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UCLA VII: AVALANCHE - was too good, does no one do shout-outs anymore? WOW


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2005
AudreyH - Ouch. Shiek and Falcon are no longer friends. Nor are Falcon and Brinstar. Crazy combos man.

you ***** on brinstar. I was so confused....:psycho:

especially when I would get comboed by the lava, then try and jump onto the top platform, and then you'd be waiting under the platform then umbrella combo me loll... i had no idea what to do

you should've stayed peach though, your peach is good

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
Again I’d like to apologize for the In-N-Out situation; I should have given you guys the cell phone # but I completely forgot. It was hilarious on our way there though, fun times.

Shout Outs!

Aesis – Loved the tourney man. I greatly appreciate you hosting something that’s actually just an hour away! I am coming to all of your UCLA tourneys for sure. Congrats to you and ROFL on taking teams, unfortunately I didn’t get to see the finals set but I hope you guys got that recorded. Thanks for opening the door for me when I went to go buy a drink. This host is too good. ;)

ROFL – It’s really funny that after all this time we have been going to tourneys, we never had a tourney match. I figure the only way to ever get a chance to play you was to rank high since you’re always up there. Fun matches we had, I admit I was pumped the most during that time.

BoA – Good matches. I really thought I was a goner when you chose the Yoshi stage but I guess I pulled through. I still remember that time when you kicked my *** at Champ combo, but you weren’t BoA at that time, just Vincus. It’s always funny to play you and your bro for some reason. You are now on my Tia’s rival list. :)

The rest of Palmdale – Good to see you guys there, and glad to hang with you guys too. Congrats on your crew victory against SSK. I told you guys to send in ROFL against Hugs, I think it would have helped you guys better but Super friends/Deep Socal had two Peaches, so I don’t know how you guys planned your counters against that.

Plan 9 – I took your rival stop against Neal.
I’ll try to come to your house more often. Congrats on 17th! :laugh:

PBody – Oscar Dittos once again. I think we did ok in teams, but the BoA/Teba double Sheik was just too much for me, sorry about that. Don’t worry about losing to Jake, it happens and It sucks that you had to play one of your crew members.

Romeo – Your Falcon is too good. You need to go to more tourneys. Why do you play better when Danimals is taken out and it’s just you vs. the other two?
You don’t play serious when he’s there lol j/k. :laugh:

Blitz – Every time I go up against you it gets harder and harder. I think the next time we meet your going to take me out. Those matches were incredibly close; I love it when it comes down to the last hit. You scare me now man, I don’t know what to do against you anymore. Your Peach has improved a lot and I’m glad. I also noticed some new edgeguarding tricks, too good. :cool:

Wolf – It’s a pleasure to play you once again. What happened to Gabe?
Hugs – At least I got a chance to play against you in teams and a portion in crews. Your Samus is super tricky, but that’s why it rocks.

Nealdt – My new rival! No more boomerang hacks for you.
I really need to remember to ban that stage against you, why did I forget this time. SO I guess we are tied 1-1, it’s going to be intense. :cool:

Kira – Don’t hate because McRusty didn’t take you to losers. ;)

McRusty Jr – Nice job getting 9th place. How could I forget about your trump card, what was I thinking? That slap at the end was unexpected; I was too worried trying to land on the Snorlax. I’m coming back for you, you can bet on that. Catch you on aim.

SSK – You guys bash each other way too much but it’s hilarious. Good to see all of the crew together.

8-Bit Crew – Good to see your crew once again and I hope you guys will come to more of these. I don’t think I ever had a chance to play any of you guys, not even in crews.

Mike the H H H H H H Haze – That shine was unnecessary. :mad:

REL – We need the rest of SB to come to these so we can have a good ol crew battle. 805 Baby!

Lucky – Good job in crews and thanks for a donut.

Champ – Get your *** in singles tourney! You’re too good for this, why do you refuse to play? Take care.

To everyone else – Nice to hang out, it was fun to talk to some of you.

