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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You CAN defeat MK. Without MK.

The only reason he switched against Lee was a personal matchup problem.
Not really. Azen beat other MKs as Lucario.

And according to Azen himself, he did better against MK as Lucario than as MK against everyone besides Lee.

da K.I.D. said:
Random, you are wrong, already refuted, no logic. Who the hell told you that BS? Sonic 50:50 all of those people? In what alternate universe? You are wrong. "You lack hat... logic."

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
But doesn't this suggest that Lee's style of playing metaknight was enough to topple the best Lucario, who is regarded as a better player overall? Let's say that someone of a higher calibur (M2K) was to perfect this style that Azen had so much trouble with, would that not shut down Lucario and force Azen to switch to Metaknight?

Azen said himself that he did better against Lee's MK by using MK instead of Lucario. That means that if a MK plays a certain style then Lucario is not able to handle it, and you'd be much better off going as Metaknight.

Food for thought.

Also, I don't know about the others, but I do know that Sonic would have much better chances if MK wasn't there. I'm not saying he wouldn't still be low tier (since he would), but his worst matchup would be gone, and his other unwinnable matchups are both hard countered by DDD. He'd still have some trouble with G&W though...
thank you for truth


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2007

Not really. Azen beat other MKs as Lucario.

And according to Azen himself, he did better against MK as Lucario than as MK against everyone besides Lee.

Random, you are wrong, already refuted, no logic. Who the hell told you that BS? Sonic 50:50 all of those people? In what alternate universe? You are wrong. "You lack hat... logic."
I think he meant he had a matchup problem vs a person, not the character, at least thats how it seemed to me

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Random, you are wrong, already refuted, no logic. Who the hell told you that BS? Sonic 50:50 all of those people? In what alternate universe? You are wrong. "You lack hat... logic."
at least respect me enough to quote the post you ****

also, play my sonic with any of those characters and i will PERSONALLY prove it to you

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Yes, so now we're arguing individual player skill. It's not the character itself alone, it's Lee. Lee did it. Or maybe Azen's the one to "blame". Maybe he's just bad against Lee's Meta Knight.

Because he went on to play M2K and not do better against his Meta than as Lucario (inferred). Are you saying M2K's MK is inferior to Dojo's? Or that M2K's style against Lucario is worse than Dojo's? Or any number of things that have nothing to do with the theory that MK > all?
Do styles of play count in matchup discussions? Yes, you compare the best styles (for instance, an aggressive Marth is better against DK, while a defensive Marth does better against MK)

Azen had problems with Lee's style. Now, we just need to figure out what Lee's doing that no other MK at the tournament was doing. It could be that MK players have been simply going about the Lucario matchup the wrong way (they did that with Snake remember?)

It's also possible that Azen just wasn't used to fighting Lee's style, and that he'll simply get better against it and continue winning with Lucario.

Yeah, but prove it. And if Lee has some magical anti-MK strategy, have everyone analyze his game and then everyone can start owning Azen.
Don't you think they're already doing that? You want us to stop using Azen as proof for why MK is broken, but then you yourself use him for proof of why he's not, when it's very possible that MK players have just been using the wrong strategy to fight Lucario (obviously Lee found something or else he wouldn't have given Azen any more trouble than the rest of the MKs).

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
KID, this is ridicoulus. If I'd ever get a chance to play you I'd stomp your stupid sonics @$$ with my Falco. C WHAT I DID THAR, CIR?!?!?

Edit: I'm reffering to these "even" match-ups

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
just becuase theres only like 10 of us, and youve never played with any of them, doesnt mean that a good sonic cant go toe to toe with falco

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Sonic's matchups against those guys are not all 50:50

DDD-It's 60-40, maybe 55:45 DDD's favor
Rob-Okay, this one really is 50:50
Marth-65:35 Marth's favor
Falco-60-40 Falco's favor
Lucario (are you serious?)-70-30 Lucario's favor

Now I know you guys are thinking "well, how's taking out MK going to help?" Well
MK-80-20 MK's favor. Yeah, it's that bad. The only character in the top tier that completely destroys Sonic.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Any number of things? We're engaging in random speculation after all. A new AT that doesn't work for Meta or just not as well for Meta as others. We could discover that something we thought we knew wasn't true, like how Final Destination is an anti-MK stage.

