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The Unity Ruleset: Discussion

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Camping and aiming for a time out is a legitimate strategy, however it's one that can't be blindly encouraged due to aspects beyond the stage and match itself, such as making an already slow game last even longer - which makes it tough to run tournaments quickly as it is.
Perhaps I used the wrong word, not that it isn't fit for competitive play, but isn't fit for tournament play.

Also personally I find camping and such much more of a problem on japes, especially with a very easy circle camp procedure that every character can do. Control the right platform, keep a wall up, and if the opponent manages to get close to breaking through it, dip into the water and pop up on the other side.

tbh I would love to see Jigglypuff players still have the ability to CP this stage lol
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
I don't like Japes because there are like 100 glitches that **** tethers, it's just a character you automatically CP any character with a tether. Yes I'm biased stfu

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Camping and aiming for a time out is a legitimate strategy, however it's one that can't be blindly encouraged due to aspects beyond the stage and match itself, such as making an already slow game last even longer - which makes it tough to run tournaments quickly as it is.
Perhaps I used the wrong word, not that it isn't fit for competitive play, but isn't fit for tournament play.

Also personally I find camping and such much more of a problem on japes, especially with a very easy circle camp procedure that every character can do. Control the right platform, keep a wall up, and if the opponent manages to get close to breaking through it, dip into the water and pop up on the other side.

tbh I would love to see Jigglypuff players still have the ability to CP this stage lol


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2008
Camping and aiming for a time out is a legitimate strategy, however it's one that can't be blindly encouraged due to aspects beyond the stage and match itself, such as making an already slow game last even longer - which makes it tough to run tournaments quickly as it is.
Perhaps I used the wrong word, not that it isn't fit for competitive play, but isn't fit for tournament play.
And you seriously think you cant say the same things about RC?

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
You're biased opinion means nothing here, GTFO.

If they catch a ride on the river to the left-hand side of the stage, you can follow them. They are now in a pressure position (nowhere to run) unless they are someone like Meta Knight.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
If they are a air based character, they can basically fly over. Otherwise, it's a normal another normal confrontation against a character on a small raised platform, something that is very hard to do, especially at a percent disadvantage. The safest way to approach it is to start by grabbing the ledge next to it, but if the opponent does that, it just allows the defender to run by and go back to the right side.

I'm not arguing that RC isn't a campy stage, I just find that Japes promotes it much more. I've seen many matches go to or close to time on Japes, when not as many on RC. If I begin to see more and more time outs happen on RC, then perhaps it could become a course for concern in my eyes. A lot of times the stage is picked to screw over characters with bad recoveries hoping for an easy gimp, especially on the part rising up. An easy gimp being a way to end a characters stock EARLY lol.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
If they are a air based character, they can basically fly over. Otherwise, it's a normal another normal confrontation against a character on a small raised platform, something that is very hard to do, especially at a percent disadvantage. The safest way to approach it is to start by grabbing the ledge next to it, but if the opponent does that, it just allows the defender to run by and go back to the right side.

I'm not arguing that RC isn't a campy stage, I just find that Japes promotes it much more. I've seen many matches go to or close to time on Japes, when not as many on RC. If I begin to see more and more time outs happen on RC, then perhaps it could become a course for concern in my eyes. A lot of times the stage is picked to screw over characters with bad recoveries hoping for an easy gimp, especially on the part rising up. An easy gimp being a way to end a characters stock EARLY lol.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
They can't just fly over anymore than they can "fly over" on any other stage. Unless the match-up would allow it on a different stage, it's not going to happen on Japes just because the platform is slightly raised.

And I dunno about R.O.B., but my 5 mains can all pressure the opponent from the middle platform without grabbing the ledge. Lots of characters have decent "wall" aerials.


Smash Master
Jul 1, 2011
What I don't like about this is that it shows preference over certain legitimate strategies over others. Camping and timeouts are legitimate types of competitive strategies
There is a preference for stock victories over timeouts. Timeouts are a legitimate condition for victory, but to say they hold the same weight as stock victories not only has never been true in the history of smash, but would be utterly chaotic to implement if we tried.

Camping =/ stalling, which I think is what chibo meant to say.

Also Norfair > Japes. Chibos right youre basically asking for matches to go to time by allowing this stage.

