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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
lets not forget his bair lol...
His bair is a solid move, but in comparison to his dash attack and jab, options are limited.
dash attack leads into a fair amount of falco's ATs (boost smash, boost grabs, gatling combo)
and jab cancelling can lock your opponent in for a good amount of damage if done correctly, as well as lead to a grab or tilt.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
Thanks for the response, Straked. I wasn't sure what the deal with Boss and Mario was. It's too bad he's not repping Mario as hard anymore, but it's probably easier to force your way through brackets when you've got a kill move waiting when you get your opponent to 50% (Shoryuuken!). Mario's still awesome, though.

As for everyone jumping on Spadefox about the SBR, you're kind of validating his point here. As it stands, the SBR can answer thoughtful and insightful questions about their decision-making process and why certain things happen, because there aren't 10 billion bad questions and stupid criticisms in the mix (there are only like, 2 billion). If their entire process was open to everyone, it would be like one giant MK ban thread going on all the time. Whenever ANYONE made a mistake, there would be dozens of threads about it. Hell, look at what happened when they were all woefully ignorant about Sonic. They had to close the thread to stop the madness!

I don't like 'secret cool kids clubs' more than anyone else, but they aren't making you do anything. There's no real injustice here. They made a social group, they put out tier lists, and rule sets, etc. because they feel like people can benefit from their knowledge. You're free to do the same thing, just don't expect anyone to give a crap about what you have to say.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Thanks for the response, Straked. I wasn't sure what the deal with Boss and Mario was. It's too bad he's not repping Mario as hard anymore, but it's probably easier to force your way through brackets when you've got a kill move waiting when you get your opponent to 50% (Shoryuuken!). Mario's still awesome, though.

As for everyone jumping on Spadefox about the SBR, you're kind of validating his point here. As it stands, the SBR can answer thoughtful and insightful questions about their decision-making process and why certain things happen, because there aren't 10 billion bad questions and stupid criticisms in the mix (there are only like, 2 billion). If their entire process was open to everyone, it would be like one giant MK ban thread going on all the time. Whenever ANYONE made a mistake, there would be dozens of threads about it. Hell, look at what happened when they were all woefully ignorant about Sonic. They had to close the thread to stop the madness!

I don't like 'secret cool kids clubs' more than anyone else, but they aren't making you do anything. There's no real injustice here. They made a social group, they put out tier lists, and rule sets, etc. because they feel like people can benefit from their knowledge. You're free to do the same thing, just don't expect anyone to give a crap about what you have to say.
The thing with that dude is he is doing the same thing whe went on about. Soon as he called SFP an idiot, he just killed everyone he was gong about about towards me and same for the rest. Then have 100 people gang up on me. Sorry but no, foxboy is not getting a break or any pity from me. Being in the SBR does not mean you can be an azz. being in the SBR does not mean you don't have to read a full agurement or debate and then get on someone for defending his damm self for it. Then wanna bring out this other crap SFP called him out for.

I don't care what reasons one is in the SBR, does not mean he can act and say how he pleases and we have to stay quite and take the BS. Fox boy screwed up, really when getting on me when he just wanted to be funny and show off instead of figuring out just what the hell was going on. He screwed up and he is getting no breaks and I called him out on it.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
As for everyone jumping on Spadefox about the SBR, you're kind of validating his point here. As it stands, the SBR can answer thoughtful and insightful questions about their decision-making process and why certain things happen, because there aren't 10 billion bad questions and stupid criticisms in the mix (there are only like, 2 billion). If their entire process was open to everyone, it would be like one giant MK ban thread going on all the time. Whenever ANYONE made a mistake, there would be dozens of threads about it. Hell, look at what happened when they were all woefully ignorant about Sonic. They had to close the thread to stop the madness!

