Smash Lord
What exactly are you referring to?
Are you talking about the part where the old man says "That is why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight." ?
I'm not so sure that should be taken so literally. I highly doubt some random messenger is as knowledgeable about Zelda series as a creator. Imo he was referring to common belief that we see here on Earth about lingering spirits. Dusk is just... symbolic that way -- sun disappearing as if never to appear again. People read too much into things. I don't think he was talking about the Twili or Minish or any of that.
Anyway, just as a side note here, where to the Ooccoo fit into this? I vaguely recall Hylians being descendants of Gerudos (?) and something about Oooccoo's as ascended beings of some kind.
Are you talking about the part where the old man says "That is why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight." ?
I'm not so sure that should be taken so literally. I highly doubt some random messenger is as knowledgeable about Zelda series as a creator. Imo he was referring to common belief that we see here on Earth about lingering spirits. Dusk is just... symbolic that way -- sun disappearing as if never to appear again. People read too much into things. I don't think he was talking about the Twili or Minish or any of that.
Anyway, just as a side note here, where to the Ooccoo fit into this? I vaguely recall Hylians being descendants of Gerudos (?) and something about Oooccoo's as ascended beings of some kind.