Cura(ICs,Marth,helluva lot of other chars(not official))
Dr G(DK)
C-D Tier
Eevee(IC's, Peach,Rob,MK?)
Acton(Falco,MK(Recently picked up)
Sharky(Yoshi, plays Marth against me)
First off. I like this topic cause it gives us something to talk about. That we can discuss as a community and not just western talking about hes better at a game other than smash Lol.
As for the list i think i could agree with a majority of it. Few minor things id change in which id go in yet.
I think that S- Tier is about right. And id agree that there is a good amount of difference between S-A. Not really in terms of skill, Ive lost to snakeee goggles PikaPika in tournament before, While San has lost to snakeee pikapika before. But i think theres a big gap in terms of placing consistency. While me and San usually stay on top of the results. People Like kyle has lost to randoms and placed as low as 13th or so. Including pikapika placing low. And with Dr. G and snakeee both placing low in tournaments in nyc its clear they have an issue with maintaining placing.
How ever I would place goggles on top of the A. Follow by PikaPika, DrG then snakeee.
Jessie shouldnt be included on the tier list untill he starts playing again.
B and C-tier id combine completely. I feel there is very little gap between the 2 tiers. All of those players can consistently compete evenly with each other imo and all do fairly well against certain players. Everyone in B-C Has beaten goggles rather it be a money match or tournament. Ive had leet-0 knock me to losers bracket 1 tournament. along with James and moss taking match from me during tournament sets. And ive played XXX a bit online and he has gotten noticeably better and will indeed be a force to not take lightly. James G also beat leet-0 last tourament. And leet-0 also beat jamesg.
Sense i suggested C tier become B i feel that the new C Should consist of Eevee and Sharky. Eevee i believe along with probably most of the people here can consistently beat players in not listed above her. I think she probably 4th best in Syracuse (Behind myself james and leet) And she is probably the only person in central that has the best chance of beating me. And in terms of overall skill and intelligence i put her way above everyone below her not being bias i feel alot of people would agree with me on this. And the sharky will be bottom of C. As much as i had to put a yoshi that high he has been doing well as of late only losing to people that he should losing 2. If he keeps up these placings he will probably obtain 10th on pr (Unless we put XXX back on which is very likely if he places).
Everyone else is good where they are.
Also id like to note that i beat Acton in a money match with my link.
Game 1 -
Battle field - Link Vs Falco (Cura Wins)
Game 2-
Rainbow cruise- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)
After i laid the smackdown, Acton (aka bitter bug) Shouts double or nothing.
I could not decline for that my manhood was at stake, and kids were arriving (sharky ak nolan) so i had to put him in his palce.
Game 1-
Battlefield- Link Vs Falco (Acton wins)
Game 2-
Brinstar- Link Vs MK (Cura wins)
Game 3-
Smashville- Link vs Falco (Cura wins)
Making that money like m2k.
That is all.
this list may cause drama. But only towards those who have a poor mindset. Or let things get to you. There is no better support than friendly competition. Thriving to be better than people is why a majority of players keep playing this game. As you can see people already are stating opinions about whose better. This will only make people try harder. And just like that Goggles and james already have a friendly rivalry that will hopefully make them both better as player. Tomato you just dont understand our region just yet :/ soon though, soon