I don't like 'secret cool kids clubs' more than anyone else, but they aren't making you do anything. There's no real injustice here. They made a social group, they put out tier lists, and rule sets, etc. because they feel like people can benefit from their knowledge. You're free to do the same thing, just don't expect anyone to give a crap about what you have to say.
I seriously doubt SBR would really have to deal with many criticisms, mainly because they really ARE best qualified to handle most of the issues like tier placements. It IS composed of nearly ALL of the best players, period. Amongst them are the ones who place and do well in tourneys, so they know a thing or two more about the game in general.

If they're wrong on one or two things, what harm is correcting/criticising them doing? Are we supposed to leave it wrong and accept that? Especially since, whether or not they wanted it to be this way, they ARE the authority on all things smashbrothers.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
lol @ this thread turning into an attack on the SBR

There are at least two to three people representing each character at a very high level in there, so we're not ignorant about characters. If we don't know something about Peach, Edrees and Kosmos can educate us, and we'll most likely listen or just ask more questions or even debate about it to come to a better conclusion. This can and does happen with just about every character.

The SBR isn't perfect, and the tier list does have several errors due to certain players failing at being educated, but oh well. The criticism is welcome and it's fun to debate, but let's not assume the SBR isn't way better at coming to proper conclusions than the general population, since it's obvious that we are.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
lol @ this thread turning into an attack on the SBR

There are at least two to three people representing each character at a very high level in there, so we're not ignorant about characters. If we don't know something about Peach, Edrees and Kosmos can educate us, and we'll most likely listen or just ask more questions or even debate about it to come to a better conclusion. This can and does happen with just about every character.

The SBR isn't perfect, and the tier list does have several errors due to certain players failing at being educated, but oh well. The criticism is welcome and it's fun to debate, but let's not assume the SBR isn't way better at coming to proper conclusions than the general population, since it's obvious that we are.
Wow, first post from you does does not make me not want to talk and expect the typical annoyance from you

The point is Fox boy just can't be pulling that crap he just did and I called him out for.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
k, I'm back from my errands, so I have time to answer.

But you are suppose to be high authority around here right? You are indeed in the SBR. Again you got on me when I got on people being stupid when I was calm and cool. But I could not say a thing to them, But yet you can and take offense to it? the hell is that?

someone says something about my character, i correct them with respect, I get insulted, and I can't say **** according from the SBR and others wanting to be one with the crowd. But look at what you just did. No excuse. Cause of this I can have a field day with insults and you can't tell me other wise if I wanted too.
No, I'm not supposed to be high authority. That's the moderators and admins. If you feel insulted, then go ahead and report them to the staff. I'm not here to overview that the discussion goes on properly, and I'm not trying to be a forum police.

Yes, if I am posting something that is wrong about your character, then feel free to correct me. I have nothing against this. However, you basically admitted to know next to nothing about Donkey Kong and Pit, yet claim that Peach is better. How would you know? You don't know about these characters in detail. I'm not doubting your knowledge about your character, because you do know Peach. I never claimed I, or anyone in the SBR, knows Peach as well as you do. I've only stated that you assuming that you are the only one who knows about Peach, respectively you claiming that anybody else knew absolutely nothing about here, was not correct is not a good way. If you were so fed up with them, why didn't you just quit trying to educate them? I did that too, back then when I was posting about Bowser. If they don't want to see your point, just leave them be and prove them otherwise.

And then there be a big war on Ganon and meta. Then we can't say anything at all and those you just do what I called you out for and been going on in this thread. You be shutting people down and the others can't say nothing cause they are not in the SBR and can't dare correct you guys cause you all are in there for a reason. Randoms can't have 2 ****s to say on their character at all. After all, they are RANDOMS, so why give a ratz azz right?
What? No. Seriously. I PERSONALLY promise that I personally am taking points of these "randoms" how you call yourself and others, into account, if they are legitimate.
I am not the SBR, and the SBR is not only made up of me, and I cannot control their postings, actions, thoughts, and whatever else. It's not my decision. If I post, I usually post for what my personal thoughts about something are, not the SBR's, because the SBR is not one single opinion and thought.

