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The NEOH Thread - OP updated what?????

Eon the Wolf

Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2009
Grove City, Ohio
I may be interested...
EDIT: In your smashfest I mean lokii xD Depends on whether argent can gimme a lift. I dunno if he still has to work Friday or not...


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
Yeah, I work on Friday. I can probably come around on Friday night or Saturday afternoon if you want programming help though. Other than that, sorry. :/

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
have fun, suyon :o

Btw, smashfest for sure thursday (idk what my parents say, really xD)
If you are able to come, my friend has invited me for sushi and has given the okay for me to bring people with us. It's at my work...so I have to call in and check when its not busy so we can either 1) get a good table or 2) so my boss can pay special attention to us. She doesn't like when employees come in during busy times xD

So yeah, Sushi + Brawl/other games. funfun

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
For tomorrow, i'll need to know how many people wanna get sushi by around 4. Gonna call in and see when Ohashi isn't busy


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2009
Canton, Ohio
Half off Sushi from 5 to 6 PM Monday thru Thursday...just sayin'.... Idk if I'll be able to make it though. Gotta take care of some things around the house.

I need to really start practicing this Brawl game though. This play every two weeks for a few hours can at least keep me at my current level, but others around me are getting better.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
We might not go during then for a few reasons
I have some chores (so my house doesnt look like a total hurricane >__>) and we're getting Shugo probably around 5/waiting for another smasher to find my house
And my boss doesn't like me going around then cuz it gets REALLY busy. I mean like...holy crap I can't stand still for even one minute busy. She likes when employees come in with friends or fam when its not busy so she can pay special attention to ensure the happiness of the guests. So I gotta call in and either check or reserve the bigger table first >__>
....She's really cool ; A ;
...And she makes a mean plate of sushi

But smashfest still after nomz~


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
I'm not going to be able to come around this weekend, Eon. I can maybe stop by during the week though since you live relatively close to me.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
In the Velvet Room
Hmm, so I'm probably not going to go to Delta even though I want to. May 30th is the final day for me to decide which school I want to go. They are all good schools and they all offer speech and voice training classes which I may enter if I have permission. OU told me number of student films in both the School of Film and Media arts and Sciences are looking for people with voice talent. I may want to visit Miami again on Friday since I never got a real look at it since I had to leave early. Ah........so many tough decisions....


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Hon 4 smugssss

its just as good as LoL but the community is terrabad
I played HoN during their beta stage and had a lot of fun with it. I couldn't get LoL to run for some reason though. Out of curiosity, what's the difference? They both seem to be revamped DOTAs.

Eon the Wolf

Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2009
Grove City, Ohio
I love you guys. lol.
Hey suyon, you got a bigger version of your pic I could have? :3
HoN is more like DotA but with differences here n there, many different heroes, and a lot of dota heroes not in it.
LoL is a spiritual successor to DotA, but there are many differences between them.

LoL is free to play, and if people want...they can buy an advantage. No matter how much LoL's fanbase wants to deny it, in any and every game there are tiers. There are those heroes/characters/classes which are hard pressed to defend/beat others. That means those who pay to get other heroes faster than unlocking them via ingame money earned via playtime will have an advantage over those who slowly buy heroes and have to use the public 'cycle' (a randomly changing list of heroes usable by those who don't own any) You can buy increased money gain %'s, you can buy increased xp gain %'s, and you can buy money to buy the heroes and runes for the summoner system. LoL has a system that stays in effect across games. A lvl 30 will have far more advantages than a lvl 1 in terms of what they have. There are runes to give increased armor, armor over levels (more than a flat amount, but it takes more levels to get better than it, get it? a lot of things are like that), magic res, health, mana, mana regen, health regen, cooldown reduction, etc. etc. They create an advantage, even if they think it doesnt...it does. A lvl 30, if they chose, could have close to 1k starting hp or 800 or so starting mana. More than enough to nuke someone to death at lvl 2 or 3. It's a great idea for a system, but the problem is they never balance it. They only balance the heroes, which is like trying to cure the symptoms of a disease without trying to cure the disease. They refuse to balance both aspects, and I honestly have no idea why. LoL boasts some former people who helped on DotA. IIRC it's uh...guinsoo and 1 other. Cant remember who, but it's not Eul.

HoN boasts 'permission' from icefrog (As if it's his decision...he didn't create it) some dota ports, reimaginings, and a host of original heroes. In terms of which plays closest to dota, it's hon. in terms of what has the most interesting new ideas/experiments, it's lol.

They both have good and bad parts of the community, just like LoL. They both have mid game reconnection if you're DC'd, they both have a match making ranking system, they both have an in game store now (something lamented and loved in HoN, and like TF2, I can only see it getting worse from here) There's more than that, but I'm trying to keep it short ^^;.

EDIT: Runes are the things that summoner levels allow you to use. As you level up, you get more slots to fit. It's an attempt at a persistent system in the game meant to increase it's depth, but in my opinion? It just creates a lot of balance issues, and it's one of the game's aspects I've never heard of them even attempting to change/balance. The gameplay of hon/dota was not created with persistent effects across games in mind. The idea was every game, everyone started equal; at nothing. You had to build yourself up while fighting off enemies. That was the idea. The runes create a problem with that equation by starting you off with vastly more hp, or hp regen, or cooldown reduction, or this or that. In the case of some heroes (mundo only uses hp. no mana or agil. his spells cast hp. stack on hp n hp regen for the most part and bam...he's got an 80 damage nuke that is spammed for 30-60 hp that can be regenned and used indefinitely at lvl 1-3 range for a ton of damage) the inbalance is more obvious and more immediately damaging than others.
Don't get me wrong, the game has a lot of great ideas, and it's definitely an interesting experiment. Try it if you want, and if you like it, hey go ahead n enjoy; it's a game, that's what it's there for. I personally just believe it's horribly unbalanced, and them refusing to touch the runes will ensure they never truly balance anything. Not my cup o tea...*shrug* I also dislike some of the gameplay changes. Different strokes I suppose...

Oh! HoN also has a map editor. LoL does not. It's a beta map editor, and who knows if S2 (developers of HoN) will ever actually finish it, but it IS there and usable.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Good luck Suyon xD

Also, for anyone not going to DU this saturday:
My school is holding a benefit concert called Jammin' for Japan. A friend of mine is running it and I am working at it, so anyone who can should so stop by! Tickets are $5 and there are a lot of talented HS/college age kids performing. It's mostly rock, iirc. If anyone wants to go...

It's gonna be fun. And epic.
AND IM MAKIN' PAPER CRANES and maybe drawing small pictures for free?


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2009
anywhere you want me ,OH
well after doin more research on myself i found out i can use 6 chars at a high lvl=TL,(random)snake,IC's,falco,ike,link, Now i just need to figure which 3 to take even higher bc im too lazy to use them all lol so somone tell me which 3 to use XD
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