Or the metagame could just evolve and Marth could randomly find a way to 6-4 Meta Knight or something.
Concerning this part, I've noticed that a lot of the character boards have been complaining that their character's metagame have become stagnant recently. The Wolf, Toon Link, Falco, Wario, Pikachu, etc boards claim that they have found most of the techniques/strategies needed to win or at least excel and now it's, more or less, a time to simply refine them. To me, this sounds a little odd but, then again, I use the whole cast and try not to focus on one character for long periods of time (as in no longer than a couple of days) so, obviously, I haven't gotten down all the techniques/strategies (for example, I'm still working on applying Pikachu's QAC and the Ice Climber's infinites) for everyone.

From this, I'd like to ask another question: is a character's metagame becoming stagnant for a period of time usually a bad thing or does it lead to players evaluating their playstyles and then discovering new things thus starting the cycle all over again? I'm asking this because, like for Wolf, the complaints about "nothing new" being discovered have been around since like June. Right now, Diddy seems to be the only character that's genuinely getting better while most people have been steadily falling in rank (as in tournament results) like ROB, Lucario, and Olimar.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
da K.I.D:
just becuase theres only like 10 of us, and youve never played with any of them, doesnt mean that a good sonic cant go toe to toe with falco

Don't get me wrong, Sonic has tools a good player can have a field day with, but the problem is that most of his 'objective' character traits... aren't good.

In matchup discussions, bait+punish don't count. Avoiding projectiles... apparently doesn't count either. Doesn't it seem unfair? Doesn't it make you want to go superfanboy lvl3 and sonic pawnch someone?

Too bad. You can't change matchups or tier lists with that. Accept it. Spread it
spread it. like butter on steak. however nasty that is.

play along, do the paper thing when it comes to Sonic. he's disadvantaged to everyone except for his neutrals. and if anyone has problems against Sonic, or if Sonic does good against someone, it's apparently because the player using Sonic was exponentially better.

Don't you remember? Assuming that Sonic plays safe, or assuming that a good/competent Sonic is playing is always discredited in matchup discussions for some really... odd reason.

Also, Sonic is 50:50 on ROB?


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Everything useful for R.O.B. was discovered a long time ago. The R.O.B. boards worked fast.

Also, Sonic is not 50:50 R.O.B., even if it's a beastly Sonic.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^Didn't you discuss that with Overswarm like...months ago? Maybe we should talk to him about it again (and speed up the matchup discussions. We need more matchups!!)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2008
Toms River, New Jersey
And you are? No offence but we are talking about high level metagame here, not low to medium one. Seriously, he is beatable, but if it takes you twice as much skill literally to beat your opponent, i would switch to metaknight myself if he wasnt banned. Its gonna devolve into this 1 character sooner or later, which i dont think will happen with marth. He will be more prevalent yes, but he will still have many neutrals matchups and weaknesses.
Im Tbagz, I am talking about high level, dont assume im instantly a scrub because your from canada and have never heard of me.

MK is beatable. Your all just to lazy of players to figure out how to stop him. and your ALL thinking way to rash before we could even possibly think of considering something like this

Only an MK main can say something that ridiculous (im being too polite) and not understand why.

