I just thought of something:
If on the child side of the timeline, Ganon returns in LttP, here is a question: when is he banished?
He can't be banished before MM because after that comes LA, then LoZ, then LoZ2, in which Ganon is the main villain (disregarding he was just a dream in LA because he was a reality in LoZ and LoZ2) then FS.
How do we know that LA,LoZ and LoZ2 come after MM? LoZ Hyrule is very diferent from OoT Hyrule. LA could be between the Oracle games.
The only possible time is after LoZ2 and before FS, giving Ganon plenty of time to return and cloud Hyrule in darkness.
Four Swords could possibly be its own timeline, along with the Minish Cap and FS advemtures.
Now onto TP, Ganondorf returns from the Twilight Realm. This cannot happen in the child side simply because Ganon cannot return twice unless he was banished twice.
Wait what what do you mean banished twice?
We know he was not banished after LttP, since there are further games in that timeline that include Ganon, where he does not return from the Twilight Realm or any other realm (one of the Oracle games and some other game I can't remember).
He couldn't be banished. Mostly becuase Link killed Ganon at the end of LttP. You also have to remember there were numerous attempts to revive Ganon. Also every 100 years a Gerudo Male is born. And most of the time this guy is Ganondorf reborn.
So that leaves TP in Hyrule B, returning from his OoT sentence and banishment.
Please watch the
Wind Waker Intro. It mentions that Ganondorf broke out of his imprisonment. So the Gods flooded Hyrule to stop him.
Interesting to note in Wind Waker's intro.
Here is Link defeating Ganon. As you can see he's wielding the master Sword.
Here you can see Link going away from Hyrule, with a different looking sword. This sword looks alot like the Kokiri Sword.
Wait a minute. The Wind Waker intro both tells the ending of the two differnt paths of Link. Is it possible that the Hyilians of the Adult Time line created the Majora Mask legend from rumors of a another land named Termina, while in a cruel twist of fate, it actualy happens in the Child time line? It mentions that the Hyilians in the Wind Waker Intro mention they were waiting for the hero of time. It never mentions that he went BACK in the time. They must of thought he went to Termina, while in crazy reality, he does in the Child Time Line.
Also another interesting thing to note. The last scene of Link in Twilight Princess.
Really looks fimiliar to the above intro scene doesn't it? Really odd that both the Kokiri sword and the Ordon Sword, have similar designs.