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lol 4 prods.
Xiivi, how many people voted for extension?
I made a huge typo. Heat scum + cello town = scum points for pierre.
I also was in SSBF in muppets, but he's still alive there so I can't say anything about his actual alignment if I knew that but I put him as dumb town there.
about my playstyle, in UCM I was generally useless and by the time I started posting seriously I was on defense big time but even then it was too late and town made a correct lynch.
In SSBF mafia the scumteam was me, SSBF and chibo. during N1 already me and chibo thought that SSBF could become a problem (he drew a lot of attention on him during D1 with his attacks on whoever got lynched then) and we bussed him bigtime. for the rest of the game chibo kind of ignored me and I had him listed as nr2 scum all the time.
Xiivi, how many people voted for extension?
I made a huge typo. Heat scum + cello town = scum points for pierre.
I also was in SSBF in muppets, but he's still alive there so I can't say anything about his actual alignment if I knew that but I put him as dumb town there.
about my playstyle, in UCM I was generally useless and by the time I started posting seriously I was on defense big time but even then it was too late and town made a correct lynch.
In SSBF mafia the scumteam was me, SSBF and chibo. during N1 already me and chibo thought that SSBF could become a problem (he drew a lot of attention on him during D1 with his attacks on whoever got lynched then) and we bussed him bigtime. for the rest of the game chibo kind of ignored me and I had him listed as nr2 scum all the time.
not really much else to comment on.Here is my post analysis of TPK so far. It's still incomplete.
post 148: States how he feels about summoner saying he'll stump himself. Explains the benefits behind forced stumping. An overal okay post.
post 160: I'm kinda confussed with what TPK meant here. He suggests that stumps keep their "real vote", but I know that is not the case. He suggests that
scum might stump so that the day will continue on. This idea seems kinda dumb to me. Why would scum stump when they could just refuse to stump and have the
day continue still? If scum were to go out, and the scum knew he was going to go out, then the scum would much rather be lynched so to send the Day into the
night phrase. The Day is, afterall, towns most powerful tool.
post 164: States that he knows that stump votes don't count towards the count. So I don't really know what TPK meant when he said stumps keep their "real
vote" until. . .
post 166: Admits that he was wrong about stumps keeping their "real vote". States that stumps getting to keep their virtual vote (so you thought that stumps
lose thier virtual vote? I think you've got something mixed up here). Asks Heat if he'll stump for the sake of the town.
Yes I got stuff mixed up due to misunderstanding a sentence in the PM. now as to why scum would want to extend the day (last time ever I'll say this ugh): scum faces lynch. if he was just to get lynched day would end and scum made a nightkill. -1 townie.
if he stumped instead, and his teammates played their card right they MIGHT get a townie stumped before nightfall. game goes into night, mafia kills -2 townie.
post 168: Answers Heat's question.
Post 170: States why Heat stumping could determine the whole game. Questions Heat and states that if Cello didn't follow through with his end of the deal it
would make Cello appear scummy. I kinda like this post. But I have to keep in mind that, if TPK is scum, then I can see why he would want both of them to
stump (Cause you know, it would be two townies closer to winning).
Post 172: States that trading a townie for a scum is always good for the town. Nothing really special here.
post 178: Tells Cello that it is highly unlikely that each individual scum gets a nk. Asks Heat to clarify on. . . something (I can't really follow the
conversation, sorry).
post 181: Continues to ask Heat to clarify. States that lumberjacks can kill stumps.
post 184: Defends why he thinks scum might stump. I still disagree with it.
post 230: Presures Cello to stump. I can't really get anything out of TPK wanting Cello to stump, since it seemed almost everyone wanted him to stump.
post 235: Continues to pressure Cello. Votes Cello.
post 238: Complains that Cello is nitpicking. Even if Cello was nitpicking, I still like that, as I believe nitpicking can turn into bigger, legit cases.
elaborate please.
post 242: Questions Cello about his question.
post 245: States that he feels having Cello stump if he's town would help because we know he's gienuen. Okay, once again, I can see this as both scummy and
townie. Townie for the reasons he stated, scummy because it would get scum closer to winning.
but like you said above a lot of people wanted cello to stump. and they can't all be scum
He also expresses dislike of Cello for not stumping after Heat in that post.
post 248: Asks Cello for his current suspect list.
post 287: States that he is rereading thus won't be active for awhile.
post 326: Mentions how he was wrong about Cello. States that he is still rereading. Gives Cello his support on Brockin but not SSBF.
post 328: Rebutts an insult/accustion made by Cello. Cello called him out on the fact that he only gave support to him after he flipped town. I do find it a
bit wierd.
post 330: States why he think SSBF might just be a bad townie. States that he is rethinking the game since Cello flipped town.
post 331: States that he doesn't have any opinion on Pierre now that both Heat and Cello flipped town (HMM).
See my typo currection above quote
post 333: Defends himself against Cello here. Tells why he think SSBF could just be a bad townie, and states that he isn't only judging off of flips under
the accustion that he was. States that Pierre was a null read for him.
The last part is interesting. If Pierre was a null read for you all along TPK, then why both Heat and Cello flipping town keep him there? This isn't presure,
just a question.
Deja vú. I could swear I already answered this but w/e. It is because I expected either of them too be scum and thus swinging my opinion to either scum or town. but that didn't happen so it didn't swing.
Post 335: Questions why Cello refused to stump. States why he wants cello to explain. Also complains about Cello's wording when he (quickly) gave an
explenation as to why he (Cello) didn't imeditaly stump. Since Cello was proven town at this point, I feel that this a bit of a time waste.
Post 339: Asks how tHE-MAN got onto Cello list of people who want Brockin to stump when he hasn't even posted in awhile.
Post 341: Ends disscussion with Cello about his reason for delaying stumping, (okay, good) and asks Brockin why he still hasn't stumped yet.
post 343: Pressures Xonar to start playing (okay, also good).
Posts 346: Tells Brockin that he now agrees with Cello since he flipped town.
Post 347: Continues to pressure Brockin for not stumping.
post 349: Threatens Brockin to stump or face a lynch.