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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
poeple dont. nobody except tierwhores (that i know of) changed to MK except through what they experienced. like, nobody changed to him because hes the best. people might of changed to him because they like his playstyle, but nobody except for tierwhores actually changedto him because hes the "best". or at least not that i know of
OK, what the heck is your definition of a "tierwhore"? Isn't it someone who changes to using MK because he's the best? Because if so, your statement is entirely redundant.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
poeple dont. nobody except tierwhores (that i know of) changed to MK except through what they experienced. like, nobody changed to him because hes the best. people might of changed to him because they like his playstyle, but nobody except for tierwhores actually changedto him because hes the "best". or at least not that i know of
Are you serious?

What about DSF? Overswarm? Do...do you even follow competitive smash at all?


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
poeple dont. nobody except tierwhores (that i know of) changed to MK except through what they experienced. like, nobody changed to him because hes the best. people might of changed to him because they like his playstyle, but nobody except for tierwhores actually changedto him because hes the "best". or at least not that i know of
Really....Thats only somewhat true in the midwest where the metagame is slightly different from everywhere else. It's more of a G&W metagame there but MK still rules all. Everywhere else is basically proven false by tourney results and proportions.

The MK plague is spreading. People are beginning to realize that maybe only 2-3 characters at most can even compete with MK in a neutral matchup. One of those 3 options include an MK ditto match. I don't think its right to force players to pick up a character just for the MK factor. You should play who you like and win. Not play a character to win. Unless your a super hard core guy. Seriously the game is suppose to be fun.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Random statement for the record: The second most boring matchup to play/watch in Brawl is the Metaknight Ditto. The most boring is Captain Falcon dittos (unless you scream out all of his moves while you play).


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
Random statement for the record: The second most boring matchup to play/watch in Brawl is the Metaknight Ditto. The most boring is Captain Falcon dittos (unless you scream out all of his moves while you play).

but seriously...DO IT WITH LINK





people will stare.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Random statement for the record: The second most boring matchup to play/watch in Brawl is the Metaknight Ditto. The most boring is Captain Falcon dittos (unless you scream out all of his moves while you play).
whaaaat falcon dittos are the greatest dittos ever. epic crappy character on both sides = win. bottom tier dittos ftw


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
The goal of a game, especially a fighting game, is to win. As such, it is expected that such types of game will rise to the platform of competing for money. As such, MetaKnight is, beyond reasonable doubt, the best character in this game. The simple fact that characters are judged by how effective they are against MetaKnight delivers this point precisely.

Now, Brinboy, are you saying that everyone who uses MetaKnight are not just trying to win? If your point is correct, then it's safe to say that every single user who uses MetaKnight used him since day one.

But is that the case?

Not at all.

It is only natural that the most popular and viable way to win, or tactic, in a game is to be used to the extremist extent. The thought that you're trying to justify is that no one has flocked to MetaKnight unless they're "tierwhores" just to win is fictitious and ignorant.

But, as I've stated, that is not the truth. The very abundance of MetaKnight users is directly proportional to the expectations and results he has delivered. Therefore, it is without even the slightest disbelief, that the majority of the competitive population uses MetaKnight strictly because of the expected results.

Please, try and prove me wrong...


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
The goal of a game, especially a fighting game, is to win. As such, it is expected that such types of game will rise to the platform of competing for money. As such, MetaKnight is, beyond reasonable doubt, the best character in this game. The simple fact that characters are judged by how effective they are against MetaKnight delivers this point precisely.

Now, Brinboy, are you saying that everyone who uses MetaKnight are not just trying to win? If your point is correct, then it's safe to say that every single user who uses MetaKnight used him since day one.nope. i was saying that generally people dont switch to MK unless they like his playstyle or are tierwhores.

But is that the case?

Not at all.i said nope

It is only natural that the most popular and viable way to win, or tactic, in a game is to be used to the extremist extent. The thought that you're trying to justify is that no one has flocked to MetaKnight unless they're "tierwhores" just to win.

But, as I've stated, that is not the truth. The very abundance of MetaKnight users is directly proportional to the expectations and results he has delivered. Therefore, it is without even the slightest disbelief, that the majority of the competitive population uses MetaKnight strictly because of the expected results. agreed. high tiers are the way to go if you want to win. yup. same with melee and every other fighting game in existence

Please, try and prove me wrong...
if you look in the MK boards, theres a thread about how everybody complains about him, and how alot of us MK mainers have picked him way before smash came out because hes badass like that.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
I'll prove ya wrong right now.....There are actually people who LIKE the character metaknight as a character, not because he's awesome.

