Please help me PP! I love playing with falco and I used to main him, but nowadays it feels like my Falco just doesn't get any better, or atleast as easily and fast as my Peach, even if I train with him far more than with Peach. I really would appreciate it very much if you could point out my error's and bad habits. =)
Thanks in advance!
Whatever 2:11 starts:
2:15- Lasers really low kept Sheik from going low, but you just kinda confined yourself to that area. You kept shooting even when Sheik couldn't get hit by the bullets, which is always bad. Try to move around more, especially since the PS platforms don't provide good cover. The Bair you then used was carelessly thrown out. You need to position yourself so that you can get the upwards-sticking kick to go into them instead of away from them(aka don't move so much).
2:24- Got grabbed because you let Sheik jab you and didn't punish once you missed some tech skill. Just rolling away to reset the situation is good if you mess up like that since you can break the bad momentum messing up tech causes.
2:26- Should have dair'd.
2:30- You don't have time to Fsmash on Sheik's roll that late. Get an uptilt/Bair/maybe laser out and try to work from there. Keep Sheik from approaching right away before you start Fsmashing.
2:46- Too close to Ftilt.
2:53- Don't just go for that wakeup dash attack unless you're sure it'll work. Usually doesn't work though and it's easy to see coming if someone is just sitting around controlling you(which they are if you're knocked down).
2:59- Had to roll back because you tried to approach Sheik with shield. Almost always a bad idea as Sheik is pretty safe on shield unless she Ftilts but even then it's not too bad.
3:06- Make sure you're watching what Sheik's doing. Also shield grabs in general don't typically work on Sheik, so that may help to remember.
3:37- Delay the Dair a little longer, and shine is all that will connect after it at such low %.
3:46- Got too defensive, you need to be watching Sheik and learning the times you can move off of a stationary spot more.
Yeah, your main things seem to be not watching the opponent enough so you can react to them, Fsmash spam, and not recognizing how to get out of defensive situations. Work on those 3 things and that should go well.
Vid 1:
0:51- Can't grab Fox that quickly. I guess you thought he'd get scared and shield but not that early in a match. Also if you miss a CC don't try to shine anyway.
1:01- I bet you could have hit Fox again, but either way do the Chops CC Fsmash if you think they'll getup attack(or find another way to bait it).
1:05- Can't get momentum in time to Nair on that I don't think, but maybe you messed up.
1:09- Should've Nair'd. Know the spacing.
1:17- Better not to goof around on platforms in between stocks because that can happen.
1:23- The last thing you want to be is shielding when Fox is on a platform above you. If he wasn't coming in on you when you were shielding the first time or so then he probably was trying to wait you out or was going to go high to get in. Besides, laser to shield gets you stuck like that if you do it too much.
1:29- Waveshining into Fox doesn't work too much because of Nair OOS apparently lol, shine oos, and upsmash oos. I mean, if you know that now you could always just let yourself get hit by it early on and then waveshine in place to see if they do the same thing later and punish, eh.
1:35- Could have grabbed.
You have a shielding problem in this matchup at least. Try to move around more and look at when you actually need to shield.
2:34- Don't jab Fox's shield. Almost always a bad idea. Maybe you could have shined there instead.
2:40- CC the jab(I mean you're potentially gonna get upsmashed anyway, so holding down isn't such a bad idea lol).
2:51- Uptilt doesn't work there because at certain heights and stuns(like there) Fox will just have no landing stun off of Dair because the Dair hit him late or something, but he'll be scared so just grab him lol.
Tournament matches from 4/16/2011:
Note: I go 100% Falco this tourney.
Matches lost:
Rubyiris vs GamerGuitarist7 (Captain Falcon)
Rubyiris vs Tee Ay Eye (Marth)
Rubyiris vs Silly Kyle (Peach)
Matches won:
Rubyiris (Green Falco) vs Axe (Blue Falco/Pikachu)
Rubyiris vs Nicknyte (Luigi)
Rubyiris vs KosukeKGA (Marth)
vs TAI Game 1:
0:16- Going high above Marth is almost always bad.
0:31- Tried to attack into falling, DI'ing away Marth from shield(stationary position). Either move into him or move away when he's doing that.
Your edge game vs Marth needs more edgehop Bairs and less Dairs.
1:24- It's tough, but dash attacking into Marth, especially when he has stage control, is a bad idea. Try to get some laser control if you can and take your space as you see fit, just not all at once usually.
