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Upstate New York Tournament Thread

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
we arent talking about good characters. were talking about all characters.

compared to marth, roys combos are suck and hes 1000 times easier to hit and combo. Thats why marth is top and roy is low. Aside from tippers of course.

and cura... are you serious. Did you really play the "tourney data or it didnt happen" card in MvC? really? yall only had one, I showed up late and just beat everyone that day...


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Yeah beat everyone in friendlys.
MVC2 PR Would probably be like

1. Me
2. Minh
3. Paco
4. Foy/Steffon/burak/juni
5. you i guess lol


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2009
Modesto at <3
Ight sense ive played every single person ever. Cept cura...

1) Cura
2) Minh
3)Juni if he isnt being a *****
4)Paco/Foy/Steffon/Burak/Goggles (all even right now at least i know for everyone but Burak)

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
paco, come pick me up. I need to show you kids how to play this mvc game...

cus yall obv. dont know what youre talking about.


Smash Rookie
May 5, 2010
Oh look. Its Kyle. Kyle can play vidjagames all day and practice in his room while im out getting laid.

Ill own you *****.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Well I had a pretty interesting conversation on the brawl community and what everyone's skill level is at the moment and I thought I'd share my thoughts with the community about what I think.

As far as skill levels and where people are at in the brawl community in upstate NY I'd split it up like this.

Cura(ICs,Marth,helluva lot of other chars(not official))
Dr G(DK)
C-D Tier
Eevee(IC's, Peach,Rob,MK?)
Acton(Falco,MK(Recently picked up)
Sharky(Yoshi, plays Marth against me)

Placings within the tiers don't hold any significance. I'm not trying to start drama here I'm sure we're all mature people here. I think there's a pretty big gap between S-tier and A-tier. S-tier players in our region can place well nationally.

In the A-tier I'd say there's some space between snakeee/pikapika and Dr G and Goggles. I kind of feel like Goggles is a little above Dr G. Both snakeee and pikapika seem to be in a rut at the moment, at their best they can rival players in S-tier.

B-tier players are solid and know their stuff. As far as brawl goes I don't think XXX or JamesG have played in any national tournaments. They're definitely a step above C-tier. I feel like there's more space between B-tier and C-tier then there is between the top players in a tier and the players in s tier.

C-tier players are a step above D-tier players. Both players in C-tiers probably wouldn't lose a set to any of the players in D tier. I feel like they aren't quite B tier material because B-tier players generally seem to do better against A-tier players then these guys do.

C-D tier consist of only one player, Eevee. I feel like she has a better sense for the game then any of the players in D tier, and has a handle on vast variety of characters that would put her above D tier. Picked up ICs and in two weeks beat me. Get at her! xD (4 seconds left in the last match <=( )

D-tier players: One player me whose currently 10th in PR, and another player Sharky who was 9th on the PR last season. I personally think some of the players in D-tier are better then me and the only reason why I got on PR was because of two players in B-tier being inactive last season and certain players in D-tier hadn't really made any sort of debut yet. I don't think there's a lot of space between me and any player in D-tier though and any sets between any players in D-tier will always be close. MU wise its pretty much a circle where sharky beats vibe ak and beta, I beat sharky, but vibe beta and ak beat me. I've just recently picked up mk for the marth mu so that might change in the not to distant future. I think all the players in D-tier have a lot of potential but don't have as much experience as players in c tier. As far as placings in D-tier go I'd say there pretty volatile so I wouldn't say anyone is at the top or bottom of this tier. All the players in this tier have major flaws. The way BP hypes himself up I'd put him in this tier but I haven't seen him at any event since SOY1

Again I don't want to start any drama just civilized discourse. To me this is how I see the rankings in our region, and its what I compare myself against. My PR seat means next to nothing to me.

I want to hear what you guys think about my list. Like yesterday I was talking about my thoughts with JamesG and he thinks that he can go even with anyone on the A-tier. Or maybe other players I didn't specify feel they should be on the D-tier? Thoughts?


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
I know this is random and all but do you still have my sonic hat from mlg dakid? lol and if you do can you hold onto it till i see you again or w.e? im not 100 percent sure if you still have it or if i left it somewhere in the mlg room cuz idk if you heard but i got kicked out lol and totally forgot about it.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Well I had a pretty interesting conversation on the brawl community and what everyone's skill level is at the moment and I thought I'd share my thoughts with the community about what I think.