Thats' right, you did not read what was going on with me. So when you saw me getting at people acting stupid you got on me for it. Not knowing why. You did not see them acting stupid when I was calm,chill and showing respect. All you seem to care about is being funny and showing off on here with your stupid jokes. They act stupid and troll and they get away with it, I defend myself when I give the same respect back when they start their **** again and you wanna get on me for it and say nothing to the other fools. You messed up.
I repeat: I am not a moderator. It's not my job to infract or ban people. My job is to discuss with other SBRoomers about Smash. That's what I do. Not overviewing if discussions are held properly, and not warning people. If you have problems with someone's style of discussion, report them, that's what the report button is for. If you don't tell the staff, then don't ***** about it, because I can't help you.

And with that said, what SMP said, was his opinion on what goes on in the back room. wether you think it is dumb or not, that was this damm opinion. Kill him for it. And cause of it you call him an idiot. For all you know he could have been joking with that and just said that to discribe. the matter if another way. Yet you and the others in the SBR and other users on this site wanna get on me. You have no means to talk about this type of stuff anymore and get on me or anyone else for it. cause you are just the same when you got butt hurt by his comment.
He posted this all over the place, at least 5 times, that the SBR is just "a bunch of tophats sipping brandy and wearing monocles". I just objected to it, stating that this is not correct. He kept on insisting and drawing this line to a tea party, so I said he was an idiot for not accepting that it isn't after telling him several times. I think you did that, yourself.

I am saying "that also does not mean the SBR knows everything nether" And Also question just how the hell you got in the SBR. With how you just but yourself on blast against a member Cause you though what he said was silly about the SBR.

Yes, I never claimed that the SBR knows everything. We're humans, no debating robots. I got into the SBR because one of the leaders thought I would make a good addition, thus inviting me. I repeat: I am not a staff member, thus I am not obliged to enforce the rules.

what's wrong with a little criticism?
It wouldn't be a "little" criticism, it would be tons of it.

The thing with that dude is he is doing the same thing whe went on about. Soon as he called SFP an idiot, he just killed everyone he was gong about about towards me and same for the rest. Then have 100 people gang up on me. Sorry but no, foxboy is not getting a break or any pity from me. Being in the SBR does not mean you can be an azz. being in the SBR does not mean you don't have to read a full agurement or debate and then get on someone for defending his damm self for it. Then wanna bring out this other crap SFP called him out for.

I don't care what reasons one is in the SBR, does not mean he can act and say how he pleases and we have to stay quite and take the BS. Fox boy screwed up, really when getting on me when he just wanted to be funny and show off instead of figuring out just what the hell was going on. He screwed up and he is getting no breaks and I called him out on it.

I think you have to learn to differentiate that. Because all you posted here and said that an SBRoomer was supposed to do is actually the staff's job. SBR =/= SWF Staff

Especially since, whether or not they wanted it to be this way, they ARE the authority on all things smashbrothers.
Yes, but that doesn't mean that we're perfect, either. This means that we are bound to make errors, if we want it or not. Remembering something wrong, or having a wrong information from somewhere.
It most likely would happen that if I posted "Move X is beaten by Mach Tornado", and move X actually beats Mach Tornado, that I get called a noob and spammed up as to why I would become an SBR member if I didn't even know this. However, the fellow SBRoomers would tell me otherwise, anyway, so there's no need to be publically called out other than being trolled by people.

This is my whole point. I don't know exactly why the SBR is hidden, myself, I just can talk to my personal preference why it is. And I actually prefer it secret before people like Supermodel from Paris or Dark.Pch attack me directly for not knowing everything 100% perfectly.

As a last line, I have enough from this argument, and therefore probably will not participate in it anymore. Tired of it. <.<


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
I seriously doubt SBR would really have to deal with many criticisms, mainly because they really ARE best qualified to handle most of the issues like tier placements. It IS composed of nearly ALL of the best players, period. Amongst them are the ones who place and do well in tourneys, so they know a thing or two more about the game in general.

