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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Just like political parties give the impression that their leadership should be the aim for a country. Just like religions give the impression that their faith should be the aim for a correct religious living. Just like the Olympics give the impression that their rules should be the aim for their contests.

Look, of course we want as many people to use our rules. Or should we release them and say "omg, don't use these rules EVER!! You'll get corrupted!"
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Just like political parties give the impression that their leadership should be the aim for a country. Just like religions give the impression that their faith should be the aim for a correct religious living. Just like the Olympics give the impression that their rules should be the aim for their contests.

Look, of course we want as many people to use our rules. Or should we release them and say "omg, don't use these rules EVER!! You'll get corrupted!"
In politics, we have a choice (or most developed countries do). There aren't two or more parties. parties in Brawl, and no one votes. There's one centralized location for discussion and advancement, SWF, and the SBR controls most of SWF. Like I said, it's a combination of a monarchy and a Club for Cool Kids.

Religions suck for the exact same reasons the SBR sucks sometimes.

The Olympic comparison is closer, but their decisions are handled in an open forum.

I'll say it again: If you want the SBR to have credibility, then you need to give a reason that it should instead of just telling us you do and that we should listen. Otherwise this list is just a list.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Okay, why you should trust the SBR more than any random list:
It consists of the best Brawl players and biggest Brawl tournament hosts on SWF (since we can't have someone in a forum who isn't registered here, if you know what I mean).

Of course, those people are just random scrubs who have no idea about the game and about tournaments. It's not like they host and/or win tournaments, it's not like they would know anything. The SBR is just a few people who think they're good but in fact are terrible players who are discussing that tires dun exits.

Right? Right.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Okay, why you should trust the SBR more than any random list:
It consists of the best Brawl players and biggest Brawl tournament hosts on SWF (since we can't have someone in a forum who isn't registered here, if you know what I mean).

Of course, those people are just random scrubs who have no idea about the game and about tournaments. It's not like they host and/or win tournaments, it's not like they would know anything. The SBR is just a few people who think they're good but in fact are terrible players who are discussing that tires dun exits.

Right? Right.
Then you should have no problem opening it up for viewing.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Oh man. There was a really good Lucas vs Ness debate on, and I didn't get to contribute because the timezones menat I was asleep the whole time. :( Is it too late for me to give a comparison of the two characters now?

Oh, and also, why are we arguing about the SWF's legitimacy here? Aren't we going a tad off-topic?


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Oh god face it, it makes sense for the best and brightest to get together to discuss how a competitive game is going. Face it there is a top level organisation for most competitive sports or games. It makes sense to have a SBR and most competitive players are happy with how they handle their jobs.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Oh god face it, it makes sense for the best and brightest to get together to discuss how a competitive game is going. Face it there is a top level organisation for most competitive sports or games. It makes sense to have a SBR and most competitive players are happy with how they handle their jobs.
It makes an equal amount of (if not more!) sense for the players this affects to be able to see the decision-making process.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
*lights a cigarette*

You'd figure that Nintendo would make their top billing character more than mediocre in this game, eh? It also annoys me that Link and Samus are so herendously bad too but that's a story for another day...
It is pretty weird that the "flagship" characters are so.............not really good. I mean everyone in S-tier is a sidekick type character. hmmmm


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2009
Shaq Fu, the Video Game
It is pretty weird that the "flagship" characters are so.............not really good. I mean everyone in S-tier is a sidekick type character. hmmmm
Well, this game was never meant to be competitive, so I doubt Nintendo did the necessary in terms of balance for all the characters. I think they were thinking, "Let's give everyone something unique." They did little thought with, "What effect will this have?"


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
*lights a cigarette*

You'd figure that Nintendo would make their top billing character more than mediocre in this game, eh? It also annoys me that Link and Samus are so herendously bad too but that's a story for another day...
Yes they are both terrible :( should be better, Samus should be faster and more agile, where as link should be able to recover at least half decently.

Oh btw Mountain_tiger the tier lists are created by the SBR thus them arguing and taking up space on the page is actually allowed,

but i suggest they stop this as it's ********, spadefox knows better and SFP prolly does too. why not take it to personal messages so you two can include the "F***ing dumba**" taht you both would love to.

EDIT: Wario ware and warios like gold hunt thingy, both stupid *** games loll. where as metroid is directed at a teenaudience, and so is smash, if they were going to make anyone awesome, why did they have to make him good? his games aren't exactly for Teen audiences, the gold game yeah sure, but wario ware?? what self respecting teen pushes A button for 3 hours??