I could also see Rainbow Cruise eventually being banned for the same reason. I dont think it was ever really discussed in that context. In the past the only argument against rainbow cruise was "MK's broken; ban either brinstar or RC". But lately it seems like RC is turning into a "stall till you win" stage. But you guys are forgetting theres a ton of precedent and a lot of rulesets thatve use RC, something that weighs heavily in the BBRRC


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
There is a preference for stock victories over timeouts. Timeouts are a legitimate condition for victory, but to say they hold the same weight as stock victories not only has never been true in the history of smash, but would be utterly chaotic to implement if we tried.
How so? It seems pretty easy to reduce the timer by a minute or two.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
If they are a air based character, they can basically fly over. Otherwise, it's a normal another normal confrontation against a character on a small raised platform, something that is very hard to do, especially at a percent disadvantage. The safest way to approach it is to start by grabbing the ledge next to it, but if the opponent does that, it just allows the defender to run by and go back to the right side.

I'm not arguing that RC isn't a campy stage, I just find that Japes promotes it much more. I've seen many matches go to or close to time on Japes, when not as many on RC. If I begin to see more and more time outs happen on RC, then perhaps it could become a course for concern in my eyes. A lot of times the stage is picked to screw over characters with bad recoveries hoping for an easy gimp, especially on the part rising up. An easy gimp being a way to end a characters stock EARLY lol.
Collect data on Japes, then make statements like this.

Japes does generally last longer; it's a larger stage and harder to die. It has rarely ever timed out though. Most people have that "one game" they saw where someone timed someone out there that they think of. People still think of me vs. Jiano on Japes (and we didn't even time each other out there) for that!

Regardless, there is nothing wrong with going to time. That's what the timer is for. You have 8 minutes, you can do whatever you want with those 8 minutes, including running the timer.

More importantly, the stages with the most timeouts in all of MLG were Pokemon Stadium I and Smashville, followed by Battlefield. MLG's stagelist had a lot of stages (no japes, so not directly relevant) that people called "janky" that "encouraged timeouts" like Norfair and Green Greens and Pictochat and whatever, but the starter stages actually encouraged timeouts just as much if not more.

Regardless, timeouts themselves are drastically uncommon. Some players (like myself or Mew2King) deliberately go for timeouts and can't be counted as "natural" time outs. In fact, you'll find that many people are involved in timeouts more than others! It's more of a player/character issue than a stage issue.

For example, Chibo!

During MLG's season, you had three losing timeouts: two on smashville, one on battlefield. Two of them were against Fizzleboy, a MK/Dedede/IC/Lucario/whatever else he's playing now wonderboy from the midwest, and the other was from Allied's Wario. All 3 versus your ROB.

All 3 of them were over 100%. You actually had a lower % than allied, but had 37 ledge grabs. :B

You won your timeout against Reflex's Pokemon Trainer; you had 107 % to his 130%.

Looking at all the timeouts in the MLG data, you actually had the most timeouts in all of MLG! Congratulations! :B

The stages were Halberd, Smashville, Smashville, and Battlefield. Were these timeouts a result of the character (ROB)? The matchups (Rob vs. D3, ROB vs. Wario, ROB vs. MK, ROB vs. PTrainer)? Or was it the player (Chibo!)?

Looking at the stages, it is true that Smashville and Battlefield had more timeouts than other stages. They were also played more so you'd never know if one had more timeouts or not via a ratio, since matchups can change that so wildly (Lucario vs. Lucario might not timeout a lot, but Dedede vs. ROB might).

KirFlax and Mister Eric both had a timeout with ROB (meaning 6 total timeouts involving ROB). Again, we don't have a ratio because you can't find a true ratio given that each matchup has a different probability for timeouts. There were 15 Meta Knight timeouts, but there were waaaaaay more MKs than ROBs, and there were 8 Sonic timeouts and I don't even know how many of those there were.

Point is, even with all my data sitting at my fingertips, I can't narrow it down to decide what influences timeouts. I know the player can sometimes. You were evidence of that, Chibo; you were more likely to have a timeout at MLG than anyone else. I know the character can sometimes too; ROB and Sonic were both timeout heavy. I know the stage can influence it; PS1 was played 227 times and had 9 timeouts while Smashville had 833 games played with the same number of timeouts. I'm gonna hazard a guess that PS1's 3.9% chance for a timeout dwarfs Smashville's 1% chance in a broader setting too.

Yes, it's true that Japes will increase the length of the average game. So does PS1 with its transformations. Yes, PS1 seems to lead to more timeouts; about 4% of the games on PS1 will be timeouts according to MLG's data. Is this acceptable?

What percentage of timeouts are acceptable to you?