However, this is an EXTREME MINORITY of the metaknight community and it is naive to say otherwise.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Random statement for the record: The second most boring matchup to play/watch in Brawl is the Metaknight Ditto. The most boring is Captain Falcon dittos (unless you scream out all of his moves while you play).
Have you not played Sonic dittos?

They are horrible at the newb level. Spindashing, running all over the place.

With competent players, it's more fun because it's more based on either who is more skilled/has a better read on the other player, but omg, watching crappy Sonics have dittos is teethclenching.

@peoplearguing on topicish
Some people changed to MK and one of the factors might be having lost to one two alot of them.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna is amazing. Pretty much sometimes I hate him for being dumb in other arguments, but when I'm actually on his side it's like whoa, he's smart. : )
Actually, this is me:

It's a trap!

Random statement for the record: The second most boring matchup to play/watch in Brawl is the Metaknight Ditto. The most boring is Captain Falcon dittos (unless you scream out all of his moves while you play).
I don't think the second most boring matchup is Meta Knight. There are plenty of them which are just insanely more boring. The most boring dittos are dittos of characters designed to camp. Falco dittos, for example.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
I'll prove ya wrong right now.....There are actually people who LIKE the character metaknight as a character, not because he's awesome.

However, this is an EXTREME MINORITY of the metaknight community and it is naive to say otherwise.
I didn't say otherwise...

...I said that my proposed situation was NOT the case...

...if it was...then there'd be a small abundance of MetaKnight users...

...stop generalizing please.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
It's so ridiculous when someone doesn't pay attention to detail and argumentation claims that I don't when his undoing is staring him right in the face in his own posts. I mean, claiming I just BS:ed my way through a post, ignored stuff he said and claimed he said things he never said and then he turns around and does all that.

I mean, it's so funny I feel like lol:ing in real life.
the only reason i havent done this right back to you,since the same concept applys is because it would take entirely too much work going back finding your quotes and thanfinding my quotes to refute them. im just going to say dont you dare make assumptions of me, and dont you EVER just straight up call me a liar ever again, and if you say you didnt i go find that post right now

I didn't know people read Yuna's posts
thats the only reason he gets away with half the BS he does, he should really be a politician, his wordplay and storychanging and BSing skills are top notch.
Yuna's back, now he's gonna convince me again that MK shouldn't be banned yet. D*mn you Yuna and your logical arguments.
not as long as im around.
I read everything Yuna types, it reminds me there are brains in this world, even if I don't always agree with him, at least he doesn't argue in a ******** fashion.
i thought the same thing until he started making baseless claims about me. he does argue in a ******** fashion, but he forms his sentances in a very intellectual style


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
One Piece is pretty much amazing.

Mr. 2 Bon Clay is my second favorite character after Buggy.

I love the extravagance.

to da K.I.D. : you seemed sad yesterday i didnt mean to hurt ur feelings bro its all good i love u (no homo.... yes homo)


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
the only reason i havent done this right back to you,since the same concept applys is because it would take entirely too much work going back finding your quotes and thanfinding my quotes to refute them. im just going to say dont you dare make assumptions of me, and dont you EVER just straight up call me a liar ever again, and if you say you didnt i go find that post right now
You claim I do it all the time. You claim I do it while replying to me, that the things you just quoted proves your case, yet you can never pinpoint where I do these things you claim I do.

Stop accusing me of abhorrent behavior without ever being able to back it up. And you do realize that post wasn't even aimed at you, right? Unless you're using two accounts for some reason.

thats the only reason he gets away with half the BS he does, he should really be a politician, his wordplay and storychanging and BSing skills are top notch.
You must be a Republican. Hypocrisy runs high with them.

not as long as im around.
My arguments don't magically get "less logical" just because you're around. Especially when your arguments mostly don't even dent mine.

i thought the same thing until he started making baseless claims about me. he does argue in a ******** fashion, but he forms his sentances in a very intellectual style
They're not baseless. And why did you conveniently forget to reply to my latest post directed at you? The one where I refuted your claims of not having made baseless assumptions when you had clearly done so?

Who's the baseless assumer (yes, I know it's not a word) now?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
yeah I'd totally tap that.
There's a picture where I have longer hair, make-up (there's no make-up besides subtle lip gloss in that picture I just posted. Yes, I can trap people simply by putting on women's clothing!) that's more of a close-up of my face (it was a cross-dressing contest). I can't seem to locate it however.