As far as skill levels and where people are at in the brawl community in upstate NY I'd split it up like this.

Cura(ICs,Marth,helluva lot of other chars(not official))
Dr G(DK)
Acton(Falco,MK(Recently picked up)
Sharky(Yoshi, plays Marth against me)

Placings within the tiers don't hold any significance. I'm not trying to start drama here I'm sure we're all mature people here. I think there's a pretty big gap between S-tier and A-tier. S-tier players in our region can place well nationally.

In the A-tier I'd say there's some space between snakeee/pikapika and Dr G and Goggles. I kind of feel like Goggles is a little above Dr G. Both snakeee and pikapika seem to be in a rut at the moment, at their best they can rival players in S-tier.

B-tier players are solid and know their stuff. As far as brawl goes I don't think XXX or JamesG have played in any national tournaments. They're definitely a step above C-tier. I feel like there's more space between B-tier and C-tier then there is between the top players in a tier and the players in s tier.

C-tier players are a step above D-tier players. Both players in C-tiers probably wouldn't lose a set to any of the players in D tier. I feel like they aren't quite B tier material because B-tier players generally seem to do better against A-tier players then these guys do.

D-tier players: One player me whose currently 10th in PR, and another player Sharky who was 9th on the PR last season. I personally think some of the players in D-tier are better then me and the only reason why I got on PR was because of two players in B-tier being inactive last season and certain players in D-tier hadn't really made any sort of debut yet. I don't think there's a lot of space between me and any player in D-tier though and any sets between any players in D-tier will always be close. MU wise its pretty much a circle where sharky beats vibe ak and beta, I beat sharky, but vibe beta and ak beat me. I've just recently picked up mk for the marth mu so that might change in the not to distant future. I think all the players in D-tier have a lot of potential but don't have as much experience as players in c tier. As far as placings in D-tier go I'd say there pretty volatile so I wouldn't say anyone is at the top or bottom of this tier. All the players in this tier have major flaws. The way BP hypes himself up I'd put him in this tier but I haven't seen him at any event since SOY1

Again I don't want to start any drama just civilized discourse. To me this is how I see the rankings in our region, and its what I compare myself against. My PR seat means next to nothing to me.

I want to hear what you guys think about my list. Like yesterday I was talking about my thoughts with JamesG and he thinks that he can go even with anyone on the A-tier. Or maybe other players I didn't specify feel they should be on the D-tier? Thoughts?
Just putting this out there Acton, I won our most recent MM with no character restrictions, and I've beaten you in tourney at cura's lately too. As well as beating Vibe AK Frannie and Beta, but no drama like you said =)

also get at my new signature. DKR HYYYYYPE!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Yo what up shugz, you know you know you could have just aimed me right?

but yo i def. still have the hat and ill be wearing it to the next tourney I go to. Ill take care of it.

after the tourney was over at mlg, I looked for you all over the place to give it back but I couldnt find you. lol whyd you get kicked out?

Ill get it back to you at apex.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Just putting this out there Acton, I won our most recent MM with no character restrictions, and I've beaten you in tourney at cura's lately too. As well as beating Vibe AK Frannie and Beta, but no drama like you said =)

also get at my new signature. DKR HYYYYYPE!
True but we also had a MM where it was my falco vs your yoshi and I felt like I won the match pretty handily. In my opinion its all about the match up, yoshi doesn't do well against falco, and falco doesn't do well against marth. We played some friendlies yesterday my MK vs your Marth and I won the majority of your friendlies.

As far as Player vs Player goes I'd say you and I are pretty even.

My list isn't so much about stats as it is of my sense of where players are at skill wise. All stats aside I'd say you and all the other players in D tier are pretty even at this point.

