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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
was this possibly the biggest bestest tournament to hit the area ever? here dont worry ill answer my own question. hells yeah.

Aesis- WOW you played amazing. it reminded me of that tear you went on on MLG LA with the death pool and everything. i think you could of had romeo if you would of picked a normal stage. i dont think gay stages are your thing ahah. and once you learn how to beat those peaches.....you will be even more rapesies. good **** in teams. you were playing great. i was pretty much just throwing out moves left and right but you were saving me when i was in trouble and keeping them off of me so i could recover. awesome stuff. 1st place in teams....i have never done that before.

HUUUUUUGS - i got to play with you a lot which is awsome because we barely ever make it to the same tournaments. thanks for deciding to come last minute. you and wolf made a good tournament great.

SSK - noooooooooooo jooooooohns. ahaha i knew from the second that we were challenged to a crew battle you guys would find some way to make a john. its not our fault that palmdale is the only crew that is pretty much ALWAYS available for 100% legit crew battle. thats why we dont put people in our crew that live 5 hours away or something stupid like that.

edrees. my good ole tournament buddy. always there to send me to losers or to eliminate me. one of these days it will probly be both :( i guess i need to try harder next time.

THE RETURN OF ULTRA LUIGI - you were playing so amazing last night. your speed was insane. when we played our ditto you ran circles around me while i just like sat in my shield like a noob. good to see you doing well again. i think you were in a slump for a while. you ALMOST had romeo on that game two. that would of been awesome. ill try to give an exciting rematch next time instead of getting owned ahahah.

JTB starting to beat some good people. i watched that set with pbody good ****. too much falco training?

Brett- dood stop ****** people all day when i watch you play...and then chokesies when the preassure is on. start ****** people like i know you can.

mike the haze- always good seeing you around you are a very friendly smasher and you have helped 8 bit become little rapesies kids.

8-bit- sorry we didnt get to crew battle. just to let you know it wouldof been **** :p i got to play a bunch of friendlies tho and you guys are getting really good.

i got owned pretty bad in singles but i live for crew battles and doubles was a suprising plus so this was too good.

****one last thing to add****
i would like to point out that the supposed "palmdale counter" david C was sent to losers by aesis....and eliminated by teba. :rotfl: nobody gets away with saying they are a palmdale counter except for maybe edrees. lol i still love you tho david. and tell danny im sorry for touching his pee pee on accident.

AAHAAH i forgot about neal and champ. neal is too good. end of story. champ is too good even if he doesnt want to play in singles. i <3 you guys.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

Aesis - Thanks for hosting such a great tourney! I havent been to a big one in a couple months, and it was great seeing everyone again. I can't wait for the next one, and good job in teams!

Neal - Low tier is fun! But I gotta work on my Kirby >_<

Plan 9 - Dutch oven ftw? Sorry that we lost to NEAL, YOUR RIVAL, just wait till next time :D

Nick - We gotta play Marvel sometime :D

Fatboi - Thanks alot for the free dinner! It was enjoyable talking about UCR/UCLA, and playing G&W dittos :D If you ever find yourself at UCR for whatever reason, talk to me for some free food :D

Wong - Iono if you are a smashboards person, but Jiggs dittos are ****ing annoying. Bairs and rests for 5 minutes :D

Pbody - Luigi falco practice is too good :D

Boa - So many missed rests T_T It was still a fun match :D

Teba - I need some more Shiek practice, I guess NeighborhoodP isnt cutting it T_T

Kira - That last stock on Corneria was INSANE, I was nervous as hell :p

Romeo - Good **** yesterday, that match against Aesis was insane o_O

ROFL - Crazy luigi FTW Nice job in teams :D

Ultra - Its so funny listening to you talk **** about a certain smasher :D

What I learned yesterday - I fail at Luigi dittos, and UCLAs food > UCRs food. Fries FTW

GGs, I'll try to make the next one :D


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
well uhh... good stuff :D
thank you aesis for put this whole thing together, you did an amazing job.

soooo much talent showed up, it was pretty insane. i played waay too many friendlies, so thanks to everyone for that.

rofl: fkn rapesies kid.. you never cease to amaze.

edrees, champ, neal, ultra: always cool talking to you guys. some of the coolest smashers around.

rel: come visit us more, we need more peach practice

pbody and rest of SSK: fun set and fun crew battle... one of these days im not gonna choke.

my falcon bretheren(lol): Romeo, greg, plan 9... nice to see you all again, and meet you for the first time. hahaha keep up the ****.