I have some new rivals. PBody is no longer my rival but Blitz still stayed. My new rivals are Nealdt, BoA, Evilnemesis, and Ken. I guess I’m 1-2 against Ken for beating him in that set in the low tier tourney, cool.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2007
Fontana, CA
naw man sorry....i didnt see any grey memory cards around...0.o...someone got my memory card too :p...so right now some one is playing smash without kongo 64 :p....o well...whoevers card i got isnt grey and it has all stages.... so yeah...i dunno...sorry anti


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
GUYS, Still no one found a grey memory card with smash, Metroid Prime 2, Tales of Symphonia, and Viewtiful Joe on it???
naw man sorry....i didnt see any grey memory cards around...0.o...someone got my memory card too :p...so right now some one is playing smash without kongo 64 :p....o well...whoevers card i got isnt grey and it has all stages.... so yeah...i dunno...sorry anti
that is so whack people are invited to these tourneys because were all friends in the smash community and for some guys to be stealing memory cards for like 10 bucks @ gamestop thats pretty whack!

but next time guy's just statrt the game with the memory card til u get to the character screen and just take out ur memory card.so all the stages and characters are loaded and youre memory card is safe.its sad you have to do this but its just the way it is


Smash Ace
May 1, 2006
fountain of dreamz
Great tourny aesis! it wuz fun lots of tvs an cubes, but no fried chicken v_v. lol hope to come to the next one.

BoA- Thnx for the matches mangz those were 2 goodzes

Blitz- that wuz some crazy **** in your teamz matchez good ****, put ro away next tourny man lol.

Rom- that marth ditto was gay, we gotta do that again next time, crazy combos against teba! whenz knee of justice 3 coming out?

Teba- mangz y us gangstas gotta play each other? haha good matches tho man ur sheik iz crazy.

JTho- good **** wit ur jiggs man i saw your matches with BoA haha, i gotta play you again.

Johnny Blitz

Smash Ace
May 30, 2006
Pasadena, California
lol i luved this tourney i cant wait til the next one ^^ ^^

big thanks to aesis, greg, and the other ucla ppl that helped me get on the wireless network. i actually wasnt going to come at all so i could stay home and play RO. but i was able to make it here cause there was wireless internet so big thanks.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2006
California 818

ROFL-Dittos next time

Ultra-Dittos next time

JTB-Fun dittos, i thought i was gonna lose. We should play again against your jiggs

Aesis-We'll try to be in the next one and play some matches vs you. We'll be there earlyer this time so we can get some friendlies

Haze-What happned in crews? i thought you gots this?

Nick-you got a crazy falco but your ice climbers are ****! crazy 4 stock on haze

McRusty-i guess you weren't doing that great in crews maybe nect time you'll show me your full potential

Hugs- FTW once again

Rest of them smasher- hope i get to play you all soon enough


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
Hello lovers.
Bumping because we're having our next monthly on the 24th again. Please show your support! Petooo can come yay! Please post some time if you'll be attending XD these are too good!

Edit: I have a black memory card and someone's Coffee Bean hat saved from last monthly. Lemme know and I'll give it to you on tourney day.


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2006
Hello lovers.
Bumping because we're having our next monthly on the 24th again. Please show your support! Petooo can come yay! Please post some time if you'll be attending XD these are too good!

Edit: I have a black memory card and someone's Coffee Bean hat saved from last monthly. Lemme know and I'll give it to you on tourney day.
I think thats nes's memory card he thought he lost his.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
North Hollywood, California
Hello lovers.
Bumping because we're having our next monthly on the 24th again. Please show your support! Petooo can come yay! Please post some time if you'll be attending XD these are too good!

Edit: I have a black memory card and someone's Coffee Bean hat saved from last monthly. Lemme know and I'll give it to you on tourney day.
Does it have like a sticker on it? Cause if it does then its mine I think it says "VOID" on it.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'm pretty sure that this is the end of finals week for me. Count me in ^_^


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Palmdale/UC Berkeley
AHHHH I want to go to So Cal right NOW. Nor Cal has me hostage!!!! Can't wait to see everyone. Hope this one has a good turnout like last tourney.


Smash Ace
Feb 8, 2007
Fontana, CA
AESIS, EMERICAN, ULTRA LUIGI. im expecting u guys at my tournament Mar. 18th. DONT DISSAPOINT ME GUYS. ^_^... lol....please? SOCAL Tournament- Alta Loma April/TBA/07
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