I should have added Frannie too. xD I think she can beat anyone in D-tier, I'd put her in between D-tier and C-tier TBH.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
as far as the tier list goes. Dr.g sucks now, hes been to 3 tourneys in NYC since summer started, and hes gotten second to last or last in every single one. Snakeee hasnt place more than one place above jason in any of those tourneys either.

me and neil are at about the same level. which is about a half a step behind cura and san. I had san over here to my place yesterday. and its annoying because i have to play 100% all the time against him. but when i think about it (the match) constantly I can beat him.

why is jesse being factored into a brawl discussion again?

either way, b and c tier should be combined. MOSS would probably beat james and lose to angel slightly. where as i think leet loses to james, and would beat angel slightly.

i get the feeling that james is a bit over confident in himself but I havent played him in forever. Even still Ive been playing tons of lucarios lately, and I used to play the character against neil alot. so I think both of us can still beat him pretty handily.

And I feel like sharky is better than everyone in that group you put him in.

but its hard because I know way more about the people in roc. and are almost clueless about the people in Syr, while its the opposite for you guys that play with cura.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Well Frannie beats Sharky pretty well, and I don't think he'd be able to take a set off of anyone in C-tier. He's most likely the overall best in D-tier though because he knows a pretty decent amount of characters pretty well, (Yoshi,Rob,Marth) while the rest of the cast in D tier know only one character pretty well.

As far as Jesse goes he's supposedly getting back into brawl and I'm pretty certain he could take a set off of anyone in C-tier pretty easily.

As far as Dr.G and Snakeee go, they are doing bad in a completely different scene where the average skill level is well above that in this region. You probably have a better sense of the brawl community in the tristate region then I do though, where would you place them in the list?

Last season he made a lot of mistakes though and lost to players like Phil and AK who was an unknown at hat point. He's doing a lot better this season though for sure. I think what holds him back the most though is the fact that he plays yoshi who doesn't have as many solid options in x situation as much as higher tier characters do. If you look at the rankings the list is mostly dominated by high tier characters, except for San who is literally developing the metagame for his character, and 13370 who while definitely a good player, most people don't know how to approach the Ness MU. But in my opinion in the end it comes down to the player not the character, I mean deltacod is 10th seat on the NJ pr ffs and he plays yoshi.

Also I haven't really seen any recent history between moss and James, and 1337 and XXX. 13370, and XXX where totally inactive last season, while I believe James and Moss only showed up to one tourney each respectively. I don't think any of those players faced each other last season but I may be wrong. I split those two groups up because I feel like XXX and James do better against players in the tier above them then Moss and 13370 do against A-tier.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I guess sonic and DK are high tier or something then...

at this point characters mean almost nothing in our region, aside from who has the best chance to beat cura.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Yeah I overlooked you and Dr. G for some reason. I feel like Sonic and from what I've seen at MLG DK are both tourney worthy characters, while Yoshi just has way to many bad MU's.

At the top of the list though I agree with your statement, its more Player vs Player then Character vs Character.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2009
Roy can combo by the way, you just bad.
Almost any combos that roy can do are avoidable. I never said I can't combo with roy, the point I was trying to make was that Roy's combos are much harder to start up than marth's thus making him (among other bad qualities) low tier. High tier characters don't necessarily have to combo, but it's a bonus.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
I'm not really "over" confident at all to be honest. However, I have backed myself up time and time again and I believe I am one of the most consistent players on the power rankings.

In tourney, I've only lost to Cura (twice), San (twice), PikaPika (twice), and 1337 (once), all phenomenal players I might add. Goggles, I don't really like how you talk about people like you know them 100%, but say what you wish. Just remember on paper, I am the more consistent player, placing well at every tourney I have been to, and I am also 1-0 against you in tourney matches, no ifs ands or buts (MM's aside).

I don't really care about a tier or where I am in it because I don't care about video games that much, but this may lead to some intense debate from other players which results into drama Acton, so keep that in mind. It would probably be better if our players try to help each other as opposed to argue about who is better.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 6, 2009
New Jersey

either way, b and c tier should be combined. MOSS would probably beat james and lose to angel slightly. where as i think leet loses to james, and would beat angel slightly.

And I feel like sharky is better than everyone in that group you put him in.
I agree with all of this except I think you may be mixed up a lil about me and jamesg/Angel. Last time I played Angel in friendlies at the last Cyberstorm tourney I was stompin on his nuts relentlessly. I've never played JamesG and I know lucarios can be annoying for me at times so I can't honestly say how I'd play against him.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2009
Utica, NY
I haven't gotten to play in tourney since SS1, but my results aren't too bad. I believe I've lost almost all of my friendly matches, but friendlies mean squat.