1:48- Couldn't get much going by this point. Need to establish a laser pressure as well as move with your aerials.
2:26- Marth WDs onstage, you have to do something like laser or Bair, because Marth will hit you or grab otherwise(gotta make him shield and be afraid to waveland onstage).
Some one help me to get better!!!, idc who =D
im white
one thing: when i roll in i did it because i was nervous because i played vs a high ranked player (here), i know i need to stop doing that
Game 1:
0:14- Jab to Dtilt isn't good pressure and Dtilt that close can lead to....what happened lol.
0:17- Already can tell there's a double jump problem. Losing your DJ as a spacie leads to a lot of pain, so use that sparingly.
0:39- Dash attack doesn't cut it here. You have to know the spacing of that move to make sure it works. Just laser to something(laser holds them in place as they fall for a second for you lol).
0:57- Lasering too high as he's coming in. Be mindful of all of your laser heights and what can beat them.
1:08- Dsmash won't hit a tech you're on top of like that, just Fsmash. It would've killed anyway.
1:25- Don't try to bait the roll if you haven't been pressuring him much this match(you haven't). Just go for hard pressure in this case so that next time you might be able to get it.
1:40- Rolling too quickly when Falco respawns is a surefire way to get Fsmashed. Try to keep moving as much as you can because Falco is always looking for that quick respawn kill.
2:03- Not sure why you Bair'd.....You didn't have momentum to combo with the weak part, and the strong part would have sent them too far away. Dair to tech chase or maybe Nair/Fair to start something across the stage. Uptilt would have been cool too.
One last thing: You didn't take advantage of knockdowns at all. You need to realize you have a big advantage there, so make use of it.
critique if you have time, it wasnt really such a serious set (I wanted to see ar vs cw in gf's) but still
Match 2:
2:51- Combo could have ended a lot earlier and possibly killed if you hadn't gone so high when he was offstage. Then when he teched that other hit and rolled in if you hadn't retreated so high you could have kept the pressure on and potentially finished the combo.
2:58- Throwing out too many moves from too far away. After the first Bair it's safe to say he wasn't interested in approaching, but you kept committing to throwing stuff out anyway. That's how he kept hitting you was because you kept throwing things out and he would sit outside the range of those things.
3:22- Gotta Dair otherwise you can't drag Falco down that low with just shine stun.
3:54- Eh, if he's gonna DI the Dair past the platform, then carrying him with a Nair seems like a better idea. That Dair could've worked though.
4:10- No need to Fsmash that. Bair/Uptilt to Bair or Dair would work.
4:32- Needs more WD back OOS.
peeeeepeeeeeeeeeee critique one of my falco matches. any one it doesn't matter:
Match 1:
0:10- Tried to laser Ganon when he was falling below you, so you couldn't trap him there. Should have used an Isai drop laser or just gotten below Ganon and tried to punish landing lag or hit him from below with like a Bair or Nair or something. Also you were spaced too far for the shine, which looked defensive anyway(usually doesn't work).
0:24- Spaced too far for the shine again, and got stuck in it(could have Bair'd out of it and maybe shield poked).
0:28- delay the Dair so you can combo with it.
0:35- You didn't get the laser reset, so the Fsmash was a bad idea. Basically guessing on a tech read with Fsmash, which is tough to do these days.
0:46- Should have Bair'd instead so you could have had a better chance at getting over to hit Ganon again/edgeguard.
1:00- Shine Dair'ing there puts Ganon on the ground with no stun below you with no jump. I think it would have been better if you at least Bair'd so you could have been below Ganon and potentially forced him to lose his jump so you could have comboed/killed.
1:42- Auto-rolling vs Ganon is usually bad. Take some time to think about what he wants. Usually you can see what he has to guess on the first time you have to roll or two and then you can just do the opposite immediately on all of your other tech opportunities. This is how you got most of your damage on you and killed.
1:59- He's spamming B moves from a distance. You could definitely bait those and punish them.
Also if he's running and not walking towards the edge then it's better to just take the edge, otherwise he's trying to run off and hit you usually.
2:07- No reason to run offstage that way if he's already dead, just expect SDI in and be prepared to tech chase.
Lol PP our critiques are entirely different
I write books, you write outlines.
I could write novels if I want to but it'd take too long LOL.
Sorry that took so long everyone! I've been....distracted.