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The Snake FAQ/Q&A Thread

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Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
if your having trouble with diddy's banana game then you really need to be focusing on staying near him and not letting him get 2 banana's out, if he's got 1 out that isnt too bad but once they have 2 its a real pain, when you get one you can throw it and follow with a dash attack or dacus, but its usually better to just get rid of it since they'll be used to having the bananas used back against them.

and as for getting gimped, spiked, punished off the ledge, you really shouldnt be going to the ledge at all, stay near the centre of the stage at low percents (being off stage at low % with snake is asking to die) and at higher percents always di straight up and upb straight away, you want to come in from the top of the stage, you NEVER want to approach the ledge from below, its better in the situation to move away from the ledge and c4 up to the top of the screen (better to take 20% then get spiked)
Jun 8, 2009
Serious question: Can someone please tell me how the jc grenade toss works?
Check the "Kongpendum" at the Diddy boards and find jump cancel glide toss. I think it works like it but still I don't care anyway. I use instant-throw because it's a faster option

Here's some info by kaptain kong:
Kaptain_Kong said:
JC Glide Toss

i found that jump canceling a running throw slides slightly farther than a glide toss, and you can even do it from a stand still and throw in any direction you want.

How To:

1. pick up banana
2. start running
3. quarter circle/tap up from the run
4. immediately press a cstick direction for the throw

Note: you dont need tap jump on, i think that its the crouching animation after the run that you can cancel with a throw, but still get the slide, not canceling a jump. hitting up keeps more momentum then returning to neutral, so dont do that version.
The difference, it's a glide toss but I'm gonna try this with Snake


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Zero Suit is a really strange matchup. We haven't talked about her yet, and won't for a few months, but go to the ZSS boards and read up on what they have to say.

As for the jc item toss, I don't recommend using it. We're not Diddy. You can learn it if you want, I did, but I stopped using it months ago out of pure decision because it seems to leave you in a worse position than if you just threw it while stationary. And even if it doesn't "hurt you", per se, it hardly every actively helps with your spacing or anything. The range isn't much better than a well-timed glide toss, and, again, we're not Diddy Kong, just because we can do it doesn't mean it will be beneficial.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Zero Suit is a really strange matchup. We haven't talked about her yet, and won't for a few months, but go to the ZSS boards and read up on what they have to say.

As for the jc item toss, I don't recommend using it. We're not Diddy. You can learn it if you want, I did, but I stopped using it months ago out of pure decision because it seems to leave you in a worse position than if you just threw it while stationary. And even if it doesn't "hurt you", per se, it hardly every actively helps with your spacing or anything. The range isn't much better than a well-timed glide toss, and, again, we're not Diddy Kong, just because we can do it doesn't mean it will be beneficial.
Seriously your best option is just to instant throw it off the stage and keep pressure up on diddy.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
ok now i need help on the zss match up D:
Get rid of her suit pieces ASAP

Going prone works wonders against her, you can duck under alot of her attacks and dtilt

Avoid being directly above her while high in the air, make sure you don't get hit by that uair as it can kill you early if you're too high up.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
ive tried them all. the best one is where you hit jump and grab at the same time. i use glide toss when i want to slide back though. snakes slides are terrible when throwing.
Jun 8, 2009
ive tried them all. the best one is where you hit jump and grab at the same time. i use glide toss when i want to slide back though. snakes slides are terrible when throwing.
Woooo, more ATs but not really useful according to gallax


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Ask Eternal Yoshi, I checked his frame data thread but it has nothing on shield stun. IIRC he said something about shieldstun is directly related to knockback but didn't know the exact formula.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
peaches dair is amazing because like every peach I've fought whores it and if you do it right you just pop out and uair her, WIN

DIing out of nado is partly dependent on how MK is doing it, I don't think there's much of a fool proof method for snake to get out :/


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
personally i just pull a nade after the first peach dair after sdi'ing away from her (if shes not floating too fast horizontally towards me).

for nado i had swordgard explain this to me.

for the first hit that pops you up i di/sdi up and out. if i miss that then its more complicated.

basically the nado is a 'V' correct. and it has sort of two hitboxes that hit you back and forth on the bottom sides of the V. so what he does (and it works well) is basically 1/8th circle di rapidly. so you move your control stick from directly up to 1/8th right and then back. the reson for this is that a full quarter circle causes you to hit both hitboxes (one on each side) and that keeps you inside the nado. also no cstick as you often buffer random crap.

this has been working well for me, although it doesn't always get you out of the whole nado. if i do get out of the nado before the end, i either airdodge or buffer a ffall'd uair. anyway, even if it doesn't get you out of most of it, it does often get you to avoid the last hit, which puts you in an excellent position to punish a nado, especially one that is higher up.

anyway thats nado sdi according to swordgard.
Jun 8, 2009
Does it take 3 or 4 seconds for nades to explode? I'm confused by the cooking pineapple thread and hit thread.
Jun 8, 2009
How about this AT of Diddy? Is it beneficial for Snake?