Lost to CJT and Goggles.
Beat Stomps and Kanto.

...I keep getting more and more excited for SS3 so I can get up more results.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Well angels in practice now. so hes a lot better than he was before. the boy is training with me, so dont sleep on him.

and james, i said in my post that I cant gauge syracuse people effectively, just as people in syracuse cant gauge rochester peopl effectively.

also. arguing about whos better does help each other get better.

Because, hypothetically, if I were to say something like:

"James, on paper is one thing but in our most recent games I clearly gave you the diiiiiiccck with 25 bucks on the line, and would love to put money on (read: take your money) the next match I play with you"

You might get upset and cus me out.


You might silently bid your time and practice the game and level up your game and 'get better at the game' for the express purpose of making me eat my words.

If the second option happened then our arguing would actually in fact serve the purpose of making our region better at the game.

But since I didnt ACTUALLY say that, I guess we'll never know...

See ya at the tourney! =D


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
I'm pretty much of the same mind as goggles as far as this goes. Instead of getting upset about someones opinion, get better at the game and beat them in mm/tourney when you see them and prove them wrong.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Seattle, WA
Personally, I think putting players into Tiers is ridiculous. People change, whether for better or worse much more quickly than any character develops in the Smash metagame. And I don't get how posting a tier list of NYS people WOULDN'T cause controversy. It's also extremely subjective since not everyone has had the opportunity to play everyone on the list, not to mention it appears that the actual encounters have been small in number. And tier list based on a small sample size is bound to be inaccurate, anyway. Obviously everything has a starting point, but putting people into tiers kind of dehumanizes them. Ranking is completely different, since that's concrete. Tiers are much more conceptual. Rank is all based on fact, which is what matters more than anything else.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2010
I think the whole concept is kind of contradictory, because when I think of a community in general I like to look at it as a group of people who support each other and seek to improve through collaboration rather than debates and arguments.

Constantly debating about which player is better can lead to anger and frustration for many players, which could actually hinder their performance competitively, or even stride them away from the community, in my perspective. I think the little things like giving your opponent feedback and advice on matches, or consistently practicing with them/helping them with matchups will be much more influential than petty smashboards tiffs.

But if that's how you guys wanna approach this and think it will help the players, then go for it.

And yes Goggles, I will be waiting for you at SS3, and am willing to see if you are able to make me "eat my words" by beating me for the first time ever in a tournament match.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Seattle, WA
I agree wholeheartedly with JamesG. Since from what I've gathered from my brief time here browsing & lurking the forums, Smash seems to be pretty regionalistic, so we should all be for each other. Obviously we all know who is good & who is great, but it's not something that you can really put into tiers like that. I'm very much new to the community, as well as this sphere of Smash, but it's pretty basic fundamentals of any group to be supportive of each other.

And lol, thanks Kid. I just speak my mind.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2007
Cura(ICs,Marth,helluva lot of other chars(not official))
Dr G(DK)
C-D Tier
Eevee(IC's, Peach,Rob,MK?)
Acton(Falco,MK(Recently picked up)
Sharky(Yoshi, plays Marth against me)
First off. I like this topic cause it gives us something to talk about. That we can discuss as a community and not just western talking about hes better at a game other than smash Lol.

As for the list i think i could agree with a majority of it. Few minor things id change in which id go in yet.

I think that S- Tier is about right. And id agree that there is a good amount of difference between S-A. Not really in terms of skill, Ive lost to snakeee goggles PikaPika in tournament before, While San has lost to snakeee pikapika before. But i think theres a big gap in terms of placing consistency. While me and San usually stay on top of the results. People Like kyle has lost to randoms and placed as low as 13th or so. Including pikapika placing low. And with Dr. G and snakeee both placing low in tournaments in nyc its clear they have an issue with maintaining placing.

How ever I would place goggles on top of the A. Follow by PikaPika, DrG then snakeee.

Jessie shouldnt be included on the tier list untill he starts playing again.

B and C-tier id combine completely. I feel there is very little gap between the 2 tiers. All of those players can consistently compete evenly with each other imo and all do fairly well against certain players. Everyone in B-C Has beaten goggles rather it be a money match or tournament. Ive had leet-0 knock me to losers bracket 1 tournament. along with James and moss taking match from me during tournament sets. And ive played XXX a bit online and he has gotten noticeably better and will indeed be a force to not take lightly. James G also beat leet-0 last tourament. And leet-0 also beat jamesg.

