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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
You think they're valid. Many do not. While many in this thread think your post are valid because they agree with you, we think they're not valid because, um, we've played the game, read up on the theory, know our Smash and fighting game history and know what constitutes a need for a ban.
how can you know what deserves a ban if youve never banned a character?

You repeatedly use arguments that I repeatedly dash (you use some that I do not) followed by you ignoring me as if I'd never said anything or debating me as if I'm wrong without even checking up on the facts.
and ive repeatedly destroyed your arguments as well, i believe that makes you a hypocrite, and an uninformed one because i make a POINT to comment on everything you say, because you seem to be the leader of the no ban camp, so if i prove you wrong theres nothing else other ppl can do

Also, you also go "In my opinion" about a lot of things in which your opinion does not matter. Why should we listen to you when the Smash world at large (especially those of high regard (knowledge, not just skill)) disagree?!
you use your opinion tons too, because half this debate is speculation. perfect example, i asked you what it would take for you specifically to agree with a ban, and you answered with your opinion, since when is your opinion on bans factual

Why should we take your word for, say, Sonic's prowess when tons of other people (especially those that matter) disagree?
are you stupid, all sonics say the same thing, he sucks, where the hell are you getting this from, the only thing that ive personally disagreed with all teh other sonics on is his matchup with marth (i think its 50-50, they think its 65-35 marth) other than that the people that matter do agree with me on sonics (lack of) prowess.

Ban MK? He'll just go for the next logical step; D3 + Marth. He already knows how to play both.
both have (at least soft) counters, and even matchups, Mk (since you dont want me to use opinion) does not

How the hell would he do this? If he doesn't use it, then he can't win using it. If he does, Smashboard Whiners R' Us would be all over it the second he did it.
he does it in matches, but those things are very subtle so people might not always catch it, also i was reffering to the fact that M2K doesnt let people record his matches because he knows ppl will jack his style

What is this magical "******** crap"? Has he let it all lose yet? Is he still holding back? Has he let it all lose yet and we still haven't banned him? So the logic is: Had we known what we know now before, he'd be soooooo banned right now but at this moment, there's still doubt because its coming in increments?
fixed and yes thats the logic, and that logic is way more sane than "if we ban Mk now, we'll never know what does and doesnt work on him cus nobody will EVER play him again"
Also, baseless speculation, all of it!
just because you dont agree/believe what im saying doesnt make it baseless, get off your high horse for once dude.

No, your opinion won't matter 'til you actually show yourself knowledgeable. I haven't actually won a major American tournament, but a lot of people respect me for being knowledgeable (not one of the most but at least more than most people) about Smash. I'm not even the best in my tiny country of residence (Sweden).

But you know what? I read... a lot. I can memorize tons of theory. I read on SWF, I talk to actual people, I know some of the best Smashers in the world.
sounds like what yoursaying is that because you talk to the people, and i just hear about what they say after wards despite throughly checking my sources that what you say is more important than what i have to say? this is a question.

You don't have to be one of the best players to debate Smash. You just have to be one of the most knowledgeable ones. And the fact that you've said some highly erroneous things in this thread shows that you clearly aren't one of the most knowledgeable.
pls highlight these things for me, that are actually wrong as opposed to things that you dont agree with my opinion on
So why we should just take your word for it is beyond me. That's quite arrogant, even. "All of SWF is wrong. My take on this and that is right!"
well, isnt that the pot calling the kettle black, your last post has you completely reeming a well respected person for no other reason than according to you, his thoughts are totally incorrect. and dont talk to me about arragant, when you have the rep of being the most arrogant person on this entire forum. and once again you are making these outlandish claims that im disagreeing with everybody when, according to all the people ive seen post in this thread in the last 130 pages, the no ban camp is in the minority. also theres a very good chance (as in youve done it and admitted to it before, in this thread) that you saw my name on the page and basically in your mind attached it to the next 5 posts on the page and just went along believing that i was the one who posted whatever random crap that was on that page.
so why dont you backtrack a little bit, listen to what I personally am saying and stop making random accusations

oh and replys are in the quote because youre not worth it to do otherwise


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I think now would be a good time to bring up my post that I posted 20+ pages ago.
You spend the post not addressing the post you just quoted where I asked:
What makes Brawl so special no precedence set by other fighting games apply.

