You're not sorry, so no need to feign it. Just speak your mind.
Please hop off of the sanctimonious high horse for one minute and ask yourself..."what community?". You mean the community that discusses absolutely nothing throughout a whole ranking period (regardless of how long...since nothing was discussed during the shorter periods either), pretty much only *****es for a new list to come out during a certain duration if they feel it is late, and *****es once it is released? That community?
Acting as if we should feel inclined to change the list (without the option to refuse given the general implication) is just as disrespectful to our decision-making as a group, as you feel we have been to you all. You asked for reasoning/justification, we gave you our reasoning, you all may find it inappropriate...but should that really be the cut-and-dry of it? If so, what purpose would we as panelists actually serve?
I'm not saying that we shouldn't take opinions into account, or that we never would (I personally would and often do...just ask the fellas back there with me); but if people aren't going to get some discussion going in here while the rankings aren't out yet (not only to further guide us and perhaps our final decisions as panelists, but to also keep the "buzz" about the scene going around), and only bother to show up to, again, ***** about list releases/list structures...then of course we're going to feel inclined to tell you "it is what it is".
There's my two cents on what is "warranted" around here. Everyone needs to show some effort in one way or another, and discussion should be one of them...starting now.