Sense i suggested C tier become B i feel that the new C Should consist of Eevee and Sharky. Eevee i believe along with probably most of the people here can consistently beat players in not listed above her. I think she probably 4th best in Syracuse (Behind myself james and leet) And she is probably the only person in central that has the best chance of beating me. And in terms of overall skill and intelligence i put her way above everyone below her not being bias i feel alot of people would agree with me on this. And the sharky will be bottom of C. As much as i had to put a yoshi that high he has been doing well as of late only losing to people that he should losing 2. If he keeps up these placings he will probably obtain 10th on pr (Unless we put XXX back on which is very likely if he places).

Everyone else is good where they are.

Also id like to note that i beat Acton in a money match with my link.

Game 1 -
Battle field - Link Vs Falco (Cura Wins)

Game 2-
Rainbow cruise- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)

After i laid the smackdown, Acton (aka bitter bug) Shouts double or nothing.

I could not decline for that my manhood was at stake, and kids were arriving (sharky ak nolan) so i had to put him in his palce.

Game 1-
Battlefield- Link Vs Falco (Acton wins)

Game 2-
Brinstar- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)

Game 3-
Smashville- Link vs Falco (Cura wins)

Making that money like m2k.

That is all.

this list may cause drama. But only towards those who have a poor mindset. Or let things get to you. There is no better support than friendly competition. Thriving to be better than people is why a majority of players keep playing this game. As you can see people already are stating opinions about whose better. This will only make people try harder. And just like that Goggles and james already have a friendly rivalry that will hopefully make them both better as player. Tomato you just dont understand our region just yet :/ soon though, soon


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
In matters of controversy people should take into account ones intentions. I know for a fact not a single individual in the community seeks to directly insult another by saying the things they do. People shouldn't be afraid of controversy, its a good thing in my opinion. Not talking about a subject just because its, "Controversial" is RIDICULOUS in my opinion.

By the same logic that you are using Tomato I could argue that rankings have the very same flaws that you pointed out in relation to the tier list I created. Rankings don't include people who where inactive x season for whatever reason there may be. Statistics based on "tournament" placings might not accurately judge x players true skill because of the way the brackets where seeded thus x player faces certain players thus inflating x players placings in that tourney.

I'd much rather trust my own judgment then trust power rankings in relation to what x players skill truly is.

Everyone has their own opinions based on the subjective. I made the tier list to start discussion about what other peoples opinions where. I don't see what the harm is in that. If people get angry, maybe they should ask themselves why they're getting angry about something so "subjective" in the first place.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
tomato. the way it works is that when we as a region go out of state. we cheer each other on, and we trash talk any and everyone that has to play against us.

But inside our own region and at our regional events, its everyone for themselves (aside from certain people that will always cheer for each other, like cura and eevee being boyfriend and girlfriend and vicious being married to jesiahs balls)

rest assured, there will be no divisions between any of us when we go to apex.

cura is right, me and neil arent as consistent. Im STILL loling at neil tying with phil at that one tourney.

but dangggg, im reading this thing about acton, and MAN, this boy cura is grimey... so cold.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
Video games are more fun than girls half the time anyway. lol. Sex included.
You know how i know your gay?
You just said videogames are better than vajayjay
to funny googles

Edit: You obviosly have never gotten laid you loser
:laugh: Goggles isn't that fun either.

Well I had a pretty interesting conversation on the brawl community and what everyone's skill level is at the moment and I thought I'd share my thoughts with the community about what I think.

As far as skill levels and where people are at in the brawl community in upstate NY I'd split it up like this.

tier things
I'd prefer to be left out of these things just 'cause I really don't play more than smash fests and maybe two hours at the most during the week. They're never even against people. :c at least not recently since we've only had one controller in the house. But thanks for thinking of me. :D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
tomato. the way it works is that when we as a region go out of state. we cheer each other on, and we trash talk any and everyone that has to play against us.