But I shall speak of this other post of yours anyway, because it is wrong. You seem to be under the impression that spamming the Tornado alone is enough to win against characters that aren't, say, Donkey Kong. It's not like the Tornado isn't sluggish on startup and requires more startup than the average Smash. It's not like there are a slew of moves that go through it (despite your insinuation otherwise). It's not like projectiles actually hit him during it depending on the projectile and other things. And it's not like it has afterlag which can result in MK getting punished if the opponent just, say, shields it and then retaliates.

It also not like he you can't just Smash DI out of it and airdodge. It's also not like the attack actually racks up tons of projectiles (no, it does not. People are acting like it's an auto-15%, no it is not).

Also, your claim that he has the best smashes in the game, an obvious lie (or exaggeration... or ignorance).

this part is true and i agree, but you have said yourself that if its proven that he has no EVEN matches than THAT would qualify for a ban
As usual, you lie.

, because you said your self that if he 60-40s everybody else in the game, (which is highly plausible) that even you would have to take a second look at the issue
No, I said that if he 60-40 everyones, then it might not count as "reasonable". Not that it would qualify him for a ban. I also specifically said this is just for Smashboards because SWF is so whiny. 60-40 would be enough for SWF to say "Ban him now!". It's not enough for me, though, but I would at least acknowledge that it's more valid than the current situation.

All 60-40s and I would ease up. But it wouldn't automatically qualify him for a ban.

actually noobs quitting DOES = our problem.
Tell me, should we turn on items? Because I can guarantee you more n00bs have quit/not taken a 2nd look at Competitive Smash because we keep them off.

N00bs whining =/= Reason to listen

think of this if some random decently skilled DK/ROB user goes to a tourney with M2K, Azen, DSF, Plank, and Omni there, do you think he expects to win? of course not, but he still goes, because he thinks that anybody that beats him is just a better player,, and he has no qualms about losing to a better player, because he can get better on his own, and possibly do better against them next time.
but if he goes to that tourney and gets beat by 16 different MKs and begins to think that Mk is too good, hes basically faced with 2 options
1. Play MK
2. Quit the game
Or he could take a look at the facts and see that there are characters who stand a good chance of beating MK and that he doesn't have to play MK to win.

How stupid and/or ignorant people think is not our problem! Again, this is punishing MK for being popular, not because he's "too good". The only reason we should put any weight behind is whether or not he's "too good".

N00bs reacting to whatever is not our problem.

now neither of these options seems that horrible but suppose you make 90% of tourney-goers make this decision.
Just because the majority thinks something does not make it right, especially not in a matter which is not subjective but which is based on facts.

both of which are detrimental because with option 1 they are just adding to the problem because at that point 90% of people are playing MK, and thats killing the competitive scene.
I don't care if it is detrimental, I care why it is detrimental. Again, the items. Should we turn them on?

"perception is reality" youre smart enough to know that.
Idiots are idiots. Their perception of reality does not matter to me.

so basically this is going to boil down to what has already happened in my area,
rochester used to have 30+ man tourneys every other week.
now, were lucky if we can get enough people for it to count in ankokus list (16) and 4-5 of the top 8 all use MK.
that is no bueno yuna...
Now I see why you whine so much. Then switch to one of the several characters who stand a good chance at beating Meta. Just because your main has a bad matchup against him does not mean we should ban him.

Guess what, my main does too. In fact, all of my mains do.

well, isnt that the pot calling the kettle black, your last post has you completely reeming a well respected person for no other reason than according to you, his thoughts are totally incorrect.
Do not reply to me like that. It requires me to do tons of extra work. And why blue?! I can't even see the friggin' text. Redo it or I won't even bother with it.

"Reeming"? Which last post? The one where I replied to "hotgarbage" where I just asked him to answer a simple question? Or my post to you (is that you calling yourelf "a well respected perso"n?)?

and dont talk to me about arragant, when you have the rep of being the most arrogant person on this entire forum.
I would never say "I know the Zelda vs. Marth matchup! You are all wrong! I am right! Because I am me!", though.