I managed to trap 10.000+ people, the vast majority of them men, that day. Aaah, it was a good day.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
One Piece is pretty much amazing.

Mr. 2 Bon Clay is my second favorite character after Buggy.

I love the extravagance.

to da K.I.D. : you seemed sad yesterday i didnt mean to hurt ur feelings bro its all good i love u (no homo.... yes homo)
OP is amazing

sanji ftw.

yuna vs da kid. epic showdown dundunDUN

*insert epic music here*


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
thats the only reason he gets away with half the BS he does, he should really be a politician, his wordplay and storychanging and BSing skills are top notch.

It's argumentation - avoid fallacies, etc

I'm somewhat impressed that people can actually stay along those lines when arguing within Smash.

Most people end up pulling ad-hominem/some other fallacy, or echoes an argument that's already been stated/dealt with, and then a certain logician of sorts comes in and plays with them. Granted, they will be there, but some people hide it pretty well D;

Watch out for the ones who know how to bait and punish, and avoid traps.

those .. traps.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden

It's argumentation - avoid fallacies, etc

I'm somewhat impressed that people can actually stay along those lines when arguing within Smash.

Most people end up pulling ad-hominem/some other fallacy, or echoes an argument that's already been stated/dealt with, and then a certain logician of sorts comes in and plays with them.

Watch out for the ones who know how to bait and punish, and avoid traps.
It's impressive how people keep accusing me of bad debating when habits there are literally scores of people much better at it on Smashboards who actually read my posts and declare me innocent of wrongdoing.

I'm not even "educated" in debating. All I know regarding debating I've learned from experience, through trial and error.

those .. traps.
Yes, you called?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Without me, this thread would've died a long time ago with people just agreeing with each other. It wouldn't even have been a debate, it would've just been QFT's and the mods would've locked it not actually going anywhere.

At least with some opposition, this thread has been generating some legit debate.
Yes, some progress has been made in the discussion. But it wasn't because of you, if anything it was the people like brinboy who let us actually have something to respond to and provided more of a focus for gathering our points against. There's no discussing things with you, your last batch of responses has already demonstrated that again. Without discussion, there's little progress.

Honestly, you nit-pick, throw up smokescreen arguments (The whole thing with Marth), spend entire posts calling people names (Very cleverly, by "applying them to their arguments"), misinterpret posts so that you have something to disagree with, insult people some more, refuse to give reasons for rejecting well thought out arguments, claim you're just repeating yourself when you're being asked for things you've never clarified before, and insult people. None of this is very useful to actually figuring things out, and generally grinds any actual progress to a halt until you go to bed and things calm down.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
Yes, some progress has been made in the discussion. But it wasn't because of you, if anything it was the people like brinboy who let us actually have something to respond to and provided more of a focus for gathering our points against. There's no discussing things with you, your last batch of responses has already demonstrated that again. Without discussion, there's little progress.

Honestly, you nit-pick, throw up smokescreen arguments (The whole thing with Marth), spend entire posts calling people names (Very cleverly, by "applying them to their arguments"), misinterpret posts so that you have something to disagree with, insult people some more, refuse to give reasons for rejecting well thought out arguments, claim you're just repeating yourself when you're being asked for things you've never clarified before, and insult people. None of this is very useful to actually figuring things out, and generally grinds any actual progress to a halt until you go to bed and things calm down.
Quoted for truth, this is exactly what Yuna does. At least it gets people's post counts up when he does this.

Well, with the whole new thing with G&W and MK, what do people think now? a 50:50 match going to a 70:30 match?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Yes, some progress has been made in the discussion. But it wasn't because of you, if anything it was the people like brinboy who let us actually have something to respond to and provided more of a focus for gathering our points against. There's no discussing things with you, your last batch of responses has already demonstrated that again. Without discussion, there's little progress.

Honestly, you nit-pick, throw up smokescreen arguments (The whole thing with Marth), spend entire posts calling people names (Very cleverly, by "applying them to their arguments"), misinterpret posts so that you have something to disagree with, insult people some more, refuse to give reasons for rejecting well thought out arguments, claim you're just repeating yourself when you're being asked for things you've never clarified before, and insult people. None of this is very useful to actually figuring things out, and generally grinds any actual progress to a halt until you go to bed and things calm down.


quoted for the truth indeed

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
If Yuna bothers you so much, why do you even bother with him? Apparently he knows as much about the brawl Metagame as Kid Rock knows about Metaphysics...