Most of the best players have spent months figuring out strategies, far more combined than you could probably comprehend. And you know what they have found the best strategy is? Counter-pick MK with an MK ditto.

i use Wolf also at a higher level. I understand what im talking about and i really think your all being to rasha bout MK unless the WHOLE community becomes engulfed in mk mk tournaments.

we need to wait this out first.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Don't you think they're already doing that? You want us to stop using Azen as proof for why MK is broken, but then you yourself use him for proof of why he's not, when it's very possible that MK players have just been using the wrong strategy to fight Lucario (obviously Lee found something or else he wouldn't have given Azen any more trouble than the rest of the MKs).
I never said Azen's proof of why MK's not broken. I said that if you're gonna use Azen at Hobo11 as "proof", there are any number of things I can use Azen at Hobo11 as "proof" of a whole bunch of other things.

Now I know you guys are thinking "well, how's taking out MK going to help?" Well
MK-80-20 MK's favor. Yeah, it's that bad. The only character in the top tier that completely destroys Sonic.
But Sonic wouldn't randomly become viable. He's just have one less bad match-up to contend with, He'd be more viable, but he wouldn't magically become actually viable.

From this, I'd like to ask another question: is a character's metagame becoming stagnant for a period of time usually a bad thing or does it lead to players evaluating their playstyles and then discovering new things thus starting the cycle all over again? I'm asking this because, like for Wolf, the complaints about "nothing new" being discovered have been around since like June. Right now, Diddy seems to be the only character that's genuinely getting better while most people have been steadily falling in rank (as in tournament results) like ROB, Lucario, and Olimar.
It can go either way, depending on what happens. It could be that there's nothing new to discover. Or that people just aren't trying hard enough. Stagnation isn't always bad.

But to blame it all on MK and acting like there's no possible way to beat him isn't helping anyone when we all know that isn't true.

Perhaps it could be that the other MKs weren't as good as Lee?
Yet M2K did better than him?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
yes, ROB/sonic is 50-50, trust me.

but nobody in their right mind who plays a good character is going to admit a 50-50 match with sonic... thats obvious

but tenki is right, i cant prove it on paper, only in practice.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
I will point out though; the G&W boards have become so stagnant. His metagame is at a complete standstill, and I'm pretty sure you can say the same thing for a lot more characters.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
@da K.I.D
And no.

You can't prove it in practice either. You just win, or give someone trouble, but it doesn't affect the matchups, because matchups are very papercraft.


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2008
Hey i SERIOUSLY do not agree with this!!!! MK should not be banned!!! its freakin retarted! im a lucario user im not the greatest but i play against Tbagz ALL the time!!! sure his skill level is higher than mine but i still can fight against it!!! Just because its a harder character to fight against it doesn'tmake it unbeatable! you're just gonna have a harder battle! but you can make any character a good fighter!!! so if someone finds an real hard stratagy to make lucario hard to fight against are you gonna ban lucario?!?!?! well thats all i gotta say!!!


p.s. Tbagz your mk is god but i love fighting it!!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
And according to Azen himself, he did better against MK as Lucario than as MK against everyone besides Lee.
Perhaps it could be that the other MKs weren't as good as Lee?
Azen does better with lucario than MK vs all MKs excluding lee. Lee is not the best MK. M2K > Lee. Therefore, like Yuna said, its a personal issue and not becuase Lee is the best MK.

Edit: this thread moves too fast.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
This thread grows too $%!@& fast. Seriously, it gains a page in the time it takes me to read a page. It just did, I saw it happen. Twice.

EDIT: I think we need some serious moderation in here. As in moderators. To infract spam. Do we have those? I hear they Bowser-Fsmash threads once in a blue moon.

And Yuna, I mean this nicely, you should consider letting some posts go. You're effectively doubling the post count, since you respond to everything, but in separate posts.
If you'll get 'attacked' for 'ignoring arguments', then, I say this simply: Those people are *******s. Without qualification. So don't worry about it.
Everyone: give Yuna a chance to slow the feck down.