Also, knowledge + experience + intolerance to stupidity =/= arrogance. Prove me wrong and I will conceede that I was wrong. I am very seldom wrong because I never state something I'm unsure of. I argue with the conviction that I am right because doing otherwise would be stupid.

Prove me wrong and I will conceede. It's simple debating basics.

and once again you are making these outlandish claims that im disagreeing with everybody when, according to all the people ive seen post in this thread in the last 130 pages, the no ban camp is in the minority.
The majority in Brawl Tactical Discussion =/= The majority in the world. I have seen no statistics of what the SBR thinks, for example.

Also, I specifically mentioned Sonic's match-ups. You've spoken of his and other characters' match-ups as if you know the truth and everyone else is wrong. Sonic's match-ups are these despite what other people think. You should know, because you are you!

Learn to actually read because it was in the post you just quoted.

also theres a very good chance (as in youve done it and admitted to it before, in this thread) that you saw my name on the page and basically in your mind attached it to the next 5 posts on the page and just went along believing that i was the one who posted whatever random crap that was on that page.
No, it was you. And at least I don't miss things written in posts I actually quote.

oh and replys are in the quote because youre not worth it to do otherwise
I see. As I said, I ignored it all.

I'll reply to this though:
just because you dont agree/believe what im saying doesnt make it baseless, get off your high horse for once dude.

O RLY? What basis do you have of what MK has or hasn't done, what he knew and when he knew it and what he hid from the community? Are you psychic? Do you have some dirt on MK we do not know about? What possible basis do you have for your baseless speculation?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yuna, just something you never seem to mention / notice: MK doesn't have no disadvantages - he has only advantages - they may be small sometimes and not impolssible to overcome. You still don't mention / recognize it though... (Before you start flaming mew or anything: No, I don't think that's a reason to ban him.)


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna, just something you never seem to mention / notice: MK doesn't have no disadvantages - he has only advantages - they may be small sometimes and not impolssible to overcome. You still don't mention / recognize it though... (Before you start flaming mew or anything: No, I don't think that's a reason to ban him.)
I never said he didn't. I've acknowledged he does on several occasions. Just because I don't randomly say it with every other post does not mean I haven't or do not recognize it.

And I very rarely flame people.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I think lucario has an advantage over MK
I used to as well until I realized MK's edgeguarding is good enough to gimp Lucario AND edgeguard him at high %. Once you realize that your short-hop away bair (then DIed towards Lucario) beats his fair, all you have to do is be patient and hit him out of his up+b.

I've watched Azen's Lucario many a time, and it isn't Lucario that is winning his matches.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I used to as well until I realized MK's edgeguarding is good enough to gimp Lucario AND edgeguard him at high %. Once you realize that your short-hop away bair (then DIed towards Lucario) beats his fair, all you have to do is be patient and hit him out of his up+b.

I've watched Azen's Lucario many a time, and it isn't Lucario that is winning his matches.
I can beat all of his characters besides lucario pretty easily, and NEO can beat me with lucario as well, or at least could in the past, not sure how it would go now. A good/smart lucario shouldn't have any trouble getting back against MK with the priority of his moves. A lucario that knows how to wall cling and can add that into his game makes edgeguarding even harder. It's hard for MK to kill then if he cant get the gimps (vs anyone good) and when lucario gets to ~90%+, he kills MK very very easily.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
guys, im goin to my friends house in a bit. i suggest all of you STOP WHINING, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. yes, easier said then done, but then again, what isnt. instead of whining on the forums, GET BETTER.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
I can beat all of his characters besides lucario pretty easily, and NEO can beat me with lucario as well, or at least could in the past, not sure how it would go now. A good/smart lucario shouldn't have any trouble getting back against MK with the priority of his moves. A lucario that knows how to wall cling and can add that into his game makes edgeguarding even harder. It's hard for MK to kill then if he cant get the gimps (vs anyone good) and when lucario gets to ~90%+, he kills MK very very easily.
There isnt any priority in the air.

