King, where DO you live? Cause they're all far from me, and if they're far from you, you're either as far from me, twice as far, or close to me...
EDIT: Sorry if it seems like fighting. We both just really love our chosen interests it seems
And I kind of agree with the slow/fast paced thing, kind of dont.
You haven't seen fast paced (and broken as all hell) till you've seen a squirrel deck. Old school late 90s/early 00s squirrel deck. Within 5-10 turns, you could a few, if not dozens or hundreds of squirrels, with flying, I believe possibly shroud, and all other sorts of nice little OP goodies. Totally banned, but it's one of those 'FOR LULZ' decks. I'm sorry, but there is NOTHING funnier than someone pulling infinite squirrels out on you to attack...Course, if they're only 1/1 or 2/2 or so, and you happen to have 2-4 bloatflys + some negative counters....And the right combination of cards...You could kill every card and do infinite damage to them via that xD.
Legally though, goblins are fast paced, interrupt decks can be made fast paced...Elf decks are slower but far more deadly...uh...Artifacts tend to focus on decreasing the cost of artifact cards ('with this card out, artifacts cost (1) less to play', and since all artifacts use almost exclusively colorless mana, its reducing the total mana of EVERY artifact practically...get enough cards to do that, and you can have artifact cards that cost 0, instead of 6 or 7 xD...Takes A LONG time to get there though...)
Goblins are about getting out fast, and attacking fast.
Interrupts are bout stopping your enemy fast and early, usually in anticipation of you getting some big bads end game and/or milling them or just shutting them down and killing them with your crappy tims n such....
Elf decks are about relying on your elves for mana, defense and offense.
As far as fast paced, that depends on how quickly people think on their decisions and plans and strats. I've seen yu gi oh games take 30+ minutes (usually took 20-40 minimum for me, much like magic, but since that was almost 7 years or so ago, im sure it's changed in its play speed since then) and I've seen magic games end in 10 minutes because of a forfeit due to bad judgement on drawing a hand full of mana screw or creature screw (little to no lands/creatures) or due to early game shutdown/rush. *shrug*. Also, in my opinion...Yu gi oh doesn't really combo. Again, maybe it's changed...but I never saw more than 1 or 2 traps and spells, maybe 3 or 4 tops, come out in a single turn from yu gi oh. If it was past 1 or 2 in a turn, it usually meant 2 or more players were countering counters or w/e...But in magic? It's not uncommon to see a counter creature countered by a counter counter countered by a counter countered by a creature's sacrifice to counter ability, etc. etc.
. Also not uncommon to see people flash buff their own creatures in response to a
-3/-3 'buff'/'debuff' card so the creature in question survives or isn't severely weakened.
To each his own.
I will admit the 'constant need to spend money' can be a problem (it frustrates even me)if you want to remain entirely 'tournament legal' in regards to type 2, but type 1 tournaments still exist, and they're still relatively balanced. Most of the cheese decks in mtg are either type 1 and require specific cards to win, in which case...any deck with the right cards can secure a win early game in played right......or they're type 1 and/or silly cards from the uh...I believe it's called unhinged series...Either t hat or they're just banned cards.
In general though...Yu Gi Oh bans SO MANY deck combos and cards for being 'OP' when THEY'RE the ones who made the cards. MTG bans, yes, but generally they're banned if they already have abilities or effects listed as not tournament legal in the rules...or if they're specifically released BECAUSE they're not for tournaments...Far less cards are banned in MTG from what I've gathered then in Yu Gi Oh.
I will admit, destroying just your enemy's side of the field is not balanced. But then again, MTG has a card like it, but it IS balanced. 'Kills all creatures. They can't be regenerated.' Basically, if it's on the field and it's a creature, it's dead. Period. There's also one that simply returns them to your hand...Course, with MTG, unless you have the 'unlimited hand size' card...You will be doing a LOT of discarding if someone pulls that and you have a lot of creature cards
In the end...different strokes for different folks. Both games can play quickly or slowly, and while it's not a perfect analogy...I think the brawl v melee analogy, considering where we are n what we play, fits
Also just wanna say...I generally only buy cards every few months or so, so I'm rarely 'up to date' for long, but my cards are still fine, they can still relatively hold up fine against other enemy cards. Is it perfect? No. Could I easily go to one of my many other decks to combat my brother's newer decks? Yes. Could I buy or get him to buy me a few boosters or a deck or two to alleviate the issue? Yes.
Trust me, I would know a few things bout being cheap in card games....
I play an overkill deck, and my specialty is merfolk, with hopefulness of creating a versatile changeling deck one day....You haven't seen cheap till you've seen a merfolk/fairy mill combo deck...or a merfolk/fairy combat combo deck...Likewise, remove just a few blocks (cards) from my lineup, be it removed from game or killed or discarded, and my building (deck/strategy) crumbles...Course, with changelings and versatile types like Merfolk...even with a deck specialty, within that deck, my strat could be changed. I still have milling cards n abilities even in my combat deck. Diversion from the real threat as it were, but still deadly...I could also just slip in my 15 extra cards from my sidedeck and wing it. I used to do that until my bro n friend convinced me to just keep a sidedeck n lower my versatility a lil bit so my deck could be a bit more specialized...It's nice, but there are times I find I wish i had my milling cards when fighting with hordes of merfolk wizard tokens xD
(Screw Goblin cards. Screw them with a giant fiery passion...Them and elf decks and fairy decks and artifact decks and Niz Mizzet and tim decks and fffff hate them...why must they pick on my poor merfolk
tl;dr: Upon reading this, I realized it was a wall of text. I just hit everyone who read this for 9999.