Keep in mind that I have no affiliation withOS nor do i know him irl, however i will try to clarify what he is trying to say. because i think i get it

I dont like the idea of having a 7.2 and stuff like that, because it somewhat invalidates the point of having the set criteria if the criteria has criteria to it, it should be made so that those are the base needs for a ban. which i think OS does well. other than that, your points about 7 and 8 being connected to nine. are completely correct because if you didnt have nine you would have melee. in melee, shiek dominated over more than 3/4 of the cast. but she didnt get banned because falco's SHL dominated over the exact same people that shieks down throw did, and CFs down throw did the same thing, and marth f-did the same thing, and fox's shine combos did all of that as well. all 5 dominated over more than 3/4 of the cast, and went pretty well against each other, thus nobody needed to be banned. in brawl, Mk is the only one that dominates to this degree, and therefore he is worth a ban, so yes, like i said b4 numbe 9 is the real kicker of the list.
(check the original post to see your response to me. This is why replying to something in the quotation just really sucks, and people should stop doing it. Come on.)

There's nothing inherently wrong about having a disjunction of criteria. You know, some of criteria 1-6 could be analyzed into a disjunction, so it's not as though my suggestion is changing that about OS' definition. Many statements are disjunctions*; just because it does or does not look like one in a certain phrasing shouldn't change whether it is the right condition for banworthiness.

*The statement that there is a majority of the cast which satisfies some property (call it M(x) := "Meta Knight pwns character x," for some meaning of 'pwn'), is the statement that there exists a nonempty set S, a subset of the cast, C, such that every y in S satisfies M(y), and the size of S is large relative to the size of C. But an existential statement is disjunctive; it's saying that S is either [all of the cast], or [all of the cast minus Bowser], or [all of the cast minus Falcon], or . . . or [just Bowser, Falcon, and Zelda], or . . . or [just Zelda and Zamus], or [just Zamus].

Sooo, your uneasiness about having an OR in there is quite. . . unfounded. It merely belies a certain erroneous impression of language and logic.

Now, your response to my appraisal of condition 7 is non sequitur; I was talking about the criteria as a general definition - hence, abstracted away from SSB Brawl. Whether or not certain conditions about Brawl are true do not go to the question of if these conditions are good conditions for what they deign to circumscribe.
You cannot reason that they are good or bad conditions by pointing to one case, especially not the case under scrutiny!

Overswarm claims a universal statement: All Xs are Y.
I object: But I can imagine an x which is X but not Y.
You bud in: PK-ow, you're missing the fact that b is X, and of course is Y, just as Overswarm said!

See how that doesn't relate?


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2008
Running for my life in the forests of Eelong
Hey i SERIOUSLY do not agree with this!!!! MK should not be banned!!! its freakin retarted! im a lucario user im not the greatest but i play against Tbagz ALL the time!!! sure his skill level is higher than mine but i still can fight against it!!! Just because its a harder character to fight against it doesn'tmake it unbeatable! you're just gonna have a harder battle! but you can make any character a good fighter!!! so if someone finds an real hard stratagy to make lucario hard to fight against are you gonna ban lucario?!?!?! well thats all i gotta say!!!


p.s. Tbagz your mk is god but i love fighting it!!!!
God dammit ur SOOOOOOOO stupid! Why don't you just quit playng this game right now, delete ur smashboards account, and kill yourself.

**** I hate stupid people....

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
lol, sorry about my misinterpretation, i didnt realise that you were talking in respect to a concept seperate from the game.

EDIT and im kinda bad at the internet, i will try to reply out of quotes from now on...


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I'm not sure how you come up with that conclusion. Applying the analogy to the Meta Knight situation is straightforward: if you fail to ban Meta Knight, the long term consequences on the state of the game will be worse than if you immediately ban.

The "one step at a time" you're referencing was only in relation to that analogy. Selectively responding to it was taking it completely out of context.

Now, I know you disagree with the idea that leaving MK around will be worse in the long run, but I think the analogy expresses the idea quite well.
Obviously the principal is quantified by the analogy, I just wasn't taking issue with THAT PARTICULAR CASE. In that situation the long-term and short-term decision is clear.