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
If you look through the thread SFP, you'd realize that Spadefox has explained why the SBR is closed to randoms, many times. I accept his reasons, they logically make sense, especially after you look at the hysteria that was the ban MK threads.
Also I'm still not convinced that Falco is 4th.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
If you look through the thread SFP, you'd realize that Spadefox has explained why the SBR is closed to randoms, many times. I accept his reasons, they logically make sense, especially after you look at the hysteria that was the ban MK threads.
Also I'm still not convinced that Falco is 4th.
His reasoning is far from logical and you accept it just because he tells you to.

I'm done talking about it though.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Not disagreeing, just saying they should have taken this to PM's, but the fact is, they won't get in trouble for posting about that here.
I feel a bit bad for spadefox having to defend the SBR here though, Anyways
I think samus is right where she belonggs, but if they will be another tier list soon, she will probably move up a bit, maybe even a whole tier if we're lucky

EDIT: thank you SFP :) you could still talk to him about it through PM's though lol.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Also I'm still not convinced that Falco is 4th.
I'm not sure whether or not I agree with this or not. On the one hand, I'm inclined to say yes, because of his poor, predictable recovery and lack of survivability. He also has a number of high tier counters. He doesn't do well against Ice Climbers or Kirby, both of which are quite common IIRC (well, I know that Kirby is). There are probably a couple of other bad matchups for Falco at high tier too.

However, he also has an incredible projectile, a chaingrab to Dair meteor smash, three reliable killing smashes, and decent combo ability. Plus he also counters a couple of prominent tourney characters (King Dedede, ZSS, and he does decent against Snake too).

Overall, I'm really not sure where Falco should be. Somewhere between 4th and 7th seems about right, though.

Edit: Oh, and he doesn't do too great against Mr. Game and Watch either. Just remembered that....


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
*lights a cigarette*

You'd figure that Nintendo would make their top billing character more than mediocre in this game, eh? It also annoys me that Link and Samus are so herendously bad too but that's a story for another day...
Yeah, it's a real shame Mr. Nintendo isn't quite good enough for anyone.

And it's not exactly their fault, though they would be so much better off developing the game with the fans' suggestions. And even they don't know just how good they make their characters.

:laugh: @ tier list drama.


Apr 10, 2008
Spadefox, when do you ever play smash? Every time I get on SWF you're arguing with people in this thread, haha.

@everyone- If you don't trust the SBR, no one is making you agree with their tier list or use their rules. Everything they release is really just what a lot of good players, big tourney hosts, and intelligent posters think. That's it.

With that said, I feel that the secrecy behind the SBR is a bit frustrating to deal with at times- not knowing the importance the SBR places on certain issues. But I find it totally understandable. There's a lot of reasons to exclude its contents from the public. :/


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Where did we ever do that? See, that's why I wouldn't like the SBR to be open, stuff like this. If someone makes an error about a character they don't know as much about, people like you come, and will bring it up over and over again.
Yet it is ok to correct and get on people over and over in this thread when they make a mistake and insult them by calling them idiots? You sure as hell are no better to dare talk like that. People make errors about Peach all the time, and I correct them. yet they don't complain about it. Even to all these top Peach players I correct them over and over if they did something wrong. They take it. So don't even pull that crap off as some excuse.

Uhm... what? So you think the tier list is totally ****ed up, holds absolutely no water and isn't even the slightest correct? Then why are there many people who are satisfied with our results? Just because you simply hate on the SBR for whatever reason. I mean, it's not uncommon that people simply poop out lies and idiotic assumptions about the SBR, I just wonder why.

First off if him thinking the tier list is messed up does not matter cause it is his opinion. Then you thinking is is right and all that you say about it is just as crap cause most of it was voted. Remember, one of you boys in there said" Who cares about the mid tier characters and below" it is all about the characters that matter" So really don't pull that one off please.

And the reason many people Like the tier list is cause most play high tiers or thier characters moved up and high than characters that they were not over before. And think it really means something big. You can put ganon over meta and people would be happy about it really knowing Ganon does not belong over meta. So Please don't try to BS your way out with that question. As you go on about a bunch of randoms, them being happy about the list from the SBR should not mean a thing nether to you.

You're an idiot.
So you don't agree with him and you insult him. it's funny for a random like me to go on about my character when I was calm and cool and we have people insult me and I showed respect. You said nothing to these people. Then when I decided to treat people how they treated me and got at the people acting stupid, you get on me for it. But look at what you just did here. Now I can officially say this cause someone who is in the SBR did it:

The only idiot I see here right now is you.

