@KK-M2s uair, uptilt both reach thru most platforms. Ive also done things like crouch the landing and then uptilt.
M2 has dthrow fair on GW still, regrardless of the disjointedness of dair past 100 dtilt to uair can kill. Its worth the trade imo. Especially since fair on an airborne foe kills sooner than up throw.
GW doesnt want m2 diagonally below him tho. thats exactly where dtilt and downthrow place m2. Its that pocket in front of GWs dair and under his fair. I dont want to be head on with GW in the air like nevver.
once u get to like 105 then Ftit is dam near knocking u offstage(from center) setting up edgeguards. Ive neverr struggled to kill GW. Its not hard to avoid GWs moves, but for the most part they do beat out m2s.
You dont simply fmsmash everytime GW approaches. Most of the time, like super most you just move out the way shield and roll, or punish oos if possible. occassionally u throw out fmashes. Most often WD into an fsmash, its really just about the spacing so you would have to assume that Id be spacing it correctly, then none of that lean forward stuff really matters. In the right situation its usable.
You would be surprised to find that despite m2s early kills on GW he can still take adv of offstage edgeguarding and get kills in the 70-80's
Regarding U-tilt/Uair through platforms:
I already know all of that. What I am saying is that:
- If you U-tilt to hit him through the platform as he's coming down, and he does move, your move loses
- If you wait to U-tilt him because you expect him to attack as he's coming down, and he chooses to move out of the way instead, he gets out
Making the opponent take into consideration the prospect that you can escape follows by just muscling your way through can force them into positions where their follow is dependent on you trying to muscle your way onwards... so if you just don't, and you do a more conventional escape (DJ --> waveland, waveland, air-dodge, etc) then you counter their counter
GaW gets this sort of scenario vs Mewtwo very often
As for stuff that combos... D-throw Fair does not combo GaW at KO percents if GaW DIs away. You don't even need to jump, you can just shake and land on your feet.
F-tilt is either piss weak or you've sacrificed your range advantage. Even then the trajectory should make it easily survived with good DI. "Once you get to 105"... if you're killing GaW at 115%+ (after the hit) then I tend to think GaW has gotten some excellent mileage out of his stock.
The trouble with "assume I'm spacing properly every time I do it" is that spacing is a two player game, not a one player game. And you've noted that GaW is quicker than Mewtwo, whatever that means. Lean forward affects the relationship between range and disjointedness and affects trades. So no, it's still relevant. WDing back might mitigate this to some degree, but then you're slowing the strategy down by tacking the quarter second to move back on. If the strategy works, more power to you. But it seems so situational I'm not sure it's that influential of a force in the matchup.
I don't ever hear anyone say, "Gosh, I'm really worried about Mewtwo's WD back F-smash. That one really grinds my gears."