**oh yeh, alot of recordings went on... youtube links please?! :)


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2004
Southern California (818) San fernando valley
I'm still waiting for neal's



It was a fun tournament, I'll post shout outs a bit later. Glad to see everyone again and glad to finally play some people I had only heard about. I'll try to go to these everytime.

Oh, and I hope vids come out soon cuz I missed some great matches like ROFL vs Ultra and Ultra vs Rome.


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
LOL I actually clicked on Hugo's *Full Results* hoping it would be a link. Sounds like it was an awesome tourney, I'll try my best to make the next one. Palmdale is too cool to chill with, see ya guys around.

On another note, why can't I ever go to the same tourney as Nick? Everyone I go to he misses and vice versa. I wanna learn some new IC tricksies!!!


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
Can whoever owns the laptop send teh results file to (my screen name)@gmail.com? Thanks.

Shoutouts later. For now, sorry to Ultra for the In-N-Out situation. I forgot how much Westwood parking sux.


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
Ok Hugo, here you go :-P


Unfortunately my server doesn't do single elim brackets yet. So here are the results for the crew battle:

1: Superfriends/Deep Socal Trixies (HugS + Wolf + Edrees + Kira)
2: Palmdale (Aesis + BoA + Teba + ROFL + Emerican)
3: Everybody's Lucky (McRusty + Lucky + Ultra Luigi + Plan 9 + Nick)
3: Sesame Street Kings (DC + Pbody + Danimals + Romeo + Blitz)
5: Team 8-Bit (Morb + Nes + Resident Waffle + J666 + Mike Haze)
5: CV Crew (Phys + Pig + Papi + BNer + Zyko)

Superfriends Lite beat Palmdale with 5 stock remaining. I think Palmdale beat SSK with 2 stock? I forget.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2007
Fontana, CA
lo...no one gives me a shout out T.T... mine goes to ultra luigi!
ultra luigi: good match man lol....ditto fight rocked...
thanks allen nice tourney


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
two luigis in the top 5. thats pretty funny. i think i had a pretty good seed tho. i <3 tio.

only in socal.

oh yeah and my rival's didnt change at all. except for edrees kicking my ***.....AGAIN. im just going to join deep socal so that tio can seperate us by crew.

wow 51 people for a first time tournament? we set off these monthlies with a bang.

im trying to find out the situatation with palmdale tournaments too so look out for an announcement soon. i know its a lot farther so i dont expect as big of a turnout. but if you guys thought this was fun i would recoment going to palmdale as well :)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I forgot to say, I'm out for Ganon blood next time I see Hugo >=)


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Some things that don't make sense...

First, Ultra. We all know he was on fire, but how did he get to losers in the first place?

Lost to McRusty Jr

Losers' bracket
Defeated Nealdt
Defeated Blitz
Defeated BoA
Defeated Wolf
Defeated ROFL

Second, at the last biweekly Pbody beat Mango and Arash. But then you browse through tio and you find that he,

Lost to jake the boy

WTF counter styles.

oh yeah, even tho hugo sucked it up in crews, wolf covered his *** and ***** for us. good **** wolf.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Sweet tournament!!!

Champ- Yes i convinced you! Thanks for teaming with me. We did well! BUT OMG this guy shine spikes me outta nowhere. LOL

Aesis- WOW thanks for running a GREAT tournament!! Sweet job handling everything for your first time, and great stuff in teams.

Fatboi- Thanks sooo much for swiping me. If you come down to SD i owe ya one!! it was good meeting you

Neal- Neal's too good in orange

Palmdale- great hanging out with you guys!! , sorry about hugo becoming a beast in crews hehe. rofl i think i'm gonna pass out if we ever both go to a tourny and dont play each other .

ultra luigi- dam n dude NICE STUFF TODAY. you were playing great!