If you wish to present a case for not considering long-term consequences in favor of short term consequences, present a case where there is an overwhelming short-term issue with a risk of an enormous long-term consequence. From there we can argue the prudent course.

But the analogy as it stands feeds just as well into my point as yours.

As for the issue of banning immiediatly or failing to ban, the issue isn't whether it's better to ban sooner rather then later if it's warranted. The issue is clearly WHETHER it's warranted, and having enough time to make that distinction.

Because if you ban MK in the short-term and it's unwarranted, the consequences of the ban will be greater by several magnitudes then waiting long enough to make that distinction.

sorry bud but I'm going to have to disagree.
-99% of the serious criteria for a ban would leave marth unscathed. (marth is reliably beatable by characters other than himself. He has bad stages. He has exploitable weaknesses, there are other charcters at his level, etc.)
-so what if marth DOES become bannable? that doesn't change whether or not MK is. Discussing Marth was novel at first, but now it's just old and is, still, hardly relevant.
1. As long as the criteria that is ultimately decided upon to judge MK makes that distinction, then I am fine. Unlike Yuna, I am merely urging caution, I am not trying to make sure he's never banned.

2. If that happens, then so be it. But the point is, he is nowhere near bannable, either now or in the in hypothetical future with MK gone (which is looking less and less hypothetical now). It is a reductio ad absurdum argument, same logic applied to a different case that is obviously ridiculous to illustrate the flaws.

Well I don't, see how that works?

if it gives the exact same reward as any other strategy one might find, then its not the best, as in: not better than the rest. just the best right now because we haven't learned everything yet, so its the easiest, not the best because we don't know enough to have an end all be all strategy
Best = best result with least amount of effort.

Read Sirlin please.

we haven't been looking long or hard enough. How do i know this? because meta knights goodness is an all around thing, there's not one overwhelming thing he just does to his opponents, its his application. these kinds of things are always beatable and always counterable, we just haven't reached the level of skill to execute it yet.

as long as something can be overcome with skill its not broken enough to ban it
If there is enough of a skill gap between me and a super turbo akuma player, I'll still win.

Does that mean Akuma isn't worthy of a ban?

The going assumption is the top levels of play, where skill gaps are really quite minute.


What criteria do you think is necessary to ban a character (ANY CHARACTER) in brawl?

1. Character has no counters or poor matchups
2. Character has no poor stages
3. Character has shown to do reliabily well in local tournaments across the US, taking at least one placement in the top 3 on a consistent basis.
4. Character wins a multitude of local tournaments across the US
5. Character has shown to do reliably well in national tournaments across the US, taking several of the spots in the top 8.
6. Character fits the previous criteria consistently at high levels of play for at least half a year
7. Character prevents a large majority (3/4) of the other characters from being played competitively
8. Character has a even matchup at worst with a large majority (3/4) of the highest ranking characters on the tier list
9. Character has no other characters in the game that share these qualities

All of this criteria must be met.

This is mine
I take issue with criteria 1. Sometimes a single character can utterly dominate the metagame and have one counter (which generally results in the countering character being top). That counter fares reletively poorly against others (early metagame Snake/MK was a good example of this dynamic, but not to a banable level).

Criteria 2: Again disagree, it's an order of magnitude. 1 Bad stage that's a counter-pick (or 2) won't really destroy a character's placements, especially if it isn't a major effect, aka, doesn't result in a soft counter).

Criteria 3, 4, and 5: Cherry-picking, it needs an actual standard. I could probably meet this with Ganondorf, except 5, but with more tournaments it would be a possibility.

Criteria 6 is good, use it for the entire thing.

Criteria 7, the number is arguable, but the principal is good. It prevents over-centralization.

Criteria 8 are pretty useless, with a character with this level of metagame dominance, the tier list will be dominated by characters that have reletively good match-ups against the character in question.