So what? There was a Melee player in Washington who totally dominated its tournament scene with Luigi. A character on the brink of Mid/Low Tier. Just because one amazing player of a Low Tier exists, it doesn't mean that the SBR are all idiots who are isolated from the world and only talk about how tasty the biscuits are.
All does not mean you all know it all nether. I dare question how the hell you got in the SBR. cause right now, YOU are the one acting like a damm random and I dare call you out on it.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Yet it is ok to correct and get on people over and over in this thread when they make a mistake and insult them by calling them idiots? You sure as hell are no better to dare talk like that. People make errors about Peach all the time, and I correct them. yet they don't complain about it. Even to all these top Peach players I correct them over and over if they did something wrong. They take it. So don't even pull that crap off as some excuse.
There is though a difference between "Hey, man, you made a mistake about move X's prioritry, it actually goes through Mach Tornado" or something among the lines, or bringing up slipups after months and rubbing them into your face, stating things like "omg, how are you (still) in the SBR, you noob, you didn't even know the priority of move X". Which is what definitely would and will happen.

First off if him thinking the tier list is messed up does not matter cause it is his opinion. Then you thinking is is right and all that you say about it is just as crap cause most of it was voted. Remember, one of you boys in there said" Who cares about the mid tier characters and below" it is all about the characters that matter" So really don't pull that one off please.
And that of course means that everyone in the SBR shares the same opinion. Of course. And yes, it was voted, but if everyone would've voted Meta Knight as last and Ganondorf as first on the list, it would've ended up just like that: Meta Knight as last and Ganondorf as first.

And the reason many people Like the tier list is cause most play high tiers or thier characters moved up and high than characters that they were not over before. And think it really means something big. You can put ganon over meta and people would be happy about it really knowing Ganon does not belong over meta. So Please don't try to BS your way out with that question. As you go on about a bunch of randoms, them being happy about the list from the SBR should not mean a thing nether to you.
What the hell. I've seen many people here with characters that dropped saying that they feel their character is now on the right place. I disagree with that point of "Ganon over Meta Knight", as well, because many people would rant about that. I repeat, the SBR is not all isolated on the top of a mountain, we actually do read and participate in discussions. If we wouldn't, I wouldn't even respond to you.

So you don't agree with him and you insult him. it's funny for a random like me to go on about my character when I was calm and cool and we have people insult me and I should respect. You said nothing to these people. Then when I decided to treat people how they treated me and got at the people acting stupid, you get on me for it. But look at what you just did here. Now I can officially say this cause someone who is in the SBR did it:

The only idiot I see here right now is you.
Because I, honestly, didn't read your arguments with them. I don't know enough about those exact three characters you were talking about for lots of pages to actually participate in a discussion, so I didn't read all the postings regarding this.
I said that "You're an idiot" in response to his "The SBR prefers holding dinner parties and just pooping out some bull**** instead of making actual discussions", which was pretty idiotic because it just isn't the truth.

All does not mean you all know it all nether. I dare question how the hell you got in the SBR. cause right now, YOU are the one acting like a damm random and I dare call you out on it.
Uh, what? Sorry, I don't get that part, I'm not natively English speaking.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
There is though a difference between "Hey, man, you made a mistake about move X's prioritry, it actually goes through Mach Tornado" or something among the lines, or bringing up slipups after months and rubbing them into your face, stating things like "omg, how are you (still) in the SBR, you noob, you didn't even know the priority of move X". Which is what definitely would and will happen.
But you are suppose to be high authority around here right? You are indeed in the SBR. Again you got on me when I got on people being stupid when I was calm and cool. But I could not say a thing to them, But yet you can and take offense to it? the hell is that?

someone says something about my character, i correct them with respect, I get insulted, and I can't say **** according from the SBR and others wanting to be one with the crowd. But look at what you just did. No excuse. Cause of this I can have a field day with insults and you can't tell me other wise if I wanted too.

And that of course means that everyone in the SBR shares the same opinion. Of course. And yes, it was voted, but if everyone would've voted Meta Knight as last and Ganondorf as first on the list, it would've ended up just like that: Meta Knight as last and Ganondorf as first.
And then there be a big war on Ganon and meta. Then we can't say anything at all and those you just do what I called you out for and been going on in this thread. You be shutting people down and the others can't say nothing cause they are not in the SBR and can't dare correct you guys cause you all are in there for a reason. Randoms can't have 2 ****s to say on their character at all. After all, they are RANDOMS, so why give a ratz azz right?