Wolf - ur falcon can't handle zelda hahaha jk. this guy didn't play crews yet again

Hugo - nice seeing you there man. fun crewing with you!

mike y- dont you wish you came

kira- fun crewing with you and playing you singles yet again!


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
by next month we could probably reserve a room thats twice the size.

thanks for comin guys


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
personally I agree with champ on his claim that ROFL was in the vicinity lollll

but it was so funny to watch cuz edrees was being all tricky recovering with the wallbomb and then champ kills him


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
PALMDALE is fjkuckin awesome. didn't get to play with boa but he seems like a funny guy. we should play some more!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2006
Socal? Norcal? NoCal
Wow, firstly major shoutouts to anyone that has ever run or helped to run a tournament. I have never been that exhausted at a tourney and my voice was definitely gone for the rest of the day. Regardless, I had a blast at this tournament and, tired or not, it was a whole lot of fun.

Aesis - After seeing you put in so much effort for this tournament (giving directions, picking up TVs, escorting people on restroom runs), I didn't want you worn out running this thing. Looks like my help paid off. 1st in teams? Too sick. Remember, I do these things before I love you.

BoA and Teba - I love playing you guys, especially in teams. We should have just done random team dittos for the actual tournament match. You beat my brother and me in Peach dittos? Peach is cheap.

ROFL - Shame I didn't get to see the rest of the tourney, but you rocked the house in teams. Palmdale tourneys? Too f'in good. But where is Palmdale?

Emerican - When I'm that tired, you can't go and take it easy on me like that. You've definitely rocked me before. More Peach training is in order because matches with you are too good.

Edrees - How's that Zelda treating you? I don't even know how I'm supposed to beat you now. Nice seeing you again.

Neal and Champ - You are my heroes.

AudreyH - Ouch. Shiek and Falcon are no longer friends. Nor are Falcon and Brinstar. Crazy combos man.

Danimals - Your fox = awesome. We had a good little series there. Can't wait to do it again.

Rest of SSK - Why is everyone so good?

HugS and Wolf - I would like to play you guys sometime. It's weird that it hasn't happened yet... I definitely need to get worked.

Ultra - I had to leave early to miss your dominance? Where's our 805 crew anyway?

Also, running tournaments makes you learn everyone's name. So anyone I missed, it was probably fun anyway. I'm glad I got to meet a whole bunch of new people. Sorry if I seemed unfriendly to anyone. Long day. :)


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
nicely run tourney, and it was very friendly also =)

neal - KuuUuUUUUuUuuute

edrees - good job on ur placing and dang u for making me play teams. Too bad we didn't hang out after but oh well next time yeah? Good stuff edreesion

aesis - good job hosting ur first one. Hopefully there will be more because it is too good hehe. Your performance was also top notch so I guess u got ur game on haha

palmdale - rofl did very well but of course edrees was born to stop u haha =p Good job in teams/crew/singles. Also, stop taking people money in money matches. It's unfair. Emerican, it was nice seeing you but I didn't saw u play at all except vs SSK. You did ur job though so good job. Vince aka CS2 haha =p Gotta step it up with ur marth and don't underestimate any1. Lastly, Charoo spike!!!! Open tv = My link > ur link haha. Dun worry about ur performance in crew. You did well in singles and teams so u should be proud of that yeah?

ultra - triple tap = too good hehe. You went SSJ Luigi so it was impossible to beat u yeah? Too bad u ran out of energy and went under 9000. Great job in ur performance though

SSK - Didn't get to play all of u but some in teams. So many jokesies in ur crewsies haha. Keep it up and u'll all make it to like top 6 or something. BTW, Romeo needs to release Knee of Justice 2 1/2

superfriends - nice see u both. It been a while since I saw Hugo but he still raoe as always. I didn't get to play u guys except teams but it was fun though. Hopefully I'll see u again and too good at finding ur parking spot haha

rel - good job at helping aesis ran the tourney. U give him 3.26% aura haha =p

every1 else - too good for coming.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2006
Torrance, California
Awesome tourney, but the room was kind of small though.


Aesis - Great tournament, I just wish this was triweeklies or biweeklies not monthlies :p

Emerican - I was beating you then you came back and PWNED me.