Criteria 9 is vital, but the range should be larger, sometime 2 characters need to be banned. It should be a portion of the cast, not an absolute.

I know they are meant to be used together, but if they're bad criteria it doesn't matter, they have to be useful individually and as a group.

This is absurd.

Wolf loses to every top tier character except Snake.
Pit has more than enough troubles with Marth, GaW and Falco.
Mario gets anihilated by Dedede, Gaymanwatch and does terrible vs Falco and Marth
Luigi..fails vs Dedede, Marth, Game and Watch
and lol Sonic
Mother boys boys? No chance vs Marth, Falco, GaW amd god knows who else

The charactes, who benefit most from MKs ban will be the other top tiers (I consider Marth top tier btw), followed by Pikachu, Wario and maybe Lucario
Still, everything become more viable, because none of those counters will be as comon as MK is.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
he goes 50-50 with D3, ROB, Lucario, Falco, and marth, so if its not too much trouble can you show me some threads that show that what I said about the other characters is wrong?
Actually, myself and many other people see it as :

D3 - 45:55
ROB - 50:50
Lucario - 40:60ish
Falco - 40:60 (though I personally see it as even xD)
Marth - 35:65.

And the thing is, MK is the worst match-up of all the top tiers, 35:65 tied with Marth though more probably 30:70.
If MK was gone..he'd be a lot more viable I feel.
Sonic's main problems are randomly dotted around, some being very prominent tourney characters (G&W, Wario, sort of MK) down to people who hardly show up at all like Luigi.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
@ Yuna:

True, Metaknight is beatable but it definately takes much more effort from the opposing party in a majority of his match ups (poor Mario...) and counterpicking stages against him is hard since most people insist on the neutral stages and only one counterpick actually slows him down (if only Metaknight had a strong counterpick as laughably bad as Ganondorf on Hanebow. :laugh:) and most people hate it. I think that's what bugs me the most about him. Overswarm's comment about how he doesn't play Smash anymore, he just goes to tournaments and collects money has me concerned. Obviously, he's joking around by referring to how Metaknight is basically Smash on training wheels and what if more professionals pick up this mentality? I don't care if Metaknight wins tournaments but I don't want him to end up being the death of variety in this game.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Pikachu literally destroys Fox with a 80 : 20 match-up (Just putting it out there as one of the worst match-ups)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2008
ok, third time.

why is it that mk is "field clearing" for the other highly ranked characters, but that's not a possibility for marth?


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
This thread grows too $%!@& fast. Seriously, it gains a page in the time it takes me to read a page. It just did, I saw it happen. Twice.

EDIT: I think we need some serious moderation in here. As in moderators. To infract spam. Do we have those? I hear they Bowser-Fsmash threads once in a blue moon.

And Yuna, I mean this nicely, you should consider letting some posts go. You're effectively doubling the post count, since you respond to everything, but in separate posts.
If you'll get 'attacked' for 'ignoring arguments', then, I say this simply: Those people are *******s. Without qualification. So don't worry about it.
Everyone: give Yuna a chance to slow the feck down.
The problem is that people don't actually bother reading back even one page. If they see someone uttering something that to me and other people with insight sounds ludicrous but to the uninitiated sounds like teh truth, they're going take it for teh truth, especially if it supports their "side" of the banhammer.

Thus, not responding to it will allow such people to take for "teh truth" and spreading "teh truth", thus continuing the vicious cycle of BS.

I've considered saving links to every single post I make and then just quoting myself every time someone repeats something I've already responded to and that hasn't been refuted.

That or maybe take it PMs, but that'd create more work for me.

If MK was gone..he'd be a lot more viable I feel.
No, he'd be slightly more viable. The only reason why he would, in practice, be "a lot more" viable would be because the hordes of MKs would no longer be around. Before, he had hordes of 70:30s/80:20s. Not anymore.