If they're wrong on one or two things, what harm is correcting/criticising them doing? Are we supposed to leave it wrong and accept that? Especially since, whether or not they wanted it to be this way, they ARE the authority on all things smashbrothers.
There's no harm in correcting/criticizing them, it's a good thing. They generally (like Inui said) have someone to represent a character who does correct and inform the rest, though.

I'm not going to sit here and defend the SBR, they're more than capable and don't really have to explain themselves. I just personally think that if I were in the SBR and happened to play this game at the top level, I wouldn't want every single scrub and their brother telling me "No, Sonic is da best, his spins R awezomez!!" if there was a discussion about Sonic. Yes, they could keep their discussions read-only, but there would be threads that spawn off of the discussions, and people would whine that there was no purple/red/whatever color input. It just opens the floodgates for a mass amount of idiocy which isn't really helpful, despite the positives that could come from it.

Who represents Mario? Just curious
Good question. Maybe that's why he's consistently so low (that and his abysmal tournament placings)?

The thing with that dude is he is doing the same thing whe went on about. Soon as he called SFP an idiot, he just killed everyone he was gong about about towards me and same for the rest. Then have 100 people gang up on me. Sorry but no, foxboy is not getting a break or any pity from me. Being in the SBR does not mean you can be an azz. being in the SBR does not mean you don't have to read a full agurement or debate and then get on someone for defending his damm self for it. Then wanna bring out this other crap SFP called him out for.

I don't care what reasons one is in the SBR, does not mean he can act and say how he pleases and we have to stay quite and take the BS. Fox boy screwed up, really when getting on me when he just wanted to be funny and show off instead of figuring out just what the hell was going on. He screwed up and he is getting no breaks and I called him out on it.
Yeah, I'll agree that calling SFP an idiot was out of line. SFP is certainly not an idiot. It's easy to lose your temper when everyone attacks you at once though (as I'm sure you're quite aware, you've taken a fair share of that in this thread).

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
This is my whole point. I don't know exactly why the SBR is hidden, myself, I just can talk to my personal preference why it is. And I actually prefer it secret before people like Supermodel from Paris or Dark.Pch attack me directly for not knowing everything 100% perfectly.

As a last line, I have enough from this argument, and therefore probably will not participate in it anymore. Tired of it. <.<
I think the reason it's hidden is so we won't have an army of noobies making threads about things they say.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
As a last line, I have enough from this argument, and therefore probably will not participate in it anymore. Tired of it. <.<
*gags on popcorn and winning steaks* What?

Aww, and it was getting good too, I wanted to see what Dark.Pch would have to say about the whole SBR =/= SWF Mods... :(


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Why'd Peach stay at 19? Any particular reasons?
Probably the same reason Kirby stayed in 13, Olimar in 10, and whoever else on the same spot: Either they went up, but lower characters who got a bigger boost made them fall to where they previously were, or they simply had nothing to point out that might make Peach move higher up.

... Then again, not like it's a general agreement on where characters should be placed. They DO keep repeating over and over that it's a voting process, so maybe her tallied votes, in comparison with others, gave her the spot of 19th best character?


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I'm not going to sit here and defend the SBR, they're more than capable and don't really have to explain themselves. I just personally think that if I were in the SBR and happened to play this game at the top level, I wouldn't want every single scrub and their brother telling me "No, Sonic is da best, his spins R awezomez!!" if there was a discussion about Sonic. Yes, they could keep their discussions read-only, but there would be threads that spawn off of the discussions, and people would whine that there was no purple/red/whatever color input. It just opens the floodgates for a mass amount of idiocy which isn't really helpful, despite the positives that could come from it.
They shouldn't open it up to the public; that'd wreck everything. Read-only, however, would be cool for people like Dark Pch who thinks his character should be higher and would like to see their reasoning for having Pit and DK higher than Peach.

Or maybe people like Malcolm who think their character was moved up for the WRONG reasons could see exactly why he's moved up instead of accepting assumption instead.

