XDXD God, that end/postgame was hilarious. I do want to let everyone know, that my last posts of the game were entirely serious. Had I been town, I would have said the same things. Cello's argument was terrible, and I got sheeped. It was a case of one of the things I hate most about this game is when people are right for all the wrong reasons. Not a single one of Cello's points was actually a solid point. If I had been town, my play wouldn't have been one bit different. My last post also holds entirely true, and I'm likely done with mafia here as soon as DBZ wraps up.
Just remember everyone, making up arguments and twisting people's words is NOT the sign of an argument you should actually agree with. Even when I countered and pointed this out to all of you, not a single one of you said "Oh wow, he's right, Cello's points against him don't hold any water" because you were so focused on my refusal to stump that you never questioned that I must be scum, even when the only argument against me was torn to shreds. Never thought I would say it, but please people, l2play. When an argument doesn't fit with what has actually happened, and it's the only one on someone, 9 times out of 10 that person will flip town. Cello just got lucky that he picked me to make stuff up against.