And your situation shows, YOU have trouble with Lucario, not MK. Meta has the advantage (as in all cases).


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
I'm going to ignore the majority of your post and pick on the one aspect of your post that I can find some flaws in because the rest of your post is solid and I want to keep arguing my side.

You seem to be under the impression that spamming the Tornado alone is enough to win against characters that aren't, say, Donkey Kong. It's not like the Tornado isn't sluggish on startup and requires more startup than the average Smash. It's not like there are a slew of moves that go through it (despite your insinuation otherwise). It's not like projectiles actually hit him during it depending on the projectile and other things. And it's not like it has afterlag which can result in MK getting punished if the opponent just, say, shields it and then retaliates.

It also not like he you can't just Smash DI out of it and airdodge. It's also not like the attack actually racks up tons of projectiles (no, it does not. People are acting like it's an auto-15%, no it is not).

Also, your claim that he has the best smashes in the game, an obvious lie (or exaggeration... or ignorance).
Namely, these parts:

Firstly: Yes, he is. Nado******** **** are ********. One completely destroys characters and the other kills at ridiculously low %
MK has a Tornado that takes up his entire body and it beats almost every move in the game. So unless the character you're using is one with a good D-air or a counter or something then what are you going to do other than shield and/or run away?
And not once did I ever mention his smash moves. I'm guessing, though, that you were probably referring to this:

So basically it's, "who can space better with their viable moves." And since MK has nothing BUT viable moves he can do whatever he wants. He can space, spam, camp, be gay, anything.
Way to flex your BSing muscles...

Sorry if I'm rude but, I was under the impression that we were talking about elements under high level circumstances where the players are good enough to know when and where to use specific moves, namely Tornado. So, if players know not to just spam the tornado mindlessly then obviously it would become that much more effective in subduing the opponent.

They'd know that the opponent is trying to get in on top of them or trying to shoot projectiles at them or trying to DI out of it and they'd know how to reduce vulnerability from the tornado. So they'd know how to make sure whatever counter the opponent may have for tornado doesn't work so that they can keep doing tornado.

I said that the tornado beats almost every move in the game because I know that there are some moves that go through it or would otherwise disrupt it in some way. But, I guess you must have skipped that.

Please read this over carefully.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I can beat all of his characters besides lucario pretty easily, and NEO can beat me with lucario as well, or at least could in the past, not sure how it would go now. A good/smart lucario shouldn't have any trouble getting back against MK with the priority of his moves. A lucario that knows how to wall cling and can add that into his game makes edgeguarding even harder. It's hard for MK to kill then if he cant get the gimps (vs anyone good) and when lucario gets to ~90%+, he kills MK very very easily.
It's true that Lucario has the advantage if he gets to uber high % and survives that long. Stages like Green Hill Zone are great for Lucario for that reason (no gimps!), but in general Lucario can expect to have at least one death that is put into motion at 60% or less.

Bloodhawk's Lucario gave me trouble for a while... that jab jab over-b to aerial combos was pretty ridiculous until I realized I could SDI away and then fair him >_>


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Namely, these parts:
Funny, I thought I did:
In fact the majority of my post was about the Tornado. But since you somehow missed it all:
You seem to be under the impression that spamming the Tornado alone is enough to win against characters that aren't, say, Donkey Kong. It's not like the Tornado isn't sluggish on startup and requires more startup than the average Smash. It's not like there are a slew of moves that go through it (despite your insinuation otherwise). It's not like projectiles actually hit him during it depending on the projectile and other things. And it's not like it has afterlag which can result in MK getting punished if the opponent just, say, shields it and then retaliates.

It also not like he you can't just Smash DI out of it and airdodge. It's also not like the attack actually racks up tons of projectiles (no, it does not. People are acting like it's an auto-15%, no it is not).

And not once did I ever mention his smash moves. I'm guessing, though, that you were probably referring to this:

You said:
Brawl is not such a game. It's not so much "how much" a character can do but how well it does it, in Brawl. Meta Knight has the best of everything. Best recovery, best smashes, best kill move, etc.
"Meta Knight has the [...] best smashes!" - Your own friggin' words.