Kira - Ahh I was winning and then you chaingrabbed me T.T

Mr. B - Fun friendlies, nice Luigi

Mike Haze - Fun friendlies with you too, nice edge teching

Hugs - First game, you 2 stocked me and the next game I got 4 stocked..interesting

P Body - Crazy *** falco dude

DC - Nice falcon even though I haven't played it, I saw you owning

Champ - F**K you Baltimore! lol

McRusty - Dang I hate your jigglypuff lol

Neal - Thanks for the ride, and great friendlies IF I didn't suicide so much >.>;

Blitz - Kewl peach, nice laptop too, I'm going to try to get one >.>

My team partner - We make a pretty good team, maybe we should team up some other time


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2005
Northridge, CA
i was a ***** racehorse all day, danny david blitz and io dont know who else but you guys buyin my entry or some **** next time with all that money i won you azzholes.....hahahaha that ****in asian guy dude was crazy givin out that paper paper paper.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
Despite the room being small, this tourney was a success! thanks for coming everyone.

To all the people that didnt pay for dining hall (ie Mike and friends)
Don't worry about it! Smashers watch each other's back
lol dont know if ur talkin about food but i gave donuts to like halfe the people there lol they were small but very good.oh and what a great tourney the room wasnt that small though it needed more chairs lol.ummmm blitz great money match hope we play again same for huggs next time my ic's will do better on ur gannon but great match.oh yea and the crew battl thing was too kool everybody's lucky must of got like 3rd or 4th rofl!!!!!!

although great tourney cant wait for the next one


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Just a quick note before I have to go to work.
- I'm still uploading videos from the tourney, but as of right now, they're being encoded in a way that makes them 1+ GB per match. So lemme figure that out. Also, I'm dling Premier because I forgot I didn't have it installed on this computer so I can upload the vids to Youtube faster.
- A new date and possibly a new venue are in the works, still have to discuss the possibilities.
- Shout-outs in a bit, for now: Palmdale *****...
- I love REL
- I love Neal and Champ
- I love everybody,
- Ur all banned :psycho:

Johnny Blitz

Smash Ace
May 30, 2006
Pasadena, California
aesis i know a cool program that will convert any type of video file to any other type of video file and its real good at compressing files to a decent size. aim me if u want more info


Skia Oura
Aug 20, 2001
^I'd like to know that too, chi...

And hey, maybe next time we'll all go get dorm food or something, yaddasayin? I'll work on getting us a bigger room, too.

Oh, and for future reference, UCLA will be THE place to Brawl when it comes out. Oh hell yes.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
lol i think mike haze recorded my match with nes i know it wasnt a big match but it would be like my first vid on youtube so please put it on youtube already mike :)


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Organizer Shout-outs:

BoA – Aw, my wonderful training partner of yester years. YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I AM #15 ON THE RANKINGS. You are teh GOSU! I know you weren’t playing your best that day, so you need to get back to ultimate BoA mode. Maybe I should tell you to do it for BoA every time you play a tough match so you get inspiration! XDDD

Teba – w00t, you did it this time, WITH ME. Haha, eff Fox man! I wish I could have seen it. Hahaha. Don’t worry about the HugS encounter, HugS is tooooo gooooood zommmg, I fluke out against him occasionally and get lucky, so yeah. He beat your brother, too, so no worries. But yeah, Palmdale is too good, thanks for being too cool Steve.

Emerican – DOOD. You are awesome. Thanks for the help with the TV’s and just being overall the awesome Brettz0r you are. Haha. Always good chilling with you guys, but yeah, don’t worry about your performance at tournament. I know personally you are exceptionally skilled, it’s just you have to adjust to the pressure sometimes! Still too good.

REL & Manny – OMG Thanks for coming!!! I appreciate the support, guys. Reppin’ Palmdale to the fullest. I wish you guys could have stayed for the crew battle; character diversity makes Palmdale super the pwnage. REL, thank you for the invaluable help in calling matches, determining which TVs were open, being sexy, and the constant encouragement and positive attitude you give me every time you’re around. U FREAKING OWN. And Manny: well you’re gay cuz I barely even talked to you or saw you that day. Come to more tournaments man!!!