My personal ruling on timeouts:

A) Each player must be able to effectively stall the timer in any way they desire to end the game in their favor

B) The other player must be able to effectively prevent or at least make incredibly difficult the aforementioned action

C) Some characters may be really bad at doing this, such as Olimar vs. Sonic on Pictochat when Olimar is a stock down. That is fine, and is part of the game's balance.

C prevents me from banning stages like Smashville of Pictochat on the basis that one character can stall one or two others under certain conditions. A prevents me from being an idiot and saying a stage should be banned because someone is attempting to stall.

B is the big one, and the one most people should have with any stage.

So to end this long post of knowledge:

You want to claim Japes gives too many timeouts?

Gather some data.

Here's two ways to do it!

First, hold a tournament and collect data from every timeout you have. Don't announce this; go ahead and collect all data, it's useful too.

Find out how many timeouts you have on every stage, then get a ratio. Your ratio won't be the end-all (if Japes has multiple games of D3 vs. D3 throwing waddle dees at each other from platforms, it'll have more timeouts than Smashville's MK vs. Snake games. Na mean?), but it'll give you a good idea.

Unless there is a freakishly large amount of timeouts on Japes regardless of matchup, you don't have much of an argument for "timeouts are too common".

That's the first.

The second is more direct; hold a Jungle Japes timeout competition. Make it a tournament on Jungle Japes, one game sets, with a $1 entry fee. Every time you time someone out, you win $1. There will be a few that say things like "lol, I'll just pick Wario and camp in the water on the right"; watch their games and see how they succeed or fail. This will show you "B" from above. If Wario's water camping DOES break the stage for every character, well it'd need to be an autoban for Wario just the same as Fox or Sonic on Hyrule Temple. While it's true Fox and Sonic (and Pit, I guess) can be beaten on Hyrule Temple, it's rare and the game naturally devolves to the point to where the game is "gaining a % lead".

If Japes is the case where Wario can gain a percent lead (for arguments sake, lets say 30%) and stall out 100% of the time, that's huge. If Wario needs a stock lead, that's less huge but still important.

So go ahead and gather data before making an opinion based off of offhand observations. Your observations differ from mine greatly; while Japes would take longer around here, we never really had issues with it as a "timeout" stage ever. Luigi's Mansion might have been a timeout stage, but we never really collected data back then.

Besides, I remember the EC complaining about Norfair being the timeout stage. It had 81 games at MLG, and 0 timeouts (it was banned twice, once in one of your sets). Hows that for defying expectations?

As for the guy who said "why not lower the timer down a minute or two", that's a legitimate question that has been asked many times before. Given the fact that there were 37 timeouts at MLG total out of the 3274 games recorded, that means we have a whopping 1.1% of timeouts. Is that really so high that we need to alter the rules for games that would otherwise need the time?

If you want to decrease the timer, you'll need motive more than "timeouts are dumb". If you think tournaments run too long, that's something else entirely and woudl require a lot of work; Does the tournament run efficiently, are there enough TVs, are people late to matches, etc., etc., and only after answering all those can you determine if the time of games is the actual culprit.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
wow triple post. I expected more maturity from the Brawl Back Room but I thought wrong.

Melee forever!!


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2008
I approve of omniOverswarm's post!
Really REALLY well done.

@Tesh: Where your color?
AND I did hextuple post in another thread LOL!

E: Fixed lol


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Japes by far promotes extremely campy gameplay, which doesn't really suit the nature of the game we are shooting for. While time outs are a legitimate form of play, we feel that a stage that straight up promotes gameplay based around camping/avoidance doesn't fit well in competitive play. Or at least this is the reason I feel we somewhat came to.

Also I've been playing the AiB ladder recently, which has Japes legal. I've been CP'ing it a lot to be more use to it, and my mind hasn't changed at all. And for those that think it's not good on it, 90% of the time I play on that stage I use MK and it's a really good stage for him lmao. Like better than most.
I mained MK and Japes has been the only stage to date that I ever feared playing on with MK.

As good as Delfino, Frigate, RC or Brinstar?
Doubt it.
The stats are on your side, with the exception of Frigate; Frigate is one of MK's only losing stages at MLG (below 50%, the other is lylat). RC and Brinstar are both slightly above 50%, but Halberd and Delfino are up in the 70% range.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
To Chibo, I believe one of the reasons why Smashville and Pokemon Stadium 1 had so many timeouts at MLG were due to:

1. Them being neutrals...as in there being more of a chance of them being picked.
2. Most smashers seem to be "afraid" of trying new stages...as in they will pick what works and not what is best. Japes might be the best but they might just prefer smashville or w/e it is.