In what alternate universe is that "not once mentioning his smash moves"?

And again I say: You haven't proven he's "too good", you've merely proven he's "great" and quite possibly "the best". Disprove the claim that he still has matchups where there's a reasonable chance of him getting beaten.

Sorry if I'm rude but, I was under the impression that we were talking about elements under high level circumstances where the players are good enough to know when and where to use specific moves, namely Tornado. So, if players know not to just spam the tornado mindlessly then obviously it would become that much more effective in subduing the opponent.
Yes, but players who are good would know to not constantly leave themselves open. And since the Tornado isn't instant, spacing your properly and not leaving yourself open will minimize the risk of getting constantly Tornadod. It has startup so it's not like can just Tornado you each time you hit his shield.

And if you shield his Tornado, which isn't even that hard since it's slow(ish), you can punish him or at least prevent him from Tornadoing again with most characters.

They'd know that the opponent is trying to get in on top of them or trying to shoot projectiles at them or trying to DI out of it and they'd know how to reduce vulnerability from the tornado.
Knowing =/= Being able to stop it. You can't Tornado someone from halfway across the stage and have it hit. The Tornado has limited range and mobility once initiated. There are many ways to get around it. There is no way to completely nullify it but since you seem to think that Meta Knight has the best Smashes in the entire game (no, you not remembering yourself saying it does not mean you never said it!), it's not a surprise you seem to think the Tornado is some kind of super-win move.

It's good. It's not that good (except against a few characters who literally get shut down by it, but that's too bad for those three characters).

So they'd know how to make sure whatever counter the opponent may have for tornado doesn't work so that they can keep doing tornado.
So why can't the opponents make sure they don't always get Tornadoed when they have things that can go through it? Why is foresight, prediction and awesomeness only one-way?

I said that the tornado beats almost every move in the game because I know that there are some moves that go through it or would otherwise disrupt it in some way. But, I guess you must have skipped that..
I never said you said all moves. I never even implied it. Pray tell, where did I say anything that implies that I skipped any part of your post or was implying that you think all moves get nullified by the 'Nado?

But you did say "almost". Almost = All except for a few... except there are actually quite a few moves that go through it. A lot of projectiles (which number many) for one thing.

Please read this over carefully.
I did. I suggest you do the same since you seem to have conveniently forgotten how you did indeed claim that "Meta Knight has the best smashes in the game"! Oh, and go over my posts as well since you somehow managed to miss pretty much everything I said, somehow.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Yuna aims and fires his lazors.

You have to be careful when you argue against someone who pays attention to detail + argumentation.

Like L and Light. lulz

I barely got away with the MK+tornado implications last time we "played".



Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna aims and fires his lazors.

You have to be careful when you argue against someone who pays attention to detail + argumentation.

Like L and Light. lulz
It's so ridiculous when someone doesn't pay attention to detail and argumentation claims that I don't when his undoing is staring him right in the face in his own posts. I mean, claiming I just BS:ed my way through a post, ignored stuff he said and claimed he said things he never said and then he turns around and does all that.

I mean, it's so funny I feel like lol:ing in real life.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I didn't know people read Yuna's posts
Without me, this thread would've died a long time ago with people just agreeing with each other. It wouldn't even have been a debate, it would've just been QFT's and the mods would've locked it not actually going anywhere.

At least with some opposition, this thread has been generating some legit debate.


Apr 10, 2008
Hey OS, has the SBR come to a conclusion of what constitutes a ban? Or is that really the subject of debate right now.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Hey OS, has the SBR come to a conclusion of what constitutes a ban? Or is that really the subject of debate right now.
I think a lot of people who play/have insight into other Competitive fighting games, so hopefully they will have an outside perspective on this as well, knowing fully well that "Has no neutral match-ups" and "Has only advantageous match-ups" isn't enough for a ban (it depends on how advantageous they are) and are arguing that in the SBR.

Yes, OS, pray tell, what's happening in the SBR right now?