K, I’m getting lazy now…

SSK – Romeo still gots it. I wasn’t mad at all when I lost to you, last stock, last match, high percentage. It was incredibly intense. You’re still good, and I’m happy you made it, along with the entire entourage. Good ****. DC, you’re too funny man. You’re not a Palmdale counter *yet.* So this officially made me 2-1 against you in tournament =P. Teams match against you and Blitz was too fun, GOOD JOB ON BEATING HUGS+WOLF, very impressive. Danimals, your Fox is improving really well, you and Romeo were tough, good stuff in teams. You’re a noob for not knowing the rules ;D BLiTZieS, hah fun matches, bro. I’m glad you could play your MMORPG while at the tournament. Friends are priority! PBody, always good to see you. Glad you could make it to this tournament, haha. You almost took out BoA in crews, impressive. Rests suck.

Neal & Champ – First off, Neal, you are amazing. Second, Champ, you are just … Champ. Nuff said, right? Too good! Neal, thanks for your ultimate knowledge of all things applicable to situations where help is needed. Tio is an amazing program and I’m glad I could point out that “current date” bug. Champ, thanks so much for coming, it was good to see everybody again, right? Always fun to hear Champ’s superb English and hilarious Naruto references. You and Edrees were very very difficult! Looking at the matches, I’m surprised we won! I’ll have them up soon so we can see you shine Edrees LOL.

Team 8-Bit – You guys are funny. Hope you can come next time, thanks for the support. Mike Haze is teh l337 sauce. We didn’t get to play you guys in crews! You were supposed to beat Everybody’s Lucky ;D

LucKy – Donuts are fun. Thanks! Come to the next one and bring Mango!

Nick – OK. We HAVE to play. Like this week. I didn’t realize how close you live to UCLA. For serious we will play and train and play. It’s fun hanging out with you man, you’re pretty funny. Close match against Wolf. Props.

HugS – Thanks for coming out. You coming to the tournament always seems to top things off in a weird Hugo way. Your Samus is amazing as ever. I basically fluked in our money match, I was surprised to say the least. Awesome performance in singles and crews. I hope you come to the next tournament!

Wolf – I hate you. You always beat me. Why do I always face you? Is this like some constant reminder that I need more peach training? Or something. Cuz… yeah. ^_^ Wolf is insane. It’s always close, but for some reason, I can’t touch you. Thanks for coming down.

Edrees – Amazing yet again. You are CRAZY! The combos you did to me were so WTF, I was pretty impressed. What can I expect from Edrees, though? Nothing but the best. Hope you had fun in LA on Saturday. Thanks for coming up! Always good to hang with you bro.

CV Smashers – you guys are cool. Thanks for coming and showing support. Don’t get your Mom mad next time.

JTB, Kira, McRusty, Ultra Luigi – Too good. Sorry, I’m getting tired now. Ultra, happy to see you ****** my own crew T_T Ah, but seriously, AMAZING PERFORMANCE. AMAZING.

ROFL – You’re gay. You make it seem like I was doing all the work in teams. Who had the crazy finishers ? Up+B kill on Champ and off the ledge Dair edge guarding on Edrees? All I did was take your lives and slap Champ in the face ;D I agree: Peaches are gay. But seriously, thanks for teaming with me. Pretty good for a first-time teaming. We are awesome. Good **** in crews as well. Stellar. Why are you so good?!?!? ROFL for Top 20.

UCLA – You guys are great. Thanks Greg for the Laptop and Daniel for offering free food for fellow smashers. You’re awesome. Kokichi, thanks for the cube and helping run things as well. Fun times. Let’s make the next one even better.

Overall for my first tournament, I’d say it went off pretty well. We had I think 10 or 11 TVs, 9 of which were used for tournament and 2 for friendlies. Throughout the tournament, I’m sure several people had plenty of opportunities to money match, friendly and just chill. I’m sorry it smelled like a s s, but I DID TELL YOU GUYS to shower and wear deodorant. That’s your bad. Next time, I’ll wake up an hour earlier so I can set up and get everything going more efficiently. Thanks again to everyone who came and brought TVs!
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