My apartment complex has free gyms and a paid Athletic Center. Since I was pretty erratic in my working out, I just used the free one (mostly treamill, elliptical, and some weights). Monday, when I went, after being sick for a week, there were two kids just playing on the weights (under 13), a woman on the elliptical and a guy in line. I bought a membership to the Athletic Club.
I think doing this has really helped me get focused on working out daily. Right now, I am trying to build my stamina back up. I did 25 minutes on an elliptical yesterday, and I am only slightly sore. Since I've been sick or in hospitals for the last year, basically, I really have lost a lot of stamina.
My goal is to have enough so on Friday, I can do 25 minutes of elliptical, followed by a steam bath, then swim for a bit.
I really like how I feel, and I hope I can keep this trend going.