There would be scrubs who abuse the system and do stupid ****, but to shut them up at the expense of keeping people like Malcolm and Dark Pch in the dark about things they should know? I dunno...it just comes off a little wrong to me. What SFP was saying about it makes sense to me.

Good question. Maybe that's why he's consistently so low (that and his abysmal tournament placings)?
Because he doesn't have a member in the SBR? Doubtful. I don't see what you're getting at.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
Probably the same reason Kirby stayed in 13, Olimar in 10, and whoever else on the same spot: Either they went up, but lower characters who got a bigger boost made them fall to where they previously were, or they simply had nothing to point out that might make Peach move higher up.

... Then again, not like it's a general agreement on where characters should be placed. They DO keep repeating over and over that it's a voting process, so maybe her tallied votes, in comparison with others, gave her the spot of 19th best character?
alright; thx for the response.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
They shouldn't open it up to the public; that'd wreck everything. Read-only, however, would be cool for people like Dark Pch who thinks his character should be higher and would like to see their reasoning for having Pit and DK higher than Peach.

Or maybe people like Malcolm who think their character was moved up for the WRONG reasons could see exactly why he's moved up instead of accepting assumption instead.

There would be scrubs who abuse the system and do stupid ****, but to shut them up at the expense of keeping people like Malcolm and Dark Pch in the dark about things they should know? I dunno...it just comes off a little wrong to me. What SFP was saying about it makes sense to me.
I see your point, I really do. I used to think the same way. I guess I've just seen enough pointless banter about "which character is the best at ___? SBR RESPONSE NAO PLOX!!!" to convince me that opening up the floodgates would be a monumentally bad idea. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree though, since our argument boils down to "It would spawn too many stupid threads" vs. "Those stupid threads are worth it to see what goes into the decision making process". You think they are worth it, and I don't. Apparently the SBR doesn't think so either, but they don't know everything. ;)

Because he doesn't have a member in the SBR? Doubtful. I don't see what you're getting at.
Yeah, you're probably right. I didn't really have a point there, just that maybe he doesn't get any discussion because he's not represented in the SBR. Probably doubtful.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
k, I'm back from my errands, so I have time to answer.

No, I'm not supposed to be high authority. That's the moderators and admins. If you feel insulted, then go ahead and report them to the staff. I'm not here to overview that the discussion goes on properly, and I'm not trying to be a forum police.
No one is telling you to be a smash cop. I'm telling you not to dare get on me or anyone else when you sir, just called someone an idiot for an opinion.

Yes, if I am posting something that is wrong about your character, then feel free to correct me. I have nothing against this. However, you basically admitted to know next to nothing about Donkey Kong and Pit, yet claim that Peach is better. How would you know? You don't know about these characters in detail. I'm not doubting your knowledge about your character, because you do know Peach. I never claimed I, or anyone in the SBR, knows Peach as well as you do. I've only stated that you assuming that you are the only one who knows about Peach, respectively you claiming that anybody else knew absolutely nothing about here, was not correct is not a good way. If you were so fed up with them, why didn't you just quit trying to educate them? I did that too, back then when I was posting about Bowser. If they don't want to see your point, just leave them be and prove them otherwise.
See what is in red? That's a lie. I said I know about these characters but I know about Peach more than DK and pit obviously. That is not me flat out saying I don't know anything about these characters. I never said I don't know anything about them.

And despite what people think is wrong about Peach and all, I have to state what is write reguardless. I have to set the foundation about what I know with my main, wether people are being a-holes or not. And if I wanna make a point, I have to explain myself regaurdless of the matter. I'm not the one to quit something that I feel is wrong over a couple of fools.