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2010
Camping and aiming for a time out is a legitimate strategy, however it's one that can't be blindly encouraged due to aspects beyond the stage and match itself, such as making an already slow game last even longer - which makes it tough to run tournaments quickly as it is.
Perhaps I used the wrong word, not that it isn't fit for competitive play, but isn't fit for tournament play.

Also personally I find camping and such much more of a problem on japes, especially with a very easy circle camp procedure that every character can do. Control the right platform, keep a wall up, and if the opponent manages to get close to breaking through it, dip into the water and pop up on the other side.

tbh I would love to see Jigglypuff players still have the ability to CP this stage lol
You make it seem as if every player is going to counter pick Jungle Japes and every time that stage is picked, the match is going to go to time. With that logic, every set would be twenty four minutes long.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
To Chibo, I believe one of the reasons why Smashville and Pokemon Stadium 1 had so many timeouts at MLG were due to:

1. Them being neutrals...as in there being more of a chance of them being picked.
This is incorrect. You are making an assumption. PS1 had 4% of its matches go to time out; the average is 1%. That is a huge, huge increase in comparison to most other stages.

2. Most smashers seem to be "afraid" of trying new stages...as in they will pick what works and not what is best. Japes might be the best but they might just prefer smashville or w/e it is.
This is irrelevant to the legality of a stage and, in fact, increases the possibility of it having a good impact on the metagame.

Yo, I ****ing love OS's posts. I wish he posted more...
I lost hope when this Unity ruleset crap came out and people seemed to care more about everyone using teh same bad ruleset than some people using a good ruleset.

The premise of "let's ban stages that we think are dumb without any evidence" is one I can't get behind, and most people here I can't reason with. Their logic begins and ends with "but I don't LIKE it".

I just convincingly proved that Japes shouldn't be considered a bannable stage due to time out reasons unless those same people are willing to do the same for stages like PS1. You think people will find a new reason to have Japes banned, or do you think they'll say "You're right, we should test it"? It's never the latter.

Onett never needed to be banned; we never had the testing for it. People came up with things like "D3's chaingrab is too good on this stage" and I actually presented video evidence showing how, no, it isn't. It's actually less damaging on this stage than others. I showed (using Marth of all people) how using the cars and the warning sign makes any camping on the bottom a losing strategy.

Onett was banned the year Brawl came out with nearly no play.

That's the people I'm dealing with.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Transforming stages all lend themselves to stalling because either player A or player B would rather wait for a more favorable situation. If I thought one of the ledges on FD would disappear if I waited long enough against ICs/Falco I would sure as hell wait for a better situation to approach.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
OS, you know that Unity itself is trying to, y'know, Unify the country so that everybody uses the same ruleset. Gradual changes are easier to bear than abrupt ones. In most ways (I disagree with a few things) BBR Ruleset 3.0 was the perfect ruleset. Every stage was perfectly fine for competitive play. However...since it was so far off to what a lot of people actually used, it wasn't used but in maybe 1-2 regions (I know MW had stagelists that were large, as do parts of Canada. So...most people in the US didn't use it, even though there was nothing wrong in this ruleset.

As of now, I'm fairly certain that the stagelist won't shrink more than these 13 stages. If anything, at least I hope, stages will only be added. However, it takes time for people to get accustomed. We aren't just gonna throw out HEY GREEN GREENS JAPES NORFAIR USE THEM at the same time...


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2008
But I hope you know that you might need to change the bans to 2 or 3 sooner or later, the more stages you add. Otherwise people will probably start to ignore the BRC, because they dont want to play on GGs/JJ/Distant Planet all the time (Just in case you might add it too in the future :p).

Probably it would be better to take that step already now. Because at the moment, you may realize too, the MK (RC/Brinstar) hate just seems to raise more and more :/


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
This is incorrect. You are making an assumption. PS1 had 4% of its matches go to time out; the average is 1%. That is a huge, huge increase in comparison to most other stages.

This is irrelevant to the legality of a stage and, in fact, increases the possibility of it having a good impact on the metagame.

I lost hope when this Unity ruleset crap came out and people seemed to care more about everyone using teh same bad ruleset than some people using a good ruleset.

The premise of "let's ban stages that we think are dumb without any evidence" is one I can't get behind, and most people here I can't reason with. Their logic begins and ends with "but I don't LIKE it".

