitant, Kalvin sucked up his fear and went down into the basement. There was only a small light, which didn't really help much while he tried to find where the ladder his mom had seen was. He made his way cautiously around, and while he didn't find a latter, he found an old radio which looked like an antique. The radio intrigued him, and since it was right next to a socket, he decided to plug it in and see if it would work. It took a moment and some tuning, but eventually he was able to get a signal.

What Kalvin had not noticed though, was a large locked wooden door on the other side of the room. As he was adjusting the radio, the handle on the door began to shake, and once the music was playing, the handle turned and the door creaked open. Kalvin heard this and turned around, seeing the room the door led too was a pitch black.

"Kalvin..." a voice said from inside the room.

"Who's there?" a shocked Kalvin replied.

Suddenly a glowing red pair of eyes became apparent in the blackness and a deep, dark voice said "Hello. Come on in."

Kalvin immediately jumped back in terror, knocking the antique radio onto the floor where it broke. However he paid no attention to this as his next course of action was immediately fleeing the basement screaming for his mother. What he didn't notice was the room locking itself once the radio had broken.

Together with his mother, the two went down towards the mysterious room together, armed with a hockey stick. However, once they opened the door, they found nothing inside but an empty root cellar. His mother explained that whatever he saw must have been a rat and whatever he heard was probably just something that had played on the radio he had broken.

Everything seemed fine, and Kalvin just hoped to avoid the basement from that point on. However the next day, he found a more formidable enemy, when he ran his bike into one of his neighbours. The boy he ran into was a couple years older than Kalvin, and was decked out in punk rock apparel. The other teen introduced himself as Drake and warned Kalvin not to mess with him or prepare for the worst, knocking Kalvin over and planting his foot on his chest and telling Kalvin that his uncle was a whacko and to expect no sympathy if they met again.

Later that evening, Kalvin was forced into the basement again, with his mother asking him to move a load of laundry from the washer into the dryer. Kalvin took his boombox down with him into the basement to play some music while he was doing the chore. In the midst of doing the chore, Kalvin heard a strange noise from the door and sure enough it opened once more. From the door quickly emerged what appeared to be a lifesize puppetry doll.

"Kalvin come play with me." The doll offered with an extended hand.

Kalvin seemed to go into a trance, slowly standing up and approaching the doll, mesmerized by its persuasiveness.

"Come Kalvin, we'll have so much fun." The doll encouraged.

While this was going on, Kalvin's mother heard the weird noise from the basement, not knowing what it was due to the music. She called for Kalvin, asking him if everything was alright. She waited for a response, but to no avail. Again she called out for Kalvin.

"Hurry Kalvin, we don't have much time!" The doll figure said as Kalvin came closer to it.

Kalvin's mom flipped the upstairs switch by the basement door off, cutting off the music so she could yell for Kalvin without it possibly preventing him from hearing. When the music cut, the doll screamed as it was sucked back into the darkness of the door which immediately shut. Then Kalvin seemingly awoke from his daze, not remembering a thing.

"What happened?" Kalvin said aloud as he rubbed his head.

At this point, Kalvin heard his mother calling for him asking if everything was alright.

"Oh uh, yeah mom everything is fine." Kalvin said, not realising what had just occurred. Unfortunately, this meant that he still was unaware of the dangers that lied await for him in the basement.

Equally unfortunately, Kalvin ran into the other danger plaguing him the next day. While running his paper route, he just so happened to accidentally throw a paper straight into the face of someone doing yardwork in their own yard. This person just so happened to be the last person he wanted to come across: Drake.

"I'm going to kill you, you little brat." Drake yelled out as he started dashing towards Kalvin.

Kalvin rushed back towards his home, and once he got there he fumbled around with the doorknob, finding it was locked. Unable to find the time to get out his keys as Drake approached, Kalvin decided to keep on running. As he ran around the house, he noticed the outside entrance to the basement, and against his better judgement opened the doors and went down inside, closing and locking them behind him. Now he was stuck in the basement without any light, but luckily not in the room that freaked him out the most. He would have to walk past it though, and made every effort to be cautious. He reached the first floor without fail, embarrassed that he was so afraid of the dark basement when there was clearly nothing there to hurt him.

The next afternoon, when his mother asked him to do some more laundry, he made not hesitation to go back into the basement. However, he was unwise in turning on the boombox he had left down there, and soon during his chore the door made its way open again. However, he didn't notice the door at first, as the music on the radio changed to the sound of a carnival. He went over to the boombox, attempting to change the station. Yet all the stations played the same music. He then turned around to the sound of a voice.