What? No. Seriously. I PERSONALLY promise that I personally am taking points of these "randoms" how you call yourself and others, into account, if they are legitimate.
I am not the SBR, and the SBR is not only made up of me, and I cannot control their postings, actions, thoughts, and whatever else. It's not my decision. If I post, I usually post for what my personal thoughts about something are, not the SBR's, because the SBR is not one single opinion and thought.
Yet look at you and SFP

I repeat: I am not a moderator. It's not my job to infract or ban people. My job is to discuss with other SBRoomers about Smash. That's what I do. Not overviewing if discussions are held properly, and not warning people. If you have problems with someone's style of discussion, report them, that's what the report button is for. If you don't tell the staff, then don't ***** about it, because I can't help you.
Repeat: it is not about you being a smash cop. Again you dare get on me about the matter and look at you insulting a member. That is what I am talking about. And you admit that you did not read the debate I was in. So that means you had no clue I was calm and chill with my post and respectful, and people decided to be azz hats. Then when I decided to treat them like they did to me. And you went on about me and said nothing to them when they were acting stupid same time you was getting on me. You joked around not paying attention and wanna to be funny and with the crowd with your stupid jokes.

Then next thing I know I see you calling someone an idiot. And dare had the balls to get on me about that matter. THAT sir is what I am talking about.

He posted this all over the place, at least 5 times, that the SBR is just "a bunch of tophats sipping brandy and wearing monocles". I just objected to it, stating that this is not correct. He kept on insisting and drawing this line to a tea party, so I said he was an idiot for not accepting that it isn't after telling him several times. I think you did that, yourself.
Then why not get the mods on him just like you told me huh? Again you tell me all this stuff and look at you. No excuse. I can keep on saying that the SBR only gives a ratz azz about high tiers. I can keep saying that over and over. You gonna go down and insult me as well?

Also, I insulted people who did it to me when I was calm. I am just returning the same respect and I'll admit that. But the way you got on me? hell no, I am not hearing this from you.

Yes, I never claimed that the SBR knows everything. We're humans, no debating robots. I got into the SBR because one of the leaders thought I would make a good addition, thus inviting me. I repeat: I am not a staff member, thus I am not obliged to enforce the rules.
That takes care of that one.

It wouldn't be a "little" criticism, it would be tons of it.


I think you have to learn to differentiate that. Because all you posted here and said that an SBRoomer was supposed to do is actually the staff's job. SBR =/= SWF Staff
I already explained this to you.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that we're perfect, either. This means that we are bound to make errors, if we want it or not. Remembering something wrong, or having a wrong information from somewhere.
It most likely would happen that if I posted "Move X is beaten by Mach Tornado", and move X actually beats Mach Tornado, that I get called a noob and spammed up as to why I would become an SBR member if I didn't even know this. However, the fellow SBRoomers would tell me otherwise, anyway, so there's no need to be publically called out other than being trolled by people.

This is my whole point. I don't know exactly why the SBR is hidden, myself, I just can talk to my personal preference why it is. And I actually prefer it secret before people like Supermodel from Paris or Dark.Pch attack me directly for not knowing everything 100% perfectly.
I already told you why I got on your azz. You Called him an idiot. Then had the balls to get on me, I did not like that, so called you out on it.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
There are at least two to three people representing each character at a very high level in there, so we're not ignorant about characters.
Ninjalink: Very good Zelda player

... Ankoku: Very good Sheik player who sometimes uses Zelda. (Does not count.)

Ryoko: MIA & see above.

That's it. Zelda plays a portion into when they compete in tournaments. As for how much, I don't know. However, there's only ONE Zelda player who mains Zelda and uses just Zelda (as in, no Sheik), has been doing it for years, places pretty well for a low tier character, and knows her match-ups best.

That man is not in the SBR. That is a problem.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
Ninjalink: Very good Zelda player

... Ankoku: Very good Sheik player who sometimes uses Zelda. (Does not count.)

Ryoko: MIA & see above.

That's it. Zelda plays a portion into when they compete in tournaments. As for how much, I don't know. However, there's only ONE Zelda player who mains Zelda and uses just Zelda (as in, no Sheik), has been doing it for years, places pretty well for a low tier character, and knows her match-ups best.