I just convincingly proved that Japes shouldn't be considered a bannable stage due to time out reasons unless those same people are willing to do the same for stages like PS1. You think people will find a new reason to have Japes banned, or do you think they'll say "You're right, we should test it"? It's never the latter.

Onett never needed to be banned; we never had the testing for it. People came up with things like "D3's chaingrab is too good on this stage" and I actually presented video evidence showing how, no, it isn't. It's actually less damaging on this stage than others. I showed (using Marth of all people) how using the cars and the warning sign makes any camping on the bottom a losing strategy.

Onett was banned the year Brawl came out with nearly no play.

That's the people I'm dealing with.
You know, it's funny. Anyone remember my old posts on the original BRC thread? They were pretty much exactly this. I was taken seriously by no one. /imad

Methinks somebody needs to do for Japes what BPC did for PS2. (For a lot of stages, actually.) Since that actually worked after a while.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, you know that Unity itself is trying to, y'know, Unify the country so that everybody uses the same ruleset. Gradual changes are easier to bear than abrupt ones. In most ways (I disagree with a few things) BBR Ruleset 3.0 was the perfect ruleset. Every stage was perfectly fine for competitive play. However...since it was so far off to what a lot of people actually used, it wasn't used but in maybe 1-2 regions (I know MW had stagelists that were large, as do parts of Canada. So...most people in the US didn't use it, even though there was nothing wrong in this ruleset.
Again, I say.... so?

You're seeking unification for no reason other than unification. Different regions have always used different rulesets, and that has been perfectly acceptable.

Having everyone use the same ruleset doesn't do anything for the community at large. In fact, it hurts it. We're not going to be sponsored by any major organization for the lifetime of Brawl; poor numbers, poor sportsmanship, and general immaturity took care of that. What we will have is a stagnant ruleset where you can't add a stage, ever, because the moment you do it isn't the "unity ruleset" anymore. People will ***** because you added Norfair to their list, just like people *****ed after you removed other stages.

You're working towards stagnation and are cowards. You say "The BBR 3.0 ruleset was near perfect" then follow it up with "but it's okay that we banned a ton of stages that were competitively okay because people didn't like to play on them anyway". There's no logical reason for that whatsoever. If the stage is okay for competitive play and someone out there doesn't like it, or the MAJORITY doesn't like it, it doesn't matter. They can deal with it when the guy who does like it counterpicks them there.

Because banning stages limits the game. You've already artificially inflated Meta Knight, Diddy, Snake, Falco, and Marth with BS rules and banning legitimate stages that can hurt them. MK doesn't have to worry about Japes ever again, Falco has nothing but flat/plat stages in the mix, Marth's limited mobility is a non-issue.... these things weren't considered and the effects aren't even being recorded. You're just saying "I know best" and removing stages without even taking data.

What's more, you don't care. We've got a ton of data that says Norfair is perfectly legitimate as a stage, even moreso than PS1. You think PS1 will be banned, or Norfair will come back? Not a chance, because creating a balanced ruleset wasn't your intention in the first place.

The draconian implementation of the unity ruleset I also have an issue with, and I personally refuse to attend any tournament that runs it simply because I won't support bad TOs.

As of now, I'm fairly certain that the stagelist won't shrink more than these 13 stages. If anything, at least I hope, stages will only be added. However, it takes time for people to get accustomed. We aren't just gonna throw out HEY GREEN GREENS JAPES NORFAIR USE THEM at the same time...
You should. You should say "hey, these stages are perfectly fine. You guys are noobs" and that be the end of it. If they want to limit their own personal metagame, that's fine. East Coast has been scrubby since D1, but it doesn't do much to regions with more competitive mindsets. The issue is when people decide to take it into their own hands to force people to do something that their region does. Suddenly the metagame is limited and molded into something it shouldn't be and there isn't much recourse left for legitimate competitive players.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
OS, you are fighting with the wrong person of all the people in the BRC.




I think Japes is OK.


I think PTAD is OK.

It's not just me man...

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
i was gonna read the last few pages to catch up, but i read OS's post and got the general idea, not to mention the fact that his post is absolutely correct in literally every way. except the targeting of esam, dude is legit. it's the bbr-rc in it's entirety that i hope is his true target

Deleted member

ESAM, does anyone else in the BBR-RC like Norfair besides you? I'm just curious.

@Twinkie, you're still continuing with the Norfair stage analysis, right?
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