I don't think I'll be able to hang out again argent >.<.
First off, my friend's comin over friday. It may be one of the last weekends where we can hang all night for the next 2-3 weeks or so. After friday/part of saturday, he'll be doing nothing but training on weekends n maybe week days to prepare for a big jiu jutsu tourny.
Second...This chick I'm friends with lives quit literally barely a mile down the street, and we've been chatting bout this upcoming hangout she's planning to do n wut not...and while I dunno if the date is going to be moved significantly, I do know it was originally friday at 7 before it was changed/removed...The hang out is for friends and it involves tons of N64 games n stuff. I can't pass up a chance at a party/hang out with tons of n64 games :3
EDIT: Also, she's pretty chill so I'm gonna hang out with her anyway. She's been mentioning she's been wanting to try the FF games for forever, so I think I'll try n bring 7 or 13 or 10 or SOMETHING for her to try ^^;