However, those hordes will migrate to other characters who probably hold the advantage on Sonic, like, say, Marths. On paper, Sonic will still be severely disadvantaged.

ok, third time.

why is it that mk is "field clearing" for the other highly ranked characters, but that's not a possibility for marth?
Because Marth suffers no disadvantageous matchups that Meta Knight destroys that Marth doesn't already beat? And we answered this already. Many pages back. You not seeing it does not mean we didn't.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
@ Yuna:

True, Metaknight is beatable but it definately takes much more effort from the opposing party in a majority of his match ups (poor Mario...) and counterpicking stages against him is hard since most people insist on the neutral stages and only one counterpick actually slows him down (if only Metaknight had a strong counterpick as laughably bad as Ganondorf on Hanebow. :laugh:) and most people hate it. I think that's what bugs me the most about him. Overswarm's comment about how he doesn't play Smash anymore, he just goes to tournaments and collects money has me concerned. Obviously, he's joking around by referring to how Metaknight is basically Smash on training wheels and what if more professionals pick up this mentality? I don't care if Metaknight wins tournaments but I don't want him to end up being the death of variety in this game.
You just argued that Meta Knight is a really good character and technically easy to play as and has an easy time winning. None of this amounts to "too good" and "needs to be banned".


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
But not by an equal amount and that's my point: Top tiers will benefit more
Not at all, top tiers are top tiers because they have reasonable match-ups against MK and are not signifigantly countered by anything that MK doesn't destroy.

Granted, they tend to have good overall attributes, but without a character to destroy their disadvantages... things get ugly for them.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
You just argued that Meta Knight is a really good character and technically easy to play as and has an easy time winning. None of this amounts to "too good" and "needs to be banned".
Oh God, not again... I always end up having to repeat this over and over again in threads like this. *turns on cruise control for cool* I DON'T WANT METAKNIGHT BANNED but I'd like something to be found that knocks him down a peg. *right clicks and copies sentence*


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Welcome back Yuna.

Since it's been a while since we heard from you, could you just make a list of points for why you feel it's not right to ban Meta Knight yet? That would be great since it's a little unclear where you're getting all your reasoning from and it's been slowly wandering around in the thread. I'm honestly not sure what all you're arguing based on, but since you disagree with pretty much every pro-ban point for reasons he qualifies for a ban now (Given time to be sure they don't get fixed somehow) you surely have a number of reasons why he's not ready.

MK is not nearly as extreme of course, but that's the thing. Akuma is extreme. Everyone agreed Akuma was ban worthy from the get go. There was no years of testing for him, he was just that broken. But because of this, we've never actually established a borderline for banning a character. There has never been a clearly defined threshold, so everyone just looks at the most extreme example out there and assumes that's the minimum requirements for a ban?
This is extremely worth thinking about. Consider that all the other tournament games with bans have extreme characters banned. The games themselves also are designed with more technical aspects in mind, giving more options for fighting strong matchup advantaged characters -- a borderline character in those games will look different than a borderline character in Brawl. So direct comparisons of just matchups isn't enough to say that MK is like Soandso who has no bad matchups and thus shouldn't be banned, because the games have entirely different ways how advantaged matchups impact things as well as entirely different communities that react differently to them.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
No, he'd be slightly more viable. The only reason why he would, in practice, be "a lot more" viable would be because the hordes of MKs would no longer be around. Before, he had hordes of 70:30s/80:20s. Not anymore.

However, those hordes will migrate to other characters who probably hold the advantage on Sonic, like, say, Marths. On paper, Sonic will still be severely disadvantaged.
But none of the other characters counter Sonic as hard as Metaknight, and his match-ups with the other top tiers people will bandwagon to are generally bearable with the exception of G&W, who will probably prove to be one of the least popular characters people will turn to when/if MK gets banned, because they're rather different.
And I've heard that most Sonic's get taken out by MK's at tourneys, whilst they can handle Snakes and ROB's and such.
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