"Hurry hurry hurry. Step right up and enjoy the greatest rides we have to offer! A carnival worker said from inside the room which looked as if it was the entrance to a full blown state fair. Once again feeling mesmerised, Kalvin stepped towards the room. However once he got close, the imagery changed. The rides lit up in flames and the carnie turned into a talking skeleton. Kalvin snapped back into reality and jumped away as the skeleton reached to grab him.

However the entire room seemed to be sucking him in and he grabbed onto the table to try and keep himself from getting pulled into the vortex. While trying to get a better grip, he grabbed the power cord to the radio, pulling it out of the socket. Suddenly the pulling winds stopped and the door slammed shut and locked itself. At this point Kalvin was able to make the connection between music in the room. He plugged the radio in, and sure enough the door began to rattle. He quickly turned it off and unplugged the radio, having all of the confirmation he needed.

Kalvin went outside to get his bike and find his mother to alert her of what he had find. However his neighbour Drake happened to see him and catch him off guard, still wanting to give him a pounding from the other day. Drake decked Kalvin right in the eye, sending Kalvin straight to the ground. There he hit Kalvin once more, giving him a black eye. A dump truck was heading down the road, and Drake took advantage of this as well as he grabbed Kalvin's bike and threw it into the road right as the truck was passing through, causing it to be crushed.

"I told you not to mess with me." Drake said as he walked away.

After he was able to pull himself together, Kalvin lost thought of telling his mother and instead of getting back at Drake. And he himself just had the perfect plan to do so. Kalvin went back to his home, taking a set of speakers down to the basement and connecting them to the boombox. He made sure the switch upstairs was set to off and had the radio set to on. He covered the radio with some sheets and went upstairs and locked the top entrance to the basement. He also went and left the outside entrance to the basement open.

Kalvin took a wooden plank and wrapped a newspaper around it, heading over to Drake's home. There he saw Drake out in the yard, facing the other direction. Kalvin flung the paper at Drake hitting him in the back of the head.

"Take that, loser." Kalvin said as he immediately sprinted off.

"Oh you're dead son." Drake said as he took chase.

Kalvin acted as if he was running to go into the basement again, however hid in a bush instead. As Drake turned the corner he noticed the basement door ajar and went in, assuming that's where Kalvin had gone. Kalvin went and shut the door, jamming it from the outside. Drake pounded on the door, screaming to be let out or he'd kill Kalvin.

Kalvin went into the front entrance of the house, where he found Drake attempting to open the upstairs entrance as well, but to no avail due to it being locked. Kalvin flipped the switch and soon music began to blare from the basement. Drake covered his ears as he went down the steps to find the radio and turn it off. However once he got to the bottom, he noticed a glowing red from around the door to the root cellar. Suddenly the door swung open and Drake began to scream.

Kalvin heard these screams and knew he was getting a good scare on Drake. After a couple moments had passed he turned off the switch and opened the basement door and went down.

"Drake? Don't mess with me Drake, I can do that again to you if you try to mess with me." Kalvin yelled out.

However once he was downstairs, he found no Drake, instead he found a brand new bicycle sitting in the middle of the basement. Kalvin stood perplexed for a moment, attempting to figure out what happened. He disconnected the speakers from the boombox and turned it to a normal volume. He went and turned the upstairs switch on, and then went into the basement and turned on the radio.

The door glowed a calming blue and slowly and calmly opened only a crack where Kalvin couldn't see inside.

"It's yours Kalvin. I'll give you anything you want, just like I did for your uncle."
the voice from inside said to Kalvin in a deep, dark tone.

"Who are you?" Kalvin asked.

"Anything you want. You only have to do one thing." the voice said, ignoring Kalvin's question.

"What's that?" Kalvin inquired.

"Feed me." the voice answered, causing Kalvin's eyes to widen as he realised what he had done to Drake.

However, at that moment, he heard a voice from upstairs. His little sister announcing that she was home and mom had told her to have Kalvin make her dinner. The voice from inside the dark room began to laugh maniacally as Kalvin placed an evil grin on his face. The end."

"Oh my gosh, he didn't feed his own sister to the thing did he?" Ann asked Minty immediately after the story.

"No, but he made sure she never gave him any problems." Minty answered.

"That was a great story Minty, you might end up having the best one of the night!" Elena said as the group broke for a quick restroom break.

The group restructured a couple minutes later, however the star of the hour Minty did not return. They yelled out for her but to no avail.

"Well that certainly was rude. Someone must thing highly of herself to just leave and not want to listen to anyone else's stories!" Ann complained as they selected who would go next in sharing a scary tale.
Raziek, Minty, Vanilla Townie has been murdered.

D2 Begins!

Deadline: 08.17.12 11:59PM EST
Lynch: 4/7
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