But inside our own region and at our regional events, its everyone for themselves (aside from certain people that will always cheer for each other, like cura and eevee being boyfriend and girlfriend and vicious being married to jesiahs balls)

rest assured, there will be no divisions between any of us when we go to apex.

cura is right, me and neil arent as consistent. Im STILL loling at neil tying with phil at that one tourney.

but dangggg, im reading this thing about acton, and MAN, this boy cura is grimey... so cold.

Amusing. Not fun. Just amusing.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm not saying you made the list to personally attack/insult anyone, it could just come off as that. And I'm not angry, (though I probably should be, you didn't even include me on the list lol)

Tiers are too 'what if' for my taste, but that's just me. But to counter what you said, it shows the flaw in any sort of rating system where not everyone gets the same exact or similar sample sizes. Everyone plays a different amount of games, in occasionally radical different settings & circumstances. It's not like a pro sport where each team meets a certain number of times and you can conclude based on everyone's overall & performance with the same schedule who is the clear best & who is the clear worst. So yeah, there's flaws in either system, I just prefer ranking since to me, it just makes more sense. A rating based on what you've actually done as opposed to that, plus what you're perceived/predicted to do in tiers seems less concrete. I'm a guy who believes numbers tell the stories, especially in something competitive. Perception may aid in how the numbers may change and definitely makes for interesting discussion, without a doubt. I just find tiers to be a foggy way of getting something similar to a rank across. I mean, a rank is a rank 1 through whatever number. Tiers are foggy & lack being clarity that rankings have, as far as determining who the currently best player is. I for one, find it easier to know exactly where I am than an estimate.

Like in school I was rated as the '3rd Decile' in my graduating class, which is essentially a parallel of a tier. So in my case, that means I was ranked between something like 70-100 in my class of 366 or some number around there. I could have been 70, but the person who was ranked 69 is a whole tier up & in the 2nd Decile. Seems a lot more of a jump than one rank is, doesn't it?

Ranks just feel like a much more gradual linear progression than tiers, which seem like leaps and bounds in comparison. But I'm just rambling at this point. Pay no mind to me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2009
Hudson Valley, NY
Also id like to note that i beat Acton in a money match with my link.

Game 1 -
Battle field - Link Vs Falco (Cura Wins)

Game 2-
Rainbow cruise- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)

After i laid the smackdown, Acton (aka bitter bug) Shouts double or nothing.

I could not decline for that my manhood was at stake, and kids were arriving (sharky ak nolan) so i had to put him in his palce.

Game 1-
Battlefield- Link Vs Falco (Acton wins)

Game 2-
Brinstar- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)

Game 3-
Smashville- Link vs Falco (Cura wins)

Making that money like m2k.
I'd like to point this out to people who might get angry/upset about the list I posted. Yesterday I lost not only to Cura in a double or nothing mm after the regular mm against his link, I also lost against Franny's IC's when there was four seconds left on the clock (congrats Franny!)

Cura once beat me while playing with one hand, another time while talking on the phone, and another time playing with a wiimote. His marth constantly 3 stocks me, he's even bragged about writing a "Hithikers guide to 3 stocking Acton."

I lost to AK pretty soundly who isn't even on the PR.

My record on wifi at the moment is 14wins-68losses.

Despite all that I don't get upset, I spend my energy thinking about what it was that I did wrong and what I can do to improve my game. I can tell you its produced results, and I have faith it will continue to produce results. I'm of the mindset that I can achieve anything I set my mind too. Yeah wifi sucks, but you can learn a lot on wifi so I play it every day. I've talked to a lot of individuals in the community who refuse to play wifi because "its to upsetting and they hate lag."

I believe the most important thing in Brawl, like any other endeavor your seeking to achieve at in life, is having the right mindset. I don't care how much natural skill you have, how good you are at reading people, or how much you know about the game. If you have the will to become better, you WILL become better. Having faith in that fact enables me to not get upset when **** like the above happens.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2008
Seattle, WA
tomato. the way it works is that when we as a region go out of state. we cheer each other on, and we trash talk any and everyone that has to play against us.

But inside our own region and at our regional events, its everyone for themselves (aside from certain people that will always cheer for each other, like cura and eevee being boyfriend and girlfriend and vicious being married to jesiahs balls)

rest assured, there will be no divisions between any of us when we go to apex.
Well that's good. I'm sorry to have perceived the entire thing as a way of stimulating ill feelings between people here, since that would suck.
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