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
this part is true and i agree, but you have said yourself that if its proven that he has no EVEN matches than THAT would qualify for a ban
As usual, you lie.

i misspoke, you said that that MIGHT qualify for a ban

Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
, because you said your self that if he 60-40s everybody else in the game, (which is highly plausible) that even you would have to take a second look at the issue.

No, I said that if he 60-40 everyones, then it might not count as "reasonable". Not that it would qualify him for a ban. I also specifically said this is just for Smashboards because SWF is so whiny. 60-40 would be enough for SWF to say "Ban him now!". It's not enough for me, though, but I would at least acknowledge that it's more valid than the current situation.
reread my quote, you personally said, if he 60-40s everyone, that you would have to reassess your thought to not ban him which is true..
All 60-40s and I would ease up. But it wouldn't automatically qualify him for a ban.
thats what i just said, pay attention and read throughly

Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
actually noobs quitting DOES = our problem.
Tell me, should we turn on items? Because I can guarantee you more n00bs have quit/not taken a 2nd look at Competitive Smash because we keep them off.

N00bs whining =/= Reason to listen
what is your definition of noobs, because in my example, noobs means the people that get 40- 200 and whatever at the big tourneys, those guys that know they arent going to win, but go to tourneys anyway. and if before you had a 120 man tourney and everyone below 40 doesnt show up because of MK, thats a reason to listen
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
think of this if some random decently skilled DK/ROB user goes to a tourney with M2K, Azen, DSF, Plank, and Omni there, do you think he expects to win? of course not, but he still goes, because he thinks that anybody that beats him is just a better player,, and he has no qualms about losing to a better player, because he can get better on his own, and possibly do better against them next time.
but if he goes to that tourney and gets beat by 16 different MKs and begins to think that Mk is too good, hes basically faced with 2 options
1. Play MK
2. Quit the game
Or he could take a look at the facts and see that there are characters who stand a good chance of beating MK and that he doesn't have to play MK to win.

How stupid and/or ignorant people think is not our problem! Again, this is punishing MK for being popular, not because he's "too good". The only reason we should put any weight behind is whether or not he's "too good".
really? cus i think one of your ban criteria was if hes too popular, please correct me. but either way, if things continue like HOBO where 3 of the top 3, and 5 of the top 8 played MK and that happens at every tourney every where, regardless of whether he actually is too good or not, that would call for a ban

N00bs reacting to whatever is not our problem.
in my illustration, it is. and again get off your high horse, your not better than them just because they decide to stop doing what they amount to a fruitless effort.
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
now neither of these options seems that horrible but suppose you make 90% of tourney-goers make this decision.
Just because the majority thinks something does not make it right, especially not in a matter which is not subjective but which is based on facts.
but if the majority of people want something done, it usually happens, and if the majority of people are wrong than they just have to deal with the consequences

Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
both of which are detrimental because with option 1 they are just adding to the problem because at that point 90% of people are playing MK, and thats killing the competitive scene.
I don't care if it is detrimental, I care why it is detrimental. Again, the items. Should we turn them on?since you love facts so much hit me up with some factual number of people that dont go to tourneys because items are off, im guessing its very little, because when i made the jumpt o competitive, i was still playing with items, than my TO told me they were banned, and why. I delt with it and came to the tourneys anyway

Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
"perception is reality" youre smart enough to know that.
Idiots are idiots. Their perception of reality does not matter to me.
and that is why people see you as an arrogant prick. unknowledgeable people came into this thread while you were gone, and got educated instead of just angry because even if i think they are stupid, i still give them respect and speak to them as such. you should try it sometime.
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
so basically this is going to boil down to what has already happened in my area,
rochester used to have 30+ man tourneys every other week.
now, were lucky if we can get enough people for it to count in ankokus list (16) and 4-5 of the top 8 all use MK.
that is no bueno yuna...
Now I see why you whine so much. Then switch to one of the several characters who stand a good chance at beating Meta. Just because your main has a bad matchup against him does not mean we should ban him.