That man is not in the SBR. That is a problem.
Apparently everyone thinks Zelda is "horrible", so she doesn't matter anyway. ;)

In all seriousness, if he applied, he'd probably be able to get in if he has good credentials.

Finicky note: Did he play Zelda only in Melee, or just Brawl? He can't have been playing and placing with Brawl Zelda for 'years', as the game as only been out a bit over a year.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
in spadefoxs defence, anybody that ive seen him call an idiot WAS being pretty stupid at the time.

also, seeing as the sbr is many different people coming together, they really dont need to open it up to public scrutiny, because if any of them does make a mistake on a character, OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SBR can correct them, they dont need non sbr members to correct misconceptions, since the people best suited to correct them, ARE ALREADY THERE.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
in spadefoxs defence, anybody that ive seen him call an idiot WAS being pretty stupid at the time.

also, seeing as the sbr is many different people coming together, they really dont need to open it up to public scrutiny, because if any of them does make a mistake on a character, OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SBR can correct them, they dont need non sbr members to correct misconceptions, since the people best suited to correct them, ARE ALREADY THERE.
^^This guy gets it. Both paragraphs. We need to get you fitted for a tophat and a monocle.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
*throws popcorn at the floor*

What you mean the spade/Peach discussion is over?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I want my ******* money back, THEY CHARGED ME 50 BUCKS FOR IT!


About luigi, i can see why he still manages to stay over the top, as he have some good matchups aggainst high tiers such as Diddy/DK/Wario(i think), and having awsome killing moves :D!

And of course ThE JaBzOrD.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
in spadefoxs defence, anybody that ive seen him call an idiot WAS being pretty stupid at the time.

also, seeing as the sbr is many different people coming together, they really dont need to open it up to public scrutiny, because if any of them does make a mistake on a character, OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SBR can correct them, they dont need non sbr members to correct misconceptions, since the people best suited to correct them, ARE ALREADY THERE.
Thanks, you just gave me the right to insult anyone I feel is stupid and they can't get on me for it.

Also, you trying to tell me people who are not in the SBR has no right to correct and state facts to people who are in there?


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Thanks, you just gave me the right to insult anyone I feel is stupid and they can't get on me for it.

Also, you trying to tell me people who are not in the SBR has no right to correct and state facts to people who are in there?
No sarcasm intended

Dark peach im rooting for you lol :D! You are just every feeling i had abbout the SBR but couldnt quite write it/say it right! Im a big fan of yours ^^!

Besides you being elitist some times, wich i totally dont see why it is wrong, i like they way you discuss o/!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
^^This guy gets it. Both paragraphs. We need to get you fitted for a tophat and a monocle.
That would be really nice, and ive been trying to for a while, but I need to step it up in high profile tourneys in order to get noticed and respected enough to be considered

edit: just saw the picture of my avi, THATS AWESOME AND IM PUTTING IT IN ASAP


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Also, you trying to tell me people who are not in the SBR has no right to correct and state facts to people who are in there?
Well, since you're not allowed to see what is going on in there, if it's about something discussed in there, that's undeniably true, given the circumstances.

As for here, posters are all on an equal level, and no one has suggested it is any different than that.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
also, seeing as the sbr is many different people coming together, they really dont need to open it up to public scrutiny
Agreed, but it wouldn't be solely so that we can look over their shoulders with our magnifying glasses and notepad, shaking our heads at everything they say.

Is it so bad for some people to wonder how decisions are made? Decisions that affect all of us as a whole? I don't think so. I know that every single person doesn't directly represent SBR as a whole, but when I read what that one SBR member said about mid and low tier placements being less accurate because they don't matter/don't care, I was surprised. I don't know about you, but it made ME wonder how things are run back there.

OTHER PEOPLE IN THE SBR can correct them, they dont need non sbr members to correct misconceptions, since the people best suited to correct them, ARE ALREADY THERE.
Very true...except...

What if they aren't?
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