ADHD said:
As the title explains, it's an offensive way to have a naner be thrown straight from the ground in either horizontal direction. Set L to attack, and go over a banana on the ground and SH airdodge with R and then quickly press a direction and L. What should happen is you will just perform a rising SH throw (smashed or tilted can be controlled by control stick pressure). You can use it as a surprise attack backwards, or as a straight-forward offensive throw straight from the ground. It's a good lagless way to throw a banana behind you or in front of you but does require spacing if you want it to hit.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
unless I'm misunderstanding that's just an instant throw from the ground, which is really easy to do with L > cstick and is something I've been doing with snake for a long time...


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
yeah, snakes do that stuff all the time anyway, diddy's game is mostly on glide tosses and stuff that is more or less useless with snake.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
His glide toss moving backwards is pretty noticible, not anything spetacular but is useful in some situations.
Aug 6, 2008
His glide toss moving backwards is pretty noticible, not anything spetacular but is useful in some situations.
I glidetoss for flashyness. Doesn't too much to be honest.
It adds spacing, but how useful the distance glided is questionable. I have actually managed to glide toss forward and backwards the same distances. So, forward is just as useful. But, I like keeping people in front of me, so backwards is how I do it.

There is an alternative usage with glide tossing I find much more useful. Glide tossing involves a roll command, and a roll needs a shield input. Shielding cancels your forward momentum during a dash. So pretty much you can be dashing away from someone, input a glide toss opposite the way you were dashing to pretty much do a pivot toss.

Better than jumping during the dash and throwing backwards as it gives the grenade a lower trajectory to hit a target that is low to the ground, and it makes sure you are still grounded. In the air is a time you are valnurable.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
is port 4 generally considered cheap for snake? I always use port 4 and a player is complaining about it now that ive started taking snake seriously.
Aug 6, 2008
is port 4 generally considered cheap for snake? I always use port 4 and a player is complaining about it now that ive started taking snake seriously.
:laugh: Trust me. I have heard plenty of complaining in my time, but never have I heard port 4 being cheap. No, it's not, the person you are playing must be the world's largest scrub or something. Port 4 priority is an extrememly small part of the match-up against snake. Heck, I hardly even get grabs on people anymore because they space so well thus making port priority for port 4 useless.
Jun 8, 2009
i usually jump cancel instead of glide toss
is that just me?
imo, don't try jump cancelling. It puts you in a bad position sometimes.

Underload said:
As for the jc item toss, I don't recommend using it. We're not Diddy. You can learn it if you want, I did, but I stopped using it months ago out of pure decision because it seems to leave you in a worse position than if you just threw it while stationary. And even if it doesn't "hurt you", per se, it hardly every actively helps with your spacing or anything. The range isn't much better than a well-timed glide toss, and, again, we're not Diddy Kong, just because we can do it doesn't mean it will be beneficial.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
how does it leave you in a position any different than a glide toss?

unless youre talking about messing it up in which case...well. if you mess up you mess up. i'm sure we've all b reversed into a nikita instead of a nade...

anyway i use jci'ing instead of glide tossing because i find it easier to pivot throw with it (like as youre dashing away from your opponent).

so glide tossing is only better as its less risky..?


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
i use snakes glide toss alll the time.

backwards glide toss is pretty good. and looks cool lol

forward glide toss isn't bad,

i use it to to try and sneak sliding uptilts onto people haha
Jun 8, 2009
Just read the undies' tech thread or the new grenade thread I made. About the grenade thread, try contributing


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
Malmö, Sweden
I can't glide toss with Snake. The similar one with is comanded like a DACUS is so much easier to do.

Can someone give me tips vs Dedede? He is so hard to kill and the CG and gimping are giving me lots of problems (he can punish things with his shield grab that usually are impossible to punish for other characters)?
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