Guess what, my main does too. In fact, all of my mains do.
lol i played 2 characters when brawl came out, and now i play 6 just because of snake and metaknight

Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
well, isnt that the pot calling the kettle black, your last post has you completely reeming a well respected person for no other reason than according to you, his thoughts are totally incorrect.
Do not reply to me like that. It requires me to do tons of extra work. And why blue?! I can't even see the friggin' text. Redo it or I won't even bother with it.
again the arrogamt pricklyness. redo it or i wont bother with it? cus youre sooooo much better than me that i should have to cater to your every whim?
"Reeming"? Which last post? The one where I replied to "hotgarbage" where I just asked him to answer a simple question? Or my post to you (is that you calling yourelf "a well respected perso"n?)?
the one where you totally disregarded lee martins opinion on the matter
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
and dont talk to me about arragant, when you have the rep of being the most arrogant person on this entire forum.
I would never say "I know the Zelda vs. Marth matchup! You are all wrong! I am right! Because I am me!", though.
the only thing i say is that i know sonics matchups better than 90% of people that dont frequent the sonic boards and i give plenty of reasons for my thoughts that are dismissed because whatever im saying has more to do with me as a player than sonics abilitys
Also, knowledge + experience + intolerance to stupidity =/= arrogance. Prove me wrong and I will conceede that I was wrong. I am very seldom wrong because I never state something I'm unsure of. I argue with the conviction that I am right because doing otherwise would be stupid.

Prove me wrong and I will concede. It's simple debating basics.
i plan to.
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
and once again you are making these outlandish claims that im disagreeing with everybody when, according to all the people ive seen post in this thread in the last 130 pages, the no ban camp is in the minority.
The majority in Brawl Tactical Discussion =/= The majority in the world. I have seen no statistics of what the SBR thinks, for example.
than dont say that im disagreeing with everyone if you dont know what everyone thinks.
Also, I specifically mentioned Sonic's match-ups. You've spoken of his and other characters' match-ups as if you know the truth and everyone else is wrong. Sonic's match-ups are these despite what other people think. You should know, because you are you!
i say that about 1 matchup, marth. other than that, i agree with the collective decisions that the sonic boards (the people that know the most about the character) come to. if anything you might want to talk to the sonic boards (excluding me) because a lot of them think he goes 50-50 with snake. so once again, get off my back
Learn to actually read because it was in the post you just quoted.
learn to take your own advice
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
also theres a very good chance (as in youve done it and admitted to it before, in this thread) that you saw my name on the page and basically in your mind attached it to the next 5 posts on the page and just went along believing that i was the one who posted whatever random crap that was on that page.

No, it was you. And at least I don't miss things written in posts I actually quote.
uhhh... you kinda do
Originally Posted by da K.I.D. View Post
oh and replys are in the quote because youre not worth it to do otherwise
I see. As I said, I ignored it all.

I'll reply to this though:
just because you dont agree/believe what im saying doesnt make it baseless, get off your high horse for once dude.

O RLY? What basis do you have of what MK has or hasn't done, what he knew and when he knew it and what he hid from the community? Are you psychic? Do you have some dirt on MK we do not know about? What possible basis do you have for your baseless speculation?
gimme two seconds on this one...lol

my proof that M2K hides things about MK from us, my "base" if you will.
i know this was intentionally hidden because
1. M2K isnt the one who posts it in the first place, and
2. M2K gives the impression that hes mad at hylian for giving up his secrets in the thread
and salaboB is right
earlier in this thread somebody stated, well now I know why yuna doesnt give concrete lists for his arguments.
because brinboy told us exactly what he thought, and than because of that we could acurately respond to him and correct hs thinking


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yes, some progress has been made in the discussion. But it wasn't because of you, if anything it was the people like brinboy who let us actually have something to respond to and provided more of a focus for gathering our points against.
Are you kidding? While Brinboy is on my side and appreciate his passion, he uses faulty information and debating points all over the place. It's a lot of "In my opinion", "I think" and things that are just wrong.

There's no discussing things with you, your last batch of responses has already demonstrated that again. Without discussion, there's little progress.
There is discussion. Just because I prove you wrong doesn't mean you can't come back and prove me right. If I'm so wrong, then prove me wrong. Instead of declaring me unbudging. There's a reason why I don't budge, because no one is able to prove my arguments wrong.

Most of the time, it boils down to just agreeing to disagree.

Honestly, you nit-pick, throw up smokescreen arguments (The whole thing with Marth)
Tons of people well versed in the intricacies of debating have declared that "The Marth Thing" totally legit. You don't seem to understand why it was put up to begin with despite me explaining it multiple times. It was put up to refute one argument, but instead of just conceding that it refuted that argument, people chose to instead of challenge me on whether or not it the claim was true, so I had to elaborate and explain why things would go down the way I described them in a hypothetical example.

