Smash Lord
Yeah, I know it was the Winfish's dream. In the end it shows Link waking up, which I'm assuming means he was dreaming as well, and having the same dream.Ive noticed this mentioned incorrectly a couple of times now, so ill go ahead and correct it. Link's Awakening takes place inside the Wind Fish's Dream. As you complete the game, you end the game in the same place the game begun: laying on some driftwood at sea.
"To the finder, the isle of Koholint is but an illusion... Human, monster, sea, sky... a scene on the lid of a sleeper's eye... Awake the dreamer, and Koholint will vanish much like a bubble on a needle... Castaway, you should know the truth!"
It is made obvious by that reading, in Face Shrine (north? i havent played in awhile, dont remember if its north or south). If you are still convinced after that, as you finish off the nightmare and ascend the stairs to play the 8 instruments, the owl flies up and tells you that he is the guardian of the windfish's dream, and as such is part of the Wind Fish. he then goes on to ramble about the dream getting disrupted by nightmares.
As the game concludes, the Wind Fish tells you that all dreams are meant to end, and that the 2 of you should awaken together- then a gigantic steam of water shoots you away. This suggests that Link was actually inside the wind fish (a whale), and his travels were not imaginary, but actually took place inside a dream- he was an outsider, just as the nightmares were.
Link's Awakening isnt just a reference to Link waking up in the beginning of the game, or as the game concludes. It is also a hint of foreshadowing that Link will be the one to awaken the Wind Fish.
edit: i forgot Facades quote as he is dying! anyone care to quote it?
2nd edit: and hot head's quote also?im just being forgetful, apparently.....
3rd edit: i think ima make Hot Head (color) my avatar-thing....
4th edit: AND EVIL EAGLE! ARG!
Though the dream is still undoubtedly the Windfish's, and Link's dream was being manipulated by the Windfish, which was the point I was trying to make. lolol
Also, amazing roster, Spire!