Apr 10, 2008
I think a lot of people who play/have insight into other Competitive fighting games, so hopefully they will have an outside perspective on this as well, knowing fully well that "Has no neutral match-ups" and "Has only advantageous match-ups" isn't enough for a ban (it depends on how advantageous they are) and are arguing that in the SBR.
Well, that's why I asked. You think MK has to have better matchups than he has right now, (Am I right?) and some think he's good enough already. (with no bad matchups) OS stated his opinion. (As have some other top players and SBR members)

What's the SBR think as a whole though?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Well, that's why I asked. You think MK has to have better matchups than he has right now, (Am I right?) and some think he's good enough already. (with no bad matchups) OS stated his opinion. (As have some other top players and SBR members)
I just quoted you because it was related to my post. And yes, that is correct.

Name these "others". I've barely seen any on either side. There have been, like, 3 or so SBR:ers or top players who came in here saying they want him banned now (or at least knowing what we know).


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
I think Meta Knight should be banned because
as Meta Knight you can lean backwards and easily play against your opponent and the other player has to take pain to defeat Meta Knight.
The Meta Knight player has always an easier play that the other.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Yuna can you please back off... This whole discussion is pointless.

To do list:
- SBR define banning conditions
- SBR take action (or not)


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I am 37 pages behind...

Is Yuna...for or against MK being...banned...?
I'm against banning Meta Knight at this very moment since it's too early. I'm also against banning Meta Knight knowing only what we know insofar. That is, even if this were Summer of 2009, if things stayed the exact same concerning the scales of balance around Meta Knight vs. the Others, then I would not move for him to be banned. He is not yet "too good".

However, he's "very good" and can easily become "too good". IMO, he just hasn't reached that stage yet (it is possible he never will, it is also possible be will).

I think Meta Knight should be banned because
as Meta Knight you can lean backwards and easily play against your opponent and the other player has to take pain to defeat Meta Knight.
The Meta Knight player has always an easier play that the other.
Is this "Meta Knight is 'too good'" or "Meta Knight is easier to play on a technical level" or "Meta Knight can capitalize on single mistakes better"?

If it's the 1st, then you have a valid argument.

Yuna can you please back off... This whole discussion is pointless.
Why, the discussion only has a point if everyone's agreeing with each other? Why single me out? Why not tell everyone to back off?

To do list:
- SBR define banning conditions
- SBR take action (or not)
The this is for those of us who are not in the SBR to discuss things, to debate, to share opinions. If you do not like it or have something to contribute, why did you even enter the thread?


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Hmmm... I feel bad that I don't know this, but who ARE Metaknight's neutral matchups? I know Yoshi's one, Snake is like 55:45 MK right? Game and Watch still at neutral? And...who else? O_O


Apr 10, 2008
I just quoted you because it was related to my post. And yes, that is correct.

Name these "others". I've barely seen any on either side. There have been, like, 3 or so SBR:ers or top players who came in here saying they want him banned now (or at least knowing what we know).
I'd have to go back through this thread and some others and find the specifics, but I've seen some top players indirectly support the ban by saying things like... "and the way things are going it can conceivably only get worse from here. It's disheartening, to say the least," He doesn't say "I support an MK ban," but that's as close as they get. :ohwell:


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I'd have to go back through this thread and some others and find the specifics, but I've seen some top players indirectly support the ban by saying things like... "and the way things are going it can conceivably only get worse from here. It's disheartening, to say the least," He doesn't say "I support an MK ban," but that's as close as they get. :ohwell:
That's not at all saying they support a ban on MK right now knowing what we know at this very moment.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2008
Yuna's back, now he's gonna convince me again that MK shouldn't be banned yet. D*mn you Yuna and your logical arguments.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
if people didn't play him soooo much....
poeple dont. nobody except tierwhores (that i know of) changed to MK except through what they experienced. like, nobody changed to him because hes the best. people might of changed to him because they like his playstyle, but nobody except for tierwhores actually changedto him because hes the "best". or at least not that i know of


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Yuna is amazing. Pretty much sometimes I hate him for being dumb in other arguments, but when I'm actually on his side it's like whoa, he's smart. : )




The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
I read everything Yuna types, it reminds me there are brains in this world, even if I don't always agree with him, at least he doesn't argue in a ******** fashion.
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