What the hell. I've seen many people here with characters that dropped saying that they feel their character is now on the right place. I disagree with that point of "Ganon over Meta Knight", as well, because many people would rant about that. I repeat, the SBR is not all isolated on the top of a mountain, we actually do read and participate in discussions. If we wouldn't, I wouldn't even respond to you.
Oh really, look down v

Because I, honestly, didn't read your arguments with them. I don't know enough about those exact three characters you were talking about for lots of pages to actually participate in a discussion, so I didn't read all the postings regarding this.
I said that "You're an idiot" in response to his "The SBR prefers holding dinner parties and just pooping out some bull**** instead of making actual discussions", which was pretty idiotic because it just isn't the truth.
Thats' right, you did not read what was going on with me. So when you saw me getting at people acting stupid you got on me for it. Not knowing why. You did not see them acting stupid when I was calm,chill and showing respect. All you seem to care about is being funny and showing off on here with your stupid jokes. They act stupid and troll and they get away with it, I defend myself when I give the same respect back when they start their **** again and you wanna get on me for it and say nothing to the other fools. You messed up.

And with that said, what SMP said, was his opinion on what goes on in the back room. wether you think it is dumb or not, that was this damm opinion. Kill him for it. And cause of it you call him an idiot. For all you know he could have been joking with that and just said that to discribe. the matter if another way. Yet you and the others in the SBR and other users on this site wanna get on me. You have no means to talk about this type of stuff anymore and get on me or anyone else for it. cause you are just the same when you got butt hurt by his comment.

Uh, what? Sorry, I don't get that part, I'm not natively English speaking.
I am saying "that also does not mean the SBR knows everything nether" And Also question just how the hell you got in the SBR. With how you just but yourself on blast against a member Cause you though what he said was silly about the SBR.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Ok guys leave this discussion out of the thread, this is not a debate on the finer points of the ethical issues of having a "ruling" or "governing" body.
No-one has shown me why Falco is 4th yet.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Ok guys leave this discussion out of the thread, this is not a debate on the finer points of the ethical issues of having a "ruling" or "governing" body.
No-one has shown me why Falco is 4th yet.
Shush, I'll give you my input once I see what happens next in the discussion...! This is quite entertaining, and I wanna see how SpadeFox reacts.

*grabs more popcorn*


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Ok guys leave this discussion out of the thread, this is not a debate on the finer points of the ethical issues of having a "ruling" or "governing" body.
No-one has shown me why Falco is 4th yet.
As I stated above, the main reason he's that high is due to his chaingrabs, his Dair meteor smash, his lasers which hamper approaches, solid killing power and his matchups against certain high tiers (he's almost even with MK, I think even with Snake and at an advantage against DDD). He definitely has his share of flaws, but overall he's a very versatile and effective fighter. He may not be 4th, but as stated above, IMO he's at least 7th.

Dark 3nergy

Smash Hero
Aug 15, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Switch FC
Shush, I'll give you my input once I see what happens next in the discussion...! This is quite entertaining, and I wanna see how SpadeFox reacts.

*grabs more popcorn*

can i have more butter with my popcorn? i ran out son


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007

That burgers so big, he needs a helmet on so that he....



Wait, why the Hell is he wearing a helmet O_O


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2007
Montreal, Canada
lol @ people thinking Falco is any lower than 4th, max 5th, when he has the best projectile and a top 3 close game.

Falco's jab >>> Half the cast's moveset.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
lol @ people thinking Falco is any lower than 4th, max 5th, when he has the best projectile and a top 3 close game.

Luigi's jab >>> Half the cast's moveset.

Fix'd ^_^

Falco's Jab is awesome, his Jab Cancelling options are great (Luigi's jab cancelling options are mind blowing), but i wonder why you mentioned the jab. His dash attack deserves more credit imo. But i agree, Falco between 3 and 5 sounds right to me.

@Steak: DO WANT


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Dark Pch and SFP are making some amazing points. SBR really shouldn't have anything to hide. They'd just suffer the same criticism as someone like Dark Pch trying to argue their character from the outside in except if SBR were the arguing party...

They're like a 40-headed being with general knowledge about everything....and they've got tourney placings. They probably are rarely wrong anyways, and if they are, what's wrong with a little criticism?
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