It would've been over in 5 posts had people just admitted that the Marth example refuted the "If a character has no bad matchups, he needs to be banned"-argument.

spend entire posts calling people names (Very cleverly, by "applying them to their arguments")
Yes, I spend entire posts telling people they are people of lesser intelligence by pointing out just how wrong they are by picking apart every little mistake they do. This is what you do in debates. If you can prove me wrong, be my guest.

But I never see you actually try. And when you do, you do it with faulty reasoning and "evidence", thus leading me to be able to pick your posts apart, leadng to you just declaring me an unbudging a-hole instead of taking a look at yourself and seeing that maybe, maybe you are using debating the wrong way.

misinterpret posts so that you have something to disagree with
Not on purpose and very seldomly because of something I did. No, you not once mentioning my name, that the post are a reply to a post of mine or quoting me while quoting someone else does not mean it's only natural to think the post was aimed at me.

insult people some more, refuse to give reasons for rejecting well thought out arguments
Yes I do. When challenged to give them again, most of the time I do too.

claim you're just repeating yourself when you're being asked for things you've never clarified before
O RLY? Have you paid attention for the 100+ pages? I am repeating myself every time I claim I am. And it's always only after the 5th or so time that I say "I've already said this!" and it's most probably only because I'd said it recently.

and insult people. None of this is very useful to actually figuring things out, and generally grinds any actual progress to a halt until you go to bed and things calm down.
If you actually took some time for some introspection, you'd realize that you aren't perfect and that what I say about you and your debating skills is actually true.

You've never once managed to quote me to prove your accusations. Quote me proving these things you just claimed I do.

And hey, attack my reasoning and my arguments, not by attitude or the way I debate.

Quoted for truth, this is exactly what Yuna does. At least it gets people's post counts up when he does this.

Well, with the whole new thing with G&W and MK, what do people think now? a 50:50 match going to a 70:30 match?
I see a pattern here. People whose debating skills are minimal, who ad hominems and strawmans people in almost every post they make and who often cannot comprehend plain English often claim I do all of these things. More reasonable people who actually read and comprehend what I say agree that I do not and that while I do things passionately, I do not do any of the things you accuse me of... even those who do not agree with my standpoints.

Is it hypocrisy or just ignorance?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
whatever you do, don't turn it into a wallof20multiquotes.

Noone will read it.
Yuna will. I guess that's all that matters.

Sup Tenki.

edit: wow, speak of the devil. yuna posted a multiquote above me right as i posted this, too good.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yunas multiquotes are way better than ppl writing stuff in a different color inside the quote...


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2008
Suffolk, Long Island, NY
Are you kidding? While Brinboy is on my side and appreciate his passion, he uses faulty information and debating points all over the place. It's a lot of "In my opinion", "I think" and things that are just wrong.
hey, im just an average smasher, im not that good at debating unlike you :chuckle:


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
gimme two seconds on this one...lol
I believe I've already told you I would not reply to a reply of yours should it go the "I'll say it in the quote, only with an alternate color!"-route again. I still won't because it requires me to do extra, tedious work.

my proof that M2K hides things about MK from us, my "base" if you will.
i know this was intentionally hidden because
1. M2K isnt the one who posts it in the first place, and
2. M2K gives the impression that hes mad at hylian for giving up his secrets in the thread
Again I ask you, secrets? As if they can remain secrets once he actually uses them in tournaments. What is he, hoarding them? Sitting on them, just waiting to pounce?

Once he uses them in a tournament, they're no longer secrets. Not randomly revealing your discoveries on Smashboards isn't keeping it a secret or hoarding it or "hiding" it. In fact, most people do this. Why would you reveal your latest strategies as X-character without first testing it in a tournament setting?

Why reveal your new possible trumph card? Once you do use it in a tournament, it becomes public knowledge. Just because you don't get wind of it because you don't actually read up on the latest in the Brawl metagame doesn't mean M2K has supressed the knowledge.

Once he does something in the presence of others who write about it on Smashboards, it becomes public knowledge.

Oh wait, Deja Vu. I already said this.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Protip: This thread is no longer about Metaknight. That ended a long time ago. Now it's just about the nature of debate.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Yuna doesn'T debate. He just brings up the same facts all the time...
It called debating. I bring them up to refute arguments. And people usually are unable to refute my facts. But they persist in using their, now, refuted arguments. Now who's the bad guy? The guy who was right or the guy pretending no one proved him wrong?
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